The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1794: The ghost master came on stage,

The jade ancestor finally relaxed at this time, looking at the tiger god’s expression like a child who had eaten to death in front of him, he was speechless and said: “Isn’t it just that you ate tiger whip several times back then? It’s so stingy, you can’t grow up. ".

"Me! Fuck! That thing was cut casually?" The Tiger God suddenly became angry, and kept catching his son as if he was swatting a fly, patted it.

"Huh? When did the ghost master, you old immortal come here? I haven't gone to find you yet, you actually came to find me!" The unlucky ghost looked at the battlefield with a pair of eyes subconsciously, saw the ghost master, and then Surprised: "How did this kid Miaoxiu **** with Sihailongjun?"

After speaking, the old jade ancestor got rid of the entanglement between the tiger **** and the lion god, and then broke away from the ring of war, and came to the Yuanshi Tianzun: "Go and save that kid Miaoxiu, and leave the old things of the Yinsi to the ancestor. Now, if it wasn't for this old **** to calculate me in the Yin Division, the ancestor would not be broken."

"The first ancestor, long time no see." The ghost master carried his hands on his back, and did not stop Yuanshi Tianzun from leaving.

"Hmph, I'm looking for you to settle the account. If it weren't for you, the scumbag ancestor, I wouldn't have broken my body and be suppressed for millions of years." The jade ancestor was angry.

"You still have a face to say!" Looking at the jade ancestor, the Yinsi Guizhu was angry: "You have a face to say!".

"Why don't I have the face to say!" Jade ancestor straightened out his small body and said confidently.

"Didn't I just practiced the five innate ghosts unintentionally and moved your true body away, how about you?" The ghost master angered.

"I'm just chasing you all the time," said the old jade ancestor with his waist stuck in his waist and his small neck raised.

"You guys completely wiped out my ancestors, let alone my physical body, and drove me into the Yin Division, so that I could not see the sky all the year round, and finally forced me to have no choice but to preach in the Yin Division, but It’s because I can’t get out of the Yin Division and enter the great world! Fortunately, there are eyes in the heavens. Who knows that I accidentally discovered the origin of reincarnation in the Yin Division, so I proved the law of the origin of reincarnation and started to take charge of the Yin Division. But what about you? You still don't let me go, and you have come to my yin to make troubles many times. It is tolerable or unbearable. If you don't die, who will die" the ghost master pointed at the jade ancestor and rebuked.

"Nonsense, you are nonsense. Back then, the ancestors and I had the final say in the great world of Yangshi, but you did the right thing with the ancestors. You have drawn good and evil, punishment, sin, and fear to me. The ancestors are helpless. There can only be a big battle to maimed you, and you escaped into the Yin Division. The Yin Division originally belonged to my ancestor, and it was you thieves who invaded and occupied my ancestor's things" Old Jade Ancestor angrily rebuked.

"Bastard! There is such a shameless person in the world, the ancestor I have seen." The ghost lord was trembling at the words of the jade ancestor, and there was no reason to go.

"Don't talk so much, you and I see the real chapter today" The old jade ancestor stretched out a punch in an instant and smashed towards the ghost master.

"Hmph, this seat in Yangshi is not your opponent, I am waiting for you in Yinsi."

When the words fell, the ghost master slipped away without hesitation.

"There is such a shameless person in the world. The Yin Division and Yang Shi were originally the ancestors. I have the final say. This little thief dares to say that the Yin Division belongs to him. It is really unreasonable." The old ancestor Jade was indignant.

The demon gods on one side twitched their mouths. At this time, the Tiger God and the Lion God entangled, and the Elephant God and E God on the other side also came to suppress the Jade Ancestor again.

"Boy Miaoxiu, I can't help you this time, ancestor, these old guys have entangled me," said ancestor Jade, once again raised his immature fist, and fought with the four monsters. Place.

At this time, Yu Duxiu's complexion was calm, and Sanqing behind him temporarily dragged the other dragon monarchs, but Yu Duxiu knew that this time would not be very long. Yu Duxiu's current cultivation base is between the supreme and supreme. In the meantime, it was not the opponent of the real supreme power at all. Pangu banners gave Yu Duxiu the power to conquer the supreme power.

Looking at Donghai Longjun, Yu Duxiu's eyes flickered murderously: "Back when you calculated this seat and seized the essence and blood, this seat hasn't asked you to settle the account. I didn't expect you to take the initiative to send it to the door now. I don't want to care about a dead person, but since you are looking for death by yourself, you can't blame me."


