The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1867: Fox God enters the East China Sea

The words of the wolf **** are too difficult for others. The dragons of the four seas take water as the foundation and water as the source of strength. They are all proven water-related roads. Your Excellency asks us to absorb the muddy air of the earth and turn into the real body of the devil. It is equivalent to abolishing the power of the Dragon Ball. This is simply extremely funny." Donghai Longjun's eyes were rippling and the sea was rippling, looking down at the distant mountains with endless waves shining in his eyes.

"This is the only sincerity to join my demon clan. I know that it is difficult for some strong people, but this is the only way to express sincerity. Only when all the dragons are transformed into the body of the devil, we can truly become a family" Wolf God looked at Donghai Longjun faintly.

   "Absurd! It's ridiculous!" Donghai Longjun angrily rebuked: "Could the demon gods bully me?"

"Long Jun is still thinking about it." The wolf **** looked at the East Sea Dragon King, and then his gaze flicked over the other Long Jun's bodies: "Several people persuade the East Sea Dragon King, now my demon **** This family is domineering in the prehistoric land. If the Four Seas Dragon Race rejects the kindness of my Demon God family, disaster will happen in an instant."

   "Don't think about it, this is the sea, but the source of the world's ten thousand waters, you demon clan don't want to do their best here," Beihai Longjun scolded.

   "That is, when I am in the world, what is it? I am waiting for five strong, twelve strong in your demon clan, we may not be afraid of you in the sea" Nanhai Longjun's eyes flashed a divine light.

"How many people really don't think about it? Forget it, I'll give you one year, and I will ask you again in a year." The wolf **** stood up without any eyes, and walked slowly toward the outside world, but disappeared in a flash. .

   "This bastard, the demon clan deceived people too much" Donghai Longjun instantly overturned the case before him.

   "Brother, we absolutely can't agree to this matter. Once all my dragon races are transformed into the devil clan, we will be over." Xihai Longjun Road.

   "Of course I can't agree, it's a big deal, it's a fight to the death." Donghai Longjun's eyes flashed a harsh touch.

   "Hehe, why Long Jun must fight to the death, besides the demon clan, there is also my demon clan, right?" A chuckle from the Eastern Overseas Realm waved toward the Crystal Palace.

   "Fox God?".

   Listening to the soft laughter, all the dragons were taken aback, and then their faces were happy. Donghai Longjun said: "The fox **** is far away, please come in and talk."

The fox **** walked in curly, and then saw a flashing wave in the sky, the fox **** appeared in the main hall with a soft body, looking at the dragons with amorous feelings: "I have seen all the Taoists ".

   "Fox God, please come to your seat" Donghai Longjun hurriedly invited the Fox God to sit down, and he had already speculated on the origin of the Fox God.

   As expected by Donghai Longjun, the fox **** went straight to the subject and did not hide it: "I saw the wolf **** before this seat."

   "Hey! The wolf **** deceives people too much" Donghai Longjun filled in indignation.

   "Oh" the fox god's eyes flowed: "Why are you so deceiving?".

"The wolf **** asked me to join the demon **** clan, but he wanted me to transform all of my Sihai dragon clan into the devil **** clan. Isn’t it deceiving people too much? my dragon clan uses water as its roots. If I cultivate the demon god’s body, But he has deviated from the main road, he is improper," Donghai Longjun angrily rebuked.

Listening to Donghai Longjun’s words, the Fox God angrily rebuked: "Wolf God, a traitor, is not a son of man. In order to get rid of my monster clan’s rule, he actually made himself a man without humans or ghosts, turned away from the main road, and actually practiced. The so-called power of the demon god, the power that provokes the earth's turbidity, is not as the Son of Man, and is not the Son of Man.

   Listening to the words of the Fox God, the other four Dragon Kings also yelled at him: "Yes, it's crazy."

   "This demon clan is the tumor of heaven and earth."

   "I am not the Son of Man! I am not the Son of Man!".

   "It is reasonable to kill all the demons and gods."

   All the powerful monsters talked, and they kept ranting, the fox **** chuckled, and Donghai Longjun said, "I don't know why the fox **** came?"

