The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1858: Holy Infant’s Great Supernatural Power

"An emperor is definitely not relying on controlling the life and death of his subordinates to make him work for himself, but relying on benefits and benefits, do you understand? Once I reach the realm of good fortune, my demon flag can't be controlled at all, the heavenly high-end combat power All of them are yours. How do you say that this seat is against you?" The Fox God took a deep breath: "The future of the monster race is not in the hands of this seat, but in your own hands." .

After speaking, Fox God closed his eyes, and all the light in his eyes was instantly restrained.

"What about the lower realms? Is it just that they are allowed to practice ancient methods?" Tiger God said unwillingly.

"Can this seat prevent them from failing?" The Fox God replied to the Tiger God, looking at the Tiger God and Elephant God with a pair of eyes: "Emperor Charm, this is the time to use your personality charm, this seat is powerless."

"Fuck, I will just push all the words of helplessness to us" Tiger God and Elephant God scolded and walked out of the cave, their eyes full of dissatisfaction.

"The Fox God doesn't interfere with the affairs of the monster race anymore, all things must be solved by you and me" Xiangshendao.

"What should I do now?" Tiger God said.

"What else can I do? Spread the news, saying that the current method is quite harmful and damages the foundation. Some monks should be prevented from continuing to practice." Tiger God said.

There is no way, now you can only do this. Even if you are a demon god, even if you are overbearing, you can't do this, and you can't control the tactics that people cultivate.

Life is precious, but freedom is more expensive.

Without freedom, no matter how high the realm of cultivation is, what is the point of having life in the hands of people? .

Contrary to the expectations of the Tiger God and Elephant God, even in how to promote the advantages and disadvantages of the ancient and modern methods, the demon tribesmen turned to the current method without any regrets and no hesitation.

The advantages and disadvantages of the modern law and the ancient law cannot be generalized.

"The wolf **** is a bit wise, and he actually came up with this method of drawing a salary from the bottom of the pot." Yu Duxiu sat on Yujing Mountain. As the master of the 33rd Heaven, he could not hide anything from the lower realms.

Yu Duxiu shook his head. Throughout the ages, the benefits have been the greatest. After the countless cultivators in the realm of good fortune got rid of the demon banner, many of them joined the heavenly court. Among their tribes, all the luck is given priority to the ancestors, Tianjiao also has the quasi-superior powerhouse, and the realm of good fortune is a bit embarrassing, but it is different in the heavenly court. As long as you work hard in the heavenly court and climb high enough in the official position, you can enjoy the quasi-superior realm even if you are in the realm of the three plagues. Luck, under such a huge temptation, people who lived unsatisfactorily among the tribes joined the heavenly court one after another, making the heavenly court's luck grow stronger and stronger, as if it were a snowball.

"Sure enough, what the Fox God said is right. These idiots turn to practice this method. It is the foundation of my demons who can control and leave subordinates. It is not the threat of life and death, but equal emphasis on grace and power." Bai Hu looked at San with a pair of eyes. On the thirteenth heaven, looking at the Middle Territory Earth below, the Middle Territory Earth had begun to gradually resume its prosperity.

The elephant sighed softly: "These monster gods came too suddenly and tough because of the demon banners back then, and they have already resisted us. Now we should think of a way to let these old guys accept their hearts."

"Find a chance," Tiger God said.

"Miaoxiu, it's been more than three hundred years. You really want to sit in this cave mansion until you become enlightened." The ancestor of Jade drilled into the cave mansion and looked at Yu Duxiu.

"The years are in a hurry, and I am immortal. The external affairs have nothing to do with me. I can just cultivate myself and do so much," Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

"Hey, you little cow, there is chaos outside now. If it weren’t for my ancestor, my supernatural powers hadn’t been comprehended, I would have gone out a long time ago." Old ancestor Jade said, "There is one final key point. You need to point me out. Fan".

Looking at the jade ancestor, Yu Duxiu showed a thoughtful look: "When the opportunity comes, you can naturally understand, why worry".

The ancestor of Jade was almost choked to death by Yu Duxiu’s words, and turned around and said: "Holy Infant said, go out with me, don’t worry, my ancestor, I will cover the Holy Infant, I will never call this The kid suffers".

