The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1801: Embarrassed

"Asshole, you wild boar spirit, you stopped for me, dare to drop the old cow's tail, ancestor, I fought with you" a cow spirit panting after a wild boar spirit.

Behind the cow essence, followed by a toad essence: "Asshole, you dare to swallow one of my ancestor's toes, ancestor, I must have you cramping and peeling skin."

The three of them chased and fled along the way, causing countless beasts on the way to look sideways, looking at the bitter cow spirit and toad spirit, and then at the proud wild boar. Jing, all are guessing in the heart.

"Run, did you run for my ancestors? You run into this valley. This place is a battlefield where the clash of luck and luck. If all laws are destroyed, you will run for me." The Niu Jing walked toward the valley without rush go with.

"That's right, you run for me, you run for me" Toad spirit gasped and chased after him.

Glancing at his own ‘comrade-in-arms’, Niu Jing turned his head and looked at the wild boar spirit in the valley: "Let’s talk about it, how do you want to die, what way do you want to die?".


A nail rake hit the bull's head, and his brain burst. This bull's spirit didn't know why his ‘comrade-in-arms’ would attack him.

"Brother, this nail rake is really for treasure." Wang Daoling looked at the nail rake in his hand, with envy in his eyes, and handed the nail rake to Old Ancestor Zhu Ba.

The old ancestor Zhu Ba put away the nail rake, swallowed the beef essence, and then danced the nail rake and said: "My nail rake is in the furnace of Laojun, forged by six divine fires, five squares and five emperors increase carbon, Lao Jun I personally shake the sledgehammer, you say whether my treasure is a treasure."

"It's a baby, it's a baby, but eldest brother, we have all hunted down hundreds of monsters, shouldn't it be time to change the place? If it attracts the attention of the strong, it will be bad." Wang Daoling rolled his eyes.

The ancestor Zhu Ba scratched his head and put the nails away: "It is the same principle. This is wild and wild, and the front is very long. As long as each of our brothers swallows a thousand powerful men who have returned to their ancestors. , To ensure that it can prove to be quasi-no fruit status, and unite the true body."

"What the big brother said is, what the big brother said is, let's go." Wang Daoling rushed to the shoulders of the ancestor Zhu Ba. The two brothers really showed what is called embarrassment along the way.

"Brother, it's almost here, it's 50,000 miles away from where we started before." The two cautiously walked along the way for a while, and Wang Daoling spoke.

"Walk a little longer, walk a hundred thousand miles, otherwise it is not safe, the quasi-immortal strong thinks between the ends of the world, we would rather go a little longer than make a big mistake," the ancestor Zhu Ba said with a long-hearted expression.

Wang Daoling naturally had no reason to disagree. The two brothers walked another 50,000 miles, then stopped in a valley, looking for a hidden place, then Wang Daoling said: "Brother Dao, do you come first or Should I come first?".

"Come on first" Old Ancestor Zhu Ba gave the toad essence again with the nail rake.

The toad spirit laughed and walked out together with the ancestor Zhu Ba.

"Matchmaker, go ahead and supervise the battle" Fox God said to the matchmaker.

At this time, the matchmaker stood beside the fox god, and she was taken aback when she heard the words: "Why do I supervise the war? I am rushing wild beasts, unruly, and directly collide. Where can I supervise the war?".

The Tiger God on one side also said: "Yes, my wild monster is affected by the sound of the drum, and my blood is boiling, and I am going forward. Where can I supervise the battle?".

The Fox God sighed helplessly after hearing the words: "There is no other way. This time, due to the disturbance of the heavens and the earth, it is difficult for this seat to scan the entire battlefield in an instant. Before, a genius of my fox tribe has fallen. He probably hasn’t encountered the human race yet. I don’t know why it fell, so I sent someone to check it out.

After hearing Fox God's words, the matchmaker nodded: "Also, the child will go to the front line and walk quietly."

"White Tiger" Tiger God Road.

"Father God" Bai Hu walked out.

"Go and follow the little fox," Tiger God said.

"Yes" Bai Hu replied respectfully, and instantly transformed into a real body, and roared at the little fox on one side. The matchmaker leaped and stood firmly on Bai Hu's shoulders.


Baihu turned into a violent wind and rushed out instantly.

