The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1861: Demon God Real Body

The old jade ancestor moved Yu Duxiu's hands down dissatisfied, and looked at Yu Duxiu fiercely with a pair of eyes. Yu Duxiu smiled lightly and withdrew his hands: "This supernatural power is in the heavens and the world, any race can cultivate, but Only the ancestors cannot practice."

"Why?" Old Jade Ancestor said.

Yu Duxiu looked at the jade ancestor: "If I am not mistaken, the jade body of the ancestor is based on a special light-opening aura between the heavens and the earth, to temper oneself, right? ?".

"Good eyesight" Jade ancestor glanced at Yu Duxiu: "What about then?"

"My practice is based on the suffocating and turbid aura of heaven and earth as power to practice. After the practice, I have a grumpy temper. If the ancestor is not afraid of his own real body being abolished, just go and practice it." Yu Duxiu palm With a stretch, the magical power took the jade slip and fell into the hands of the jade ancestor.

The ancestor of Jade was stunned for a moment, and then he seemed to have encountered poison: "Forget it! Forget it! I still don’t look at it. You also know my ancestor my temperament. If I meet mystery skills, I don’t want to practice. If you practice this technique, I'm afraid you will have a small life, forget it! Forget it! Don't look at it."

The jade ancestor waved his hand again and again: "How about now?".

"Just watch the changes. The monster race is in great trouble. If the wolf **** and the other monster gods don’t want to be eaten away by the heavens, they have no choice but to practice that exercise. This time it’s fun. I can’t blame me, I can only say The fox gods, tiger gods, and elephant gods are too ugly to eat," Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

After speaking, Yu Duxiu and Jade Patriarch secretly returned to Wuzhuang Temple, farewell to Patriarch, and turned to the 33rd Heaven.

Yu Duxiu left here, and the wolf **** carefully deduced and looked at the exercises in his own hands, his eyes showed a heartbeat. After a long time, he saw the wolf **** exhale deeply: "Heavenly genius, Hong Jun really He is a genius of heaven. Although he can’t understand the great power, he can control a certain law. If it is said, it is much better than my ancestors. The ultimate of this magical power is actually in charge. The law of heaven and earth has become the master of the law, Hong Jun is really amazing."

After speaking, the wolf **** stood up and looked at the endless void: "The turbid air between the heavens and the earth has been condensed into the earth, hidden in the depths of the earth, and this seat is now abolished. How can it be? If you can get rid of the demon banner, this seat will never regret it, and it will be a big deal to abolish this demon **** in the future."

Yes, the name of this magical skill is called the real body of the devil, which sounds a little fanciful.

"Hongjun has returned to Tianwaitian" Xiangshen watched Yu Duxiu riding the green bull with a pair of eyes, and swayed back to Tianwaitian said: "I don't know why, there is always a bad feeling."

"Huh, Hongjun can't turn over the waves, and now he is holding a demon banner, can that change the general trend?" Tiger God sneered.

Elephant God didn't say much, his eyes looked at the void: "Hope."

Let’s say that the wolf **** went all the way to the bottom of the earth, straight to the edge of the turbid world, watching the turbulent turbid air, secretly startled: "If such turbid air bursts out, it will inevitably burst, and the world will be destroyed. I If you can control the power of turbidity, why are you afraid of the demon gods?".

The wolf **** took a close look at Yu Duxiu's technique, and golden light flashed in his eyes. He put away the jade slip, instantly pinched the technique, jumped into the turbidity, and the golden body suddenly jumped behind itself. He came out, and then was shattered by the wolf **** himself, turned into powder, submerged in the flesh, absorbed by the flesh, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "The real body of the devil, works."


The overwhelming turbid air came towards the wolf god, and a black shadow instantly emerged from the overwhelming turbid air, submerged in the wolf god, shattered by the golden body in the wolf god, and then absorbed.

Time is passing by. I don’t know how long it has passed. I saw that the muddy underground space returned to calm, a hideous face, full of scales, and a strange giant demon **** standing proudly in the muddy air, letting the turbid air flow. Turn, go can't hurt the man a bit.


