The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1802: 1 family

"What's the matter, big brother?" Wang Daoling asked in confusion.

"That woman is just a quasi-immortal. Why should my eldest brother be surprised? Didn't the eldest brother say that he can be an enemy, and even prove to be immortal?" Wang Daoling said in a puzzled way.

Can the quasi-xian be the same as the quasi-xian? .

If it’s a quasi-immortal, whoever comes to the ancestor Zhuba may not be afraid, but can this fox spirit be the same? .

This little fox spirit is the subordinate of the fox god. The fox **** had a love-hate relationship with his cheap master on the road to the sky. Could it be the same? .

"Hurry up, this time it's a big disaster." The ancestor Zhu Ba shivered, and he ran wildly, disappearing in a flash and disappearing in the herd.

"So fast?" The white tiger and the matchmaker were taken aback, stopped, and could only watch each other disappear into the beast tide.

"Big Brother, what's going on?" Wang Daoling and Old Ancestor Zhu Ba came to a quiet place, and Wang Daoling asked.

Old Ancestor Zhu Ba said: "Do you know who that little fox is?"

"Who is it?" Wang Daoling said.

"That little fox is a matchmaker," said Zhu Ba.

"Who is the matchmaker?" Wang Daoling said blankly.

"Where did you come out? Don't even know who the matchmaker is?" Old Ancestor Zhuba looked at that Wang Daoling in surprise, looked at the chubby body like himself, and said: "The matchmaker is a fox **** Those close to you, the descendants of the Fox God, this time you know how great it is."

"Isn't that still a quasi-monster god? What is big brother afraid of, as long as we break through the realm and get promoted to supremacy, are we still afraid that the fox **** will not succeed?" Wang Daoling patted his chest.

The ancestor Zhuba looked at Wang Daoling speechlessly for a while: "Do you know how powerful the supreme power is?".

"The supreme powerhouse isn't that great, right? My ancestor seems to be able to beat a group one by one" Wang Daoling scratched his head.

"Scared! One to fight a group?" The ancestor Zhuba moved his eyes, and those who were able to fight a group one by one were famous in the heavens and all realms. The ancestor Zhuba stared and said: "Who is your ancestor?"

"My ancestor stayed in Dafengzhou temporarily and worshipped the fairy Hongjun, who had worshipped his brother with the Immortal Fuyao and Chaotian." Wang Daoling's face was full of triumph.

"Scared! Who?" Old Ancestor Zhu Ba was dumbfounded.

"Hahaha, are you scared? My Patriarch is Great Immortal Hongjun, this supreme power can pick a group one by one" Wang Daoling's face was full of triumph and looked at Old Ancestor Zhu Ba.

The ancestor Zhuba was demented when he heard the words, and after a while he looked up and down Wang Daoling, and then said: "Brother, are you bragging? Why didn't I know that Great Immortal Hongjun accepted you as a disciple".

"I'm bragging? Brother don't want to look down on me, but I am Hongjun Daxian personally touched on the spiritual wisdom, transformed into a monster, and taught Dafa, although not a disciple, but how can I say that the person close to Daxian is not" Belly said.

"How come I look at your boy so pleasing to the eye, it turns out that we are a family" Old Ancestor Zhu Ba said with emotion.

"What family?" Wang Daoling asked in confusion.

"Do you know who I am?" Old Ancestor Zhu Ba looked at Wang Daoling.

Wang Daoling shook his head: "I don't know."

"I am the envoy of the western clean altar. I was Hongjun Daxian's second disciple who sat down to protect Daxian from the road to the sky. Do you think we are a family." The ancestor Zhu Ba touched his bald head.

"Scared!" This time it was Wang Daoling's turn to be surprised, so scared to jump up: "Really?".

"Really, really can't be true" Old Ancestor Zhu Ba said helplessly.

Wang Daoling looked up and down at the ancestor Zhu Ba with a pair of eyes, and then eagerly said: "I said that when I saw my brother, I saw it right away. If I am really a family, how about my brother follow me back to Dafengzhou? My master said that I broke through. The quasi-monster can go back. I have enough background. I only need to refine the power of the bloodline. This battlefield is useless to stay in the battlefield. It is better to return to the safety."

"Alright, I'm about to use my master's gossip furnace to help me smelt my blood. I heard people say that when the Buddha achieved his true body, he had to walk in the gossip furnace. The Great Sage Qitian also walked back then. You Now that my cultivation base has reached the doorstep, it's better to go to the gossip furnace together."

