The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1818: Sacrificial formation

"These old guys are tinkering with something, and the stars have all lowered their projections. This is not an ordinary star, but an ancient star." He took a breath of air from the sky.

"Zhou Tian's star formation, some meaning," Yu Duxiu said to herself.

"You kid created the way of formation, see what the mystery of the things these old guys tinkered with?" Fu Yao looked at Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu was silent for a while, and then she said: "Unbelievable, simply unbelievable. Although such a great formation is not as good as my heavenly star battle formation, it can be regarded as against the sky. If the Tianxingdou Grand Array is spread out, it can summon the power of eight or nine points of the Primordial Stars. Although the Heavenly Stars Array can only summon the sixth power of the Primordial Stars this week, it is already quite rare."

Yu Duxiu said it nicely, but everyone knows that every difference between five points and five points is a huge difference.

"You kid actually still has Zhou Tian Xing Dou Grand Formation that can summon, the eighty or nine-point power of the Taigu Stars is simply too bad for the sky. Pass this great formation to me quickly, and pass it to me." Looking at Yu Duxiu, his eyes were full of longing.

The old jade ancestor is greedy and wants to see all good things, otherwise it would not cause such a big trouble in the ancient times. All the supreme powerhouses of the heavens and the world will join hands to entrap it. .

Like to eat tiger whip, he went to cut the tiger whip of the tiger god.

Like to eat lion heads, he chopped off the head of the lion **** again and again. If he liked the armor, he plucked the crocodile skin of the **** E. If he liked the coat of the fox, he plucked the hair of the fox god.

This guy is too lawless, it's almost arbitrary, I have a big fist, I have the final say.

A slap pushed the jade ancestor aside, Yu Duxiu walked out of the palace slowly, looking at the human race Kyushu that seemed to have turned into a sea of ​​stars, frowning: "No wonder the power of the heaven and the earth has been soaring."

"How will the human race and the monster race win or lose?" Tai Su came to Yu Duxiu.

"It's hard to say, it's about five or five," Yu Duxiu said.

"No, there are a few more demon gods than the ancestors," said Chaotian, staring.

"That is the ancient stars. Three hundred and sixty-five ancient stars have fixed the starry sky. They represent the movement of all things in the heavens and the earth. They represent the law of'heaven.' They mobilize 60% of the power of the three hundred and sixty-five ancient stars. It's terrifying." Yu Duxiu's heart trembled after thinking about it.

Three hundred and sixty-five Primordial stars are equal to half of the starry sky as an enemy, even the supreme powerhouse is not enough.

"Is it really that abnormal?" Fu Yao didn't believe it.

"Look at it, maybe the demon gods will still be defeated. What is the power of the formation, do you really understand?" Yu Duxiu turned his head and looked at several people.

The power of the formation? .

Although everyone has a concept on this question, they may not really know what the power of the formation represents.

"The creation of the heaven and the earth, the movement of the formation method represents the power of the heaven and the earth. Being an enemy of the formation method is equivalent to being an enemy of the heaven and the earth. Back then, the Ancestral Dragon was buried under the unmatched power of the heaven and the earth, let alone these demon gods?" A touch of admiration appeared in Yu Duxiu's eyes: "The wisdom of these old guys is really not covered."

"How to break through the star battle array?" Chaotian asked a very crucial question.

Yu Duxiu heard the words and was silent for a while: "This big star battle array is basically unsolvable. There are two ways to crack the big star battle array. The first is to separate the ancestors from the ancient stars. The induction of the big array was naturally cracked."

"What about another method?" The Jade Ancestor couldn't wait to say.

"Forcibly blasted open, this heavenly star battle array is a perfect array, it is too difficult to break open."

Yu Duxiu's words were full of emotion. Note that Yu Duxiu was talking about her own Zhoutian Star Array, not the Star Array.

"It's a perverted formation. After you created the Qimen formation, you have changed the pattern of the world and the judgment of the strength of combat power." Fuyao sighed with emotion.

