The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1836: caught you

   ran halfway, the jade ancestor stopped, swallowed, and looked at the field with a pair of eyes: "No, I want to give this old guy a surprise."

"Do you know this Sangkui?" Yu Duxiu said.

"Don't talk, don't talk, I must catch him this time, and I can't tell him to run away. I'm going to prepare." The Jade Ancestor began to show his seal.

"Sangkui, your words are too domineering." A quasi-monster looked gloomy.

"No way, it's just to survive" Sang Kui said unhurriedly.

"Heaven and earth spiritual things live in those who are predestined. Brother Sangkui's words are a bit too much." The heaven and earth aura around Sanyang headed towards Na Sangkui.

Sang Kui brushed out a branch: "Let's rely on the means, it is better to replace the fist with the fist."

After speaking, Sang Kui smiled coldly, without saying a word, with a pair of eyes quietly looking at the spiritual creatures of the day, waiting for the growth of the spiritual creatures of the world.

A little bit of time passed, and the atmosphere became more and more tense. Finally, there was a storm of spiritual energy between the world and the earth. I saw a bright light rising up. The next moment all the quasi-superior powers shot one after another, fighting for the spiritual things that day. go with.

"Hahaha, you bastards, are you my ancestors opponents".

I saw Na Sangkui's branches rising up all over his body, instantly turning into whips, and drew them towards the monks from all directions.




There was a storm of spiritual energy between the world and the earth. This Sangkui is indeed a chaotic figure who has dealt with the jade ancestors. The whole body has been tempered to the extreme. I saw that the countless branches instantly fought with the quasi-monsters and gods. In a group, dozens of quasi-superior human opponents did not let the wind fall.

"I come".

The ghost talisman shot, and in an instant, countless talisman seals were flying all over the sky, with countless black auras, and they flew towards Na Sangkui's whole body.


Na Sangkui's whole body's branches and dead trees each spring, and countless branches and leaves grow in an instant, and then the countless ghostly charm culture is turned into powder.

Sanyang turned into a small sun at this time and suppressed it towards Sangkui, but saw Sangkui's whole body curled up, which in turn confined the small sun, entwined with airtight.

The spiritual energy storm rolled up in the field, and the quasi-superior powerhouses formed a ball. At this moment, they saw a jade-white palm stretched out, silently, and somehow took the spiritual object of the day in his hand. .

For a moment, everyone was stunned, and they stopped and looked at the master of the jade hand. They saw a young man riding a green bull sitting upright, as if not paying attention to everyone present, just looking at the shining spiritual creature in his hand.


The quasi-superior powers were repelled by Sangkui. Na Sangkui was about to speak when he heard a burst of laughter. The jade ancestor laughed and ran out madly, not waiting for the thousand-foot-high Sangkui. Kui reacted, and he had already rushed to Sangkui's branches, and instantly tore off a handful of mulberry, stuffed it into his mouth, and said, "It has been a million years, this mulberry has more flavor. It has absorbed millions of years. Heaven and earth aura, sun and moon essence, this mulberry fruit is a great tonic."

Na Sangkui was taken aback. The branches all over his body madly rolled towards the old jade ancestor, but seeing a layer of brilliance flowing around the old jade ancestor, all the branches were bounced back the moment they approached the old jade ancestor.

"Xiong Wazi! Didn't you **** have been suppressed? You come down! You bastard!" Sang Kui temporarily calmed his mind. After looking at the familiar face and familiar body, he suddenly felt normal and hurried. The jade ancestor will be pulled down.

The ancestor of Jade didn't follow him, clinging to Na Sangkui's branches tightly, pulling a handful of mulberry in his mouth, and stuffing it into his mouth.

"You bastard, come down to me, and you shut up." Na Sangkui's branches were wrapped around the waist of the old jade ancestor, and the ankle was constantly dragging the old jade ancestor.

"You old bastard, you are too stingy. Didn't I just ate some of your fruit back then? You old immortal actually went to a deserted place to avoid disasters. It's really stingy." The old jade ancestor kicked off the countless branches. Self-consciously lying on Sangkui's body constantly eating fruit.

