The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1814: Grandpa takes you to fight monsters

For monks, children are not born as you want, but there is a price to have children.

From a certain point of view, Yu Duxiu can be regarded as a prosperous descendant.

Looking at the countless powers of the heavens and all realms, most of them are descendants. It is better than the Taishi taught that the ancestor has only one primitive heavenly king, the tiger **** has only the white tiger, and the Sihailong clan has only Ao Le. In general, the damage is enormous.

The first is luck. After a child is born, part of your luck will inevitably be divided.

Second, if your descendants are unworthy and do something that hurts the world, then this sin will also be counted as part of your head.

Third, it is still related to the problem of air luck. If there is only one offspring, then cultivate it carefully, and all the air luck will be blessed on it, and the growth will naturally be fast. If there are more children and grandchildren, various resources are not enough, and there is no way to take care of it. Unfair allocation of resources and brothers’ rebelliousness are also common, and they are unconscious.

Yu Duxiu looked at the old jade ancestor with a pair of eyes, blocking this old boy, and would never give this old boy a chance to run out to grab the elixir of life.

Let's say that the holy infant took the medicine and turned back all the way, not long after he returned to his own cave.

"Mother Queen" Sheng Ying called.

I saw a middle-aged woman walk out with a trace of white hair on her head: "Holy Infant, where have you been to play, why don't you say hello to your mother".

The Holy Infant rushed into the woman's arms after hearing the words, offering treasures, took out the pill in his hand, and couldn't help but stuffed it into Wen Yingji's mouth.

"What is this?" Wen Yingji wanted to dodge, but he couldn't avoid the movements of the Holy Child. The elixir of immortality melted into his body instantly, and he saw that Wen Yingji's skin instantly returned to youth and his gray hair faded. In a flash, the 28th year was restored.

"Holy Baby! What is this?" Wen Yingji was taken aback after feeling the changes in his own home.

"I heard people say what the elixir of immortality is. I met a man just now and gave me a pill. The jade spirit wanted to **** it. He was yelling about the elixir of immortality. The child wanted his mother to be killed by the green bear. My grandma was wounded and injured the origin, so she ran back and gave the medicine to her mother. Now it seems that it is true. It is indeed the elixir of eternal life. I have long heard of the name of elixir of eternal life, but now I finally saw it." Sheng Ying's face was full of triumph.

"Your child" Wen Yingji's expression suddenly changed when he heard the words, he wanted to use his mana to force the power of the magical medicine of immortality, but this magical medicine of immortality was such a magical medicine, how could it be the same as an ordinary pill.

"Why don't you take this pill by yourself? The mother's cultivation is so low, you are still young and you have a lot of time" Wen Yingji looked at the holy infant with no expression in his eyes, tears bursting.

"Mother, don't cry, don't cry, we mother and child depend on each other for life, if you die, how can I live alone, if you die, it's better to die together" The Saint Infant wiped the tears on Wen Yingji's face and said "I’m growing slowly now, but I hope to grow up. If I take this medicine for immortality, wouldn’t it mean I won’t grow up in my life."

"You" Wen Yingji held the holy infant in his arms: "Mother has nothing now, only you. Don't leave your mother."

"Mother, don't worry, the child will definitely not leave the mother," Sheng Ying promised, patting his chest.

"By the way, let's not see my aunt" Sheng Ying said: "It has been closed for hundreds of years, but I haven't seen it."

Wen Yingji sighed softly when he heard the words, and did not speak, but just put the Holy Infant in his arms.

On the second day, Yu Duxiu estimated that the holy infant had swallowed the pill, and it was almost digested. He loosened the old jade ancestor, and the old jade ancestor turned angrily and ran towards the outside of the mountain. The old jade ancestor pulled the holy infant, and the two of them tugged and kept beating, "Boy Hongjun, is your pill a fake? Why don't you see any changes in this kid? There is no medicinal power in the body?" .

The old jade ancestor mumbled.

Yu Duxiu was taken aback upon hearing the words: "Impossible."

While talking, the holy infant and the jade ancestor came to the main hall. At this time, the jade ancestor was disheveled, and the holy infant was also dressed in embarrassment. Yu Duxiu looked at the holy infant with a pair of eyes, and then frowned: "Na Dan Didn't you take the medicine?".

