The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1811: The era of wood and bamboo

The aura of destroying the world destroys all laws. As the name implies, even the world can be destroyed, not to mention the power of magical powers and laws.

The light in Yu Duxiu's eyes flashed, and a pair of eyes quietly looked into the distance, and a round of jade discs flashed in his eyes. Now this battle is getting more and more fun.

With the full-scale conflict between the two sides and the escalation of casualties, the strong from all sides have appeared on the scene, fighting endlessly and killing.

"The line of matchmaker's marriage involves the power of cause and effect. Even in the heavens and all realms, it is a very powerful existence. But at this time, when I met the primitive heavenly king, this unreasonable world-destroying aura, I met the nemesis, the primitive Uranus is not only the nemesis of the matchmaker, but also the nemesis of all the powers of the heavens and all realms. As long as the original Uranus is strong enough, even the world must be restrained." Yu Duxiu stood beside the jade ancestor.

"This **** is obviously a bully." Seeing the matchmaker being bullied, the Fox God was immediately unhappy. Everyone knows how powerful the Primordial King is. Isn't it bullying if you send the Primordial King to the game? .



The fox **** kept swaying the demon banners, and the entire wilderness boiled. Countless groups of monsters and beasts rushed towards Kyushu. The sky and the earth broke where they passed. The river collapsed instantly, trampled by countless beasts and turned into dust.

"Kill! Kill! Kill! You must never let the demon beast go one step beyond the thunder pond" Taishi Jiaozu roared, his voice shaking Kyushu.

"What a strong calamity power, if I had such a blessing of calamity when I first worshipped Taipingdao, it would be enough for me to easily reach the Ninth Stage, instead of tossing back and forth for five thousand years." Yu Duxiu With an unprecedented smile in his eyes, he casually played with the cuteness in his hands.

A leg was cut off by Yu Duxiu, Stupid Meng was obviously crippled, holding Yu Duxiu’s fingers in both hands, and biting it fiercely. Unfortunately, the power of this little thing is really limited, although it has already passed a million Nian, he has a profound background, but he doesn't understand magical powers, cannot use magic techniques, and can't display his strength.


Looking at the beast with countless deaths and injuries, the eyes of the demon gods did not wave, and the fox **** shook the demon banner in his hand, and saw a black, bottomless hole emerging from the banner, and then saw the monster. Hundreds of thousands of monsters rushed out of the black hole of the banner, and the dead monsters instantly resurrected and continued to join the battlefield.

Terran, Qian Tian held a paperweight in his hand, feeling the gazes of the ancestors, and writing a pardon: "Resurrection" in his hand.

Countless dead soldiers and heaven will be resurrected again, and the two sides once again become entangled together.

Everyone is immortal and does not fear death. This is interesting. It seems that killing like this is meaningless at all. Resurrect after killing, and resurrect after killing. How to play? .

"It's a beeping dog." The demon gods looked at the resurrected Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals, and their faces twitched. After playing for so long, everyone died several times, but the Terran Territory still did not break open.

"The Conferred God List refined by Miaoxiu is really mysterious. It is not inferior to my demon clan's enchanting banners. It is just that the Conferred God List is restricted in number. And the more monsters I recklessly recruit demon banners, the stronger the power. The human race can't afford it." A thoughtful color flashed in the eyes of the Tiger God.

A cloud of darkness flashed in the eyes of the Fox God. Seeing the current battlefield conditions, the Fox God was wondering if Yu Duxiu had already anticipated the immortality after refining the Conferred God List back then, and was afraid that the Conferred God List would be dominated by his family. Make more perverted demon banners to exercise restraint.

In other words, the current situation is in Yu Duxiu's calculations.

The Fox God's complexion suddenly looked unsightly, his delicate palm gripped the crisp gourd in his hand, not knowing what he was thinking.

Among the Yin Division, the ghost master looked gloomy, the demons were unhappy, and the ghost master was even more unhappy.

As usual, race wars were rolled up. It was the source of his Yinsi's growth and aggressive recruitment of troops. Who would have thought that there would be something against the heavens in the Yang world, such as the enchantment banners and the enchanted gods list. I simply don’t want to have fun. Is the Fengshen Bang too defying? There is no way to survive. If the dead soul in the Yang world does not enter the Yin Division, and the ghost in the Yin Division unilaterally reincarnates into the Yang World, the ghost master can be sure that the vow of the little monk back then, "Hell is not empty. Becoming a Buddha will be achieved soon.

