The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1876: I'll keep it secret for you

"These two are to blame!".

Thirty-three heavens, Yu Duxiu watched the pig eight ancestor and Wang Daoling being chased and killed, and in the next moment a palm stretched out to pick the moon with the stars.

Wang Daoling and the ancestor Zhu Ba were running away. Suddenly the two of them felt that the sky was dark, and then a big hand covered the sky and the sun, spreading unparalleled suction power, came towards the two of them, and the two of them fell down in an instant. Rolled out and flew towards the big hand in the air.

"Run! When did you provoke such a terrifying enemy? I don't know who the supreme power is so powerful." Wang Daoling grabbed the pig eight ancestor, and the golden light flashed behind him. Soaring to the sky, wanting to escape the big hand's capture.

"Want to run? Too naive" Yu Duxiu smiled coldly.

"The universe in the palm."

There was no reason, no reason, the Luobao money divine light behind Wang Daoling was instantly suppressed, and the ancestor Zhu Ba and Wang Daoling were caught by Yu Duxiu who had no resistance.

Several quasi-superior strong men who chased in the distance stopped seeing this scene. The quasi-superior strong man who had been swallowed said: "These two evils, after all, caused the powerful men to take action. See how these two idiots died."

After speaking, I saw that the air was flashing, and the void was torn apart. After the big hand took the pig eight old ancestor, it was nowhere to be seen in an instant.

In the outer sky of Yujing Mountain, Yu Duxiu threw Wang Daoling and Zhu Ba Pao on the ground with a patter. The two fell into a dizzy head, and then suddenly got up, a pair of eyes fixed on Yu Duxiu.

I saw the ancestor Zhu Ba staring at Yu Duxiu with bright eyes: "Master, your old man finally remembered me. For eight thousand years in the lower realm, the disciple was almost chopped up and made buns."

"My lord, your old man finally remembered me, and I was almost made a barbecue in the lower realm." Wang Daoling continued to complain. After seeing Yu Duxiu, the two guys finally relaxed.

"Okay, don't be ashamed, this is the outer sky of Yujing Mountain built by this seat" Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

"Yujing Mountain? Tianwaitian?" Old Ancestor Zhu Ba and Wang Daoling glanced at each other. Without saying much, Yu Duxiu said: "You are stained with the power of the ancestors of jade, so you can avoid the limelight in this Yujing Mountain. , Stabilize the realm, and look for opportunities for breakthroughs."

At this time, Yu Duxiu's heart was full of heaven and earth weapons, and I didn't know what the earth weapons were, but the things that made Hongmeng ancestor vibrate were by no means simple.

"Thank you Lord for your rescue."

"Thank you, Master, for helping."

Wang Daoling and the old ancestor Zhuba respectfully saluted Yu Duxiu, turned and walked out of the hall, the ancestor Zhuba suddenly widened his eyes: "What a big bastard."


The ancestor of Zhu Ba was instantly photographed by Prime Minister tortoise: "I'm rude."


Wang Daoling almost swallowed back with a sigh of fright, and a flattering smile appeared in his eyes: "Prime Minister tortoise, the disciple is not talking about your old man, it is this dead pig talking nonsense, but regardless of the disciple's affairs."

Listening to Wang Daoling's words, Prime Minister Turtle closed his eyelids, and his eyes were full of disdain.

When Wang Daoling saw Prime Minister Turtle ignore him, he sneaked up to Old Patriarch Zhuba, and looked at Patriarch Zhuba with a pair of eyes: "Old Patriarch! Patriarch! Are you okay?".

"It's okay! It's okay!" Old ancestor Zhu Ba drilled out of the rocks: "Prime Minister tortoise is simply too scary. I don't know how my master made the old tortoise surrender."

The world of the Fox God, the Fox God is comprehending the mystery of the stars of the heavens. His eyes are looking down at the endless star fighting in the great world. Suddenly, his eyebrows move, and his eyes look towards the void in the distance, only to feel that the world barrier has subtle fluctuations. , This wave of fluctuation is very weak, if it weren't for Fox God to be in a state of concentration at this time, he wouldn't be aware of this kind of fluctuation.

"Someone sneaked into my world?" Fox God suddenly raised his eyebrows: "This is the territory of this seat, is it because someone is tired of life?".

