The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1866: Coming to the East China Sea, the wolf **** threatened

After taking a look at Yu Duxiu, the wolf **** stomped his feet, "Oh", turned and quietly ‘sneaked out’ Yujing Mountain.

"When did Hongjun hook up with the wolf god?" Fox **** looked into the distance, his brows frowned, and then quickly thought: "Thousands of years ago, Miaoxiu's lower realm went to Wuzhuang Temple, and then all the demon gods fell into it. Silence, he had established himself as a clan when he appeared, and I don’t know if Hongjun was involved in this matter!"

"The wolf **** is not honest, he obviously leaked you out on purpose" Jade Patriarch came to Yu Duxiu's side.

"What if it is leaked out?" Yu Duxiu smiled disdainfully: "It's not just let me play around."

"You are not afraid that the demon **** will trouble you," said the old jade ancestor.

Yu Duxiu broke his fingers very seriously: "I, you, Yuanshi Tianzun, and the old tortoise, facing the three demon gods in the court that day, no matter how they fight, they have a full chance of winning. Besides, there are blood demon, Chaotian, Fuyao and Tai Su are on the sidelines, no matter whether they are the demon clan or the demon **** clan, they dare not easily turn their faces with us, unless it is...".

"Unless it is what?" Old Jade Ancestor said.

Yu Duxiu said in silence: "I have to guard against it. If this happens, it would be really bad."

"Hey, you kid instigate discord, but be careful that the two Lich clans join forces and kill you first, then you would be too wrong to die." Old Jade Stone said.

"I am immortal, and suppressing me is just talking nonsense, not to mention wanting to kill me" Yu Duxiu sneered.

Looking at Jade Duxiu, the old jade ancestor said meaningfully: "There are countless magical powers in these heavens and worlds. Otherwise, with my ancestor's real jade body, that can be broken?".

Yu Duxiu was curious when he heard the words: "Ancestor, if you don't tell me, I can't remember how your jade body was broken back then."

The ancestor of Jade had a distorted face when he heard the words, and he couldn't laugh or cry. After a while, he said: "This matter is too hot, you care about so much.

In the wild land, the wolf **** came out from the hall: "Call all the demon gods to discuss matters."

The strong man under his command led away, and not long after the demon gods arrived, looking at the wolf **** said: "What is the matter, is so anxious, has it come up with a perfect solution to this matter?".

The wolf god’s expression is gloomy: "Cause and effect cycle. Prosperity is bound to have gains and losses. This matter is hard to come by. Now I have gathered all of you here. I have one thing to discuss with you. The Demon Court controls the stars. , If there is a great formation of stars, what shall we do?".

As soon as these words came out, the demon gods were shocked and their faces were shocked, and Niu Shen said, "I really haven't thought of such a thing."

"Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case, we must take precautions against this kind of thing, but we can't ask the demon **** to calculate it. If the heavens and stars are really set out, with the power of the elephant, we want to break The battle is really difficult."

"The stars of the heavens are too terrifying. If we want to break the formation, it will be extremely difficult. The only solution is for us. If we want to contend with the stars of the heavens, unless we are able to study a way to fight the stars. The formation is equally powerful, or it is that I am waiting to strengthen my strength and practice "Lion Shinto."

The demon gods were silent, why didn't everyone know this truth, but now they simply couldn't think of a way to break the game.

After a while, I heard E Shendao: "I have a good way."

"What way?" The demon gods all looked towards God E.

E God smiled triumphantly: "Hahaha, aren't there four sea dragons on the earth? There are five supreme powerhouses, if we conquer the four sea dragons, we will count as 17 supreme powerhouses, then The stars of the heavens are strong, and it is not enough for us."

"Sihai Dragon Clan is afraid that they won't give in," Wolf God said.

"First salute and then soldiers, if the four-sea dragon clan refuses to submit, we will send troops and threaten the power of all beings in the four seas."

"This matter, I personally go and take a walk." The wolf **** stood up, took a step, and headed towards the East China Sea.

In the East China Sea Dragon Palace, Jinlin sits with Donghai Dragon Lord, and then Jinlin said: "Brother, now the Demon God is the dominant clan, I am afraid that he will look at me all over the world. Let's take precautions early, that Demon God is not a good Stubble".

Donghai Longjun waved his hand: "It's really a jerk. I don't know that it was that guy who used such a perverted cultivation method to create the Demon God Clan and put my survival in the world at risk."

