The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1813: Goodbye Saint Infant, Shameless Jade Patriarch

Thirty years later, another thirty years have passed. How many thirty years are there in life? .

Time is long, ten thirty years later, three hundred years are just a matter of seconds.

Among the three thousand chaos, the ten thousand laws instantly converged and dissipated, and the three thousand chaos returned to the chaos again. However, the three thousand chaos at this time seemed to be different from the previous ones, with a mysterious fluctuation.

Yu Duxiu's eyes were open, and the corners of her mouth were smiling. Since Yu Duxiu's reincarnation, she has rarely seen Yu Duxiu's smile from the heart.



There was a burst of laughter in the distance, followed by the angrily voice of the ancestor Jade: "Little bastard, you dare to burn my ancestor my hair! You dare to pull my ancestor by my ears, ancestor I will never end with you".

"What is the jade ancestor doing?" Listening to the roar of the jade ancestor, Yu Duxiu's heart moved. It is obviously a big loss to make the jade ancestor hoarse.

Walking out of the hall and looking at the square, the jade ancestor was rolling and tearing on the ground with a five or six-year-old baby.

"This old thing is too bleak, and actually with a,,,,,, Saint Infant?" Yu Duxiu was taken aback, the smile on her face solidified.

Yu Duxiu knew that Sheng Ying and Wen Yingji lived in a mountain mansion in the Great Wind Continent, but after returning from the reincarnation, they were uneasy and didn't know how to pass.

The old jade ancestor and the ancestor of the jade were torn together, the two of you pulled me, I pulled you, turned over and continued to pull, the ancestor of the jade flew out from time to time, and the burnt ancestor of the jade was dusty. But it can't destroy the real body of the jade ancestor.

"This is an old and disrespectful thing" Yu Duxiu said secretly.

"Huh! Hongjun, are you out of the gate?" The old jade ancestor flew up in an instant, threw off the holy infant, and came to Yu Duxiu.

"Whose child is this, why was you kidnapped and brought you" Yu Duxiu said, looking at Jade's ancestor.

"Hmph, all of you are busy cultivating. No one is playing with me. Patriarch, I went up the mountain to catch loach. I never thought I would meet this kid. This kid is so domineering. Patriarch I don’t know him if he doesn’t fight. Over the past few years, I have shown some friendship.” The old ancestor Jade said, he glanced at Yu Duxiu, and then looked at the holy infant: “Why are your two eyebrows so similar?”

"Old bastard, is this the helper you called?" The saint infant was wearing a red bellyband and staring at the old jade ancestor.

"You guys are the same, you have lived for millions of years, why go to provoke other people's little baby" Yu Duxiu glared at the old jade ancestor, and walked slowly to the holy infant, the holy infant was not afraid. A pair of eyes stared at Yu Duxiu, and inexplicably, he felt that the man in front of him was kind.

Yu Duxiu reached out and touched the holy infant's head. The holy infant seemed to be hiding, but after all, he held it back.

Yu Duxiu bent down and hugged the holy baby in his arms, looking at the jade ancestor.

"For the old and disrespectful things" Yu Duxiu glared at the ancestor of Jade.

"Miaoxiu, shouldn't this kid really be your seed? You have now gone to life and death, it should be impossible to leave a romantic debt." Jade ancestor stared at Yu Duxiu, it is rare to see Yu Duxiu. Now this loving expression, Yu Duxiu has always been a "light" in front of everyone before. It can be said that it will not change color when it comes to a landslide. But Yu Duxiu's expression is rare.

"How did this old thing offend you?" Yu Duxiu hugged the holy infant.

"This old **** always laughs at me, saying that I have never grown up, I just want to beat him, and he also said that I am a child without a father" Sheng Ying whispered.

Yu Duxiu was speechless and looked at the jade ancestor: "Old ancestor, is it interesting to bully a little baby?".

The old jade ancestor rubbed his hands and smiled embarrassingly: "Old ancestor, I am just idle and bored. It's interesting to see this kid, so I play with him every day, but this kid hates me and I can't help it. I can only irritate him every day. Fight with him".

