The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1793: Dragon attack, the best demon god

Seeing the demon gods in the wild beating the jade ancestors, and storms in the sky, Yu Duxiu suddenly felt inexplicably dispelling his hatred, which was simply too frantic.


"Asshole, Lion God, you called the wrong person" E Shen roared.


"Eshen, you bit my leg, let me go quickly, the leg was broken by you" Tiger God roared.

"Xiangshen, you bastard, you tore the wrong person, you tore it to me," the lion **** roared.

Seeing the bad luck rising to the sky, Yu Duxiu's mouth twitched a few times. No wonder everyone was unwilling to do anything with that unlucky ghost. Once they got involved with this, bad luck would become a small matter.

Seeing the storm in the void, Yu Duxiu shook her head. She was about to speak, but she suddenly changed her color. There were bursts of energy storms in the void, and four huge dragons' sounds sounded, and then the sky turned around. Then Yu Duxiu found out that she had reached the starry sky, and the four laws were opposing herself to suppress them.

"Sihai Longjun, you dare to attack me" Seeing that Sihai Longjun, who is in the sky, like the earth, Yu Duxiu was furious.

No words, no answers, only the suppression of the eight dragon claws.

Yu Duxiu's right hand stretched out, and the Pangu banner appeared in his hand for an instant, and then he saw the Pangu banner in Yu Duxiu's hand dancing, and then the stars shook between heaven and earth, and the starry sky returned to Hunyuan.

"Bang" Donghai Longjun grabbed one of his claws, and it seemed that everything in the world was shrinking under this palm, and an unparalleled mighty force was constantly brewing.

"Bring it to me" Yu Duxiu's hand raised the Pangu banner, and the heavens and the earth were hazy, the Pangu banner with an unparalleled force, slashed towards the palm of Donghai Longjun.

At this time, the pair of dragon claws of Xihai Longjun had come behind Yu Duxiu, and instantly grabbed Yu Duxiu.

"Heaven's Will is Like a Sword" Yu Duxiu's hand was cut out like a sword, but behind him he saw two giant claws sticking out.

"This is not giving me a way to survive" Yu Duxiu's eyes rose with anger.

"One gas turns three cleansing".

Without so many scenes, King Kongzhuo in Taiqing's hands directly moved towards that Xihai Longjun.

The Three Treasure Ruyi in Na Yuqing's hand went to suppress Nanhai Longjun, and the Seven Star Sword in Shangqing's hand slashed towards the Beihai Longjun.


Outside the battle circle, Jinlin watched the field with a pair of eyes, and the divine light was flowing in his eyes, and he saw Yu Duxiu's qi transforming into three clears, temporarily blocking the attacks of the dragons, and instantly a dragon claw stretched out. , Caught Yu Duxiu's back.

"Jinlin!" Feeling the paw behind, Yu Duxiu's eyes flickered coldly.


Yuanshi Tianzun's chaotic bell rang, and it was suppressed here instantly.

The Jinlin complexion changed, and the dragon claw retracted, and then the chaos power of the Jinlin body was hazy, and a pair of dragon claws chaotic energy rose and fell, greeted the chaos clock of Yuanshi Tianzun.

The power of the Chaos Clock has never been questioned. The Jinlin was so shaken that it flew out in an instant. I don't know how many ribs were broken.

"Hongjun, die for me!".

At this moment, a ghost flickered, but the figure of the prince of Yin Si appeared in the field, coming towards Yu Duxiu.


Even Donghai Longjun's method of heaven and earth cannot withstand the fierce blow of this jade Duxiu. In an instant, Donghai Longjun was smashed into the air. Looking at the prince of Yinsi who came together, Yu Duxiu smiled: "Unexpectedly, you actually proved it It's also rare to be the quasi-superior."

"The king of Yan told you to die for the third watch, who would dare to keep you for the fifth watch, Hongjun, don't take his life quickly." Prince Yin Si grabbed Yu Duxiu with one palm.

"Idiot, this seat is already the perfect person, detached from life and death, not affected by the power of the five decays of reincarnation, how can you be a Yama, how can you do anything to me?" Yu Duxiu's eyes were disdainful.

"Heaven's Will is like a knife" Yu Duxiu's left hand, God's Will like a knife, instantly slashed out.


Yan Luozhen's body shattered with one blow, but seeing that the prince of the Yinsi was not in a hurry, he turned for a while, and his body returned to its original shape.

