The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1830: Open up wasteland

"The demon banners now only have the ability to summon the demon races, and the demon races above the good fortune can be out of the control of the demon banners. Today's demon banners have been abolished by the ghost master." The fox **** was speechless, watching with a pair of eyes. The demon gods stretched out their palms, but they saw the beckoning banners unfolding, and everyone looked at the beckoning banners with unsteady expressions. Fastest update

   In the future, the descendants of their own race will be controlled by others, and it is only strange that the demon gods can feel comfortable in their hearts.

In the past, everyone controlled the demon banners together. Naturally, everyone was at ease. There was nothing. Now it is not the case. You are the fox **** alone in control of the demon banners. Doesn’t it mean that in the future all the demon races in the universe? The monks under the good fortune are all in your mind? .

   Thinking of this, the demon gods felt uncomfortable, and the tiger **** said: "Let's re-practise this demon flag, and burn the true spirit into it."

While talking, the tiger **** stared at the fox **** with his eyes, and the fox **** smiled bitterly and put on the demon banner: "This demon banner has been destroyed. If you want to sacrifice, it will not work. It needs to be postponed, and I thought about it a little bit and figured out a way to make up for this trick. Everyone is practicing."

   "Forget it, don't worry about the demon banners, everyone divides Kyushu first, and then talks about the others" Xiangshen became a little impatient, and his eyes looked down at Kyushu, and the momentum was filled in Kyushu for a moment.

Seeing this, all the demon gods made their moves. The auras continue to permeate Kyushu. The auras between the demon gods continue to collide. It is clear at a glance who has the strong aura and whose cultivation base is weak. It's cheaper.

   The demon race is different from the human race. The big fist is the truth. At this time, the demon gods shot one after another. Everyone's spirits collided and filled the middle area, and then continued to expand the territory, dividing their own cards.

   After a moment or three, some demon gods showed joy, and some demon gods had anger rolling in their eyes, but after all, they didn't say anything, their strength was not as good as that of humans, and what they said was nothing.

"Thirty years later, I will wait to enter the Lord Central Territory, hahaha, the luck of the Central Territory, the Middle Territory belongs to me." Xiang Shen looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, his face was full of joy, as the oldest **** in the wild. , The strength of Xiangshen is beyond doubt.

In the border land, the ancestor-teaching auras spread in the border land, and the celestial fascination of the ancestors was like a big net wherever they passed. All the monsters of supreme cultivation were caught by the big net instantly. Then the quasi-superior was expelled by the ancestors.

   The nine supreme ancestors, look at me, I see you, that Taiyi Jiaozu stretched out his hand, instantly changing the world, countless monsters were killed by Taiyi Jiaozu town, and then the people of the human race appeared in the wild mountains.

   "Taiyi Taoist disciples listened to orders, opened up territories, slayed monsters, and led the people of the human race to rebuild their homes" The voice of Taiyi taught ancestors resounded across the world.

   "Taidou Dao disciples listen to the order, kill the monsters, protect the safety of all my people in the Taidou Dao area, and open up the territory" Taidou Jiaozu's voice sounded.

   All the ancestors made a move together, and the monks of the human race Kyushu dispatched one after another to suppress the monsters in the desert and calm the confused crowd.

  The placement of hundreds of millions of sentient beings is definitely a huge task. After the disciples ran, they were busy.

The biting cold wind blew the clothes of the eight ancestors, feeling the thin aura between the heavens and the earth, the turbulent laws of the world, and the ancestor Taiyi sighed helplessly: "The wild land has been occupied by those animals, and now it can only be renewed in the border. Open up territory".

   With the eyes of Tai Yi Jiaozu, he can even see the end of the day and the earth, the earth that is still slowly spawning, and the laws of the world that are constantly intertwined.

"Ordinary people are just a little bit more difficult in the environment, but for the practitioners of my generation, it is an ordeal. The spiritual energy between the world and the earth is mixed with unsteady turbid air, and the laws between the world and the earth are turbulent. I'm waiting to find a way to open up a sanctuary, and use it for spiritual practice.

"Although the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array has been broken, we rearranged it in the wild. While we are familiar with the heavens and the Star Fighting Array, we can also suppress the turbulent storm between the heavens and the earth with the power of the Zhou Tianxing Dou, and the law of stability." Tao.

   "How to deal with Qiantian?" The Taiping Jiao ancestor was filled with murderous intent.

