The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1860: Break the game

Looking at the jade ancestor, Yu Duxiu frowned. As the saying goes, it is red near Zhu and black near ink. Seeing the lawless look of Jade ancestor, Yu Duxiu's heart is deeply worried. , If this kid had learned from such an inconspicuous fellow like the old jade ancestor, wouldn’t it be over? .

Seeing the jade ancestor bulging his mouth and eating fruit wildly, Zhen Yuanzi stretched out his palm, and saw a congenital spiritual root rooted up in the backyard, and it landed in the palm of Zhen Yuanzi's palm and gradually merged into Zhen Yuanzi's body. Among,

The jade ancestor’s eyes were wide, and he even forgot to chew the fruit in his mouth: "You are a jerk. You obviously don’t trust the ancestor. Am I the kind of person? You said I’m the ancestor. Is that kind of person? How could I steal your fruit, ancestor, obviously it is Hongjun boy who is framing this seat."

   Yu Duxiu sneered coldly: "Yes, you will not steal, you will steal it."

   "I,,,,," Jade ancestor looked at Yu Duxiu for a long time, but after all he couldn't find a rebuttal, he could only shut his mouth aggrieved and chewed the fruit.

   "Old ancestor! Otherwise, you can go back to the outside world, now the wild land is not safe, and there will be variables after a long time." Yu Duxiu looked at the jade ancestor and said in a discussing tone.

   The ancestor of Jade Stone looked at Yu Duxiu and raised his eyebrows suddenly: "You kid should not be doing things again."

   After finishing speaking, the ancestor of Jade directly looked at the green cow: "You take the holy infant back to Yujing Mountain, the ancestor, I and Hongjun boy wandering around the wild land, you take this little guy back."

   After finishing speaking, the ancestor of Jade rubbed his hands: "Now ancestor, I am going to do a big job. Let's talk about where we go next."

   Yu Duxiu smiled bitterly when he heard the words: "That said I want to take you there."

   "If you don't take me, I'll go by myself, you can't control me" Old Ancestor Jade said with his neck.

   Looking at the green cow, Yu Duxiu sighed slightly: "Take the Holy Infant back first, and leave the Holy Infant to Prime Minister tortoise to take care of him. There are still things to do in this seat. You must not set foot in this wild land in the future.

   Yu Duxiu stretched out his hand, pulled the green cow's nose ring down, and then looked into the distance unhurriedly: "Daxian, I have something important to deal with, so I won't stay here for a long time."

   "Mianxia, ​​even if you go there," Zhenyuan stood up, looked at Yu Duxiu, and nodded slightly: "Be careful and safe, don't get the calculation."

   "I know this" Yu Duxiu nodded and looked at the Blue Bull and the Holy Infant: "You stay here first, and you are going back when I finish my business."

   "Where shall we go?" The old jade ancestor looked at Yu Duxiu.

   "Go to the wolf god" Yu Duxiu stepped forward, grabbed the jade ancestor, and instantly disappeared into the void.

Reckless, the hall of the wolf god, the wolf **** closed his eyes, constantly thinking about breaking the situation: "Now the power of the demon court is getting stronger and stronger, in the future we and the demon gods will definitely lose their current status and be pushed out of the center of rights of the demon race. It’s not going to work like this."

   "Wolf God".

   Just as the wolf **** was meditating, he saw a figure fluctuating in the hall, revealing a figure.

   "Hong Jun!" Looking at the figure, the wolf **** suddenly stunned: "Why are you here?".

   Yu Duxiu looked at the Biyou cave sky in the distance, and sighed softly: "Well, we were neighbors for a period of time back then. Now I come to see you. It is also our duty as a neighbor."

   "You have never been in the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, let's talk about it, come and find what's up with this seat" The Wolf God looked at Yu Duxiu.

   "I don't want to see your monsters unified, so I came here to help you specially," Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

   "It's straightforward, not just that you can't see my demon clan unity, but the heavens and all clan can't see my demon clan unity" said the wolf **** unhurriedly.

   "How do you want to help me?" The spirit of the wolf god's eyes instantly came up: "I have forgotten. You refined this trick. You must have a back hand, right?"

   Yu Duxiu shook his head and said: "I'm disappointed, I really don't have much to follow."

