The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1831: E God and Dragon King

Looking at the angry demon gods, the blood demon obviously knew that he was guilty of the anger. Suddenly, a cleverness put away the Yuantu and Abi swords, instantly turned into a sea of ​​blood, engulfed countless soldiers, and then sank into the void. Among them: "Hahaha, let's go, if you have the ability, you are welcome to come to Yinsi to find trouble with this seat."

Seeing the blood demon escape, everyone was unwilling to find the trouble of the blood demon. Now that the race war has just ended, everyone is busy occupying the territory and dividing the benefits. Who has the idle heart and the blood demon to fight the calf and engage in a struggle of spirit.

Seeing the blood demon walking away, the demon gods didn't care about it. After thirty years, everyone entered the central domain, achieved great causes, and thoroughly enjoyed the fruits of victory.

"Bold, Dragon Lord of the Four Seas, I dare to invade the territory of my monster race" E God on one side suddenly furious, roared, a big hand suddenly patted out, and countless blood escaped from a mighty river.


Four huge dragons' sounds sounded, and Sihai Longjun suddenly rushed out of the water, a pair of eyes stared at God E, and there was a flash of anger in both eyes. Before God E, I was afraid that it was not more than 100,000 dead. The elite of the aquarium.

Hearing the roar of E God, the demon gods also raised their heads to look at the Dragon King in the distance.

"Sihai Longjun, you need to give this seat an explanation as to why it invaded the waters of the middle area, which is the territory of my crocodile clan. Who gave you the courage to provoke my wild monster clan" Eshen was angry. Rise.

The Dragon King of the Four Seas invaded the waters, but invaded the interests of the God of E. The crocodile family of the God of E likes to rest in the water most, but has little dispute with the other races on the shore.

"Haha, Eshen don’t want to worry, he got angry, this human race waters belonged to my dragon clan back then, and the human race personally agreed to it, and also pardoned the various Tianjiao of my dragon clan as the righteous gods of the waters, my dragon clan now occupies The waters are justified, legal and reasonable, why do you ask such questions," Donghai Longjun said without hesitation.

"Looking for death" God E's eyes flashed with anger, and he started to move. The Fox God on one side grabbed E God, and whispered: "In fact, it is not bad to call this dragon into the Central Kyushu."

"What's the benefit? This old thing has robbed me of the site, what's the benefit?" E Shen said dissatisfied.

"The flesh and blood of the dragon clan is the most tonic, and the crocodile clan is the king of the underwater. In the water, the dragon clan is by no means an opponent of the crocodile clan. The Sihailong clan is deliberately giving you supplements to help you grow the aquatic clan" With a hint of sneer: "By that time, we have eaten all the dragons and grandchildren of the whole world. With so many strong people here, we can't see you suffer."

E Shen heard the words and showed white teeth: "Well, you are asking for it yourself, no wonder my heart is cruel. In the future, my crocodile clan will see the dragon clan, and I must be punishable."

After speaking, Eshen closed his eyes.

"Sihai Dragons want to stay in the waters, we can't control it, but you need to abide by the rules now. Thirty years later, everyone will join the Central Territory. You don't abide by the rules now, but no wonder I waited." Elephant God smiled coldly and stretched his nose. , In an instant, countless fish and shrimp Sea Clan monks in the river flew upside down and fell into the mouth of the elephant god.

"Shut up."

Donghai Longjun wanted to make a move, but was stopped by the Tiger God: "If you want to take advantage of us, then you have to pretend to be a grandson and obediently abide by our rules. I will accept these million sea races later."

While talking, they saw that all the monsters and gods made their moves, but in an instant, the sea clan that had dived into the water was salvaged, and the monsters and gods were eaten as dessert.

Sihai Longjun's complexion was blue, and his eyes flickered. It was really deceiving, but seeing the look of all the demon gods staring at him, he abruptly resisted the bad breath, and then slowly suffocated back, his eyes looked towards. In the distance, in the red river, Donghai Longjun smiled: "Yes, this seat is indeed reckless, forgot the word rules, and I would like to thank all the fellow Taoists for their suggestions."