Seeing that Wang Daoling took the initiative to go to Dafengzhou with him, Old Ancestor Zhu Ba had already guessed in his heart that things were inseparable. This toad was really a subordinate that his master had just accepted, and he didn't know what to do.

As he was talking, suddenly the sky darkened and instantly turned into fiery red, and then I saw the overwhelming red lines entangled towards the two of them.

"Oh, it's the matchmaker's little girl who has caught up. I told you, that little girl's skin is not terrible, but the horrible thing is the fox god. My master and the fox **** are entangled endlessly. You must not offend the fox god." After the ancestor finished speaking, he started to run with Wang Daoling.

"It runs fast, but the figure looks familiar to him. It seems to be an old acquaintance, fishing in troubled waters in the wild." The matchmaker caught the red hydrangea in her hand.

"Don't let anyone get a handle."

The ancestor Zhu Ba and Wang Daoling traveled day and night. After half a month, they finally got rid of the little fox and landed on Dafengzhou.

"Huh, I'm finally back" Wang Daoling's face was full of joy: "Walk around, let me go to Dafengzhou Temple, and see my Patriarch and Granny Wangchen."

"It was the monster beast from Dafengzhou who came out to wade in the muddy water. The person before looked a little like the ancestor of the eighth pig" The matchmaker slowly retracted the red hydrangea path.

Na Baihu said, "I was actually ran away by them, but the speed of that old ancestor Zhu Ba is not slow, and his blood has already reached 70%, and 80% is not far away."

"Let's go, it doesn't make sense to chase down, let's go back to our lives".

Wang Daoling and the ancestor Zhu Ba returned to Dafengzhou all the way, and they came to Fuyao Temple, but they heard the ancestor Zhu Ba shout: "Master, Master, I haven’t seen you for many years. I miss for you. Come and see today. is you".

"How do these two guys get mixed together?" Yu Duxiu was taken aback as he watched Wang Daoling and Old Ancestor Zhu Ba coming from a distance.

The old ancestor Zhu Ba ran over to please: "Master, Master, my old pig came to see you."

"The cultivation base is good, it's only a thin line away from the return of blood." After finishing speaking, he looked at Wang Daoling: "You are too, and there is only a thin line of distance from the return of blood, but what's the matter with you two? The blood in the body is messy, I don’t know how to sort it out.”

Old ancestor Zhu Ba smiled: "Master, let's come here today because we want to borrow your gossip stove to use it."

While talking, the old ancestor Zhuba respectfully saluted the rest of the crowd: "I have seen Fuyao, Chaotian, and Taisu. Who is this? The first ancestor? Seeing the ancestor, your old man’s reputation shakes the ancients and travels across the world. I have admired you for a long time, old pig."

Seeing the jade ancestor, the pig eight ancestor decisively abandoned his master, all kinds of horses madly shot and talked.

The old jade ancestor really took this set. After listening to the praise of the old ancestor Zhu Ba, he closed his eyes proudly and tilted his chin. After a while, the old ancestor Zhu Ba said that his mouth was dry before listening to the jade. The ancestor said: "I am really as wise as you said?"

Chaotian and the others on one side were bitterly cold, their cheeks twitched, and the ancestor Zhu Ba still shamelessly said: "Of course, there are mistakes and nothing less."

The old ancestor Jade opened his eyes and stretched out his hand to the old ancestor Zhu Ba. The ancestor Zhu Ba ran over and knelt beside the old ancestor Jade: "What is the command of the old ancestor? Is it to reward the disciple with magic weapons? ".

The old jade ancestor patted the ancestor Zhu Ba on the shoulder. Yu Duxiu could see clearly that a wave of bad luck had begun to converge towards the ancestor Zhu Ba, but at this time the old jade ancestor and the party involved Yu Zi didn't notice it, or the jade ancestor noticed it, but didn't care.

"Isn't it just a gossip stove? Little I'll just borrow the gossip stove for you.” The ancestor of Jade patted his chest.

The old ancestor Zhuba looked stiff when he heard the words. You still need to tell this matter. I can handle it by myself.

But in the face of the first teaching ancestor, the ancestor Zhu Ba dared not offend, he smiled and said: "This pill furnace is useless, and my master needs to open the furnace for alchemy."

"It's all right, it's wrapped around me" Old Jade Padding said on his chest.

Looking at the two of these top quality, Yu Duxiu suddenly felt speechless.

ps: Make an advertisement "Super Captain China", Shuhuang's classmates can meow two eyes.


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