The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1792: 1st scourge

The old jade ancestor stood beside Yu Duxiu, looking at the lion **** in the distance: "Oh, I didn’t expect that your realm is already stable now. It’s not forgiving for years. I thought that you just proved to be supreme. At that time, ancestors, every time I was greedy, I would take your lion head for wine, braised lion head in soy sauce, how delicious, what a pity, you are really solid now, I'm afraid I can't cut it."

After hearing the words of the old jade ancestor, the lion god’s face turned black in an instant, and a pair of arms slammed towards the old jade ancestor: "Old bastard, ancestor, I have tolerated you for a long time. Did you make a lion head for you? One hundred thousand years, a lion head that has been eaten by you for one hundred thousand years, whoever you die will die, and whoever die if you die".

After the lion **** heard the words of the jade ancestor, he completely exploded, covering the sky with his arms, solidifying time and space, and patted the jade ancestor.

Yu Duxiu instantly turned into a calamity and disappeared. The old jade ancestor grew bigger and punched out again: "Isn’t it just a lion’s head after eating for a few years? Old ancestor, I’m not very greedy, I cut you three or four a year. It’s not too much."


The wild tremors, a sound wave circulated among the three heads of the lion god, the jade ancestor was instantly dizzy and was snapped by the lion god.

"It's really stingy."

The old jade ancestor walked out of the clouds and looked at the lion head with a pair of eyes, showing a fiery color: "It's a pity, your supreme golden body actually grows strong."

Yu Duxiu could clearly understand that the ancestor of Jade's magical powers was really cheating. It was clear that he could overwhelm the lion **** just now, but his own bad luck was given to the pit. The mana suddenly stopped, and then he was shot flying by the lion head.

"Broiled lion head in brown sauce, that's just an aftertaste! I will send you to the unlucky today." The old ancestor of Jade smiled coldly, then punched Taotao, the law of bad luck, and instantly hit the lion god.


The lion **** roared, a head turned, and a divine light was shot from his eyes, which collapsed the void, but it was easily resolved by the jade ancestor, and the next moment the jade ancestor’s fist fell on the lion god’s nose.

"Go you".

The lion **** was instantly collapsed by the jade ancestor. I have to say that the unlucky jade ancestor is actually very powerful.

The old jade ancestor looked at the elephant god.

"I am curious, how did you offend Xiangshen back then" Yu Duxiu muttered aside.

"It’s just that I heard people say that the blood of the elephant **** has mystic power. After soaking the body, it can be infinitely powerful. Patriarch, I couldn’t help but put a hundred and eighty kilograms of blood every year, let alone use the blood of this white elephant. Concocting lion heads, it is a great delicacy." The old jade ancestor almost dripped out of his mouth.

"Bastard, old jade ancestor, there is no other **** like you in the world, today I will tear you up." The elephant god's golden body turned around, and instantly grabbed the jade ancestor.

The old jade ancestor jumped left and right, constantly avoiding the attack of the elephant god, and swearing in his mouth: "I hate you wild savages the most. They have thick skin and no fear of magical powers. The ancestors of my white jade are as good as I don’t want you, I hate you most.”

The old jade ancestor was still talking. Suddenly, with the power of bad luck, he staggered. The white elephant grabbed two arms and used his great strength to tear the old jade ancestor into pieces.

At this time, the ancestor of the jade was full of white light bursts, the whole body was transparent, the white jade was flawless, the body was swelling continuously, and then he flew out, and instantly kicked on the white elephant's feet.

I saw the white elephant suddenly loosen the jade ancestor and looked down at the back of his instep. It really was a black silk thread winding and winding.

"Asshole, I'm going to tear you up!" The Elephant God roared up to the sky, and the void instantly shattered.

"Don't do it, otherwise your elephant clan has a lot of blood ancestors of white elephants. I have very greedy eyes." Old ancestor Jade licked his lips: "As the saying goes, the enemy should be settled or not, you should find a place quickly. Avoid the bad luck, so as not to suffer for a while."

Looking at the jade ancestor, the elephant god's face was white and clear, then he snorted fiercely and turned away.


A sky of thunder shot down and landed on the golden body of the white elephant, igniting sparks, but it did not cause any harm.

