The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1870: No 2 days

There is no two days in the sky, no two masters in the country, and the monster clan and the demon **** clan must have a battle. This is a fateful duel. The winner is the king and the loser is the invader.

Yu Duxiu's eyes flashed with cold light, watching the fight in the lower realm, with a flick of his finger, a black lotus instantly descended on the shore of the East China Sea.

"What kind of baby is this black lotus, your kid, it's so mysterious. Patriarch I actually can't see the slightest details." The ancestor Jade looked at the black lotus curiously.

Now that Yu Duxiu's flowers are blooming at the 9th rank, the black lotus can already come out, so mysterious and unparalleled, it is really amazing.

The corners of Yu Duxiu's mouth curled up slightly: "Don't say it! Don't say it! It won't work if you say it."

Yu Duxiu's words fell, and the black lotus instantly disappeared into transparency, quietly sneaking into the bottom of the East China Sea.


Countless demons and tribes turned into the real bodies of the demons, and turned into monsters with hideous faces, surrounded by muddy air, plunged into the East China Sea, and slaughtered the fish and shrimps in the East China Sea.

"The devil clan, really want to go to war with me?" Nanhai Longjun roared, the water wave rolled up, and countless little demon gods turned into powder.

"In this battle, you will not only be superior and decisive, but also life and death!" With cold light in the eyes of God E, the twelve demon gods descended on the coast of the East China Sea, directing countless demon gods to enter the East China Sea.


The twelve demon gods took the lead, and took the lead to kill the four-sea dragon clan.


The Dragon King of the Four Seas soared into the sky and turned into a huge four-elephant array, entangled the six demon gods. The Jinlin shot and restrained one demon god. There are still five demon gods still wreaking havoc on the coast of the East China Sea.

"I'll help you."

The war drum in the 33rd Heavenly Layer rang, but there was a cold light flashing in the Xiangshen's eyes, murderously leading the tribe to rush down, murderous in his eyes, and instantly entangled with the two demon gods.


With a roar, the tiger **** entangled the two demon gods, and the remaining wolf **** and fox **** fought alone.

It should be said that the elephant **** alone suppressed most of the demon gods, because when the elephant **** fought with the two demon gods, he still had the power to fight with the other demon gods to save the field, and from time to time he came behind the tiger **** and gave that One of the demon gods gave a punch to share the pressure for the tiger god.

The elephant **** entangled with the demon gods, a pair of eyes scanned the battlefield, and the two sides were exactly level, no more, no less, Jinlin could hold a demon **** alone, but it made the tiger **** take a high look.

"Wolf God! Why not be so obsessed, everyone is a monster, why are you?" The Fox God resolved the attacks of the Wolf God again and again. In the sea, the power of the demon gods gets closer to the deep sea, and increases. The cut has been severe.

"Hmph, the benefits have been shared by the three of you bastards. If it weren't for the three of you to eat too ugly, how could this be the case?" The Wolf God scolded.

The wolf tribe itself is inherently stronger than the fox tribe, and now that the wolf **** has cultivated the real body of the demon god, it would be really difficult to suppress the power of the wolf **** unless the fox **** is detached.


A turbid air escaped from the demon gods, and countless sea clan monsters were instantly contaminated by this turbid air and destroyed their spirituality. I don’t know how many sea clan was eroded by that turbid air. Turned into thick bones.

"So vicious! So vicious demon god" Donghai Longjun was anxious: "Ice the East China Sea."

The "Frozen East China Sea" dragons all shot one after another, and the air of ice began to spread.


Countless little demon gods instantly turned into powder. In this battlefield, the supreme powerhouse was restrained. This place has turned into a world of quasi-superpower people. Ao Le turned into the real body of Ancestral Dragon, plus the power of the four seas. Blessing, he has turned into invincible, pushing the world with his hands horizontally, and the countless demon gods where he passes by instantly turn into powder, become muddy air, and return to the origin of the earth.

"The law of heaven and earth."

Ao Le doesn't use any other magical powers. The countless little demon gods in the sky and the earth are like children's toys in Ao Le's hands, constantly turning into meat foam.

