The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1815: Cheating banner

Seeing the old jade ancestor dragging the holy infant away, Yu Duxiu carried her hands and looked into the distance. No matter what the grandma Qingxiong had, what the **** did she have, since the unlucky ghost came to the door in person, this beast's life is not It will be too good.

At this moment, there was a shocking change in the wild, and Yu Duxiu's eyes showed a sneer: "It deserves it, asking you to completely drive my soul out of the demon flag. Now you are in trouble, right? ".

In the wild, the fox **** stood there with a gloomy face holding a demon banner in his hand, and all the monster gods were suppressed to the extreme at this time.

"If you want to resurrect the monster beast again, you need energy, mana, massive energy, and massive mana" The Fox God's expression changed wildly.

"Why is this?" Tiger God asked the Fox God, his eyes filled with puzzlement.

"I don't know either" Fox God muttered to himself, his eyes lost.

"This treasure was sacrificed by you, you actually said that you don't know?" The elephant **** was also angry. You actually said this at a critical moment like the race war.

"This treasure was not made by me. It was made by Hongjun. When I saw Hongjun refining the Conferred God List, I plundered it into the wilderness, and wanted him to hand over the method to sacrifice the Conferred God List, Na Hongjun Didn’t you watch the demon banner that guided me to refine? There is nothing unusual at all.”

After being silent for a while, the Fox God opened his mouth and looked at the monster gods in the field, feeling aggrieved. At the time, everyone was practicing together, and it was not my own business. Didn't you find any problems?

"Why didn't you say it earlier! You know that Hongjun is as cunning as a ghost, and it's not credible at all." The wolf god's eyes flickered with cold light.

"Now the demon beasts still have the power to control the monster beasts, but if it is said that the large-scale resurrection of the beasts, it will not be possible at all, unless there is a massive supply of mana, and now the race war is in sight, once the mana is consumed Exhausted, how could the Human Race miss this opportunity, and will definitely take the opportunity to counterattack." The Fox God took a deep breath, his fingers holding the crisp gourd, a little white.

Hongjun didn't explain to himself about such a big flaw in recruiting demon banners, obviously hiding a hand.

What is trouble? Now it's called the real trouble.

Race wars have been going on for hundreds of years. Now you suddenly tell me that monsters cannot be resurrected. Isn't this cheating? .

"What to do? Get a charter now!" The wolf god's eyes flickered, and his eyes were full of calm and composure: "It is important to know that the large-scale resurrection of the demon banner requires mana consumption, but I don't know how the human race's entrusted list is."

"Feng Shen Bang should have this kind of drawback, right?" Fox God was not sure after hearing this.

"It can't be delayed. If you drag it on, the loss will be too great. Even if you occupy the middle area, your strength will be greatly weakened. Now it is time to end this battle." The wolf **** looked faintly.

"Decisive battle?" Fox God murmured.

"A decisive battle!" In the eyes of the Tiger God, he was full of decisiveness and determination: "There must be a decisive battle. If I don't have a decisive battle, I am afraid that I will completely lose this opportunity."

Race wars, at this point, it’s impossible to give up. Although I don’t know how the human race is today, whether the Conferred God List is like a demon banner in the wild, requiring a massive supply of mana, but anyway , Recklessness occupies an absolute advantage in high-end combat power.

What really determines the strength of the race is not the masses, it is not the quantity, but the high-end combat power, although the low-end combat power is still not to be underestimated.

"What happened to Manghuang?" Taiping Teacher Ancestor looked at Manghuang's direction with a strange light in his eyes.

"The offensive of the wild monster beast seems to be much weaker." Tai Yi taught the ancestor to play with the turtle shell.

"How about the Star Dou Great Array?" Taishi taught the ancestor.

The ancestor of Tai Dou Jiao turned his eyes: "It's almost there, you said, what if we old guys joined the Zhou Tianchen battle and had a fight with those countless beasts?".

"You can try it. This seat is quite confident in this great array of stars and stars, and it may not be impossible to defeat it." Taishi Jiaozu had a smile on his face.

"What a rich calamity, why is the calamity suddenly so rich" Yu Duxiu's eyes were full of incomprehension at this time.

In the battlefield of the two races of humans and monsters, the calamity of the race war unexpectedly began to explode in an instant, showing an explosive growth in a geometric manner.