"The monster race is different from the human race. It seems that I can't help the barbarians. This bad luck can only make these barbarians suffer." The old jade ancestor looked at the white tiger, lion god, and white elephant in the distance, and clicked his mouth.

Having said this, the jade ancestor looked at Eshen with a pair of eyes, and at this time Eshen looked at the jade ancestor with gloomy eyes.

"Scourge! What are you going to do!" Eshen's eyes were murderous.

"Why did you harm me back then?" Old Jade Ancestor looked at God E.

Eshen rose in anger upon hearing this: "You old thing still has a face to say that the crocodile treasure you made in the ancient times is not my skin. You cramp my ancestor and we will never die."

While talking, God E showed a golden body, opened his big mouth directly, and bit towards the old jade ancestor.

The old jade ancestor scratched his head when he heard the words, looked down at his clothes, and then lowered his head and said: "It's mine anymore. After I said I was reborn, it seemed that something was missing. It turned out that I was missing the crocodile treasure. clothes".

Seeing the jade ancestor and the crocodile ancestor are constantly fighting, Yu Duxiu shook her head: "There is no magic power at all for these wild monsters and gods. If you want to really crush the true bodies of these monsters, it seems that you can only rely on teaching the ancestors. It’s innate spirit treasure, and still has the upper hand. With some help, generally speaking, the human race and the demon race are fighting. If the two realms are equal, the demon race must have the advantage."

It's like an ordinary person fighting an ordinary lion, and the lion must have won. People have no advantage in grabbing their teeth, but they are so strong, how can they be the opponent of these monsters.

It seems that I watched the jade ancestors fighting with those powerful men, no matter whether it was the human ancestor or the wild demon god, I have never seen this servant used the innate spirit treasure.


The old jade ancestor branded the law of calamity power on the back of God E with a fist, then clapped his hands and said with disdain: "Isn't it just a few pieces of your skin? Is it necessary to have such bitter and deep hatred? ?".

"How many skins? You, the old immortal, killed the innate beasts in Tiantian Town during the chaotic ancient years, and changed your clothes every year. You, the old immortal, gave me hundreds of thousands of skins. You are so embarrassed to say" Eshen accused the hapless ghost. Brutality.

Yu Duxiu was speechless when she heard it. No wonder everyone united to suppress this fellow in the ancient times. This guy is simply a scourge. He makes trouble all day long. If you have anything to do, you have to make trouble.

"In fact, I'm very curious about how you offended the Tiger God back then" Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

"It's just that I heard people say that the tiger's whip can strengthen the yang energy and cleanse the mana. I have eaten it for tens of thousands of years." The Jade Ancestor said nonchalantly.

As soon as he said this, the heavens were silent, and then there was an uproar. A drop of cold sweat fell on Yu Duxiu's forehead, and a pair of eyes looked at the jade ancestor strangely.

"Roar!" The tiger god's roar came from the wild wilderness, and then he saw the tiger **** reveal his true body, slapped towards the jade ancestor.

"Oh, didn't you just cut your tiger whip? Didn't you grow back in the blink of an eye?" Looking at the tiger god's giant claws, the old jade ancestor muttered: "It's too stingy."


Storms rolled up in the sky above Manghuang, the two sides collided, and the sound of the gold and iron intersection continued, and a flash of sparks brought lightning. After a long time, the two separated with gray heads and faces. The jade ancestor is okay, and the tiger god’s fur is already burnt. One piece, and the unlucky ghost actually held a fleshy thing in his hand.

Looking at that thing, Yu Duxiu felt a bit of cold, and was instantly far away from the jade ancestor.

"What are you running! I am specially cut off for Fox God that Fox Meizi is very powerful, I will supplement your Yang Qi." The old jade ancestor looked at Yu Duxiu.

After hearing the words of the ancestor of Jade, Yu Duxiu suddenly felt a chill and backed away instantly.


The tiger roar shook the heavens, and the tiger **** once again tore to death with the jade ancestor.

"Asshole, teach him" E Shen joined the battlefield.

"Tell this old thing to know how great, and dare to bully us like that." Elephant God also joined the battlefield, and instantly smoke and dust billowed in the sky above the wild, turbulent void, and the laws of heaven and earth were distorted and fierce.


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