The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1875: Hongmeng Purple Qi into Qinglian

   In the past, everyone enlightened the formations, perhaps just to strengthen their personal strength. Now that the supreme powerhouses see the Zhou Tianxingdou formation, the shock in their hearts is simply indescribable. Can the formations be played like this? Can also be so powerful? .

   All the demon gods perform their duties, the fox **** and the tiger **** have enlightened the heavens and the star battle, like the gods leading the lower realm to kill, the East China Sea people still practice themselves in the East China Sea.

   Yu Duxiu's eyes flashed with divine light, and a pair of eyes looked at the Qinglian. At this time, Qinglian had swallowed all the treasures of Yu Duxiu, but there was no change. I have to say that Yu Duxiu was uneasy.

   At this moment, Yu Duxiu's primordial spirit was restless, and the Hongmeng and purple qi in the primordial spirit suddenly produced a feeling of wanting to leave the body and fall into the green lotus.

"Even the Hongmeng Purple Qi will be swallowed?" Looking at the Qinglian, and feeling the constant restlessness of the Hongmeng Purple Qi, Yu Duxiu took a deep breath: "Never mind, it's swallowed up, this Hongmeng Purple Qi will give you too No problem".

After speaking, Yu Duxiu opened up the soul, twenty-one great magnum and purple qi burst through the void in an instant, and fell into the chaotic and hazy green lotus. I saw the mysterious light in the green lotus flickering endlessly, counting instantly. The unclear roots stretched out, locking the twenty-one magnum and purple qi, then turned into nutrients and absorbed them, and sank into the green lotus.

At this moment, the green lotus that has absorbed twenty-one great hongmeng purple auras has finally changed. The chaos that the green lotus has built seems to have turned into a real chaos, and at this moment, a vitality is gestating in that form. Then Yu Duxiu saw the chaos in the green lotus. There were three thousand lotus seeds gestating in the lotus platform. The countless lotus seeds gradually grew and turned into three thousand chaos. There are three thousand lotus seeds in this form. It turned out to be three thousand chaos.

   "My brother is amazing." Yu Duxiu held the Qinglian. At this time, the Qinglian seemed to be transformed into a real spirit treasure.

The Dharma image can be in effect under the supreme realm. Yu Duxiu only knows Zhang Jiao. The silver-white talisman that Zhang Jiao shoots is the Tao fruit. Now Zhang Jiao has achieved the quasi-immortal fruit status. Awesome.

"This green lotus is simply reduced to substance, and it is no different from the real Xiantian Lingbao. If you look at it with the naked eye, no one would have thought that this green lotus is actually a mere dignity." Yu Duxiu held the green lotus. There was an unbelievable color in his eyes, and when he took a closer look at the green lotus, he saw that on the branches and vines of the green lotus, countless kinds of supreme mantras continued to flow and derive, extremely mysterious and unpredictable.

   "Is this my weapon?" Yu Duxiu looked at the Qing Lian, and kept feeling Qing Lian's purpose.


   The green lotus turned into a blue light, and it fell into the center of Yu Duxiu's eyebrows, forming a lifelike imprint, and the chaos on it was hazy, and in that chaos, a cyan lotus came to life.

   Yu Duxiu suddenly smiled, and a little light flashed in his eyes: "Mantra! Mantra! I didn't expect the power of mantra to be derived."

   Yu Duxiu looked at the three thousand mantras on the Qinglian, at this time it clearly appeared in Yu Duxiu's mind.

The second scroll is the mantra about the power of calamity, the middle scroll is the purple energy mantra, and the upper scroll is the majestic mantra. At this time, the calamity mantra has been fully revealed, and even the purple energy mantra in the middle scroll has begun to continue. Flickering after the debut, the chaos slowly collapsed, and the mysterious purple energy mantra began to appear in Yu Duxiu's mind.

Yu Duxiu's eyebrows smiled openly: "The Mantra of Purple Qi! The Mantra of Hongmeng Purple Qi! With this mantra of Purple Qi, I can use Qinglian to fully unleash the power of Hongmeng Purple Qi. Hongmeng Purple Qi is the highest among the heavens the power of".

However, the 1200 volumes of Hongmeng Ziqi in the middle volume show only half of it, or one-half is almost a little bit. The mantra of this volume is gradually derived from the power of the great Hongmeng Purple Qi. As for the calamity mantra of the second volume, nine ranks have been bloomed with Yu Duxiu's flowers, revealing three-quarters, and the remaining mantra will have to wait for Yu Duxiu to thoroughly integrate the power of countless calamities. It will be born after opening the twelve products.