"Old bastard, you let me go, let me go, I will never succumb, I will not leave my mother." The saint infant and the jade ancestor tore, the jade ancestor dragged the holy infant, like two people High, but the strength of the holy infant is not as strong as the jade ancestor: "You kid now has the elixir of life and the fire of time. Even if the supreme power is contaminated, it will be a big trouble. Old ancestor, I will take you out to eat the delicacies of mountains and seas. Do you want to eat the liver of Longjun? Do you want to eat the flesh and blood of the demon god? Do you want to eat the heart and liver of the ancestor?".

The holy infant slobbered when he heard the words, but in an instant he continued to tear the jade ancestor: "You old bastard, let me go, I want to go back to the mountain to accompany my mother."

"You kid, ancestor, I will go down and take you to eat the delicacies of the mountains and seas, and take you to find a beautiful daughter-in-law and come back to honor your mother. You kid doesn't know what's good or bad." The old jade ancestor said involuntarily, pulling the holy infant out of Yujing Mountain and entering In the vast world.

The jade ancestor led the holy infant to the East China Sea, looked at the mighty sea, looked at the holy infant and said: "Boy, the world barrier is indestructible with your power. If you want to go back, behave. Listen to me, maybe the ancestor will send you back as soon as I am happy."

The saint infant was silent when he heard the words, and the old jade ancestor said: "Old ancestor, I will bring you to eat delicious food, the dragon liver and gentian, I will draw out the brocade scales later, and then draw a circle under the brocade scales. After you spit out the fire of time into that circle, immediately flee, ancestors, I will find you."

The Holy Infant heard nothing, the Jade Ancestor put his arms around the shoulders of the Holy Infant: "I want to see what the mystery is on the Jinlin. I feel uncomfortable if I don't understand the old ancestor."

After speaking, the old jade ancestor turned and jumped into the East China Sea. Not long after the two figures broke through the sea, they fought all the way to the mountain. The old jade ancestor stopped and landed on a rock, Jinlin also stood gloomy. , A pair of eyes stared at the jade ancestor, and a hollow appeared in his heart: "Too much deception! Too much deception! You just like to eat dragon hearts, and you can't just dig it by myself. You also dig Donghai Longjun , Xihai Longjun, Beihai Longjun, Nanhai Longjun, why are you always digging me? You have dug me three times in a month. It's a deception."

The jade ancestor casually pointed, and the surface of Jinlin's body instantly turned into a circle: "Because your dragon meat is full of energy, it tastes crunchy".

After speaking, the ancestor of Jade began to run wildly, and Jinlin caught up again.

The two completely ignored the Holy Infant, and no one would put the three or four-year-old boy in their eyes. They saw the Holy Infant step forward, a burst of fire of time, and instantly fell within the circle. , And then flew to the distance instantly.

After the time for a stick of incense, Jinlin's figure appeared out of thin air in the aperture, and the fire of time rose sharply. At this time, Jinlin's eyes were somewhat hooded: "Why did I come back here suddenly? Time Fire Where does the fire of time come from!".

Looking at the fire of time that surrounded him, Jinlin suddenly changed its color, pinched the seal in his hand, and the chaotic air was engulfed, actually extinguishing the countless fire of time, and then looked at the underground circle, carefully feeling it. After that, his brows suddenly frowned: "It's so mysterious, some meaning."

The Jinlin simply sat down to comprehend that magical power.

The ancestor of Jade came to Seeing Jinlin who had extinguished the fire of time, his brow furrowed: "It's a powerful method, and it extinguished the fire of time in a blink of an eye. It's really amazing."

What is the fire of time? .

Ignite your time, use the accumulated time in the past as the firewood, slowly burning, every time you burn some, the time in your body will flow back, and even the dying old man can burn you into a baby, a man of five decay Give you the vitality in the womb.

Somewhat similar to backward time, but absolutely different, these are two magical powers.

For example, if you live for a hundred years, then the fire of time will use this hundred years as the firewood to ignite your hundred years. If it burns to fifty years and extinguishes, everything will return to fifty Years ago, this supernatural power was at its extreme.


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