The white tiger and the matchmaker kept investigating along the way, but they didn't find anything unusual, and then walked to the farther front. After about two hundred thousand miles, the white tiger suddenly stopped looking at them: "What's going on?"

"It's a wolf clan senior and a toad spirit chasing a wild boar spirit. I don't know what happened. They actually disregarded the battle on the front line and had a conflict with their family." The matchmaker said, "Let's go forward and ask."

The white tiger also wanted to run over, but the tide of beasts rolled, even if the white tiger and the matchmaker were both deterred, it was difficult to pass through quickly, just staring at the three strange beasts from a distance.

"Run, where are you going, ancestors, I must have you cramping and peeling my skin today, and even dared to bite ancestors my tail." Seeing my beautiful tail is so small, the wolf demon's eyes rose with anger, finally He chased a valley and blocked the boar spirit inside.

"You run, you bastard, you are running" Wang Daoling approached, scolded Old Ancestor Zhu Ba, then turned his head and said: "Senior, kill this **** to avenge us."

"Okay" The wolf demon's muscles collapsed and he was about to jump out.

"Be careful"


A shout came from a distance.

The wolf demon was stunned when he heard the words, thinking that the boar spirit's reinforcements were coming. He was anxious and could not turn his head. The next moment the wolf demon only heard a'click', a huge force came from his waist and flew out instantly. , The wild boar spirit suddenly opened his big mouth and just swallowed the wolf demon into his mouth.

"Big Brother, I'm in trouble, I was discovered." Wang Daoling threw the nail rake to Old Ancestor Pig, and said anxiously, "What should I do?"

"What do we do, we have swallowed so many monsters, it is almost enough to impact the quasi-superior realm. It is just that there is no time for smelting for the time being. You and I will prepare for it. Two hard stubbles have come. Let us use this. The pressure, the bloodline took the opportunity to return to the ancestor 80%, the impact is supreme, and the real body is condensed." The ancestor Zhu Ba spat into his hand and said to the toad on one side.

Wang Daoling heard the words repeatedly and said: "Big Brother, that vixen is a quasi fairy!".

"What is quasi immortal afraid of? This fox spirit is inherently weak and just leave it to me. Even if it is a quasi immortal, I am not afraid of it. The tiger spirit will be handed over to you," said Zhu Ba.

"Big brother, let's run quickly. The tiger spirit doesn't look easy to provoke. It seems that the blood of the innate white tiger beast is flowing in the body" Wang Daoling said.

"You can see this?" Old Ancestor Pig was taken aback when he heard the words.

"Brother, I have supernatural powers, not the same as ordinary supernatural powers," Wang Daoling said.

While talking, he jumped directly to the back of Old Ancestor Zhu Ba.

The ancestor Zhu Ba said nothing, put away the rake, turned around and ran towards the herd.

"Sure enough, as the mother said, there are people who do not know how to make trouble, grab him quickly, don't tell him to run," the matchmaker said angrily.

The two of them watched the wolf demon being killed, the magnificent realm of good fortune, and the death of such a mess, it was really enough to grit your teeth.

The matchmaker and the white tiger refused to give up, chasing directly into the herd, looking at the pig eight ancestor and Wang Daoling who were among the rushing beasts, and said angrily: "All the beasts listen to the orders, I am the heir of the tiger god, the white tiger, the wild boar ahead. The spirits and the toad spirits secretly harmed my reckless and the same kind, and the crimes were extremely heinous, and I asked everyone to help me to surrender this fellow."

Baihu's words are destined to be in vain. Most of the beasts are little monsters who have just opened up their wisdom. At this time, the beasts are rushing, and anyone who dares to stop will be trampled and turned into mud in an instant.

Seeing countless beasts of Pentium rolling up smoke and dust on the ground ~ ~ Wang Daoling stood on the back of the pig eight ancestor, smiled triumphantly, and poked his **** at Bai Hu.


The matchmaker’s eyes flickered coldly: "Do you really think this mighty force of luck can hold you?".

After speaking, the matchmaker stretched out her hand, and a red hydrangea suddenly threw it out, and instantly smashed towards the Wang Daoling.

"Fuck me, it's okay, it's actually a matchmaker, the favorite of the fox clan, this time it's a big trouble" the old ancestor Zhu Ba suddenly howled.

ps: Students who make an advertisement "Supreme God" can meow twice.


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