The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1835: That'smine! The birth of a spirit

After the mammoth finished speaking, the old jade ancestor suddenly changed its color, and rushed over, grabbing the mammoth, his face twisted: "My, the goblin essence that day was mine, it was mine! You vomit it out and give it back to me "The old jade ancestor looked at the mammoth's face full of hideousness.

"Ancestor, what's the matter?"

Looking at the mammoth who rolled his eyes, Yu Duxiu stepped forward and grabbed the old jade ancestor, and a look of doubt flashed in his eyes. This was the first time that Yu Duxiu saw the jade ancestor mad.

The jade ancestor heard the words and wailed: "My! The goblin quintessence that day was mine! It was mine!"

"How can the essence of others belong to you? The essence of heaven and earth was born from the aura of heaven and earth in response to the great avenues between heaven and earth, plus countless kinds of mysterious vitality between heaven and earth. Is it your ancestor?" Yu Duxiu's face was full of weirdness.

"It must be the ancestor that I hid in that little thousand world, the essence of heaven and earth has leaked out, and it is cheaper for this group of wild beasts" Jade ancestor said angrily.

Yu Duxiu was speechless, looked at the old jade ancestor with a pair of eyes, and then looked at the mammoth who rolled his eyes, and quickly pulled away the palm of the old jade ancestor: "Where did you get this heaven and earth spirit?".

"Two grandpas, you are wronged. The little one really has never picked up the essence of heaven and earth. It's just that when the laws of the day and the earth interact, the mysterious atmosphere of the heaven and earth will be born, and then form the essence of heaven and earth, the essence of heaven and earth. They are all born and raised by nature, and they are indeed not of the ancestors.” The mammoth’s face was full of grievances, and he lamented in his heart, what kind of evil he had done, he finally came out once, and was about to show off his prestige. As a result, he encountered two The terrifying old monster, such an aura, a little leaked out, it was frightening. Where did this old monster come from? Could it be those terrifying monsters in the wild?

The mammoth sighed in his heart, what kind of sin he had done, why was he stunned by nothing.

"You said it's not yours, but who believes it? Patriarch I always have a bad premonition in my heart." Patriarch Jade looked at the void with a touch of anger in his eyes: "If anyone finds Patriarch I The essence of ancestors, I must grab it, put it into the gossip furnace and refining it back."

Yu Duxiu looked into the distance, and saw the endless void in the sky in the distance. Near the horizon, the laws of heaven and earth were constantly blending, the earth was constantly evolving, and the power of earth, water, wind and fire continued to agitate.

"The Great Thousand World grows and expands all the time. The chaotic and hazy place is the horizon," said the ancestor of Jade, angrily, before Yu Duxiu.

"When the world develops, there will be some good things formed, such as genius treasures, etc., but the chances are too small," said the ancestor of Jade.

Yu Duxiu nodded when she heard the words, and was about to speak, when she suddenly saw where the law of the earth was derived in the distance, a flash of light was instantly rolled up.

"Quickly, there are heaven and earth spiritual creatures formed. We came just right. The short heaven and earth spiritual creatures need hundreds of thousands of years to gestate, and the long ones need hundreds of thousands of years to conceive. We hit the Great Fortune Road." After speaking, he ran over first.

Yu Duxiu looked at the mammoth. At this time, the mammoth was full of bad luck. It was obviously contaminated by the jade ancestor before. The jade ancestor is definitely a scourge, a human being, and wherever he goes.

"Forget it, you follow this seat, this seat is now in need of people to lead the way in the wild." Yu Duxiu stretched out his palm, and the blue bull appeared. This blue bull itself is the incarnation of the heaven and earth spiritual creature, the green bull, that Yu Duxiu. Turning over the blue bull, the mammoth followed closely.

"The border is so desolate, why don't you wait to enter the wilderness?" Yu Duxiu's eyes showed a trace of incomprehension. The wasteland is rich in resources, and any place is better than here.

"Under the crown, I don’t know. The demon gods and the people in the deserted land are great enemies. Both sides will never die. The monsters and gods will not allow me to enter the wild wasteland. I will wait for a long time in the deserted land. The mana in the body and so on are very different from the monster beasts in the wild. Entering the wild, countless monsters will be besieged and killed."