The demon **** opened his eyes, looked at the void, gently opened his arms, and the muddy air in his eyes boiled: "Is this the true body of the demon god? It is really powerful and incredible, this magical power actually took the legend of the demon **** The remnant soul of the devil, smelting his own body, as the demon god’s real body becomes stronger, it completely absorbs the remnant soul of the demon **** who has fallen into the chaos, and he replaces the position of the demon **** and becomes a creature in the chaos. It is powerful! It is incredible.

When the demon **** turned his body, he instantly turned into a young man, walking slowly, and stepping to his hall, feeling the throbbing of the earth under his feet, and he could summon a certain wonderful law between the heaven and the earth to help him anytime and anywhere. The earth is his own backer, the earth is not destroyed, and he will not die. Even if it is that day, the Tao cannot kill himself. This is an intuition, a mysterious intuition.

"Hahaha, hahaha" the wolf **** laughed wildly: "You old guys, don't come to this territory yet. There is a big advantage in this seat. The great benefits have to be shared with you, but you can't come."




The void was twisted, and a dozen phantoms were seen floating up and down in the hall of the wolf god. Looking at the wolf **** with weird energy, the demon gods suddenly stunned: "Wolf god! What happened to you? Why is the whole body so irritable? Strong! I don’t know why, there is a trace of fear in my heart."

The wolf god’s face was full of vigor at this time: “You’re right, this seat has already thought of a way to break the game. We only need to practice this technique to become the true body of the demon god, and then we will be a self-reliant clan. All the luck we swallowed will be taken back by us."

"What demon god's true body?" E Shen was taken aback.

The wolf **** divided the jade slips in his hand, and the demon gods looked at them for a long time, and all of them looked scared: "It's a terrifying technique. If we really practice successfully, we will be invincible on the earth. I know if this exercise is real."

"Naturally it is true, because this seat has been trained into the real body of the Demon God" Wolf God smiled slightly.

"How about supernatural powers?" E Shendao.

"If it weren't for the fear of making a big move, and disturbing the three **** in the 33rd heaven, I can single out a group of you on the earth" Wolf God said.

"It's all up to you if you decide to practice or not. If you decide to practice, then this seat will wait for you for a while. If you don't want to practice, I will pass on the practice and let all the tribes of the wolf tribe and affiliated races practice this. "Gong method, get rid of the control of the monster race," the wolf **** said casually.

After hearing the words, the demon gods looked at the magical powers and kept scrutinizing them. They didn't see any fatal flaws, but they would eventually become strong, very powerful, and become the gods that existed in the chaos.

Thinking of the creatures that existed in the chaos, the demon gods naturally remembered the information that had been spread about the ancestor dragon, and the demon gods were shocked.

"Cultivation! You must practice. If you don't practice such a good technique, you would be a fool" E Shen sneered.

"Yes, this is our capital against the monster race. As long as we practice this technique, even the ancestors of the human race will never want to regain the Middle Territory. We are the number one race in the heavens and the world" Niu Shendao.

"Isn't it just to change my body? What's the matter, just change clothes" Centipede ancestor said with The crowd was excited, and the rabbit **** was silent for a while: "This technique is for me. I can’t practice, I’m sorry, but the subordinates of my Rabbit Clan can practice this supernatural power, and you should also know my relationship with Fairy Taiyin.”

After hearing the words of the Rabbit God, the demon gods nodded without reluctance, everyone understood.

The chicken **** on one side also smiled bitterly: "I don't practice anymore. This supernatural power is extremely powerful. I have already seen the hope of breaking through. If I change to practice, Dao Guo will be destroyed."

"Okay, your kid actually caught the tail off" the demon gods smiled.

"It doesn't matter, these two tell you not to cultivate. Let's practice and achieve the true body of this demon god, so that the elephant god, fox god, and tiger **** know how powerful we are" the lion **** said proudly.


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