"If the Demon God arrives, how will Big Brother choose?" Xihai Longjun said.

"I wait for the foundation to be on the ground, so I can only make a temporary compromise and take refuge in the devil clan" Donghai Longjun helpless.

"I'm afraid that those demon gods still won't let go, and must I send troops from all over the world to transform into a demon god?" Jin Lin said.

"No?" Beihai Longjun was skeptical.

As he was talking, he suddenly heard General Crab's report: "Great King, a monk came from outside the door, claiming to be the wolf demon god, coming to the East China Sea to visit the mansion."


The faces of all the dragons changed, and the East Sea Dragons stood up: "I'll go and welcome the wolf **** in first. Don't lose my courtesy."

"Hahaha, the wolf **** came from afar, forgive me for not being able to welcome him far away, and disrespect." Donghai Longjun separated the waves and held a fist to the wolf god.

"Long Jun is polite, we are all old acquaintances, where there are so many etiquette" The wolf **** smiled gently.

"Also invite the wolf **** to speak inside" Donghai Longjundao.

The wolf **** followed Donghai Longjun into the main hall, and then the two parties were divided into the host and the guest to sit down, and a maid served cakes, tea and wine. One family?".

Donghai Longjun heard this and his mind moved: "Here is coming."

"The Demon God clan has taken a different path, surpasses the monster clan, is a self-reliant clan, and is blessed by the earth in the wild. They are the darling of the earth" Donghai Longjun said calmly.

"I'm waiting for the Demon God Clan to compete with the Demon Clan. I don't know if Long Jun is willing to join my Demon God Clan. Everyone is living on the wild land. It is only right when we support each other." The Wolf God looked at To the East Sea Dragon King.

In the heavenly palace, a star **** gave a salute to the two sires: "Enlighten your majesty the demon emperor and demon emperor, now that wolf **** has entered the Sihailong Palace."

Xiangshen smiled coldly when he heard the words: "It's a good beast, and he actually hit the Sihailong clan. The Sihailong clan is blessed by the power of the sea in the four seas, and the fighting power is unmatched. Even the devil may not be unable to fight. Victory, if this **** really draws the Sihailong clan, my monster clan will be in great trouble."

"We have to ask the Fox God to step into this matter, and this matter must not be underestimated." The Tiger God stood up and walked towards the small world of the Fox God.

"Fox God, now that the Wolf God has entered the Four Seas Dragon Palace, you have to go and take a step in this matter" Wolf God said.

The Fox God heard the words and nodded: "When the wolf **** goes out of the four seas, this person will take it personally. The Four Seas Dragon Race controls the Sihai Sea Race. If we can enter my Heavenly Court, my Heavenly Court will use the East China Sea as the battlefield. Contending with those beasts on the earth, the Sihailong Clan must not give up easily."

After speaking, the fox **** stood up and walked out of the world of Xiaoqian: "I'm afraid this will not be so easy. Your Majesty needs to be prepared to have a battle with the Demon God."

Watching the tiger **** go away, the fox god's eyebrows tufted: "This group of traitors, the human race rebelled out of recklessness back then, now these **** have turned out collectively, it's really a bastard."

In the East Sea Dragon Palace, the wolf **** looked at East Sea Dragon Lord with a pair of eyes. East Sea Dragon Lord heard the words for a moment, and then said: "I have entered the Demon God Clan, this middleland should have a piece of cake from my Dragon Clan."

"Yes, naturally there is, as long as Long Jun is willing to join my demon clan" the wolf **** chuckled.

"It's easy to say that I am willing to join the Demon God Clan and join the Demon God Clan to conquer the Heavenly Court."

"Since Long Jun has joined the Demon God, we still need to show a little sincerity," Wolf God said.

"What sincerity?" Donghai Longjun frowned.

"Why don't it as long as Lord Dragon also cultivated the real body of God and Demon?" The wolf **** took out the real body of God and Demon and threw it on the case table in front of East Sea Dragon Lord.

The atmosphere in the hall was silent and terribly depressed.

The North Sea Dragon Lord became more and more powerful, but was held firmly by the West Sea Dragon Lord and the South Sea Dragon Lord, and a pair of angry eyes looked at the wolf god.

ps: Let me just say that the new book is almost ready. If there are no accidents, it should be published in one or two months.


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