The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1862: Providence is like a knife, 12 demons

Regardless of the chicken **** and rabbit god, the demon gods came to the endless dimension deep in the earth under the drag of the wolf god. Seeing the turbid gas that was rolling and roaring, the wolf **** smiled softly: "It is Here it is".

After speaking, the wolf **** jumped into the muddy air, his eyes full of intoxication.

"Cultivating this God and Demon Real Body Art, will smelt the muddy air of the earth, and then attract the remnant soul of the God and Demon in the world that matches with their own attributes into the body, refining it, and then take charge of that God and Demon. Power, with the advancement of this real body formula, until it completely summons the real body of the gods and demons between the heavens and the earth, and then replaces them." Yu Duxiu looked at the jade ancestor unhurriedly: "This is the real body of the gods and demons. The biggest characteristic of Jue is that there is only one same Demon God in this world. If the rest of the people summon the remnant soul of this Demon God, the two can only fight each other. The winner is king, and the loser quits."

"A terrifying tactic" Jade Ancestor's face paled: "I can never see this ancestor, and I can't see it."

"However, the realm of the demon gods at this time is no worse than that of the demon gods that exist in the chaos. They should be able to summon 70% to 80% of the demon god's remnant soul at a time. The demon **** is immortal, and the remnant soul buried in time and space will be inspired. One after another rushed out of the long river of time" Yu Duxiu's eyes showed a touch of emotion.

"You kid has some problems with this tactic. After practicing this Divine Demon Real Body Secret Art, it incorporates the remnant soul of the Demon God. Is that Demon God still a Demon God?" Old Ancestor Jade's eyes turned dripping.

"You have eaten, are you just the rice?" Yu Duxiu gave the old jade ancestor a white look: "I was just the last time I saw the phantom of the demon **** among the countless chaos after entering the Great Thousand World. I felt uneasy and thought about it. "This way of doing things" Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

The old jade ancestor looked at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes, and kept turning, "It is always you who are reasonable. Could it be said that your method can kill the remnants of the devil gods?".

"It may not be impossible to rob life and death," Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

Looking at Yu Duxiu, the ancestor of Jade's eyes rolled around: "It seems that your kid now has some characteristics of a magic stick."

"Really?" Yu Duxiu was taken aback when he heard the words.

"Almost" said the jade ancestor.

In the depths of the earth, the demon gods look at me and I see you, the lion **** said: "I hope we don't summon the same remnant soul of the devil, otherwise we will be sadly reminded."

"Impossible. Our races are different and our power attributes are different. How can we summon the same demon god? You worry too much." After Eshen finished speaking, he directly pinched the magic formula, broke the earth in an instant, and entered the muddy earth. Roaring to the sky, shattering the real body, began to merge with the physical body, summoning the remnant soul of the devil, and constantly transforming it.

"Let's also act."

Seeing this, the other demon gods jumped into the turbidity, and the turbid land that had been calm for hundreds of millions of years began to boil continuously, and countless earth turbid air was continuously absorbed by the demon gods, and then the afterimage of the demon **** in the void continued. Flying out of the muddy ground, falling into the bodies of the demon gods, the two sides began to merge.

The memory from the ancient times, the power of the ancient bloodline, is constantly blessed in the bodies of the demon gods, and begins to derive in the bodies of the demon gods.

Time flies, and a thousand years will pass in a blink of an eye.

"What's going on! I feel a little uneasy in my heart" Tiger God's eyelids jumped wildly.

"Worry too much, the trend of the unification of the monster race has been set, no one can violate you and me, and foreigners are even afraid to take action against my monster race. Now the monster race stands at the peak of the heavens and the world, that is our opponent." The elephant was sitting there, his whole body was calm, and a powerful aura escaped.

"I don't know why, the anxiety in my heart keeps rising. It seems that something bad is going to happen. These **** have been silent in the lower realm for thousands of years. It stands to reason that they shouldn't, and shouldn't be silent for such a long time. You should come out to make trouble, and at the worst, you should always jump out to express your dissatisfaction and disgust us, what do you think?" Tiger God looked at Xiangshen.

Xiangshen nodded when he heard the words: "It seems to be the truth, how come these guys are in silence now?".

