The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1859: Hongjun comes out

"A touch of true spirit enters the beckoning banner. If you want to get rid of the beckoning banner, you can only dissolve your own soul, and dissolve your own three souls and seven souls." In Yu Duxiu's eyes, nine grandeurs and purple auras are crisscrossed, and her eyes look endless Void, looking at the wild land, slightly tilted up: "Now I have performed the art of bloodline transformation, turning my three souls and seven souls into the bloodline, melting my own rules, and completely getting rid of the demon-raising. Control, hahaha, Fox God, you are in big trouble."

After    finished speaking, Yu Duxiu slowly stood up and said softly: "Where is the blue cow?"

   "The disciple is here" the blue bull came over.

   "Let's go to that reckless wasteland for a while, this constellation is incompatible with the wolf god, now we can't watch the wolf **** get angry".


   The green bull rolled over, instantly turning into a prototype, with a diamond cut on his nose, and the Lingyu boy walked out, leading the green bull, Yu Duxiu turned over the green bull, and got up to the lower bound.

Practicing the present method and breaking the foundation of Dao is fatal to the monster race, but life is precious, and the price of freedom is higher. I don’t know how many monster beasts would rather practice this method than entrust their life to the monster god. Hands.

   After the demon banner lost its power to resurrect, the demon banner was no longer enviable, but instead became a cage for everyone.

   Yu Duxiu slowly walked up to the green cow, out of Bai Yujing, and headed towards the wild land.

   "Hong Jun moved."

Seeing Yu Duxiu heading towards the wild land, the great power of the heavens and ten thousand realms instantly felt, and the divine light burst in his eyes. Now that the monster race is swaying in wind and rain, this kid is not wanting to do something. ? .

   Just when everyone was puzzled, Yu Duxiu patted the green cow: "Go to Wuzhuang to view."

   Feeling the powerful gazes of the people, Yu Duxiu cursed secretly: "Isn't this looking for something for myself?".

   came to Wuzhuang Temple, Na Zhenyuan led his disciples to greet him: "I have met Dao Hongjun."

   "I have seen the chief of Zhenyuan," Yu Duxiu dropped the green cow and gave Zhenyuanzi a salute.

"Fortunately, Miaoxiu went to Wuzhuang Temple to visit friends, and this seat is also relieved." Seeing Yu Duxiu enters Wuzhuang Temple, the elephant god, tiger god, and fox **** of the 33rd heaven All were relieved.

  The power of Jade Duxiu is known to all the heavens and all realms. Yu Duxiu's strategy and layout ability is even one of the few in the heavens and all realms.

   "Friends of the Taoist come here, and the five villages of the poor Taoism are shining." Zhenyuan looked at Yu Duxiu with emotion in his eyes.

   This person was the one who scorned the heavens back then. Because of fate, he worshipped Xuanzao Sect, making Xuanzao Sect open up the territory of the spiritual mountain boundary of the Buddhist school and became one of the numerous sects of the heavens.

   What's more, with the help of Yu Duxiu's calculations, Zhenyuan thoroughly mastered the innate spiritual root ginseng fruit tree, established a view of five villages, immortal and happy, and can be regarded as a person of great freedom in the world.

   Yu Duxiu chuckled, and walked slowly to Zhen Yuan: "Thank you for the kindness of the ancestor who rushed to the mountain in Lingshan, Hongjun dare not forget it for a day."

   "I dare not dare, the Taoist chief is polite, please also invite inside" Zhenyuan said.

Feeling the peeping gaze of the heavens and ten thousand realms, Yu Duxiu followed Zhenyuan to the Wuzhuangguan, shutting off the sight of everyone, Yu Duxiu said: "The great immortal is merciful, before the poor Dao saw countless refugees around the Wuzhuangguan Although Daxian has attained the fruit status of longevity, he still cares about all sentient beings in the world, which is beyond my generation."

   Zhenyuan said helplessly: "There is no way, I am soft-hearted and compassionate, but I can't see all beings suffer."

   Yu Duxiu heard the words and nodded, Zhenyuan looked at Yu Duxiu, and while looking at the breeze and bright moon Erdao Tong said: "Go to the back and smash a few fruits and entertain you."

   The two Taoists led the way, watching the two Taoists go away, Zhen Yuan said: "I don't know why Mianxia came to visit my Wuzhuang Temple suddenly today, why?".

Yu Duxiu sighed softly: "The monsters are so powerful, and the Taoist leader is not to be concealed. It is just a cover for the poor Tao to come to Wuzhuangguan today. I came here precisely for the affairs of the monsters. I have already thought of splitting the monsters. The clan’s method is that my Yujing Mountain is being watched. I want to come out without disturbing people, but I don’t think so, so I ran over to fight the autumn wind."