At this time, Donghai Longjun secretly criticized the demon race for being sick, and the Human race said that if you keep it for 30 years, you will keep it for 30 years. You are the victors. If the Human race does not want to plunder, you are embarrassed to call yourself the demon race. ? .

According to common sense, Donghai Longjun is right. After the defeat of the human race, he must have fled in embarrassment. Donghai Longjun took the opportunity to steal into the middle territory, and the monsters and gods rushed into the territory of Kyushu, fighting each other and plundering the territory, but who could think of everyone The demon **** had a cramp in his head, and he actually let the ancestors take away his race, and said something to wait for thirty years, so Donghai Longjun was confused.

My own army has already rushed in and secretly occupied a lot of river channels, so I can't return it anyway.

No choice, Donghai Longjun asked his subordinates to hide in secret, but Eshen is the oldest powerhouse since the creation of the world. How can the strangeness of this river be hidden from Eshen? Observing carefully, I found clues in the river channel, and I was furious, and my heart burst into flames.

Within this central region, most of the waters and rivers are covered by the God of E. How can you allow others to get involved? .

Thirty years is not long, and it is short. Thirty years will pass. The fox **** shook the demon banner and ordered thousands of demon beasts to step into the human race Kyushu, instantly dividing the territory. , Divide the land boundary, and then continue to digest their own income.

"This group of beasts."

Watching the demon gods enter the center of heaven and earth, Tai Dou Jiaozu cursed.

"If you want to stand up again, you will have to wait until a million years later. What a pity, now that the demons are so prosperous, they must be strong in a million years. My human race will never have any chance again." Tai Huang Jiaozu had a touch in his eyes. depressed.

"Don't worry, the Monster Race is not a monolithic one. What's more, there are also the Four Seas Dragon Race in it. Let's just watch the excitement. One million years is too long. God knows what will happen." Too Yi teaches the ancestors. Slowly playing with the turtle shell in his hand, with a sneer in his eyes.

After listening to Taiyi Jiaozu's words, the teaching ancestors were silent, watching the wind roaring through the sky, and sighed softly. Now they can do nothing but wait.

"It's a pity, such a good time, I was actually trapped in this gourd" Donghai Tanggu, Bursting Ape in the gourd looked at the ever-growing world, the circulation of the five elements of heaven and earth, and sighed helplessly.

Now that I have reached the sky in one step, such an opportunity is rare. As long as I understand the mystery of the void and derive the world, I can detach myself from the shackles of this gourd, but the human midfield is also very important.

"It doesn't matter, strength is the last word. As long as my ancestor is detached from my cultivation, I will grab a place after the breakthrough. Among the monsters and gods, I also have a deadly opponent. When the time comes, I will just do a game." .

After speaking, Booju sat quietly in Tanggu, without speaking.


The red blood dyed the river red, and a real dragon was instantly swallowed by a crocodile to death.



"It's delicious, it's delicious".

"Yes, as the ancestors said, this dragon clan is a great delicacy, but it is the welfare of my crocodile clan. Zhongyu is really the center of the world, with vast and abundant resources. If you can eat dragon meat every day in the future, it really is. So happy".

A group of crocodiles mercilessly slaughtered the countless dragon elites.

Don't doubt, it is the crocodile slaughtering the dragons.

If it is in the ocean, with the help of the power of the four seas, the dragon clan is naturally the overlord of the sea, but falling in the river of the human race is like a longyou shoal.

Longyou Shoal was hit by a shrimp show, and the tiger fell in Pingyang by a dog.

In this shallow river, in the eyes of the monks of the crocodile family, all the dragons are delicious, big and delicious, and after eating, they nourish the bones and clean the internal organs, eat one dragon for good health, and eat two dragons. , Eat three dragons to strengthen your muscles and bones, eat four dragons to match the monsters and gods, eat five dragons to quasi-immortals, and eat six dragons.

In the eyes of the crocodile clan, the dragon clan has definitely become the changchun pill, which tastes crunchy, delicious and inexpensive.

"Long Jun, Long Jun, Long Jun, it's not good. It's not good." A sea crab ran into the crystal hall in a panic, shouting loudly.


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