The Fox God covered his mouth and smiled: "Of course it is for the Four Seas Dragon Clan. This wild land is raged by the Demon God clan. Unfortunately, the Demon God Clan is blessed by the earth. Even if the strong monsters like me want to suppress it, they are still weak. This seat is coming to the East China Sea. I want to invite several people into my heavenly court to join our heavenly court against the atrocious rule of the demon clan."

   Looking at the Dragon Lord of the East Sea, the Fox God said unhurriedly: "The E God of the Demon God Clan is not a fuel-efficient lamp. The calamity in these four seas is destined to roll up, unless a few transfer the magical powers of the Demon God Clan."

   "This is impossible," Jinlin said flatly.

   "Okay! I'll wait until I have this intention, and the suppression of the devil is not allowed to refuse" Donghai Longjun said, his eyes rolled with thunder.

To be honest, in fact, the East Sea Dragon King most hopes to join is the Demon God Clan, after all, everyone wants to be in the earth, but the Demon God Clan is too harsh and unreasonable. The Four Seas Dragon Clan has no choice, and I am afraid Among them, there will be E God as a stem, which is even more worrying.

Looking at the Dragon King of the East Sea, the Fox God chuckled, "After entering the Heavenly Court, the East China Sea will be self-governing. My Heavenly Court will never point to the hegemonic power of the East China Sea, and do any tricks. Please don't worry about this. The only thing to do is to form an alliance with the Four Seas and assist each other on offense and defense. If the Demon God Clan sends troops to attack the Four Seas, my Heavenly Court will surely send a strong person to assist. how is it?".

   The reason why the demon gods are not talking about attacking the demon clan is because the heavenly court is in the 33rd heaven, and if the demon gods leave the ground, they will be greatly reduced. Subject to the laws of heaven and earth, they will not dare to attack the heavenly court.

   "This is just right" Donghai Longjun clapped his hands and praised him, with a smile in his eyes, and a chuckle at the corner of his mouth: "Later, my Sihailong clan will appear in the heavens, willing to return to the rule of the heavens."

The Fox God nodded: "In this way, whether it is for the Dragon Clan or my Monster Clan, it is the best choice to maximize the benefits. The Demon God Clan is frantic and must not be prevented. Now we have eight A supreme powerhouse, although there are four fewer than the Demon God Clan, but the elephant **** can fight one against two. If the fellow Daoists start a battle in the East China Sea, they are blessed by the East China Sea, and the power of the four spirits is enough to level the two sides. As a result, we are already invincible. The next step is to think about how to suppress and exile the Demon God."

  East Sea Dragon King Road: "Come, write melodies and present it to His Majesty the Fox God, to show the sincerity of the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas."

  The Donghai Dragon King ordered the maid to bring her pen and ink, began to write a book and play the table, and then presented it in front of the Fox God: "This is the document of my dragon clan joining the heavenly court. Please also look at it."

The fox **** smiled softly: "From Jun is the third king of my monster clan, and belongs to all the water tribes in the world. Whether it is the four seas, mountains, rivers and rivers, it will all belong to you. Your Majesty is in charge".

The Fox God looked at Dragon Lord of the East China Sea and the other four Dragon Lords said: "You don’t know, my demon clan has a clear division of labor. It is like the matter of the **** master controlling the earth. It is in charge of the suppression of the earth demon clan, and the monster beasts on the earth. The Tiger God rules the heavens and stars, and is planning the matter of entrusting the gods. When you wait for the autonomy of the four seas, everyone is equal and there is no distinction between superior and inferior. Each has its own focus."

   Hearing Fox God’s words, Donghai Longjun’s eyes lit up immediately after hearing this: “Fox God, in this way, there will never be any contradictions within the monster clan. Everyone will perform their duties. It is wonderful.”

   "Sure enough, those loaches in the four seas chose heaven" On Yujing Mountain, the ancestor of Jade sighed slightly.

"The wolf **** is too domineering, and he doesn't give the world a choice at all. He really thought that he became the demon **** and became the ruler of the earth, but he has no brains and believes too much in power. People who could have become allies abruptly. Was forced to become an enemy" Yu Duxiu closed her eyes, constantly comprehending God's will like a sword.

  The old jade ancestor said: "What should I do now?".

"The two sides are evenly matched, and some are playing tricks this time, but I don't know if the monster clan can comprehend the star battle array, and the demon **** clan can find a way to conquer the 33rd layer" Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly .


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