The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1837: Loser

"Make sure you find the place where the treasure is" Sang Kui looked at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes.

"In that case, this spiritual thing is yours."

Yu Duxiu's palm flew out instantly and fell into Sangkui's hand with a smile on his mouth: "Okay, now he belongs to you."

The old jade ancestor over there just finished eating the mulberries, his eyes suddenly looked at Sanyang and the ghost in the distance: "Hey, why do you two old guys look familiar? Hey, you all look familiar too. what".


The words of the jade ancestors fell, and the crowd in the field immediately disappeared.

"It does look familiar," the old jade ancestor muttered as he looked at the people away.

"Kid Xiong, you are right, there is no simple person here, they are all strong from ancient and chaotic ancient times," Nasangkui said.

After listening to Sangkui's words, the ancestor of Jade was taken aback: "How do you say?"

"Have you seen the ghost talisman? You forgot that in the time of chaos, the great road resonated with each other. This man contended with the ancestor of the Taiping Sect and was defeated, but it was a land with no hope of immortality and retreat." Vicissitudes.

"It's actually him! I remember it, but I didn't expect it to be that kid" Jade Patriarch said.

"There are also those three suns, they competed with Taiyi ancestors and the avenue of true fire of the sun. They lost a lot and landed here, lingering," Sang Kui sighed slightly.

Yu Duxiu's face was full of emotion when she heard the words, and then she rolled her brows: "It's not right, millions of years have passed since the ancient times, how come these old guys are still alive and vigorous?"

Sang Kui smiled bitterly when he heard the words: "This is understandable. Since the immortal way is hopeless, everyone is naturally taking the path of resisting the five decay of heaven and man."

"Five declines of heaven and man?" Yu Duxiu was shocked when he heard this. Yu Duxiu had also experienced the five declines of heaven and man back then. Of course, he knew how difficult this road was.

"Oh" Sangkui sighed helplessly: "Look at me, now I have experienced liver failure, and now my appearance is withered, and I have to look for spiritual things to swallow them all day to resist the calamity."

"You actually separate the five decays of heaven and man? I'm a good boy. It's really amazing. I have to learn this method, and I also want to learn" Old Jade Ancestor stared at Na Sangkui.

Sang Kui smiled bitterly: "The ancestor is already enlightened, and it is useless to learn it, so that the secret method will not be spread out and be learned by the supreme powers, so that I will be subjected to a miscalculation. This secret method cannot be easily revealed."

Looking at Na Sangkui, Yu Duxiu sighed when he heard the words, but didn't say anything.

"Forget it, forget it, don't say it, just give me a few sangzi to eat." Old Ancestor Jade looked at Sangkui with a pair of eyes, staring.

Sang Kui shuddered when he heard the words: "Ancestor, don't want to make a joke, let's go find the place where the cloud forbidden flow stone is."

"Do you know where it is? Isn't it ruined by someone?" The Jade Ancestor sighed.

Na Sangkui said, "The ancestors don’t know that the world is unlimited. This world is actually growing all the time, just like a young person. When he was five years old, his neck was only half a meter from the ground, but after he became an adult It may be more than one meter above the ground.

"You mean that the small world is constantly migrating with the growth of the world, constantly absorbing the power between the world and the earth, and constantly changing the distance?" The Jade Ancestor stared.

"Yes, it is true" Sang Kui said.

"Okay, knowing how secretive is, I’m relieved ancestors. Let’s go to your cave to see the treasures. I remember that you old boy always liked to collect some delicious food, ancestors, I I really can't help but want to feast on it." The ancestor Jade licked his lips subconsciously.

Sangkui's face instantly became gloomy: "I won't lead a wolf into the room. You bear kid will die with this heart."

After speaking, Sangkui instantly turned into a streamer and rushed out: "You follow me when this bear kid and the blood demon chased, I have also secretly paid attention to it, and I still have some impressions over the years."

Ignoring the bear child, the ancestor of Jade, Yu Duxiu followed Na Sangkui closely, and in a flash, he reached a valley.

"It should be here" Sang Kui said.

