The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1864: Fatal flaw

Tai Dou Jiao Ancestor said with a bitter face: "The guy who was killed by a thousand swords actually created this kind of magic trick. It has too much damage to the heavens and the earth, and there is no grass in the place where it passes. This demon clan is really the heavens and the world. Cancer".

"If you want to die, you must first make it crazy," Taiping Jiaozu said unhurriedly.

"But these beasts are not only destroying recklessness, but also destroying the center of the day." Taiyuan Sect Ancestor said bitterly: "If it is destroyed like this, even if we take back the middle area, what is the use?" .

"Now it seems that I have to make plans early." Taishi Jiaozu touched his chin.

"Hey, these beasts, why don't they be hacked to death by God" Taishi Jiaozu angrily cursed.

In the Jade Mountain of the Thirty-three Heavens, Yu Duxiu cautiously looked at the palm-sized twelve ice coffins in front of him, and the jade-colored discs flashed in his eyes. At the moment when the twelve demon gods swore to establish the Demon God Clan, Jade Duxiu's eyes are sharp and bright: "Fate, fusion."

God’s will is like a sword blessing the world, and forcibly suppressed it. In an instant, the twelve clay statues merged with the life style, and they were completely integrated into the clay statue. I saw that the clay statue actually opened up a dimension and life style. At this time, it turned into a mighty river, flowing quietly in this Yuan Dynasty.

"The calamity! The calamity! No one in the heavens and ten thousand realms can escape from the palm of this seat" Yu Duxiu's mouth was slightly tilted, with a touch of triumph in her eyes: "Hahaha, hahaha, this seat seems to have seen the completeness of the catastrophe. That day".

"This stingy guy is crazy again." The old jade ancestor was riding on the back of the old turtle and was pulling the holy infant. After hearing the laughter from the hall, he frowned and cursed. , And then looked at the holy infant: "Hey, your ginseng fruit will be wasted if you don't eat it. Come, ancestor, I will try it for you. If you don't eat it, you will try it."

"You old bastard, let go of me, let me go" Sheng Ying tightly covered the gambling fight, and kept entangled with the old jade.

"Fox God!".

The elephant **** and the tiger **** came to the small world of the fox god.

"Is it true?" The Tiger God stared at the Fox God for a moment.

The fox **** raised his head in despair: "It is true that the demon **** clan is based on muddy aura, melting the soul in the bloodline, so that it gets rid of the shackles of the beckoning flag, the demon **** clan has no soul."


Hearing these words, the Tiger God and Elephant God had wanted to blame and swallowed back instantly, and their eyes were full of shock: "It's so cruel!"

"They are crazy!" Elephant God said in shock.

"Yes, it's crazy, all crazy" Fox God smiled bitterly.

"We must not let him succeed. If we want to split the demon clan, we have to pass our level. Let's go to the congregation demon gods," Xiang Shen gritted his teeth.

While talking, the Elephant God instantly descended on the 33rd layer of heaven, and slapped it against the wild land: "Betraying the monster race is a capital crime. You take back the previous vows, and this seat forgive you, otherwise it’s not today. I want you to wait to know how great it is."


The earth shook, and the lion **** was slammed into the earth with a fist, sinking into the depths of the earth.

Xiangshen wore the imperial robe, his eyes were full of anger: "Say! Why betray the Yaozu!".

"Xiangshen! You are too much, you dare to come to our Demon God clan to go wild." All the Demon Gods gathered around at this time.

The lion **** slowly walked out of the arrogant earth, his eyes staring at the demon god: "Hehe, elephant god, do you think we are still the monster? Now I am the demon god, you are the monster, dare you? Come to provoke, this cause and effect have already been established, today let you see how powerful my demon clan is."

After speaking, the lion **** said: "You wait to get out, let this **** know the power of my demon god's true body".

After speaking, the muddy air surging under the lion god's feet, the whole body was covered with scales, the muddy air flow turned, a few breaths had turned into a huge giant, the muddy waves all over his body rolled, pressing towards the elephant god.