The thousand-foot-tall Demon God is just a doll. Back then, Yu Duxiu relied on the celestial phenomena to run across the heavens and across the galaxy. This celestial phenomena came into Ao Le, who now has the blood of the ancestor dragon, and it is even more fierce than ever. The supremely strong can also contend.

"This little **** is such a powerful method. It quickly suppressed him." The Lion God looked at Ao Le with his head, and a divine light burst from the vertical eyes between his eyebrows, and he struck Ao Le.


Ao Le is not a fool, so she will not be entangled with this demon god, but with those little demon gods, and dedicated to killing the little devil gods constantly.

"Hold him" the wolf **** said unhurriedly.




Three streams of light, three quasi-superior realm demon gods soared into the sky, one of the quasi-superior realm demon gods quacked with a smile: "The princess masters the water of the four seas, ancestors, I control the water of the netherworld, I don’t know that it belongs to the princess. More water or more water for the old man."

"Indecent, humble" Ao Le was furious when he heard this, and stretched out: "Innate God Thunder".

"Nether Water".

This nether water specially eroded the monks' three souls and seven souls, and this demon **** had no souls to play with the nether divine water, otherwise it would have been eroded by this nether water.


"Bang" The quasi demon **** was blown up in an instant, his body was torn apart, and his eyes glared at Ao Le: "This **** is not trustworthy, and he said that he should use the congenital divine water. This little **** actually uses the congenital divine thunder."

The quasi demon **** was furious: "Respond to me! Reply to me!".

It's a pity, let this quasi-devil **** run the muddy air, but seeing the congenital thunder current at its wound, it continues to destroy the muddy air combination.

The innate power was born before the opening of the heavens and the earth, in the chaos, and before the turbid air, there is unparalleled power, and the power of the heavens and the earth.

"It's really horrible" the quasi-devil god's face was gloomy: "If you want to recover, you can only wipe out the innate divine thunder first."

"Uncles, I finally found the flaw in this Demon God. The Demon God was born before the heavens and the earth. He was reborn with the help of the power of turbidity. As long as you master the innate power, you can suppress this servant" Ao Le's voice spread throughout the audience.

Everyone was stunned, but you look at me, I look at you, what kind of advanced power is innate power, how can it be controlled so casually? .

Saying this is equivalent to not saying that, there are two people on the bright side of the heavens and myriad worlds who master the innate power, Yu Duxiu and Ao Le are well known by everyone.

"This girl is talking nonsense" Wolf God smiled coldly.

"I don't think this girl is talking nonsense. Ao Le is now quasi-superior, and the proving to the supremacy is not far away. Then it will be the end of you demon gods, and you must be driven out of town and killed one by one." The Fox God sneered: "If you are conscious and surrender quickly, this seat does not care about what you have done before, and allows you to return to my monster race, and continue to resist, your end is not far away."

"Ao Le bitch! Brothers, let's kill Ao Le first," the wolf **** blasted angrily, and then the wolf **** made a violent shot, actually giving up the fox **** and heading towards Ao Le Town.

"You come back to me, you" The Fox God smiled coldly, and the light in his hand flashed, and instantly pressed a palm towards the Wolf God's back.


The Fox God yelled. Before the Wolf God rushed to Ao Le, it was just to attract the Fox God to be fooled. At this time, he turned his head and bit at the Fox God's neck with his big mouth open.


The nine tails of the fox **** are transformed into the world, blessed by the power of the nine palaces, even if they are not weaker than the devil gods, their arms are always longer than their necks.

The wolf **** was instantly exploded by the palm of the fox his neck turned into powder.


Flesh and flesh flew, the head of the wolf **** actually flew out of thin air, and instantly came to the front of the fox god, biting the white neck of the fox god, and the flesh and blood flowed in an instant. I saw that half of the fox god’s neck was bitten by the wolf god. Go down.

"Vicious beast" The Fox God looked ugly and touched his neck. He saw a flash of divine light on his neck and wanted to restore his true body, but saw the muddy air attached to the wound, constantly wiping out the power of the Fox God.

"It's terrible! What a terrible demon god! What a terrible power" The Fox God rotates his real body, constantly obliterating the wound on his neck, and the turbid air instantly rises.

"Bah" The wolf **** spit out: "Fox meat is not tasty at all." (To be continued...)


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