Yu Duxiu looked at the void with a pair of eyes, the earth slowly condensing in the distance, the laws were turbulent, and the world's fetal membranes were constantly twisting.

"It should be here." The Jade Ancestor approached Sangkui unknowingly, and instantly a hand fell on Sangkui's body, and then saw a handful of mulberries pulled out.

"Bear boy, let's work hard." Na Sangkui was instantly annoyed, and stretched out his hand to tear and pull with the jade ancestor.

Yu Duxiu's eyes circled with the jade color disc, looking at the void, sensing the location of the small world, and then nodding: "There is indeed a small world, but I don't know if it is the small world where the cloud forbidden flow stone is located."

"That's good, my ancestors will leave."


Sang Kui kicked the old jade ancestor with a kick, imprinted it in the mountain, and then disappeared in an instant.

"This **** thing hasn't been seen for a million years, so I dare to do something to my ancestor." The old jade ancestor muttered and flicked the dust off his body.

Looking at the jade ancestor, Yu Duxiu smiled bitterly, but didn't say much, her eyes looked at the void: "I don't know if it is this small world."

"Yes! This is the small world, the ancestors I have sensed that there are traces and breaths left by the ancestors back then," said Jade Patriarch.

Yu Duxiu raised her eyebrows when she heard the words. She looked at the old jade ancestor with a pair of eyes. One palm stretched out and broke through the void in an instant. The mysterious energy flowed out. The old jade ancestor clapped his hands: "Yes, you can't go wrong. It's this kind of air machine, yes."

"Let's go, let's go in" Jade Patriarch said.

"Go in? Why do you want to go in and refine this small world directly?" Yu Duxiu stretched out a palm and instantly broke through the void, trying to refine the small world.

"Stop it! Stop it!" The ancestor of Jade hurriedly grabbed Yu Duxiu's palm to stop Yu Duxiu's movements.

"What's the matter?" Yu Duxiu was taken aback.

The old jade ancestor said: "Asshole! This small world is related to the law of the great world. Do you think that you are a smart person and everyone is a fool? The realm of good fortune can destroy a small world at will, but why is no one doing it?" .

When Yu Duxiu heard the words, the old jade ancestor said: "In fact, the best way for the supreme power to break through is to refine a small world, and then instantly return to Yuan. Why is no one to do it?

A thoughtful color flashed in Yu Duxiu's eyes: "The laws of the small world and the ways of heaven are not terrible, but the small world is the branch of the big world. If it touches the small world, it will inevitably alarm the big world and lead to the backlash of the laws of the big world." .

"The most important thing is that doing this kind of thing lacks morals and hurts luck." Old Jade Ancestor smiled bitterly: "Otherwise, why do you think I am so unlucky now?"

Seeing that Yu Duxiu looked like Lao Tzu, Yu Duxiu suddenly felt excited and instantly retracted her palm.

The old jade ancestor said, "Hey, don't talk about things in the past, let's go in."

"The small world can't bear our strength," Yu Duxiu said.

Everyone has already proven the way of immortality, and a little bit of immortality can break the balance of the small world.

"This small world is different. If you have the ability to break this small world, then you will be the number one in the world." After finishing speaking, the ancestor of Jade went straight into the two-world channel opened by Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu's eyes flickered when she saw it, but she didn't say much, and went in.

"It's true." After entering this small world, Yu Duxiu's body mana unexpectedly lost control instantly fell from the sky and fell into the river.

"Cough cough cough".

Yu Duxiu coughed fiercely, trying to use his supernatural powers, but the mana had just been mobilized and had disappeared completely.

After trying, the power of calamity is not affected by the environment, but it disappears inexplicably as soon as it is transformed into mana. Yu Duxiu feels a little more at ease, mana is only his own additional combat power, and the power of calamity is the main combat power.

The body of the old jade ancestor swam over from a distance: "Sure enough, the cloud forbidden flowing stone is really evil, and all the methods are prohibited, even if the supreme power falls into it, it will become a lamb to be slaughtered."

The two swam on the shore, looking at the wet clothes, Yu Duxiu said, "It's really evil."


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