The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1874: Zhubao enters Qinglian

  Ps: The new book will be in May or April of the lunar calendar. I have been preparing for more than a year. I will do it as soon as possible.

   The jade ancestor triumphed on his legs and squinted at Yu Duxiu: "If it wasn't for the ancestor, I can enjoy the blessings of the people? Can you take that little fox in a nest?"


The ancestor of Jade was instantly slapped in the chest by Yu Duxiu, smashing the mountains in the distance: "No wonder! No wonder! You caused me such a big trouble, today I have to beat you up." .

   Yu Duxiu flew out in an instant, catching the jade ancestor was a while, and the jade ancestor broke away from Yu Duxiu and dived into the mountains and disappeared.

Yu Duxiu smiled bitterly. Now he knows exactly what happened back then. It was this old **** who made trouble, so he gave himself a chance to push the fox god, but this romantic debt was also settled. Yu Duxiu even Yu felt that a mysterious cause and effect was gradually forming in the void, derived from nothingness.

   "This **** has caused me so much trouble." Yu Duxiu couldn't laugh or cry, because he took advantage of it, but it was not easy to take advantage of it. It was terrible.

   Yu Duxiu looked at the mountains with a pair of eyes. The old ancestor of Jade didn't dare to come out for a while, and he was able to relax for a while.

Seeing Yu Duxiu walking away, the ancestor of Jade turned his eyes and pulled it down from the old tortoise. The Prime Minister turned into a body and lay in this small world. At a glance, Prime Minister Turtle himself occupies half of the small world. .

The jade ancestor grabbed Prime Minister Turtle’s beard and slid down. He looked at Yu Duxiu’s departure direction with a pair of eyes. He suddenly snickered: "Hehe, you kid can run away, the monk can’t run away from the temple, you dare to bully me, then I Just go to the Fox God to find the place".

   The old jade ancestor pulled Prime Minister Turtle's beard down, quietly out of the small world, and disappeared in an instant.

   In the Yujing Mountain, Yu Duxiu sat cross-legged in the hall, stretched out his palm, and saw a green lotus slowly emerging in his hand.

   But I saw the chaotic air above this green lotus, and a few immature leaves were condensed with earth-shattering innate supernatural powers.

   "My fruit is not easy." Looking at Qinglian, Yu Duxiu's eyes were solemn.

After Yu Duxiu condensed this fruit for the first time, it has already been discovered that this fruit is not simple. Later, because of all the tedious things, Yu Duxiu did not have time to pay attention to the green lotus, letting the other party show it by himself, but Now as time goes by, Yu Duxiu feels Qinglian's extraordinary.

   The place where the green lotus stands, all things are transformed into chaos, condensed into a chaotic time and space, all things end and origin are all included in one.

   Yu Duxiu's eyes flashed brightly, and suddenly the purple air in his forehead began to evolve and deduct, and thousands of information flowed through his mind.

Back then, Yu Duxiu also hesitated, whether he was taking the road of condensing the Tao and the fruit or the road of condensing the origin of the great calamity. Now, as the realm of Yu Duxiu has improved, he laughed. The two originally went to the same goal by different paths. Qinglian is her own form, her own innate soul, or a part of her own soul.

   This Qinglian method is his own soul, but his own soul is not.

   After more than 30 breaths, Yu Duxiu's gaze suddenly stopped, and the light in his eyes flashed: "You want to melt all your treasures into the green lotus?".

   Looking at the information deduced by Yirudao and Haoxuanzaohua that day, Yu Duxiu was stunned. Is this the best result for him? ,

   Seeing the result of the deduction, Yu Duxiu hesitated for the first time, but then he chuckles: "Since it has been deduced, I will see what the effect is. This treasure is nothing but something outside of the body."

   Yu Duxiu looked up and down, his magic weapon was only one of the three jewels, plus a diamond cut is the ultimate treasure.

   As for the seven-star sword, the sleepy fairy rope, etc., it is dispensable for Yu Duxiu, and it is useless.

   Looking at the Three Treasure Ruyi and King Kong Zhuo in his hand, Yu Duxiu showed hesitation on his face: "Vajra Treasure is the most precious treasure of the tribulation, and it is fundamental to my life. Although the Three Treasure Ruyi is powerful, I still give it up."

After    finished speaking, Yu Duxiu said nothing, the three treasures flickered, and the gossip furnace flew out and sank into the chaotic green lotus fruit.