At this time, the onlookers were stunned. Na Sangkui was in the wilderness, but he was one of the most prestigious powerhouses, with vast magical powers and boundless magical powers. How could he have been so embarrassed and bullied by a bear kid? Into this.

"Why does this fellow look familiar?" said a quasi-superior strong man.

"It seems to have seen it somewhere."

The surrounding quasi-monsters were whispering.

"A few years ago, I fought against all the ancestors and defeated all the demon gods, but it was not this bear child," a quasi demon **** exclaimed.

"Damn, the first ancestor" a quasi-monster reacted suddenly.

In an instant, the pot was on here, and everyone looked at the entangled Sangkui and the jade ancestor, all eyes flashed with strange colors.

Looking at Yu Duxiu and the spiritual objects in Yu Duxiu's hands, everyone in the field looked strange. Can the guy standing with the jade ancestor be a simple person? .

Therefore, even if the quasi-superior players are heartbeat, they still dare not do anything, waiting for the situation in the field to develop.

"Hongjun! Hongjun! The mulberry on this old boy is really delicious, it is a great tonic, much better than the heaven and earth spiritual objects in your hands, you come up and eat with my ancestors, so you can't catch it This boy, if you don't eat enough this time, I will never leave the old ancestor.


There was a moment of silence in the field, and the word Hongjun seemed to have a certain kind of strange magical power. Hongjun's power was undoubtedly capable of transforming the quasi-superior powerhouse. With unmatched power, it was the nemesis of everyone in the field.

Although everyone has lived on the border for a long time, they still know something about the Central Territory. At this level, they have ignored space and time, and the ends of the world are near.

The two tossed for a while, the old jade ancestor seemed to be full, after pulling a handful of mulberries, they saw the countless mulberries instantly fall into the lap of the old jade ancestor.

Sang Kui threw the old jade ancestor out. The old jade ancestor floated gently in the air and fell beside Yu Duxiu. He raised the mulberry in his hand, and his eyes were full of excitement: "Delicious, this is so delicious, you Try it soon".

Sangkui's complexion on one side was distorted and turned into a burly man of three meters tall. He looked at the jade ancestor with a pair of eyes, and breathed fire in his eyes: "Bear boy, you deceive people too much! God has no eyes, how can you be born with this scourge? Up".

"Hahaha, I told you to run away in ancient times, this time I finally ate it, hahaha, hahaha, see where you run, now you are branded by my ancestors, and I want to eat them in the future. Mulberry, I can find you at any time" said the old ancestor of Jade proudly.

After listening to the words of the ancestor of Jade, Sangkui's skin twitched, Yu Duxiu raised his head, looked away from the spiritual creature, and landed on the mulberry appeared dark purple with countless mysterious patterns. In it, Yu Duxiu looked at the jade ancestor with a pair of eyes, and her face twitched: "No wonder this servant was shouting and beating in the ancient times. It is simply a disaster. The heavens and the world are not beyond his harm, but But his strength is still so strong."

"Eat yourself."

Yu Duxiu said, looking at the quasi-monsters and gods in the field, he already had some guesses in his heart, and said without hesitation: "This seat Hongjun, all the fellow Taoists present should have heard the name of this seat. , I won’t say much, this spiritual creature is useless to me. I just want to inquire about one thing. As long as the fellow Taoists can answer, this spiritual creature will be given to you.”

"What are you asking?" Sanyang ancestor said.

"Millions of years ago, the blood demons were tracked here by the first ancestor and strayed into a small world. This small world is full of cloud forbidden stones. Now the times have changed. When all the fellow Taoists came to search, then The small world has disappeared. Now that the time has passed, the fellow Taoists have ever known the whereabouts of the small world," Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

All the quasi-superior heard words and speechless, you look at me, I look at you, eyes are full of doubts, no one was born a million years ago, how do you know such things? .

"You give me that spiritual thing, I know what happened." Sangkui said, and Yu Duxiu's eyes lit up and she looked at Sangkui: "Really?"


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