"If you have cultivated something that is not expensive or expensive for you, can you help me?" Elephant God roared, billions of elephant worms surged, slammed out with a punch, and instantly turned towards it. The giant hand smashed the sky.


At this time, the muddy air was suppressed to the extreme by the punch of the elephant god, and the elephant was punched out, the light burst from the whole body, and the real body of the demon **** was overturned.


The dust was overflowing, and the lion **** stood up: "This man is so powerful, according to my devil's law, the soul is frozen."

Divine light shot out from the three heads of the lion god, coming towards the elephant god.

"Infinite power".


The lion **** was thrown into the air with a punch.

"You old thing can't do it, you don't have to be like this after changing the demon god's law body, and it's a waste of wood" the wolf **** said dissatisfied.

The light on the lion god's head didn't wait to fall on the elephant god, and he had been knocked off by the elephant god.

"Old ancestor, I stand on the earth and can use the power of the earth. This fellow can actually fly me. It's unimaginable. It's really an asshole." The lion **** got up with a gray face.

The lion **** is cursing, in fact, I don’t know that at this time, the elephant **** is also suppressing shock. If he keeps it in the usual way, his billions of white elephants will turn into holy elephants. The lion **** is just a role that explodes with a punch, who knows Now this boy has thick skin and thick flesh, and his strength is so powerful that he can't help the opponent with a single punch, at most he will fly the opponent.

"These demon gods have already blessed the power of the soul to the flesh. You can't suppress the opponent with one punch. It's normal. If you can't suppress the opponent with one punch, then two punches." Fox God's voice slowly came from the void. Coming together with the tiger god, a pair of eyes looked down on the wild land.


"Everyone, let's take a look at these three guys." The Bull God roared and wanted to take action.

"Wait, the penalty guillotine is not a joke, let's go to the starry sky to decide the victory or defeat." The fox **** flashed cold light in his eyes, and instantly came to the starry sky.

Elephant God and Tiger God followed closely, standing still in the starry sky.

The twelve demon gods rose up into the sky one after another, and came to the starry sky in an instant, the lion **** roared, the devil god's true body grew up unscrupulously and came to suppress the elephant god.


The Lion God was blown away by the Elephant God and crashed into countless planets, instantly bursting into countless stars in the starry sky.

"It's not right, why the strength of this guy has dropped so much? It's really vulnerable?" The elephant **** was also astonished. I was afraid that the lion **** could not be suppressed before, so I used all his power from the beginning, and I never thought that the other party could not help but smash it. .


The lion gods and fox gods were stunned, and the demon gods were also stunned.

"Do you know what the Demon God has flaws?" Yu Duxiu sighed while looking into the distance.

The ancestor of Jade grabbed Prime Minister Turtle’s tortoise and climbed down, and instantly came to Yu Duxiu, looking at the battlefield in the starry sky: "Could it be said that this demon can only fight on the earth. There is no difference between the supreme and strong?".

Yu Duxiu nodded: "It's almost like this, but the demon **** has no primordial spirit, but the physical strength of the body has skyrocketed. The strength of the combat force has increased or decreased."

"Why is this, why my power is weakened" The Lion God’s eyes were full of disbelief. He descended into the wild in an instant, sensing the warmth from the earth, the Lion God felt that in an instant The lost power is back.

"Roar" the lion **** roared up to the sky.

"They have flaws. Once they leave the earth, their strength will be infinitely weakened, because these demon gods have smelted the muddy air, are disgusted by the sky, and will be suppressed by the sky" Yu Duxiu's mouth was smiling.

"Beep the dog." The demon gods suddenly felt a little Ah originally thought that the world was invincible, who knew that this magical power would have such a big loophole.

"What to do?" The demon gods look at me and I look at you, and the E God gritted his teeth: "Hit!"

Feeling the suppression of the starry sky, the demon gods are extremely uncomfortable.


"We have muddy air protection, assimilating these bastards."


At this time, the demon gods didn't speak any morality anymore, and they shot towards the fox god, tiger god, and lion god. Everyone did not bless in the starry sky, let alone being suppressed by the laws of heaven and earth, who could have thought of this kind of emotion.


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