"Why the demon **** treats you like this?" Yu Duxiu was taken aback.

"This wasteland is also called the land of exile. It is the place where all the major races in the wasteland made mistakes. They did not die and were expelled from this place. They were exiled forever without returning. The monks in the wasteland It's like this, and some are descendants of the expeller," Mammoth said.

Yu Duxiu felt thoughtful when he heard the words, and there was a subtle light in her eyes.

Heaven and earth spirit creatures were born, and the sky boiled instantly, and countless monsters within a radius of thousands of miles were alarmed by the movement of the spirit creatures of the day, and they controlled the streamer to land here. A pair of eyes looked at the spirit of heaven and earth that was forming, showing a fiery color. .

"There are many quasi-superpowers and many quasi-monsters," Yu Duxiu showed a strange color on her face.

"Hahaha, there has been no heaven and earth spiritual essence for tens of thousands of years. I didn’t expect to have heaven and earth spiritual essence appearing in this world. It’s great. My ancestors are approaching my life expectancy. I’m thinking about how to prolong my life. I never thought there would be such good things. "There was a burst of laughter in the void, and then I saw a series of tyrannical air machines emerging. These air machines were vicissitudes of life and had obviously existed for many years.

Yu Duxiu and the mammoth concealed their figures and came to the old jade ancestor. The old jade ancestor opened up a void in the air at this time, blinding the powerful senses.

Looking at the space created by the jade ancestor, the mammoth's eyelids twitched. I don’t know what cultivation skills this old boy has. It is really incredible. Turning the power of space into a mundane thing, the cultivation base must be extremely high. .

"Boy, it's the ancestor I wronged you. When the ancient times was chaotic, all the heaven and earth spirits were sacked by the ancestors. I didn't expect that after a million years, heaven and earth would be conceived again. I was the one who blamed you.” The old jade ancestor stepped to the mammoth and patted the mammoth’s thigh.

"Nima, what old monster, is it messy? How many years has this little bit lived? Could it be that the old monster jumped out?" The mammoth was almost scared to death by the words of the jade ancestor.

The present ancient times, the middle ancient times, the ancient times, and the ancient times before the ancient times were chaotic ancient times, the real world of chaos.

A flash of light flashed in Yu Duxiu’s eyes, ignoring the jade ancestor and the frightened mammoth, and a pair of eyes looked at the field. At this time, the stream of light flashed between heaven and earth, and the quasi-superior golden body was shaking the earth and the earth. Counting down the fierce and hostile spirit, there are more than a dozen of them, which shows that the shortage here is not an easy place.

"Hahaha, my ancestor of the three suns is going to be the essence of this world, you all retreat." In the chaotic wind, three small suns slowly descended, and the countless winds were instantly burned by the hot air currents. The disappearance.

"Sanyang, I'm not happy about your old ancestors. This spiritual thing was discovered by everyone. Why should I give it to you?" An old monster's face was full of dissatisfaction, and the whole body was full of gold. Out.

"Ghost Talisman, you have practiced this law to the extreme. How can this little heaven and earth spirit be placed in my eyes, it is better to let my ancestors." A vicissitudes of ancient tree descended here, the old tree's aging spirit spread, It seems to be hanging old.

"Damn, why is this old thing not dead?" Looking at the ancient tree that descended on the scene, the Jade Ancestor suddenly jumped up.

"Do you know him?" Yu Duxiu was The ancestor of Jade seemed to see a ghost in his eyes: "This old immortal is really terrible. Back when I was in trouble, this The old thing is in the prime of life. I didn’t expect that this old thing hasn’t died yet. After a million years, it’s still aging, but it’s okay to live for tens of thousands of years. Didn't kill them?".

The jade ancestor saw his eyelids jump wildly, his eyes were extremely horrified, and then he was overjoyed. Despite Yu Duxiu's obstacles, he rushed out.

"Hahaha, hahaha, Sangkui, this time I was caught by my ancestor. I wanted to eat your mulberry. You are so stingy, I didn’t expect you to come here. Land, hahaha, hahaha, ancestor, I finally caught you, this time let’s see where you run."

The jade ancestor looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, as if he was a big devil.


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