"Father God, the child has already ordered all soldiers and horses, when shall we kill?" Prince Yinsi came to the ghost master.

The ghost master waved his hand: "Don't worry, now the human race and the demon race are just beginning to warm up. After all the supreme powers participate in the war, it will be the day to strike the universe."

In the sea of ​​blood, the Gorefiend looked at the soldiers and horses that were constantly mobilizing in the Yin Division, and his eyes flashed thoughtfully: "It seems that he is not a peaceful lord, this war in the world of Yang, the ghost lord Want to share a piece of the pie, but do you want to take the opportunity to send troops, and then go to Yangshi for a round of luck?

A thoughtful color flashed in the Gorefiend's eyes.

Time is slowly passing by. Thirty years later, the human race and the wild land have been ignited, and the various Tianjiao have surpassed one after another. They showed their talents in the war, distinguished themselves, and broke through one after another, and the quasi-immortal status was proved. .

Race wars and fluctuating luck are the best opportunities for ordinary monks. At this moment, even the supremely powerful can hardly control the luck. As long as you can be famous on the battlefield and get the blessing of heaven and earth dragon energy, then it proves The supreme luck will continuously supply you.

Especially in the face of the countless kinds of strange beasts in this wild and wild, as long as you kill them, take them back to refine the alchemy and refine the magic weapons, so why not worry about the increase in mana and the improvement of magical powers.

Those who survived the big waves and scoured the sand are the lucky ones.

In the battlefield, Mu Qingzhu’s eyes were shining, and the innate cyan runes circulated indefinitely. Beside him were the people of the clear water Dao. The icy light in his hand was constantly shooting out of the ice, and it was frozen in an instant. A hundred miles around.

Yes, it is a radius of a hundred li, the strength of the Bishui Dao people today is absolutely different from that of thirty years ago.

With the blessing of Ice Soul, the Daoist Bishui is simply invincible on the battlefield. I don’t know how many monsters are killed, and how much cheaper it is than the monks of the same generation. The more monsters killed, the better the fortune between heaven and earth. The stronger, during the past 30 years, the Bishui Taoists have been hunting and killing monsters, alchemy, and treasures, and their strength has advanced by leaps and bounds. They have actually condensed their own Tao fruit, and then, under the continuous supply of elixir, they have actually been nurtured. The immortal aura of their own innate.

The innate immortal aura can be separated from the body, and after being blessed in the ice soul, the power is even more powerful.

The people of Bishui Dao can condense the innate immortality. There is no reason why the wood green bamboo on one side is worse than the people of Bishui Dao. The power of the congenital bitter bamboo is much stronger than the ice soul. I don’t know how many times the strength of the wood green bamboo can be described as unfathomable at this time. , Even in the face of the supreme strong, can remain undefeated.

But the innate spiritual root is too attractive, and the wood green bamboo is not a fool. How could I let my innate spiritual root leak out, so after the wood green bamboo certificate is quasi-no fruit position, I simply collect the innate spiritual root and conceive it secretly. Then I painstakingly studied the innate runes on the innate bitter bamboo, a supernatural power, but it is incredible to increase and progress, and the innate wood mine with one hand is invincible in the battlefield.

The wood green bamboo was opened at this time. The innate **** thunder is a congenital thing. The evil spirit, army aura, and the power of luck on the battlefield obviously cannot suppress the wood green bamboo’s innate **** thunder. Numerous monsters are buried in the wood In the hands of Manghuang Tianjiao can't lift his head under the pressure of Mu Qingzhu.

This is an era of wood and green bamboo.

"How could this guy be so strong?" In the distance, Taishi Dao Mo Xie's sword qi was vertical and horizontal, and one sword broke ten thousand abilities. Even the dragon qi and the army's evil qi were part of the ten thousand abilities.

Sword Qi stretched for dozens of miles, and countless monsters were killed instantly wherever they passed.

As the Tianjiao of Taishidao, although Mo Xie is not as good as the Primordial King, Mo Xie's kendo talent is beyond doubt.

"When it reaches the point where one sword produces ten thousand abilities, the junior will be able to prove that the Dao is the supreme power." The Primordial Heavenly King stood beside Mo Xie, just protecting the law, and did not take action.


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