The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1865: The Devil Comes


   Thousands of stars in the starry sky shattered, and all the supreme powerhouses were grouped together in the starry sky.

   I have to say that back then, the fox **** chose Xiangshen as an ally, there is absolutely a reason, the power of the billions of elephants of the elephant, in the starry sky, actually suppressed the demon gods.


The lion **** was instantly exploded, turned into muddy air, and reborn on the earth, with a pair of eyes looking at the starry sky: "Mother, it's really a bully. I am waiting in the earth to be boosted by the power of the earth, in the sky. It is about to be suppressed by the power of the starry sky. It is really a beeping dog. It is really a cycle of heaven and retribution."


After the E-shen was bombed, he was reborn beside the lion-god, grinning at the starry sky: "Fucking, the power of the elephant **** is too abnormal. There is only one to be beaten in the starry sky. We are in the earth. Can take advantage of it".

   The power of the elephant **** is tyrannical, and the power of the tiger **** is not weak. The two sides fought together, and the air of water, wind, and fire rolled endlessly in the void.

   It didn't take long for the wolf **** to be reborn with a sullen face, and his eyes gloomily looked at the starry sky: "What a jerk, these three guys have taken off."


   The centipede ancestor burst open, fell on the ground and reborn, spreading his teeth and dancing claws: "Bastard, you three **** have the ability to go to the wild land, let's fight each other."

   In the starry sky, the Tiger God smiled contemptuously, pierced a demon **** with a palm, instantly exploded into muddy air, dissipated in the starry sky, and then was born in the earth.

   "Wonderful! Wonderful! The law of heaven and earth is really powerful. When the demon gods are blessed by the power of the earth, they will be suppressed by the starry sky. It's really wonderful."

   "There really is no perfect rule. If the twelve demon gods are really as strong as the sky and the earth, they should be able to sweep the world." Tai Dou Jiaozu let out a long sigh of relief.

   The other demon gods saw the opportunity, knowing that their strength in the starry sky was greatly reduced, and they simply fled back to the wild, their eyes gloomy looking at the starry sky.

   "What should we do now? We are restricted by others like this." E Shen felt a little painful.

"I think about it, I think about it" The wolf **** carried his hands, and a gloom flashed in his eyes: "It's a jerk, what a jerk, I can't get too far from the ground, or I will only be abused by these three jerks, even the fox **** I've been standing on the side and never shot.

"If the order is passed on, all the demon gods will camp according to the tribe, and they must not destroy the wild world, mountains, rivers, and rivers. The turbid air has too much influence on the world. If you don’t pay attention, you will be sinful. The luck is gone. I don’t know now My demon **** clan luck geometry" Wolf God's face sank.

The wild land is indeed indestructible. Since knowing that everyone cannot leave the ground, the powerful people have understood the importance of the land. Not only can they not destroy the land, but they must do their best to protect the land, dredge the veins, and constantly stir the void. The power of Zhongmingming nourishes the earth.

   "You go back to restrain the tribe first, this seat retreats and think of a way" The wolf walked towards his main hall angrily.

Seeing the backs of the wolves leaving with annoyance, the eyes of everyone flashed with helplessness, and the centipede ancestor said: "Actually, there is nothing wrong with the earth. The starry sky is desolate and the earth is better. I don't believe that. A few **** will never descend on the earth."

   "That is, these guys can't always come to the wild land forever, there will be time to get back to the place when the time comes," Old Ancestor Jade said coldly.

   In the starry sky, watching the demon gods escape back to Manghuang, the three demon gods stood in the starry sky, looking at the manghuang land without words for a long time.

   "What do you do now?" Elephant God is the least lazy to use his brain. Now that Fox God, the first wise man, is here, how can he waste his brain cells?

"Actually, there are thirty-three small worlds in the 33rd layer, which are enough for my monster race. This wild land is temporarily unable to go down. This seat is trying to find a way." The Fox God turned and walked towards the sky. Past.

   Outside the world, on Yujing Mountain, the wolf **** quietly came to the hall of Yu Duxiu.

   "Hong Jun".

   The wolf **** walked into the hall with a gloomy expression: "Did you know this result?".