Yu Duxiu was speechless to the old jade ancestor, and the old jade ancestor said: "This child has not grown at all for more than three hundred years, and his intelligence is also that way, but this child is strange and strange. This IQ is enough. , Should not suffer a big loss."

Yu Duxiu walked into the hall with the holy infant, and the ancestor of Jade followed closely behind.

"The ancestor knows the poison of time?" Yu Duxiu said.

"The poison of the years?" The old jade ancestor heard this and his eyes were taken aback: "You know! Are you talking about this kid?".

After speaking, the old jade ancestor stared at the holy infant carefully with a pair of eyes, and then said after a while: "It is really the poison of time."

"Is there a way to resolve it?" Yu Duxiu said.

The old jade ancestor scratched his head: "Weird."

"What's the matter?" Yu Duxiu asked in confusion.

"It's a sin. The poison of these years was when my ancestors killed the innate beast and the beast of time. The things left by the beast of time were used a little less in the world. I remember that in order to kill the ghost master, All the poison of time has penetrated into the main body of the ghost, this great world should be free of the poison of time, how can there be such a thing, if you don’t say it, I will have forgotten this." Holy Child, his eyes are full of blame.

"The time beast? The ghost master? The ghost master is in charge of the six reincarnations. Don't be afraid of the power of time," Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

"Yes, then the old thing forced out the power of time, and only the old immortal knows the whereabouts of the poison of time," the old jade ancestor muttered.

Yu Duxiu frowned, remembering that when Wen Yingji explained to herself, that was not what she said.

"Awesome! Awesome. The person who rescued back then was really amazing. He broke the power of the poison of time abruptly and melted the poison of time into this little baby's body, and then caused the little baby's magical powers to change, creating the fire of time. , Even if it’s a quasi immortal, you have to go around.” The old ancestor of Jade carefully looked at the holy infant at this time, and smashed his mouth.

"Come on, take this pill." Yu Duxiu took out a pill. Although the Holy Infant has been poisoned by the years, in theory, it is fine to live for a million years, but it is not immortal.

"Damn, isn't it really your bastard? This is the elixir of life! I want it too! I want it too".

The old jade ancestor hugged Yu Duxiu's thigh and climbed up along the thigh.

The little hand of the holy infant held the pill, Yu Duxiu embraced the holy infant with one hand, and pushed the old jade ancestor with the other: "You are already immortal, and this immortal medicine will ruin you."

"I don't care, I don't care, it is the immortal medicine, it contains immortal energy. As long as I refine the immortal energy, there will be a qualitative change. I don't care about it, I just want the immortal medicine. "The old jade ancestor hugged Yu Duxiu and refused to let go, and almost pulled off his pants.

"You bastard, let me go quickly." Yu Duxiufang put down the holy infant. The jade ancestor kicked his nose and face. At this time, he had climbed onto Yu Duxiu's neck, and his hands firmly hooked Yu Duxiu. Xiu's neck, hands wrapped around Yu Duxiu's waist, tearing constantly.

"You come down to me".

Yu Duxiu and the old jade ancestor pulled and pulled, and the two became a ball. The holy infant took a look, turned and ran toward the outside of the hall.

"Hey! Boy, don't run." When the old jade ancestor saw that the holy infant was about to run, he quickly released Yu Duxiu to chase him out, but Yu Duxiu grabbed his neck and said, "You come back to me".

"Let go of me, let me go, ancestor I hate someone pulling my neck like this. If your kid doesn't let go, ancestor I will turn my face." The ancestor of Jade was anxious, and he didn't even bother to take the magic medicine for immortality. No, my legs kicked in the air.

Yu Duxiu lightly presses to hold the jade ancestor: "Old ancestor, don't go there either."

"You kid, wouldn't that little thing really be your bastard, right?" Old Ancestor Jade stared at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes.

Yu Duxiu heard the words and nodded with a wry smile: "The ancestor is right."

"Oh, your kid has a lot of romantic debts." The old ancestor of Jade looked at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes, and his eyes rolled: "But it's a good thing that your children are prosperous. Normally powerful monks only have One child, you have so many, it is unexpected."

The ancestor of Jade opened Yu Duxiu's palm vigorously, panting.

ps: The students who made an advertisement for "The Soul of Eternal Battle" can just take a look.


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