"It's unscientific." A jade-colored disc was flowing in Yu Duxiu's eyes.

"Brother, there is something wrong with this atmosphere." In the battlefield where the two clans were fighting, the two best masters, Old Ancestor Zhu Ba and Wang Daoling, looked at the battle in the field and felt something was wrong in the atmosphere.

"Damn, big brother, look, all the old guys in the wild have come out".

Wang Daoling yelled while pulling his neck. At this moment, the two of them were hiding in the mountains, their eyes looked towards the wildness, and they saw all the tyrannical auras rising into the sky, both of them were quasi-superpowers. They joined the battlefield one after another, and instantly did not know how many monks had killed them.

"Damn it, isn't it a big battle between the two sides? Let's go back quickly. If you are involved in a race war, you will have to peel the skin if you die." The eighth ancestor Zhu suddenly shivered, and started to pull Wang Daoling. Running back, it’s not that the eighth ancestor Zhu is afraid of death, but that it’s too evil recently, not an ordinary evil. In these hundreds of years, since I worshiped the jade ancestor, I was in bad luck every day. At that time, Yu Duxiu had just thrown into the battlefield, and instantly fell next to the demon beast Tianjiao who had come out of the reckless young generation to experience it. In order to avoid the demon god's attention, the two had to pretend to be dead.

However, before he was finished pretending to be dead, the human race actually came to ruthless people, overwhelming them, and directly divided the pigs into the body. He didn't even have time to hum, but fortunately, the pigs have recently certified. No supreme fruit status, otherwise it might be how you died this time.

But this is not over yet. Every time on the battlefield, the countless monsters don’t know why, they just look at the pig eight ancestors. Not only the monsters, even the monks of the human race, the heavenly soldiers, and the generals also look at the pigs. The eight ancestors are not pleasing to the eye, and this servant is angry at both ends.

In the end, there was no way, the two of them ran into the mountains, sap secretly, and slapped the black hands, and finally found a little bit cheaper.

Seeing that things were not going well, the supreme powerhouse in the wild joined the battlefield, the ancestor Zhu Ba suddenly panicked, pulling Wang Daoling and Sa Yazi began to run, and came to Dafengzhou after leaving the wild. When I arrived at Dafengzhou, I ran into the oncoming jade ancestor and the holy infant.

"Hey hey, what are you two guys running?" The old ancestor Jade stretched out his hand, and instantly grabbed the two of them.

"Old ancestor, are you down the mountain?" Old ancestor Zhu Ba gave a flattering smile.

"Come on, I've seen your little master." Old Ancestor Zhu Ba didn't say much, and he directly dragged Old Ancestor Zhu Ba and said to the holy infant: "Have you seen this idiot? In the future, if you meet this idiot, what can you do? Hello, if he dares not agree, let me clean him up."

"Pig Bajie?" Sheng Ying looked at the simple and obese man in front of him, suddenly startled.

"Holy King King? How did you come here? How did you meet?" Old Ancestor Pig was suddenly shocked, looking at the crocheted shoulders, like the jade ancestor and the holy infant wearing a pair of pants. Suddenly shocked, cold sweat came out behind him.

Old ancestor Zhu Ba came to Jade Patriarch and whispered: "Old ancestor, you are an enemy who found me there again. I wanted to **** my master to the ~ This Holy Infant King blocked the way and wanted to eat my master. He formed a beam. We are not in the same group with him."

Old Ancestor Jade slapped the palm of Old Ancestor Zhu Ba, and hummed unhurriedly. The sound was like a mosquito and fell into Old Ancestor Zhu Ba’s ears: "Ancestor, I am giving you a chance. This kid is Your master’s illegitimate son was fed two pills of the elixir of life by your master. The baby is very good.”

"Huh?" The ancestor Zhu Ba was taken aback when he heard the words, his eyes turned red, and then he rushed to the Saint Infant's body: "Ouch, my little ancestor, if you have anything to do, just say hello, back then Don’t blame me for the matter, it’s my brother Na Bi Ma Wen who embarrassed you. If you meet Na Bi Ma Wen in the future, I will teach him for you."

"Hey" Looking at the flattering pig eight ancestor, the jade ancestor instantly felt like a person in my generation.

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