The Holy Baby heard the words and let go of the jade ancestor, and stubbornly glanced at Yu Duxiu: "Give it to my mother. My mother was injured by the green bear grandma and damaged her origin, damaged her mana, and has a life span of more than ten years. , My mother is about to die, since you gave me the pill, then I will naturally handle it."

Yu Duxiu frowned upon hearing this: "Who is Grandma Qingxiong?".

Grandma Green Bear is not a blue bear, but the relative grandmother of Green Bear, that is, grandmother, who is actually a spider spirit.

In the animal world, you will never understand the all kinds of weird bends in it.

Hundreds of years ago, Yu Duxiu was walking the road to heaven. At that time, Wen Yingji had actually been injured by Grandma Qingxiong. The reason why Sheng Ying wanted to refine the magic medicine for immortality was precisely for Wen Yingji.

"What a little demon, I dare to bully you. When Wang Daoling and Old Ancestor Zhu Ba come back, they must collect the Grandma Green Bear for you." Old Ancestor Jade was furious.

"The Green Bear Grandma is not an ordinary monk, but a quasi-demon god. If it weren't for my unique flame, I'm afraid my mother and son have already been poisoned." The Saint Infant rubbed his nose.

Yu Duxiu sighed softly when she heard the words, her eyebrows were soothing, and she rubbed Sheng Ying's head: "It's considered sensible, and obeys filial piety."

"The elixir of immortality, that is a pill of immortality" Ancestor Jade's eyes were full of heartache: "How good is this elixir of immortality for me? This **** grandma, the ancestor, I must It cramps and peels off the skin, frustrating bones and raising ashes."

As he said, the aroma of the pill filled once again, only to see that Yu Duxiu took out a golden pill again in his hand, and an immortal aura filled him. Looking at the pill, the jade ancestor suddenly straightened his eyes.

Yu Duxiu has only two sons. The eldest son Dapeng is an innate **** and has an endless life span. With the current body to take care of him, his life is nourished, but this younger son has suffered a little bit. Yu Duxiu has always felt guilty about the poison, but at that time the big plan was not completed, so she had to ignore it. Now that the road to the sky is over, I want to go to the door, but I don’t know how to talk about it. When they met, the knot in Yu Duxiu's heart was solved.

The ancestor of the jade stone stared at the magical medicine of immortality, and watched the magical medicine of eternal life was stuffed into the mouth of the holy infant, and then erupted with a cry of wolf and ghost: "Hongjun, you are killed by God. Yes, the love between our brothers is stronger than Jin, this kid has ruined two pills, can't you give me one?".

Yu Duxiu looked at the pitiful eyes of the jade ancestor, and she was speechless. It was strange to say that, why did she live together for tens of thousands of years, and how did she feel like a bear child? .

"Here you are, take it."

A pill of immortality pops out from Yu Duxiu's hand, and it instantly falls into the mouth of the old jade ancestor.


The old jade ancestor still wanted to talk, and subconsciously swallowed the pill.

"The medicine for immortality?" The old ancestor of Jade felt the power of the medicine in his body, his face was full of intoxication, and he said after a while: "It is indeed the medicine for the immortality, it is really effective. Hongjun, we are really good brothers. , I will worship you later."

Yu Duxiu rolled her eyes, holding the Holy Infant in her arms and looking at the old jade ancestor and said, "Forget it, I don't want to have such an inconsistent brother like you."

"Fuck, ancestor, I have lived for millions of years, it should be the eldest brother." Jade ancestor stared at Yu Duxiu: "You actually want to take advantage of my ancestor."

"If everything in this world is based on age, what energy do you have to cultivate? Whoever lives for a long time will be immortal and immortal." Yu Duxiu is not salty or indifferent, and the jade ancestor at the top rolls his eyes. "Forget it, ancestor, I just took advantage of you. I don't care about you. Don't worry, grandma Qingxiong, I will have to cramp and smash my bones."

The old jade ancestor was holding a package ticket, looking at the holy infant, and pulling out from Yu Duxiu's arms: "Go, grandpa will lead you to revenge."

ps: Make an advertisement "The Immortal Chaos", you can go to meow a few eyes.


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