The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1888: Where the calamity is, where I live

“It’s better to eat good things by yourself.” Yu Duxiu looked at the ancestors, monsters, and dragons unhurriedly, Jin Lin’s eyes fixed on Yu Duxiu: “It looked quite extraordinary before. , It is a treasure of heaven and earth, unparalleled in mystery, if you want to swallow it alone, we will never agree."

Yu Duxiu smiled coldly when she heard the words, and looked at Jinlin: "If you have the ability, let's do it. This is a good idea for you."

With words, Yu Duxiu took a step forward and walked out of the black hole. The dimension in this black hole was really solid, even Yu Duxiu and the supreme powers could not break open.

"Don't leave the treasure, don't want to go out" Xiangshen fisted Yu Duxiu fiercely.

The calamity in Yu Duxiu's hands circulated, and a finger slowly stretched out: "The will of heaven is like a knife."


There was a hole in the center of the elephant's eyebrows, where was his movement stiff, and his eyes showed an unbelievable color.

"You can actually break my real body?".


Xiangshen’s head exploded, and countless iconic elephant worms were instantly killed by Yu Duxiu’s domineering force, and then he saw Yu Duxiu smile slightly: "This blow, I am afraid that it has not cut off your many years of hard work." .

"Hongjun! Don't be mad" Four Dragon Balls from Sihailong Jun gathered in a frantic manner and instantly came to Yu Duxiu.

Facing the dragon ball blessed with thousands of times the power, Yu Duxiu is not a fool, but she dared not just pick it up, and flashed away from her body in an instant, but seeing the divine light on the dragon ball, a twinkle, four dragon **** turned into A skynet, shrouded towards Yu Duxiu.

"Skynet is sparse and not leaking, Hongjun will be caught with your hands" Donghai Longjun scolded.

Looking at, Yu Duxiu sneered, and her figure flickered instantly. When she reappeared, she was outside of Tiannet. Yu Duxiu's mouth sneered: "This Tianwang can't hold me".

While talking, Yu Duxiu had already arrived in front of Sihai Longjun, and gently pressed it out with her crystal clear palm.

At this time, Dragon Ball was too late to return for help, Sihai Longjun stretched out four dragon claws and grabbed Yu Duxiu's limbs. Although Dragon Ball could not return for help, everyone couldn't wait to die, right.


Yu Duxiu's fetus turned and revolved, and his figure twisted to a limit, avoiding the capture of Sihailongjun, and the palm of his hand gently landed on Sihailongjun's chest: "Innate Divine Fire Tribulation".





Four Seas Dragon Lord instantly turned into four big fireballs, the raging innate divine fire burned, and a scream spread, and the four dragon **** quickly returned to help suppress the innate divine fire in his body.

Ignoring the presence of the Dragon King of the Four Seas, in Yu Duxiu's eyes, the combat power of the Dragon King of the Four Seas was temporarily abolished by himself, and the Innate Divine Fire Calamity was not so easy to pass.


Yu Duxiu's body exploded, and the Jinlin on one side secretly attacked, unexpectedly avoiding Yu Duxiu's fate sense in advance. When Yu Duxiu appeared, it was already too late.

"Huh?" Jinlin was taken aback: "It has been exploded, why don't you see the treasure falling?".

"Hongjun has long since cultivated the universe in his palm. If he wants to seize the treasure, he can only capture Hongjun's true body and ask the whereabouts of the treasure, forcing the other party to hand it over," Tai Yi taught the ancestor on one side and said without delay.


"Be careful behind" Beihai Longjun roared, but unfortunately it was too late, and Yu Duxiu gathered directly behind Jinlin. The robbery was originally invisible and difficult to detect.


Jinlin hit the dragon's tail with a single blow, Yu Duxiu flew out, standing in the void lightly, watching everyone in the field, frowning suddenly: "So many strong people are staring at me. When will it be the most important thing? The thing is, I now rely solely on the power of disaster and calamity, and I am not an opponent of the supreme power at all."

Yu Duxiu's calamity power is indeed powerful, but the supreme power is immortal, how can you kill? .