In the muddy abyss in the depths of the earth, a series of extremely tall and hideous faces, full of scales, strange-looking demon gods, are constantly absorbing the muddy air in the earth.

"Is this the real body of the Demon God? It is really powerful." A flash of joy flashed in the eyes of the ancestor Crocodile.

"Everyone, now everyone has turned into a demon god, and has cultivated the real body of the demon god. I have already opened the way to get rid of the demon banner. The most important step is to create another race and completely separate from the demon race. Clearing the boundaries is like the unlucky ghost led the human race to draw a clear line from my monster race back then." The wolf **** sounded.

All the demon gods look at me, I look at you, the bull **** said: "What kind of race shall we build?".

"Now we reverse the acquired demon **** to the innate chaotic demon god. I have smelted the remnant soul of the demon **** and accepted many secrets in the chaos. I never thought that there are so many secrets in the chaos. I can replace the demon **** after I finish melting the demon god. The devil’s fate, in that case, it’s better to create a demon clan." Centipede ancestor waved thousands of scaly arms, and his eyes were full of triumphant gods. It’s not bad. It sounds domineering. After I go out, Immediately spread the tactics to the tribes, and then inform the world, seduce the turbid air, and turn that tribe into the new force of the demon **** clan, hahaha, the elephant god, fox god, and tiger **** have already gotten off, and this demon **** tactic has nothing to do with them. "Lion God smiled."

"In this case, we will quietly convene the tribes, prepare to spread the Demon God Secret Art on a large scale, and then use the power of blood inheritance to ignite the blood of those younger generations and help them turn into Demon Gods" Niu Shendao.

The demon gods turned into human bodies one after another, and they came to the great world, with a pair of eyes looking at the 33rd heaven, with cold light in their eyes.

"I really want to rush into the 33rd Heaven now, drag the fox **** down and torment it vigorously. This fox Meizi looks itchy all day." A greed and domineering flashed in the eyes of the lion god.

"After dividing the line with the monster race, we accumulate our strength and enter the 33rd heaven, break through the outer sky, capture the fox **** alive, and suppress the elephant **** and tiger god." There was a touch of cunning in the eyes of the wolf god, and the wolf was deified as a young man. The man's eyes were full of cold colors: "Then what we have to do now is to gather the generals, summon the subordinates, seduce the muddy air between the world and the earth, and transform them into the devil."

Yujing Mountain, Hongjun Hall. At this time, Yu Duxiu placed a hideous, strange-looking clay statue in front of her. Every clay statue was constantly rising in muddy air.

"Destiny is like a knife" Yu Duxiu pointed out with her finger, and fell on the clay sculptures.

"Coincidence? There are exactly twelve demon gods, which is really weird." Yu Duxiu frowned as he looked at the twelve clay sculptures in front of him.

"The rabbit gods and chicken gods saw the opportunity quickly. They didn't switch to this practice. I didn't expect the remnants of the devil gods to enter the muddy earth. Now they only hope that the twelve devil gods will establish tribes, seize the opportunity, and The remnant soul of the Demon God is summoned from time and space and then smelted. If it is resurrected by the Demon God, then it will be a big trouble." Yu Duxiu Yuxuanzaohua kept deducing.

Jade ancestor stood in front of Yu Duxiu, looked at the twelve clay sculptures and said, "What is this hideous face?".

"The Devil" Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

Looking at the Demon God, Old Jade Ancestor rolled his eyes: "I don’t know if this Demon God is You will know if you try it. In the earth, this Demon God is invincible and you can borrow it at any time. The power of the earth and the turbid air of the open sky are cultivated. No one can suppress it forcibly." Yu Duxiu said.

The ancestor of Jade looked at Yu Duxiu: "Is it really so powerful? How can the other races mix?".

"But the Demon God is not invincible, because the Demon God also has weaknesses," Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

"What weakness?" The ancestor of Jade rolled his eyes: "The Demon God has no soul, no soul, no knowledge of the time, and no knowledge of the location. It is just a few people. The most important thing is that this Demon God has a fatal flaw."

"What's the flaw?" Old Jade Ancestor said, looking at the ferocious demon god, Jade Ancestor looked at his heartbeat, and didn't want to get involved in any relationship with the other party.


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