   "Cramps and peels, bones and ashes" Taiyuan Jiaozu's eyes flashed coldly and Li: "If this guy is messing up indiscriminately, how can my human race be taken advantage of by the monster race?".

   "Wait a minute."

Too Yi Jiaozu stretched out his hand to stop the words of the others: "If you kill him, it would be too cheap for him. It's better to ask him to guard the heavens and stars, control the longitude and latitude, and endure the evil erosion between the sky and the earth day and night. , Slowly destroying his emperor’s dragon qi, so that he can die without a place to bury him, and he can also make a contribution to our human race."

   "Ye Hao" Taishi Jiaozu nodded.

"The Star Dou Great Array rises" Tai Dou Jiazuo gave an order, and the star gods once again arranged the big array, only to see that the Star Dou Great Array had already enveloped countless sentient beings of the Human Race. The Star Dou Array can protect the human race, and secondly, it can purify the vitality of the world, but it is the best of both worlds.

   "Diantian, you go to the center, control the power of the latitude and longitude of the heavens and stars, and purify the vitality of the heavens and the earth." The Taiping teacher glanced at Qiantian, with a murderous in his eyes.

   Qiantian's complexion changed slightly when he heard this, and he didn't dare to argue, so he could only go to the big formation obediently, and disappeared.

   "Tell me to say that this kind of traitor directly killed him, and the province produced so many moths." Taiyuan Jiaozu shook his head, murderous in his eyes.

   After hearing the words of Taiyuan Jiaozu, everyone was speechless, and they all regarded it as if they had not heard it.

"My disciple of Tai Su Dao, the human race protected by Tai Su Dao, will stay in Dafengzhou." A ribbon in the hands of Tai Su Jiao ancestor crossed the sky, and the entire tribe where Tai Su Dao was located was rolled up by this ribbon. , Landed in Dafengzhou.

  Fuyao nodded when he heard the words: "Dafengzhou has just been opened, and it is very deserted, and it will be more crowded with a little more people. Besides, everyone is a human race. It doesn't matter if you come."

   "The border land" Yu Duxiu sighed slightly as he watched the ancestors descend on the border land.

   "Don't think too much, poor people must be hateful. The ancestors of the human race take the blame for themselves, no wonder we" Jade ancestor swaggered to the temple.

   Yu Duxiu looked at the old jade ancestor: "Isn't the old ancestor going to find revenge in the world?".

   "What anxious look, where is it necessary for me to seek revenge, the Sihailong clan dare to encroach on the Middle Territory, a big battle is inevitable, this seat is ready to watch the show" Jade Patriarch held his arms with a sneer in his eyes.

"Blood demon? You bastard, dare to swallow the corpse of my wild monster beast. Is it because you are tired of living?" After the demon gods discussed and assigned the Human Nine Prefectures, they looked into the distance, and the blood demon was driving. With a sea of ​​blood, it constantly swallows the corpses in the battlefield.

"This man died and did not repent. Everyone shouted and beaten back in the ancient times, but now they dare to do so." The cow **** watched his younger disciple being swallowed, with anger in his eyes, and his hoof slammed into the sea of ​​blood. go with.

" You old bull dare to be an enemy of my ancestors?" Not only was the blood demon not afraid, but a flash of blood flashed in his eyes, the next moment the Yuantu Divine Sword pierced through the air, instantly facing the hooves of the bull **** Cut the past.


   Yuantu Abi is the treasure of Jade Duxiu's ceremonial refining. A face cut off the hoof of the bull god, and countless blood stains instantly rushed towards the hoof of the bull god, trying to corrupt the real body of the bull god.


With the earth-shaking sound, half of the hoof of the bull **** was almost cut off by the blood demon with a sword. He felt countless blood stains eroding his real body. The bull **** did not care about the blood demon, and immediately used the profound arts to suppress the blood stain, and his eyes flashed. After a moment of horror: "This blood demon is so amazing, no wonder he dared to run out so violently to **** the corpse now. It turns out that this guy has something to rely on."


   Tiger God roared, the evil spirits gathered between heaven and earth, and instantly swept toward the Gorefiend. There were countless figures in the evil spirit, and the tiger god's paw was shining with platinum, and he went to the Gorefiend to suppress it.


   There was a crash, this time the blood demon did not succeed, the tiger **** had already prepared, and the golden body of the law had already turned to the extreme.

   Yuantu flew back, Tiger God's claws were also numb, he twisted his wrist, and continued to press against the blood demon, obviously not willing to give up. (To be continued...)rw


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