   "Then how do you help me? I don't see a way to break the game now, unless you destroy the demon banner" The wolf **** fainted instantly, and slowly sat back.

   "Although I can't help you demon race get rid of the demon banner, but you can yourself" Yu Duxiu said.

   "What can you do?" The wolf god's eyes were full of flames.

   "If you talk about recruiting demon banners, there is nothing more familiar than me in the heavens and all realms. If you want to check and balance the demon banners, you need two steps," Yu Duxiu said.

   "The two steps?" The wolf **** looked at Yu Duxiu.

   "The first step is to make your monster tribe stand on its own, and completely separate the relationship with the monster tribe, and the seized luck will inevitably return to a part." Yu Duxiu gave a finger.

   "What about the second?" The wolf **** looked at Yu Duxiu.

   "The second part, here is a exercise method in this seat" Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

   "What technique?" The wolf god's eyes were brilliant.

   Yu Duxiu said: "My practice is different from any system in the world today."

   "Why is it different?" Wolf God said.

"My technique is to dissolve the true body of the demon race, melt the true body of the demon race into the bloodline, melt into the body, and force a certain law between the heaven and the earth into the body, and become the one between the heaven and the earth. The person in charge of the law is similar to the innate gods, but it is completely different. This supernatural power does not use the spiritual energy between the heavens and the earth to cultivate, but uses the muddy aura as energy to temper the body, stepping on the mountains and rivers, with infinite supernatural powers and infinite mana , Never know of exhaustion, can use the power of the earth infinitely," Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

   The wolf **** was shocked when he heard the words: "This technique is really against the sky, and it must be flawed."

   "There are flaws, that is, they have no connection with the way of heaven, they don't understand the way of heaven and earth, and they don't know the time, but they just keep practicing certain laws." Yu Duxiu said.

After speaking, Yu Duxiu threw a piece of jade slip in his hand and fell into the hands of the wolf god: "This is the practice that this seat has enlightened, from the demon **** to the most common little demon. Anyone can cultivate, and as long as they stand on the earth, they will be blessed by the earth and become the darling of the earth."

The wolf **** looked at the jade slip handed over by Yu Duxiu with a solemn expression, and took a breath after a while: "It's a terrifying technique. If this technique is practiced, it's invincible. Up".

   "Why would you kindly give this kind of exercise to my demons tribe?" The wolf **** looked at Yu Duxiu with a pair of suspicious eyes.

"You have no choice! Either you will be completely squeezed to the edge of the monster clan by the three aloof monsters, or you can practice this kind of technique and stand on your own. Of course, if you can find a way to break the game by yourself, then I won't say anything. Not to mention, it's just as if I haven't been here before." Yu Duxiu pulled the jade ancestor and instantly disappeared into the void.

Looking at the technique in his hand, the palms of the wolf **** trembled: "Terror, this technique actually uses the turbid air between the heavens and the earth as its power, it is really terrifying, if I become the first in the world to practice this technique People will definitely enjoy the greatest luck bonus".

After speaking, a hesitation flashed in the eyes of the wolf god, and then he felt cold: "No choice! No choice! If he hesitates, the wolf clan in this constellation will also be included by the monster clan. There is no place for me to wait in the world anymore, and this seat must not sit and wait for death, but it is necessary to carefully consider the exercises to see if there are any drawbacks."

That’s right, this exercise is the result of Yu Duxiu’s retreat. Regarding the magical powers of the witch clan, Yu Duxiu has a record in his mind, plus the deduction of Yu Duxiu’s deduction of good luck. With a slight modification, a gong method against the sky came out.

This is Jade Duxiu’s method of breaking the game. As for whether the demon gods will change races, Jade Duxiu does not care. The supreme power is immortal, and he has long seen through the form of the great world and the essence of life. It's just a change of body and appearance, just like an ordinary person changing into a piece of clothing, no big deal.

   "What technique did you give to the wolf god?" The ancestor of Jade looked at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes.

   "A technique that can break the game" Yu Duxiu said.

   "I want to watch too" Jade ancestor looked at Yu Duxiu with eagerness.

   Yu Duxiu rubbed the head of the old jade ancestor, and instantly saw the old jade ancestor blow his hair: "Damn! Damn! Do you dare to be so disrespectful to the ancestor."


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