The chaotic flag streamer in Yu Duxiu's hand spread out, and the world opened with one blow, and it slammed towards the suppression of Dragon King in the East Sea.


The chaos clock rang, and Yuanshi Tianzun pulled out his hand and immediately descended on the scene. The three dragons were unprepared, and they were instantly beaten by Jinlinlong.

"Xianzhen killed this East Sea Dragon Lord, and teach him a lesson." Yu Duxiu's eyes flickered coldly.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, we are going to try your methods today" The other three dragon monarchs turned into forms at this time, entangled with Yuanshi Tianzun.

Kunlun Mountain, Han Fang's bedroom, but seeing Han Fang smiled.

"I will also intervene."


Countless ice arrows overwhelmed the sky, bursting towards the East Sea Dragon Lord.

In the front, there is a jade unique show Pangu banner that opens up the world, and in the back there is the endless power of cold ice, there is no retreat, no hiding.

The Donghai Longjun looked at the Pangu banner with a ruthless light in his eyes. He would rather have his own corpse broken into pieces and be penetrated by the ice arrow than withstand the power of the Pangu banner.


The East China Sea Dragon King's degree was unabated, and it instantly slammed into Han Yan's attack. He breathed thousands of arrows, but he avoided the chaotic flag streamer in front of him. The Chaos flag streamer wiped the tip of the East Sea Dragon King's nose.


Chaos is permeated.

The Frost Arrow in Donghai Longjun's body instantly burst, and Donghai Longjun's corpse was broken into thousands of pieces, and the golden blood was scattered in the void, only a dragon ball was floating in the chaos.

"Reorganization of flesh and blood!".

Donghai Longjun's hand flickered, and he wanted to reorganize his real body, but saw Yu Duxiu coldly smiled: "Wishful thinking, how can the real body be reorganized when you want to reorganize."

While talking, Yu Duxiu's flag was scrolling, and the dragon ball of Donghai Longjun was instantly cut off by the chaos and the flesh.


A silver-white dragon claw with primitive scales and chaos instantly grabbed the dragon ball in the chaos.


Ao Le was knocked into the air by Han Ling.

"Mother" Ao Le shouted in the air.

"Shut up, this is the grievance between me and your father, how can you intervene?" Han Yan's face was frosty.

"Miaoxiu's ambition is so big that he actually wants to suppress Donghai Longjun. The snake **** fell into Yu Duxiu's hands. Life and death is unpredictable. If this Donghai Longjun also falls into Miaoxiu's hands, I am afraid it will be very lively." The supreme powers who watched the battle from a distance were whispering.

"If Miaoxiu is called to suppress Donghai Longjun, I am afraid that Donghai Longjun's life will not be saved," there are supreme powerhouses whispering.

"Miaoxiu, you don't take me too seriously."

The Yinsi Prince appeared in the chaos, and instantly grabbed Yu Duxiu with a claw.

The dragon ball of Dragon Lord of the East Sea was shining brightly at this time, and instantly penetrated towards Yu Duxiu.

"Invert Yin and Yang."

"Dou Zhuan Xing Yi".


Donghai Longjun and Yinsi prince collided together, and the Yinsi prince was undoubtedly hit hard by Donghai Longjun instantly.


At this time, Dragon Lord of the East China Sea penetrated the chaos, and the prince of Yinsi melted in an instant, turned into nothingness, and disappeared into the chaos.

"Where to go!" The chaotic flag in Yu Duxiu's hand covered the sky and the sun, covering infinite time and space. I saw where the flag and flag passed, everything in the void world solidified in an instant, and the dragon ball continued to penetrate the void, but saw that The flags are not slow.

Why don't the innate spirit treasures that teach ancestors use them often? .

Just like the Dragon Ball of the East China Sea Dragon Lord, when there is no physical body, the Dragon Ball dare not use it casually, at least on the surface.

" spare my father" Ao Le begged bitterly.

Yu Duxiu ignored the words, she had been upset with this old loach for a long time.


After all, they are the four supreme powers. No matter how powerful Yuanshi Tianzun is, it is difficult to completely block it. At this time, the Beihai Longjun broke through the suppression of Yuanshi Tianzun and came to the court. The unique Pangu flag was actually dominated by that dragon ball.

"Real Body Reorganization" Donghai Longjun took the opportunity to summon the real body.

"If you want to be beautiful, with this seat here, how can you allow you to recover your physical body" Han Fang smiled coldly, with murderous intent in his eyes.


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