The fox **** scanned the whole world with a pair of eyes thinking, and saw a short body lurking in the world, a pair of eyes cautiously looked around, walked and stopped a few steps, his eyes were full of caution, his mouth beeping. Muttering, I don't know what is grinding.

"This is the fox's old nest. There must be some treasure. I hope I won't go home empty-handed this time." The old jade ancestor carefully looked at the void with a pair of eyes, came to the center of the day, and climbed the mountain with clever hands and feet. Looking at the palace in the distance, he suddenly smiled: "Hahaha, this Hu Meizi must have harvested a lot of treasures in millions of years. After I stole the treasures of these demon gods, I will steal all the treasures of the demon **** family. With the benefit of such a huge treasure, I don't believe that Hongjun's boy can sit still, and that purple qi is my ancestor after all."

Thinking of the purple gas, the jade ancestor was hot again, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised: "My ancestor, I have never seen such a treasure since I was born. No, this treasure is really tempting. Ancestor, I must get it."

The old jade ancestor rubbed his hands, his eyes flashed with greedy eyes, and then he lifted his body slightly, climbed the palace gate, wandered around the palace gates, and came to a large hall, which was empty with curtains. The tent was filled, there was a palm-sized incense burner in the center of the hall, and the sacred censer floated underneath. The jade ancestor suddenly brightened his eyes: "Good things, good things, this is a good thing, ancestors I have this treasure, it is worthwhile today. During this trip, I wanted to steal this treasure from the ancient times. I never thought that Hu Meizi was too alert and never had a chance. Today, I will succeed in this ancestor."

The old jade ancestor pulled the curtain open, stuffed the incense burner into his arms indiscriminately, then walked out of the hall, strolling through the various portals: "Weird! Weird! Why are there no treasures?".

"What is the ancestor looking for?" Suddenly there was a soft sound, a scent pungent, but the red lips of the fox **** were slightly opened, and a pair of eyes looked at the jade ancestor. This is the world of the fox god, and the fox **** wants to appear There is no difficulty in being behind the ancestor of Jade without being seen by the other party.

"Fox God! There is no movement at all, the demon scaring people will scare people to death, do you know?" The Jade Ancestor shivered and his head was about to explode. He turned to look at the Fox God, and then returned to normal in an instant. Said: "Old ancestors, I have nothing to do, and I came to you to retell the past, but I have never seen your figure, so I have been looking for you from hall to hall, but I have found you."

Looking at the jade ancestor, the corners of Fox God’s mouth slightly cocked: "The ancestor’s face is really thick, as always."

"Hey" the old jade ancestor smiled awkwardly: "It's okay, okay, I won the prize."

The Fox God came to the old jade ancestor and looked down at the old jade ancestor: "Old ancestor! What's the matter with this palace?"

"It's okay! It's okay! Just come and stroll around. Now that I see you are good, I will leave the ancestor." The Jade ancestor smirked.

Seeing the jade ancestor about to slip away, the fox **** instantly stretched his palm, and the void twisted, locking the jade ancestor: "If the ancestor is going, please leave my pottery incense burner."

"Hundred-flower incense burner? What is that?" The ancestor of Jade was puzzled.

The fox **** pointed to the jade ancestor's shirt, but saw that a piece of the jade ancestor was exposed in the jade ancestor's shirt. The jade ancestor slowly stuffed the jade ancestor into his arms without blushing or breathing. : "This is the decoration of my new clothes."

"Really? If the ancestor doesn't leave my flower incense we will be in a difficult situation." The fox **** looked at the jade ancestor.

The ancestor Jade smiled awkwardly: "I have never seen a pottery incense burner. By the way, I still have things to do, so I won't bother."

After speaking, the old jade ancestor was about to flee, but was again stopped by the fox god. He looked at the old jade ancestor with a smile but a smile: "The old ancestor does not leave this flower incense burner, presumably Xiangshen has broken through the realm now. I want to compete with you."

"You vixen threatening me?" Old Jade Ancestor stared at the Fox God.

When the fox **** heard the words, the old jade ancestor smiled: "Even if you bought this flower incense burner for my ancestor, I will keep it secret for you."

"What's the secret?" Fox God said.


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