The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1817: Great Array of Heaven and Stars

   "These beasts are real." The ancestors of the human race looked at the Taoist innate immortal real body rising into the sky from afar, their divine light flashed, and their faces were serious.

"Well, give these beasts a lesson, let them know that my human race can't be deceived, and let them know why my human race has nine ancestors, and the rest of the races can only be four." Tai Yi Jiaozu looked at the world, and his eyes flashed with meaning. The color.

After speaking, I saw that Tai Dou Jiaozu laughed wildly: "Hahaha, come on, come on, let you beasts know how powerful my human race is today."

After speaking, countless stars burst out from Tai Dou Jiaozu's body, and Hong Zhongzhi sounded: "The great array of heavens and stars, get up!".

In an instant, countless stars fell from the starry sky, and countless stars descended in the sky, instantly catering to the star gods. At this time, the five emperors and five emperors returned to their thrones, and all the ancestors also stepped into the big array. The stars in the sky cater to and summon the power of the stars.




The oldest three hundred and sixty-five stars were shining brightly at this time, and they actually slowly departed from the original trajectory from the starry sky and descended towards the human race.

"Those three hundred and sixty-five ancient stars have moved their tracks" a quasi fairy exclaimed.

"It's not that the ancient stars moved, but the projection of the ancient stars descended. It is really terrifying. I have never heard of such a terrifying power, and actually summoned the ancient stars as if they were physical" Fox God in the wild The pupils dilated in an instant, and a touch of horror leaked out of his eyes: "What kind of ghost is this Human Race? Could it be some assassin?"

"What a terrifying power" Xiangshen's expression became solemn: "How come the human race has such a thing, this is not,,,, practice (science.

"What a powerful aura, what are the eight old things of the Human Race messing up with?" Among the four seas, the Dragon King of the Four Seas was full of amazement. The Human Race is worthy of being the first race of the heavens and the world, and there is still such a powerful trump card that has not been displayed. , Even before, there was no trace at all in the heavens and myriad realms. The old guys of this human race were going against the sky.

When the race demon **** ordered the decisive battle horn to be sounded, when they saw the thousands of stars in the void glowing with divine light, and the endless star projection summoned down, all the demon gods knew that this time it was troublesome. The tough fight is to be carried.


The fox **** inserted the demon banner on the stage of worship, and looked at the starry sky of the human race with a pair of eyes: "All fellow daoists, may you see this great mystery?".

Everyone shook their heads when they heard the words. Those three hundred and sixty-five ancient stars covered the world, the void was distorted, and the space was fascinated. Time and space seemed to be distorted at this time, covering the entire human race, and the countless heavenly soldiers and heavens would turn into streamers and disappear into the void. When the human race’s Zhoutian star formation was arranged, all the monks returned to their sects, and all the human warriors returned to the Kyushu. This is a battle between the high-end human power and the wild , This battle will determine the universe.

"The heavens and stars rise up."

With a cry of peace, the human Kyushu slowly wiped away from the world, and only a starry sky replaced Kyushu.

The wild demon **** was shocked at this time, the human race, the star fighting weapon of the heavens, had no signs before.


"Disciple is" the matchmaker respectfully approached.

"This demon banner is in your hands. You are responsible for controlling the battlefield situation in my wild and wilderness. This seat and the demon gods will join hands with the so-called star battle formation of the human race for a while." Fox God The eyes flickered.

"Humans are here prepared this time, and if they want to capture Kyushu, I'm afraid it will not be easy." The tiger expression was solemn.

"I can't manage that much. Even if the sky is torn apart today, I will break this great array of heavens and stars." The Bull God said a little impatiently.

"Let's take a look at the mystery of this big formation first" Wolf Shendao.

"What kind of formation is this, it can actually summon the 60% power of the Primordial Stars, which is simply against the sky, the 60% power of the 365 Primordial Stars, can we really break this big formation?" After watching the big formation for a long time, the fox **** suddenly screamed. After all, he was a strong person who had escaped the realm, and he saw some clues about the big formation.

