The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1869: Gather

   "Why not?" Taiyi taught the ancestors.

   Taidou taught the ancestors: "I am waiting to get rid of the supremacy, all of which are strong and soft, and I have realized the avenue of good fortune from yin and yang. You, the true fire **** of the sun, can only reach the yang. When will you break through like this?".

Taiyi Jiaozu frowned when he heard the words: "The avenue of true sun fire is boundless, and the sun is strong and yang. If there is femininity, is the sun true fire? This constellation has already had some breakthrough ideas. Since it cannot be soft, just One point goes directly to the extreme of masculinity, and asks me, the true fire **** of the sun, to directly turn into the sun, and then radiate out with the power of the sun to make the star field and open up the star field world. Speaking of which, I am still inspired by you to think Come out this way".

   "That's OK?" Tai Dou Jiaozu was taken aback.

   That is too easy to teach the ancestors: "It's not impossible."

After    finished speaking, the long river of fate instantly turned into a stream of light and soared into the sky, and disappeared into the void in an instant and disappeared.

Yu Duxiu’s mouth was smiling, her eyes turned towards the endless void, and her destiny turned into a knife: “I don’t know who fluctuated the power of fate. It’s really weird. Now that the demon clan, the demon **** clan, and the Sihailong clan have a good life. Strange, extremely strange".

   Yu Duxiu rubbed his chin, looking at the void with a pair of eyes: "With such a powerful force, is it because the old guys of the human race are doing calculations?".

As I was thinking, suddenly I saw the jade ancestor who seemed to be like a cat with its tail trampled on, and suddenly jumped up: "Who? Who did it? It must be too easy to die, ancestor, I unexpectedly and In ancient times, I smell the power of conspiracy."

   "Don't be fussing, where is there any conspiracy, is it because your servant has recently lost heart?" Yu Duxiu gave the old jade ancestor a white look.

The old jade ancestor looked at Yu Duxiu mutteringly, with a pair of eyes firmly looking at the void: "Old ancestor, although I do not have a deep grasp of the way of destiny, but in my realm, the autumn wind hasn’t moved. Someone fluctuates the fate, but I don't know who it is against. Isn't it against the ancestor me?".

   The jade ancestor is a bit hairy. Once bitten by a snake, he was afraid of the ropes for ten years: "No, no, I have been with you recently, and I will not go anywhere."

   Looking at Jade's ancestor, Yu Duxiu felt funny, but didn't say much.

   Lower bound, E Shen looked down at the East China Sea with a pair of eyes.

   The voice of "East Sea Dragon King" Eshen shakes the sea, and the world is turbulent.

   "I have seen the God of E, but I don't know what happened to the God of E who came to me on the shore of the East China Sea?" Donghai Longjun looked at the God of E blankly, without the kind of courtesy he had before.

   "Have you thought about the Sihai Dragons? What choice do you make?" E God's muddy eyes surged, looking down at Dragon Lord of the East Sea.

   "My East China Sea has now belonged to the Heavenly Court of the Demon Race, and I am not at the same level as the Demon God. I also ask the Demon God to leave, otherwise I won't blame the Lord for being polite." Donghai Longjun's eyes flashed cold.

   "Good, good, big tone, dare to say you are welcome, but I have to see what your Sihailong clan is capable of" E Shen smiled coldly, and instantly pressed a palm against the East Sea Dragon Lord.


With a roar of the East Sea Dragon Lord, it instantly turned into the Dragon Clan Law. At this time, the entire East Sea was added to the East Sea Dragon Lord. The East Sea Dragon Lord’s mouth contained the dragon ball. A flash of lightning struck across the void and directly landed on the East Sea Dragon Lord’s head and melted into the dragon ball. , And then the thunder and lightning shot towards God E with a thousand times the power, and the real body of the demon **** was shot through in an instant, the whole person flew out, and the whole body was filled with blue smoke.

"The sea is the territory of my dragon clan, and my dragon clan is the darling of the sea. I have never been afraid of anyone in the sea." Donghai Longjun sneered, unexpectedly stretched out his dragon claws, grabbed the demon god, and chose to fight the devil god: "If you demon gods regard the patience of my dragon clan as a good bully, as a soft persimmon, then it would be wrong and outrageous."


   The earth's muddy air surged, and E Shen's injury instantly recovered, and he became entangled with the East Sea Dragon Lord, and he pulled the East Sea Dragon Lord away from the sea, and slammed into the ground.

