The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1812: God's Will is like a knife behind the 3rd floor

Mo Xie proved the way, the quasi-superior way.

Mo Xie had already broken all laws with a single sword, and now he has been killing and cutting on the battlefield for thirty years, even if he was a pig, he had already proclaimed the Dao by this time.

With the long sword in his hand, Mo Xie looked at the wood green bamboo in the distance, and the innate **** thunder instantly turned countless monsters into powder, and a sense of helplessness rose in his heart.

"Junior brother is already very good. This green bamboo is not simple. I seem to see Hongjun's shadow on him." The original heavenly king stood there quietly, Mo Xie was the arrogant of Taishi Tao, and he must not have any accidents. The road has come to an end since it merged with the Great Moment of Extinguishing the World, and the future of Tai Shi Dao is all pinned on Mo Xie.

For Yu Duxiu, the Primordial King’s feelings are complicated, and even the Primordial King himself can’t say what it feels like.

He didn't know whether he should thank Yu Duxiu or kill Yu Duxiu.

Completely fused with the Great Mill of Destroying the World, the Primordial King has merged many inexplicable memory fragments, knowing a lot of things that should not have been known, even creepy, but he knows it.

Had it not been for Yu Duxiu deliberately blasted herself with a punch, shattering the hidden backhand in the Great Mill, I was afraid that she had been enslaved by the Great Mill, and had become a specialist who only knew how to fight and wipe out everything. Puppet.

But the Primordial King was not reconciled, he was still young, and the world of great controversy had just begun. Although he had gained a long lifespan, his path of cultivation had been broken and he could no longer move forward.

Even if you are the son of the ancestor, even if you have the support of the Taishi ancestor, but the road ahead is broken.

Although he is immortal and immortal, the Primordial Heavenly King is absolutely not satisfied with this. He has to get rid of it. Now he is in charge of the Great Mill of Destruction, facing the power of the ancestor, he can only compete with the opponent.

What he wants is to be like Yu Duxiu, able to overwhelm the supremely strong, and be unique in the heavens and all realms.

Unfortunately, his road was broken.

"Hongjun's breath? Is the wood green bamboo Hongjun's chess piece?" Mo Xie's sword was in full swing, strangling the monster beasts in a radius of tens of miles.

The Primordial King shook his head: "I don't know, but you don't want to provoke Hongjun in the future. Hongjun is too terrible. If you can get along well, it would be better."

The original heavenly king smiled bitterly. Because of the struggle for luck, the friendship he had established with Hongjun was completely shattered. Even the father of the supreme powerhouse would regret it.

Everyone knows that Yu Duxiu is one of a kind that can dominate the world, and its potential is endless, but no one has thought that Yu Duxiu's potential is so great, and it has not waited for everyone to react. This servant has already completed the path that everyone can walk through for a million years. Already standing on the summit of the heavens, reaching the summit.

"He must know how I broke through," the original heavenly king said in his heart.

"I want to provoke, but unfortunately I am not qualified." Mo Xie smiled bitterly, and continued to strangle the monster beast with the long sword in his hand.

"The original king is evil." The old ancestor of Jade was sitting beside Yu Duxiu, looking at the battlefield with his eyes, holding a wine glass in his hand, and drank the wine with a taste.

Yu Duxiu looked at the battlefield, and after a while she retracted her gaze and closed her eyes, silently comprehending God's will like a sword.

"You are saying something, you know cultivation all day long." The old jade ancestor pulled Yu Duxiu's sleeve.

"The Primordial King is indeed good, and may be able to create a great cause in the future, but it is a pity" Yu Duxiu still closed his eyes.

"What a pity?" Taishi taught the ancestors.

Yu Duxiu didn’t say much. At the beginning of the race war, everyone still watched it with interest and interest, but after watching it for decades, it was just like that. The wood green bamboo and the clear water Taoist people have already proved that there is no need for Yu Duxiu to pay attention. Seeing boringly, Yu Duxiu simply closed his eyes, and then silently comprehended God's will like a sword.

Yu Duxiu has been thoroughly analyzed and understood. What we have to do now is to decipher and master God’s will like a sword. Compared with the master plan of Wan Xuan, Yu Duxiu feels that the power of God’s will like a sword is even more powerful, covering the world. The operation, arrangement, combination, derivation, annihilation, etc. of all the laws in the middle of the world, if it is not for the deduction of the Hongmeng Ziqi, and the small world of its own, you can always compare it with the small world. Yu Duxiu is an absolute reference Can't realize that the will of heaven is like a sword.