"Quickly, quickly retreat, don't let all the younger generations rush into it meaninglessly and die, this **** big formation is absolutely absolutely nothing," the fox said angrily.

All the demon gods are dignified when they hear this. Look at me and me, and I see you, with a pair of eyes looking at the heavens and stars. Now there are two questions in front of the demon gods. Can you break the big picture? Array, or whether this kind of clan war should continue.

"Never give up" Eshen's voice is dull and resolute: "Never give up, I have been preparing for a race war for millions of years, and I must never fail."

"Yes, we are all immortal and powerful, we can destroy all the magic with one force, and let the opponent's formation be weird, but as long as we attack together, we can finally break this formation." The Bull God's voice is calm and firm. , Like an old cow, steady and never flinching, the previous impatience has disappeared completely.

In the Dragon Palace of the Four Seas, the Dragon Lords looked at the formation and looked at each other. Donghai Dragon Lord looked at Jinlin: "The virtuous brother has always had a lot of knowledge, may he see a little mysteriousness of this formation?".

Jinlin heard that a strange color flashed in his eyes: "How does this formation seem to have traces of the strange gate formation passed down by Miao Xiu back then? It seems to have evolved from the strange formation passed down by Miao Xiu back then, but The power of the strange formation has already emerged."

"How do you do now? The ghost master of Yinsi asked us to attack the wild land and create opportunities for the ghost master. Now it seems that this is a tough battle. It is hard to say who will win or lose. Should we continue to mix in?" Nanhai Longjun Wrong palm.

After listening to Nanhai Longjun, everyone looks at me, I look at you, Donghai Longjun said: "It is a must to send troops, and the ghost master will never give up, as long as the demon banner is broken, our plan is even finished".

"Since the eldest brother sent troops and threw up the army, it might not be worth it just to destroy the demon banners."

"What does Xian brother mean?" Donghai Longjun was taken aback.

Nanhai Longjun smiled: "After all, the human race has eight ancestors working together. If this middle domain falls into the hands of the human race, my dragon race has no chance at all. Instead, it will fall into the hands of the monsters and gods. Once the monsters and gods seize After the Central Territory, the alliance collapsed instantly, and each division of the territory must be restored to a state of chaos. At that time, with the power of the Four Seas Dragon Clan, it will be enough to bite off the cake of the Central Territory. We must know that we have five supreme powers. ".

"It's reasonable to say that if the monster can't break the formation, we still have to help it. After all, we are now completely torn from the human race, if it is to let the human race I am afraid that there is no good fruit for my dragon clan," Beihai Longjun said in agreement.

"If that's the case, then prepare to send troops." Donghai Longjun was suddenly shocked.

At this moment, the heavens and worlds are paying attention to the human race's midfield. This battle will determine the new pattern of the heavens and worlds in the future, whether the human race will continue to monopolize the midfield and enjoy the fortune of the world, or the wild monsters and gods. Replace it.

In the Yinsi Difu, the ghost master was suddenly shocked after seeing the great formation of the heavens and stars: "I didn't expect that the Human Race actually has this kind of trump card."

"What do you do now?" Prince Yin Si said.

"The stronger the human race, the better. Once the demon gods fall into that battle and are entangled by the human race, we have enough time to destroy the demon banner. This time the monster race is dead." The ghost master's eyes flickered coldly: " Point soldiers, gather generals, and the victory or defeat is now."

In Dafengzhou, Yu Duxiu looked at the spider spirit, really a wise man, and instantly chose to melt the black lotus.

Seeing the spider spirit leading the Holy Infant out of the hall with a drooping mind, the old jade ancestor was about to take credit for a show, but the next moment he saw the old jade ancestor change color suddenly, Yu Duxiu also looked into the void suddenly.

"What's the matter?" Chaotian and Fuyao, two drunk people who were dreaming of death, woke up one after another. A few breaths had already arrived at the hall. A pair of eyes looked at the human Kyushu in amazement, and looked at the projection of the immigrant stars, and suddenly Yahuazi Somewhat cold.


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