   Yu Duxiu nodded: "The cycle of heaven is like this, it is impossible to be perfect in this world."

   "I don't care, I just want to know how to get rid of the **** of the earth" Wolf God Road.

Yu Duxiu slowly stood up and came to the front of the wolf god. The wolf **** was a lot taller than Yu Duxiu, but Yu Duxiu seemed to look down on the wolf god: "You are not bound by the earth now. You have reached the starry sky. In the middle, you are suppressed, even after suppression, your strength is actually not much different from before you turned into a demon god, what this seat said is correct!".

   "It's true" Wolf Shinto.

"This seat gave you a chance, gave you a chance to defeat the demon court, you don’t have to thank me, but now you come to blame me? You can’t defeat the elephant **** and tiger **** in the starry sky, it means you haven’t made a breakthrough. You couldn’t beat it before. It’s true that your strength was suppressed in the starry sky, and it was greatly reduced, but you know, the Fox God is still watching and didn’t make a move! But now? Now you can rely on the earth on the earth. The power of the power vie with the demon gods, and even defeated them, this seat cannot find your reason to blame me".

Yu Duxiu stared at the wolf **** with a pair of eyes, and the wolf **** looked away: "What you said has some truth, but now I can't beat the demon **** in the starry sky. How can it be?".

   "You can think of a way to get the three demon gods to take the initiative to come down," Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

   "What way?" The wolf **** looked at Yu Duxiu.

"Think about it for yourself, this seat is not obligated to make decisions for your monster race" Yu Duxiu smiled coldly, turned around and walked to the entrance of the hall, looking at the scenery in the distance, and then said: "In fact, you want to solve the problem. , It is not impossible".

   "What way?" The wolf **** hurriedly asked.

   "Number One" Yu Duxiu stretched out a finger: "Breakthrough in cultivation base, completely transformed into innate demon god".

"This is simply impossible. If you want to become an innate demon god, it is not enough to rely solely on the power of the evil spirits. You must have the aura of chaos. You said that with our current strength, will the demon **** give me a chance to enter the starry sky?" Helpless.

   "Didn't you come in now?" Yu Duxiu looked at the wolf god.

   "It's not the same. Once you practice, the turbid air will collide with the chaotic air, causing a violent reaction, which will inevitably be manifested by the demon god. The fox **** always sits in the outer sky, and he will not miss this opportunity" Wolf God said.

   "Then you can only use the second method," Yu Duxiu said.

   "What can you do, don't sell it anymore" Wolf God said.

   "The power of the formation" Yu Duxiu said.

   "Formation?" The wolf **** was taken aback.

   "You said, if the demon clan mastered the great formation of stars, what would happen to your demon clan?" Yu Duxiu said.

  The wolf **** has an ugly face: "I'm afraid that the demon clan can take the initiative to descend on the and my demon clan is fighting."

   After a pause, the wolf **** said: "Fortunately, the demon clan doesn't know how to fight against the stars."

   "That's not necessarily, it can't be changed, doesn't the human race have a great array of heavens and stars?" Yu Duxiu said.

  "The human race and the monster race are dead enemies, how can they spread the formation of the heavens and stars to the outside world" Wolf Shendao.

"If you can bring your Demon God clan to the end of the Demon Race, I think the ancestors are still very helpful in teaching the great formation of the heavens and stars. Now that the Demon Court is aware of the crisis and wants to deal with you, I am afraid that it will take a long time. "The stars are in a big battle," Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

   "How can you teach me under the crown?" The wolf **** said respectfully.

   Looking at the wolf god, Yu Duxiu smiled: "If I had something to teach you, I would have given it to you a long time ago. You should know how difficult it is to understand the formation, especially the formation of the stars."

   The wolf **** looked ugly after hearing the words: "This time it is really troublesome. If the demon clan learns from the heavens and stars, what should I do for the demon clan".

"So, instead of having time to waste with me, you might as well go back to discuss countermeasures with the demon gods, think about how to strengthen the power of the demon gods, or to lay down the 33rd heaven as soon as possible and completely exile the demon gods." Yu Duxiu did not hurry and said slowly.


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