This supernatural power is too defying, and even Yu Duxiu doesn't know how to describe it.

The more the last two levels, Yu Duxiu felt that the difficulty should be ten million times higher than before.

If it is said that the first seven layers of the heavens are related to the analysis of all the laws of the heavens, then the eighth achievement is about the law of birth and death, the ninth layer is the combination of laws, and the tenth layer is the operation after the combination of laws. , The end of supernatural powers.

"In fact, the highest level of God's Will, like a sword, is to transform into a heavenly way, to promote the general trend of the world, and to kill all the rebellious things of the heavens." Yu Duxiu was silent.

The mighty power of this heavenly sword is too against the heavens. If you want to replace the heavens and the earth, and replace the invincible power of the heavens and the earth, that is the power that even the ancestor dragon can kill, taking the heavens and the earth on their own. Will it be bombarded by heaven and earth as scum.

Looking at the contemplative Yu Duxiu, the old jade ancestor suddenly felt bored, turned and walked out of the hall: "It's really boring, it's all a group of cultivators, no one plays with me."

"Heaven's Will is Like a Knife" Yu Duxiu slowly stroking the Three Treasure Ruyi in his hands, and he merged into the Three Treasure Ruyi's three thousand chaotic primordial spirits, and began to simulate Yu Duxiu's analysis of the heavens like a sword in the three thousand chaos. I saw that In the chaos, the world opens up instantly, thousands of laws are derived, and three thousand worlds analyze the laws at the same time, which is equivalent to Yu Duxiu's opening three thousand plug-ins, constantly analyzing the powers and mysteries of the laws.

If it is to let people know the power of the law and the power of the world, they can still comprehend in this way, I am afraid that Yu Duxiu will become the public enemy of the heavens and the world, and the three treasures in his hand will attract everyone to desperately snatch.

"The heavens are mighty, my way is prosperous" Yu Duxiu's eyes flashed with jade-colored discs.

In fact, it is not only the human race's Tianjiao who have come out in large numbers, there are far more Tianjiao in the wild than the human race.

The energy of the heavens and the earth moved and flowed into the wild. Although it is said that Yu Duxiu has taken away a part of the black and yellow energy, there is definitely a lot left. I don't know that it was taken away by those with great luck in the wild.

Coupled with the rolling up of race wars, the air luck between heaven and earth has been reshuffled and the distribution of air luck between heaven and earth has been barren in the past. Now after winning part of the air luck in the middle area, the various Tianjiao bosses have broken through, as if they were Bamboo shoots have sprung up after the rain, one after another.

All the demon gods are looking at the battlefield below, and the trapped beasts of the human race are still fighting. If they are standing in the starry sky, the human race is like a big cake divided into nine pieces. Around the cake, there are densely packed ants, constantly facing each other. A piece of cake that has lost its protective power is bitten and swallowed.

"How much is the human luck consumed now?" The wolf **** said with faint eyes.

"It only consumes 20%. If I want to occupy the Terran territory effortlessly, I must consume at least 60% of the human luck. That is truly foolproof." Fox God said.

"Don't worry, only thirty years have passed. I was already prepared for a long battle, but I never thought that it was unexpected. The battle was fought, and it was a far cry from the ancient times." Xiang Shen said bored.

After hearing the words of the elephant god, a strange color flashed in everyone's eyes, but they didn't say much, and then turned and looked at the battlefield.

The rise of Tianjiao of Human Race is not bad here, even better than Human Race.

Looking at the endless innate immortal bodies in the field, the faces of the demons and gods were filled with gratified smiles.

Now it is with this opportunity that the younger generations in the family have made breakthroughs.

"This is the real big fight. It used to be just children playing house," E Shenman said casually.

In the Dragon Palace of the Four Seas, the aquatic army gathered quietly in the dark.

"Pay attention to concealment, and don't let Hanyan, the human race, and the monster race show our traces," Donghai Longjun Qian urged.

Jinlin said: "Big Brother, what if Han Yan stabbed us in the back?".

Donghai Longjun sneered when he heard the words: "Don't be afraid, there are strong Yin Division to help us contain the cold, no worries."


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