When Yu Duxiu saw this blow, she was immediately surprised. Her family knew what happened to her. This blow did not just crush the real body, but was wiped out by God’s will, making it difficult to reorganize the real body. For the quasi-superior, this move was simply a big killer move, but seeing the power of the sentient beings on the Yinsi Crown Prince, Yu Duxiu's big killer move was easily broken by him.

"Oh, this Yama's true body is really interesting." Yu Duxiu didn't care about the Yama's emperor. At this time, Donghai Longjun had already culled.

"Miaoxiu is still very powerful. Originally, our brothers didn't give you the time to use the Pangu flags. I didn't expect you to be so powerful. You abruptly broke a little bit of life in the siege of my brothers." Donghai Longjun A pair of dragon claws came towards Yuduxiu Town, with regret in their eyes.

"This is really unexpected. Now that hapless ghost didn't take the initiative to make trouble for you, but you yourself took the initiative to jump out." Yu Duxiu shook his head.


When the chaotic bell rang, Jinlin was blown away instantly, but when he saw that Jinlin's complexion was ugly, a pair of eyes looked at Yuanshi Tianzun, who was not in a hurry opposite, with anger rising in his eyes.

"Swish" at this moment, a vortex flowed in the starry sky, blocking Yuanshi Tianzun's body: "This seat is here to hold Yuanshi Tianzun, you go and deal with Hongjun."

Jinlin nodded, and instantly broke into the battlefield, and smashed towards Yu Duxiu: "Hongjun! The cause and effect between us is over. You helped me through the catastrophe, and I gave you the true blood of Ancestral Dragon So much trouble has just been caused, and now the cause and effect between you and me should end."

"Jinlin? I have known that you are not good-hearted. You have your hands and feet in the Dao Dao true species. Don't think that you don’t know about it." Yu Duxiu's eyes were sneered: "If it weren’t for your calculations, how could this seat be used? The tenth reincarnation has completely wiped out your mark. Now that you have torn your skin, then our account will be settled."

"Ghost Lord, how come you are everywhere!" Yuanshi Tianzun frowned. At this time, the spirit of the Ghost Lord was silent, and it seemed to be much stronger than before.

"Oh, it's been a million years. I didn't expect the hapless guy to come back." The ghost master did not answer the words of the original Tianzun. He looked at the battlefield with his eyes. At this time, the jade ancestor was fighting with the quasi-monsters.

I have to say that the power of bad luck of the jade ancestor is simply against the sky. I saw that the monsters and gods were contaminated with the power of calamity and fought against the jade ancestor. From time to time, there were thunders in the sky and hit the opponent. His body was numb, and from time to time, a yin fire suddenly ignited, and within his five internal organs, it instantly spread throughout his body.

"You bastard, big idiot, stay away from your grandfather, the sky thunder that you provoke is implicated in me." The unlucky ghost's scolding voice came from the battlefield.

"Ugly monsters, get out of me, the wind on your body is about to hurt me" Old Ancestor Jade blasted the God of E out of the battlefield with a punch.

The elephant **** on the side of "Bang" roared: "Eshen, you have a brain, don't bump your body if there is a yin wind on your body".

"You also said that the sky thunder on you hit me, didn't I still say nothing?" E Shen retorted dissatisfied.

"You still have reason!" Xiangshen fired.

"How to drop, am I wrong!" E Shen scolded angrily.

" you dare to hit me" The Elephant God scolded angrily, and actually abandoned the jade ancestor and attacked the E God.

"You two idiots, we are now suppressing the old jade ancestors, why are you fighting by yourself?" Tiger God looked at the two people who were in a ball and the bad luck in the sky, and reluctantly took time to shout.

"Whoever and this **** are from their own family? The land was originally the place of my elephant clan. You said that you are a crocodile and just stay in the water honestly, but he is not, he is not, he has to run When I went to the shore to fight for territory with my elephant clan, the ancestors, I have tolerated him for a long time. "The elephant **** roared up to the sky, and countless flames emanated from his nose.

"The land is yours. Although we are crocodiles, don’t we stay in the water for a year? Why don’t you let me go ashore? It’s a jerk. You see, my skin is wrinkled. This old guy is so domineering, my ancestor, my skin will be so bad," E Shen said, pointing to his pimple.


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