   The fruit took root in an instant, and it decomposed and absorbed the gossip furnace.

   "No response?" Yu Duxiu was taken aback.

   "Ding Fengzhu".

   "No response yet?".

   "Pihuozhu!" Looking at the Pihuozhu in his hand, Yu Duxiu suddenly remembered that he still owed someone a cause and effect, and he needed to pay it back in the future.

   "Thunder Pond".


   Xiantian Thunder Beast crawled out of the thunder pond with a face full of reluctance, looking at Yu Duxiu with a pair of reproachful eyes, as if he was blaming him for driving himself out.

After    swallowed Lei Chi, there was still no reaction at all. Yu Duxiu felt stubborn in her heart at this time: "I want to see how much you can swallow."

   "Ice Soul".

   The Three Treasure Ruyi decomposed in an instant, three thousand chaos suspended, the ice soul sank into the green lotus and disappeared.

"Awesome, really amazing, there is no bottom line?" Yu Duxiu was stunned, and then stretched out her hand again, the three thousand chaos suspended, instantly submerged in the chaos formed by Qinglian: "Come on, this is three. Thousand Chaos, even if it is not consummated, it is still Chaos. You have the ability to swallow three thousand Chaos."

   "It's awful! I actually swallowed it".

Seeing that Qinglian actually stretched out its roots and wrapped the three thousand chaos, Yu Duxiu suddenly panicked. These three thousand chaos are extraordinary. The potential in the future is endless, and there is a chance to become the lord of the three thousand worlds. , At the time when Yu Duxiu was so difficult and dangerous, he refused to expose the three thousand chaos. At this time, seeing that the three thousand chaos was swallowed, he suddenly panicked. He stretched out his hand to extract the three thousand chaos, but saw Qinglian Three thousand beards kept sticking out, even if Yu Duxiu clenched it, he couldn't buckle it down.

   "It's really a beeping dog." Yu Duxiu scolded, heartbroken watching the three thousand Chaos Beads gradually disappear. Don't mention that kind of taste. Her son died in those days without the pain.

"Swallow it! Swallow it! You can swallow all these treasures if you have the abilities." Yu Duxiu took off his diamond and threw it away: "You swallow it all. If you don't give me an explanation, let's go Difficulty to circle".

   I don't know if I understood Yu Duxiu's words, Qinglian was not polite, and instantly took root in King Kong.

"Big brother, this diamond diamond is immortal. It is the condensation of immortal matter. You can also swallow it? Don't you lie to me?" Looking at the Qinglian, Yu Duxiu was taken aback, her eyes filled with disbelief. Jingangzhuo has always been the trump card of Yu Duxiu, but he didn't expect this Qinglian to be too defying, and the immortal matter was swallowed.

   Yu Duxiu glanced around: "I only have the Seven-Star Sword and the Emperor's Robe left on my body now. These two treasures can't be swallowed. I still have a bodyguard."

   "It's really against the sky" Looking at the chaotic green lotus that swallowed the diamond, although the rate of swallowing slowly, it is still unwavering.

"I don't know how this Qinglian will react after swallowing all my treasures, maybe there will be no reaction at all, right?" Yu Duxiu closed her eyes, not looking at the Qinglian, but kept deducing her own Hongmeng Purple Qi, running the will of heaven like a knife, constantly speculating about the reaction of the chaotic Qinglian.

   "It's too powerful, those demon gods are too powerful, and they are so strenuous in the sea. If we are on the ground, we must not be the opponents of the demon god." The tiger god's eyes are murderous.

   "Is there any way to break the game?" Elephant God looked at Fox God.

   Fox God frowned upon hearing the words: "If you talk about the way to break the game, you can only start from the formation."

   "Formation?" The Tiger God and Elephant God were taken aback.

The Fox God nodded: "Yes, it is the formation method. If you want to break through, you can only start with the formation method. As long as you draw down the power of the starry sky, use the law of the sky to create a battlefield for me and others, and suppress those demon gods. We are enough to exile or suppress the Demon God.”

"The great formation of the heavens and stars is just like the formation of the great formations of the stars and stars, but we really don't have much research on the way of this formation, let alone the power of the great formation of the heavens and stars. I don't know how difficult it is to comprehend the formation of the sky." The tiger looked ugly.

   "If you don't come out, you have to do it! Because there is no other way!" The Fox God said with a solemn expression.


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