   "Qinglong Exploring".

  Donghai Longjun's mouth sneered, and the flesh and blood of the eyes of the demon **** was blurred in an instant. The demon **** roared vigorously, and forcibly tore off one of the paws of the east sea dragon king, and stuffed it into his mouth to chew.

  Donghai Longjun returned to the East China Sea and stood on the surface of the sea. The Demon God stood on the ground, and the muddy air surged, and his body instantly recovered. A pair of eyes fixed on the Donghai Longjun: "How? How does it taste?".

   "Not very good" Donghai Longjun's whole body instantly reorganized, turned around and came to the center of the sea: "If you have the ability, come to the sea and fight me."

"Come on, my demons are the darlings of the earth,,,,," Na Eshen said, stepping into the East China Sea, the sea water instantly flooded the lower abdomen of Eshen, and in one step, it drowned the neck of Eshen. After E God stepped out again, the whole person was suspended on the surface of the sea, his words stopped instantly, and his face changed wildly: "The evil door, this sea can actually isolate a part of the power of the earth, it is really a jerk."

Eshen took a step back in an instant, and his whole body stood where the sea water hadn’t passed through his chest. He dared not go any further. His eyes stared at the Donghai Longjun in the sea: "Good skill! Good skill! No wonder the Hai Clan dared to go with him. My demon clan did the right thing, it turned out to be so dependent."

After    finished speaking, he saw Eshen took a palm and rolled up the stormy sea: "Wait, wait for my demons to encircle and suppress."

   While speaking, E Shen slowly turned into a human form, glanced at Donghai Longjun, and turned away.

   The place where demons and gods gather, the demon gods gathered together, and the wolf **** looked at the **** E who walked in with a gloomy face: "The sea can also isolate the earth's turbid power."

   "These loaches are really damn! Never let them go like this, or my demon clan will become a laughing stock" E's face was cold.

"Take the soldiers! Kill the chickens and the monkeys, but you have to see those demon gods who dare to come to rescue the East China Sea from the lower realms, otherwise I will flatten the East China Sea people today." The lion **** walked out slowly with an angry expression on his face: "Offend my devil **** One family will never have a good end. A few soldiers will gather generals. The cultivation of my Demon God family requires a lot of flesh and blood. Now the Four Seas Dragon Clan has given us the opportunity. There are endless types in the four seas. As long as we swallow it, our strength will definitely advance by leaps and bounds."

   "Point soldiers! Gather generals" cold light flashed in the eyes of the wolf god.

   "Point soldiers! Gather generals".

   All the demon gods roared, their spirits soaring into the sky, a thunderbolt on the clear sky, and a wave of evil spirits went to the world, and the soldiers of the demon **** clan pointed straight at the world.

"The storm is coming." Looking at the gusts of wind and waves rolling up in the four seas, Donghai Longjun looked up and laughed wildly: "I will never fear any enemy in the four seas. I will overcome all obstacles and protect our homeland. The demon gods are divided into different ranks, and their prestige is created. As long as the four seas dragons stand in the four seas, the four seas will not be defeated ~ platoon troops".

   "Point Pawn".

   "Drive the waves".

   The chants on the sea continued to circulate back and forth. Faced with the invasion of the Demon Clan, the Sihailong Clan, who had been resting for millions of years, chose to take up weapons and resist the atrocities of the Demon God.

   Thirty-third heaven, three demon gods gathered together: "This is the first time we compete with the demon **** clan, and we must not fall under the wind. It happens to take advantage of the four-sea dragon clan home court to teach the demon **** clan a lesson."

   "Gather all the soldiers!" The voice of the elephant shook the 33rd heaven, and then countless monsters gathered in the 33rd heaven, and healed.

   "It's fighting, it's such a rich calamity." Yu Duxiu closed her eyes, watching the calamity pouring out of boundless time and space as if it were a river, with a touch of intoxication in her eyes.

"It's fighting, it's really fighting, my mother! The two clans have just been established. It stands to reason that they should be recuperating and accumulating strength for hundreds of thousands of years. I didn't expect to fight like this. It's really amazing. "Expected" Jade ancestor jumped and looked at the lower bound.

"This is just an appetizer. The two sides use the dragon battlefield to divide the battle. The bigger head is behind. Now it's just a warm-up for both sides. There is no two days and no two masters. There is a race that really commands the world. That's enough," Yu Duxiu said.


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