Formation is leverage. People stand at one end of the lever to move the power of heaven and earth for their own use. With leverage, the power of a person can be infinitely amplified.

"Hahaha, wild beast, the star battle array of my human race has been laid out, if you have the courage, just go ahead." Taishijiaozu laughed, and his voice shook wildly.

"Let's go, let's observe and think about the method to break the formation." The Fox God took the lead, and the demon gods followed behind, and followed the Fox God to the border of the monsters. Looking at the formation, everyone lined up.

Looking at the mighty nebula, at a glance, it is as if it is an infinite universe. You can't see the edge at all, and even everyone can't see the enemy in the infinite universe, only the mighty star field. Circling constantly.

The three hundred and sixty-five Primordial stars have turned into three hundred and sixty-five star fields at this time. Each star field contains unparalleled power. The demon gods felt that if one of these star fields burst out, Enough to destroy the human race Kyushu.

You can't see where the ancestors are, and you can't see where the star gods are. All you can see is the mighty starry sky.

"How to break?" The demon gods looked at the fox god.

"Why don't you go find a quasi-monster **** first?" Wolf God said.


All the demon gods nodded together. I don't know which quasi demon **** of the race came up in the wild. Looking at the mighty star field, I only felt that their calves were shaking, but they had no choice. Can only slowly tentatively walked into the formation.


The quasi-demon-god had just stepped into the formation, but saw a star in the sky swiftly smashed into it. The quasi-demon-god’s golden light circulated around his body, and the supreme real body was revealed, transformed into a lizard, and instantly penetrated the star.


The stars exploded, and countless fragments turned into meteors and rolled in all directions.

"Nothing?" The quasi-monster stood in the starry sky, looking at the broken stars, and his mood slowly eased.

"Be careful" E Shen shouted.

It's just that this sound has just been submerged in the big formation, disappearing and being absorbed by the big formation, the lizard can't hear it at all.


A loud sound sounded, thousands of fragmented meteors flickered, spinning in an instant, constantly absorbing the power of the starry sky, within a few breaths, the billions of fragments turned into hundreds of millions of planets, annihilating the lizard, and disappearing.

"Do you see anything?" Tiger God scratched his chin.

"It seems that some aspects are the laws of the great explosion, but they are not the same. If we go in, we will inevitably be attacked by countless stars. What do you think we should do? Smash this star or seal this star?" Fox God said helplessly.

"The seal seems impractical. Look at those three hundred and sixty-five galaxies. The stars are more than billions. How can the seal be obtained?" The Bull God said helplessly.

"Then it's broken?" Elephant Shinto.

"Broken? Wouldn't it be that countless galaxies pile up to death, a star turned into a galaxy, if it keeps breaking down, after all, one day, we will all die in it" Wolf God said.

"Try to find a quasi-demon god, and see what effect it will have after sealing the star," the fox **** said wisely.

Another quasi-demon-god was selected. This is a quasi-demon-god of the cattle race. He respectfully salutes the cattle: "Ancestor".

"Go in, you are a quasi-superpower, you can't die, we can finally break through the big formation and save you out," the God of Bull comforted.

"Yes." The quasi-demon **** of the cow race stepped into the starry sky, and really received the same treatment, and instantly a star traversed its orbit from afar and came to suppress the quasi-demon god.


The quasi-demon **** of the cattle tribe turned into a The magic seals in his hands continued to circulate, and the overwhelming runes flowed by, and the next moment the star was actually resisted by the quasi-demon god.

"It's worthy of being the quasi-monster **** of the cattle clan, so powerful." The wolf **** praised.

"I don't know what will happen next" Ji Shendao.


When the chicken god’s words fell, the star that was resisted by the quasi-demon **** of the cow tribe exploded by itself instantly, and the golden body of the quasi-demon **** of the cow tribe was shattered. The demon **** got involved.

"It's shameless, obviously I didn't do anything to destroy it, I actually exploded it by myself," the wolf **** said for a long time, not knowing what to say.


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