"When I kill out, I can escape from birth. After fusion and refinement, I will fight against the strong." Yu Duxiu set a strategy in her heart, and immediately reversed the yin and yang, turned against the chaos, and spread to the void. Go, wherever he went, he blinded everyone's senses, and then countless hairs fell off all over his body, turning into thousands of hongjun, thousands of streamers burst out, and rushed toward the door.

"I'm here, don't want to escape" Xiangshen's head has been reborn. He firmly grasped the position of the door and blasted out with a punch, never giving Yu Duxiu a chance to escape.

"Swish" After the countless streamers flickered, everyone in the field was blindfolded, how could there be two more elephant gods.

At this moment, the two elephant gods were standing at the door, looking at me and looking at you, they all looked at each other, and all the jade Duxiu in the small dimension disappeared completely.

"Why are the two elephant gods?" Taiyi taught the ancestors.

"There must be one Hongjun who changed. I didn't expect Hongjun to be proficient in the art of change." The Fox God said cautiously: "The art of change is so brilliant, it almost reaches the point of being fake."

"Smelly boy, do you dare to pretend to be me" Xiangshen looked at the Xiangshen transformed by Yu Duxiu on the opposite side, with fire in his eyes.

"Asshole! You brat to pretend to be me if you haven't shown your true shape yet?" Yu Duxiu pointed to Xiangshen Dao.

"Although you can change into my appearance, you can't change the power of this seat. One punch will tell you to reveal your prototype." Xiangshen showed a sneer smile, and then saw Xiangshen's punch suddenly Out, hit Yu Duxiu fiercely.

Seeing this, Yu Duxiu's expression remained unchanged. Seeing the crazily converging calamity, Black Lotus absorbed all the calamity, and then instantly blessed the calamity on the head of the elephant god.


Although Yu Duxiu's punch was easy, but with the blessing of the fate, the elephant god's power to move mountains and fill the sea, the two sides' punches were evenly divided.

"This fellow is fake! I also asked all fellow daoists to help me suppress this fellow" Yu Duxiu said.

The elephant was furious: "He is the fake! He is the fake!".

The fox **** on one side said with a gloomy expression: "Stop arguing, stop arguing, this seat has a way to tell the truth from the fake, let me ask you, when and when did the elephant become enlightened?"

How did Yu Duxiu know when he became enlightened in the year of elephant god! .


Yu Duxiu flew up in an instant, scurrying in the field, and instantly attracted everyone to jump. When everyone calmed down, there were two more fox gods on the scene.

"Fuck! Hongjun, you are tired of life, you dare to change into my appearance."

The two fox gods were furious at the same time.

"Hongjun! Give up resistance. There are so many powerful people present, you can't escape." Tai Yi Jiaozu took a deep breath, looking at the two vivid fox gods, frowning: "The fox **** enlightened. year?".

Yu Duxiu didn't have the ability similar to his Xintong, but everyone's questioning like this hit Yu Duxiu's death.

"No way, you forced me. Now I can only show my true ability." Looking at everyone, Yu Duxiu showed his figure, and looked at everyone with regret.

"No, this kid wants to run." The old jade ancestor flew up in an instant, trying to stop Yu Duxiu.


Yu Duxiu exploded, turned into countless calamities, and disappeared without a trace.

"Where is Hongjun?" Everyone was taken aback when looking at the empty dimension.

"Everyone, be careful, Hongjun is a scheming guy. Maybe he used his magical powers to hide in a certain corner, making everyone think he ran out, deliberately relax their vigilance, and wait for the opportunity to run out. Everyone is patiently looking for this. The kid pulls it out." Shen E's eyes were full of cunning.

Outside, a rabbit was grazing in the jungle, and suddenly a hungry wolf came over, and the catastrophes were filled in an instant.

" The Tribulation of the Void was instantly absorbed and turned into a figure.


The wolf demon pounced on the rabbit and bit it down. It turned out that the rabbit had no harm at all. After biting it, there was still no harm. At this time, the hungry wolf released his mouth and couldn't help but suspect that his wolf was born. With sharp teeth, why can't you bite a rabbit? .

Looking at the hungry wolf, Yu Duxiu shook her head: "Meeting is also cause and effect, and it helps you develop your spiritual wisdom."

Yu Duxiu casually pointed a finger, landed on the head of the hungry wolf, turned away, and smiled disdainfully: "The place where the calamity exists is the place where this seat exists. It's a joke if you have to stop me."


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