   "If we can split the monster clan and destroy the unity of the monster clan, fellow Taoists must be the benefactors of my human clan and even the heavens and ten thousand clan" Zhenyuan suddenly looked solemn.

   Yu Duxiu smiled and looked at Zhen Yuan and said, "The Daoist Master should have completely mastered this ginseng fruit tree now."

   "Blessing under the crown" Zhenyuan smiled.

   was talking, the two Taoists of Qingfeng and Mingyue came in, each holding a tray with two little dolls on it, Yu Duxiu said: "Thank you for the hospitality."

When the words fell, I was about to get the ginseng fruit. I never thought that suddenly a big hand appeared, and instantly grabbed the ginseng fruit tree, and a burst of arrogant laughter sounded: "Hahaha, hahaha, I know that following you kid will definitely benefit a lot. There are so many benefits."

   The old jade ancestor appeared on the court, grabbed two fruits, stuffed one of them into the hands of the Holy Infant, and the other directly into his mouth, with an intoxicated color on his face.

   "Bold! Where's the hairy thief, dare to come to my five villages to watch the arrogant" Qingfeng angered.

   When Na Zhenyuan saw the jade ancestor appearing, he was terrified. He looked at the breeze and bright moon with his eyes, and then waved his hand: "Go and hit two more fruits."

   "Three, three" jade ancestors are vague.

   The breeze and the bright moon couldn't figure it out. A pair of eyes looked at Zhen Yuanzi. Zhen Yuanzi said, "Three is three."

Zhen Yuanzi, as the top powerhouse of the heavens, although he has never dealt with the jade ancestors, but the jade ancestors looking for reckless troubles, troubles in the world, and troubles in the underworld can be vividly remembered. This servant is a troubled master. , It doesn’t make sense, so I’ll serve him first, and let’s talk about other things after he is killed.

   "Why do the ancestors come to the humble house today?" Zhenyuan looked at the jade ancestor.

   The old jade ancestor said vaguely: "It's just that I'm just following Hongjun boy to join in the fun."

   Looking at the jade ancestor, the timid holy infant, Zhenyuan looked at Yu Duxiu, and Yu Duxiu hugged the holy infant and looked at the jade ancestor: "Why are you here with me?"

   "It's okay to be idle anyway. It just happened that you came from the lower realm, and I will follow along to join in the fun." The old jade ancestor licked his hand nonchalantly: "It's so delicious, so delicious, this fruit is so delicious."

   "Dao Master, you will be optimistic about the fruit in the future. If you are targeted by this evil, the fruit on your tree will be eaten completely," Yu Duxiu said.

   Zhenyuan's face twitched when he heard the words, the old jade ancestor stared at Yu Duxiu: "What **** thing to say, am I such a ancestor?"

   "You are! Your servant is 10,000 times more shameless than I said. If you eat it, you have to take it away." Yu Duxiu is not polite, and doesn't give the jade ancestor any face.

The ancestor of Jade was not annoyed when he heard the words, but just slapped haha: "How come! How come, you think too much, you think too That was before, that was before, now I am You have changed your evil spirits, don't slander me, boy".

Just as he was talking, Qingfeng and Mingyue came in carrying the fruit, Zhenyuan Daxian, Jade Patriarch, and Jade Duxiu each had a fruit. The Jade Patriarch couldn’t wait to put the fruit into his mouth: "The taste of innate spiritual roots. It's just extraordinary. I don't know how the body of the innate spiritual root tastes, whether it is generally delicious."

   The fruit in Zhenyuan's hand was being delivered to his mouth. He was dumbfounded when he heard this, and the expression on his face was stiff.

   The old jade ancestor said haha: "I just said that ancestors are smooth, smooth, don't care, don't care".

   Zhenyuan stiffly stuffed the fruit into his mouth, and then smiled bitterly: "My ancestor almost scared me to death."

Yu Duxiu stuffed the fruit in his hand into the belly of the holy infant's chest. This belly is also a treasure. Yu Duxiu is refined with the pill furnace of good fortune, blessed by various geniuses and treasures, and even integrated into the world. It is a magic weapon to hold everything, mysterious and unpredictable.

   Sheng Ying put the fruit in his own hand, but he was reluctant to eat it. Yu Duxiu knew that the child must still miss his mother.

   rubbed the head of Sheng Ying, Yu Duxiu smiled bitterly: "Daxian, this boy is causing you trouble."

   "It's okay, it's okay, just put away my fruit tree, put it away" Zhenyuan said stiffly.


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