   As for the Na Hongmeng scroll, there is no movement at this time, and Yu Duxiu does not know how to spawn the supreme mantra about the Hongmeng scroll.

   "Even so, it's enough for me to use, at least it's enough for now" Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

"Hey! This is the method of controlling Qinglian. It can turn Qinglian into a magic weapon that has been swallowed." Looking at one of the branches, Yu Duxiu looked thoughtful. Qinglian’s power is almost as I think about it. This Qinglian is a growth type. I don’t know if I can fully catalyze the three thousand chaos in Qinglian to maturity, what might be the power of three thousand chaos. The Great Thousand World can also fight and remain invincible.

While talking, Yu Duxiu stretched out his palm, and Qinglian was called out again. This time Yu Duxiu used the innate true text to imprint the four words True Lord of Ten Thousand Tribulations on the Qinglian. True Monarch of Ten Thousand Tribulations is Jade Duxiu’s name of the avenue of calamity, as long as you read this name, you can draw on part of Qinglian’s power. This is the power of the real name. Therefore, the powerhouses of the heavens and ten thousand realms generally will not reveal their real names. Because no matter who it is, as long as he holds the sacred real name, he can draw on the power of the other party.

   Yu Duxiu, the freak, is an exception. His real name can be changed and changed, which is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

   "That's right! Why didn't the two treasures of Zhu Ba Lao Pao and Wang Daoling come to Yujing Mountain" Yu Duxiu remembered Zhu Ba Lao Pao and Wang Daoling, and she immediately moved in her heart and began to search for the trace of the two.

   In the lower realm, the ancestor Zhu Ba and Wang Daoling leaned back against each other, panting, then Wang Daoling said: "Brother, let's go separate ways!".

   "No! You and my brothers will die together if you die together! The virtuous brother will never say such words again in the future," said the ancestor Zhu Ba righteously.

"I,,,,," Wang Daoling looked at the ancestor Zhu Ba, and was about to speak, but was interrupted by the ancestor Zhu Ba: "Okay, stop talking, you and my brother, I will not give up Yours, if there are chasers who dare to come over, let's kill them."

"Brother! I mean, can you stop following me? The strong on this road are all chasing you down. You are contaminated with the first ancestor’s road of bad luck, and you are also hurting my brothers and you. You can’t. Let me go? Really! I beg you" Wang Daoling was about to cry.

Old ancestor Zhu Ba patted Wang Daoling's shoulder, his face remained unchanged and said: "My good brother, I said that you have a blessing and a hard time. Now, don’t do what I am most sorry for. The first ancestor is really a bastard. The two of our brothers were thrown into the lower realm. We are simply nowhere to go. God knows that Yujing Mountain was developed in that world. It's really a jerk, and we will flatter."

"Old ancestor In the race war, you swallowed my grandson’s corpse, and you still didn’t take your life.” In the distance, there were lines of supreme physical energy and energy, and the voice vibrated the void, towards Zhuba The ancestors and Wang Daoling came over.

   "Pig eight ancestor! You bastard, return my flesh" Another quasi-superior man came.

"Big brother! When you swallow it, your eyes are bright, OK? How can you even swallow the flesh of the supreme powerhouse?" Wang Daoling instantly turned into a streamer and fled, and the ancestor Zhu Ba followed closely: "Who knows this The supreme strong will pretend to be dead".

   Zhu Ba ancestor scolded: "The quasi-superior is immortal. This guy will pretend to be dead. It really corrupts the face of the quasi-superior. Brother, I can't see it. I simply swallowed his flesh."

   To swallow the flesh of the quasi-superior is tantamount to breaking the road of immortality, this is an endless hatred.

   "You are going to kill you. Now the earth is the world of the Demon Clan. Let's sneak into the Demon Clan's territory and call the Demon Clan to suppress him." The two wretched guys, Old Ancestor Zhu Ba and Wang Daoling, went to the tribe of the Demon Clan.

   Not long after the two left, eight or nine quasi-superior divine lights circulated in the sky, circled slightly, locked the positions of Wang Daoling and Pig Eight, and instantly went to the site of the Demon God clan.

   No wonder Wang Daoling and the ancestor Zhu Ba flee all the way, it turns out that there are so many strong people, and they are fools if they don't escape.


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