The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1889: Come here and fight alone

   "Prime Minister Turtle, if the **** of Yushi returns to Yujing Mountain in the future, throw it out for me" Yu Duxiu walked slowly to Yujing Mountain, facing the Prime Minister of Turtle who was guarding Yujing Mountain.

   "Yes!" Prime Minister Kame didn't say much, but just followed Yu Duxiu's instructions.

   Yu Duxiu really underestimated the supernatural powers of the ancestors and demons. Yu Duxiu had just returned to Yujing Mountain when he was blocked by someone.

   Feeling the aura of Yujing Mountain rising into the sky, Yu Duxiu frowned: "It's so fast, this must force me to go crazy".

After speaking, Yu Duxiu stretched out his palm, and saw that the natural hibiscus tree in the lower realm appeared directly in Yu Duxiu's hands. Yu Duxiu smiled coldly: "If you are pressing me, I will melt the natural laurel and the natural hibiscus tree. Up".

   After finishing speaking, he shook his head, and sent the innate hibiscus back: "If there are good things, you can't be so bad. This seat is immortal. I really don't believe what these guys can do with me."

   After saying that I pressed, Yu Duxiu swaggered out of Yujing Mountain.

Outside Yujing Mountain, Yu Duxiu looked at the powerful aura in the void with a pair of eyes, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, stepped forward, and instantly came to the endless starry sky in the vast world, with a pair of eyes looking at the powerful: "Come on, this thing will always be done. If you can run away, the monk can't run away from the temple. My Yujingshan will never run away."

   "Hong Jun! Don't resist, that treasure is not something you can swallow alone" Tai Yi Jiaozu sighed slightly.

   "How did you find me?" Yu Duxiu said.

   "When it comes to the state of escape, there are many means." The old jade ancestor looked at Yu Duxiu and smiled: "Hongjun, you can't eat this treasure alone."

   "Jade! You have to be right with me too!" Yu Duxiu looked at the ancestor of Jade.

   The ancestor of Jade shook his hand quickly: "Old ancestor, I just want to share a piece of the pie. Don't think about it, you kid."

   Yu Duxiu does not go to see the old jade ancestor, since he has already shot, there is nothing to say.

   Yu Duxiu looked at Han Yan in the distance, and Han Yan chuckled: "I just thought that if they beat you, then I will shoot for treasure. If you beat them, I will assume that I have never been here."

   Yu Duxiu nodded: "If this is the case, watch the battle from a distance."

Seeing Han Ling go away, Yuanshi Tianzun stood in the field with the Chaos Clock in his hand and said nothing. Amitabha looked at his nose and his heart, Yu Duxiu smiled, and a green lotus appeared behind him, and was instantly held in his hand: "All the heavens and all realms have seen Zhang Jiao's facial features, but no one knows that my Hongjun's facial features are just as powerful."

   "Since you want treasures, who will come to enlighten me?" Yu Duxiu said.

"My twelve demon gods will meet you, this treasure, I will wait for the desperate town to kill the demon god, why do you go and pick it up?" God E strode out, staring at Yu Duxiu, the twelve demon gods. Walking out slowly, the wolf **** smiled bitterly: "Forget it, you can join the war, I won't mix this treasure."

The wolf **** withdrew from the battlefield, Yu Duxiu looked at the remaining eleven demon gods with a pair of eyes: "If you are in the wild land, this constellation will retreat when you meet you, but in the starry sky, each of you will be suppressed by 30%. Don’t blame me if you want to lose face.”


Yu Duxiu's shot was merciless, and a lotus flower in his hand was suppressed by the **** of E. This blow has unparalleled power, contains three thousand pseudo-chaos, and various treasures. It is a collection of various treasures of Yu Duxiu. .


One of E God’s paw suddenly stretched out, and instantly stepped on Yu Duxiu. This grasp condenses the void. The other ten demon gods know Yu Duxiu’s ability and dare not ask E God to fight alone. Now everyone The demon god's strength in the starry sky has been suppressed by 30%. Facing Yu Duxiu, he must be extremely cautious, otherwise he will overturn the ship.


As soon as the blow fell, E God exploded instantly and turned into powder. Facing the attacks of the other demon gods, Yu Duxiu took a step back unhurriedly, avoiding the palm of the demon god: "The devil **** has no soul when he holds it. What is a powerful body, no one knows the devil better than me."

   After the E God was bombarded by Yu Duxiu's blow, he turned into a muddy air, and for a while, he couldn't condense his real body, so he could only wriggle desperately in the void.

   The chaotic air of Qinglian shattered all the magic, and instantly shook the palm of his hand. Once again, the head of a demon **** was blasted by Yu Duxiu, and then retreated, with a mocking mouth: "The starry sky is not your world."

   "Dou Zhuan Xing Yi, give me suppression".

Yu Duxiu used the green lotus to urge the thousands of stars, and the trajectory of the stars in the starry sky was changed in an instant. When Tai Dou Jiaozu saw this, his expression suddenly changed: "This Hongjun is such a powerful force, this seat may not be able to do this. Kind of degree".

"So, Hongjun created magical powers, and you can only mimic Hongjunxiu's magical powers." Taiyi taught the ancestors with a sigh: "Although the power of the twelve demon gods in the starry sky is not weak, they are abandoned and lost 30% of their power. , Can only become a supporting role".


   Once again, there was a demon **** who exploded, and Yu Duxiu's mouth sneered "Star Dou Refining Demon".

   The demon **** that was blown up was instantly surrounded by stars, constantly refining the origin of the demon god, stars swarming around, absorbing the power of the demon god, and plundering the origin of the stars.

   "The Will of God is like a knife".

   Yu Duxiu's mouth was sneered, and a palm slammed out. Once again, a demon **** was crucified to death in the starry sky by Yu Duxiu, and then his body was destroyed. It was futile and powerless to allow the other party to display magical powers.

   At this moment, looking at the origin of the demon **** who has lost the power of resistance, the eyes of all the demon gods flashed with murderous intent: "Take action and wipe out the origin of the demon god."

   The three demon gods joined forces and began to help Yu Duxiu to promote the star battle and obliterate the power of the demon god.

   "Hong Jun! Your kid is too rampant, ancestor I will meet you" The jade ancestor this **** actually shot Yu Duxiu at this time.

   Yu Duxiu's mouth sneered: "Also, I will see the power of the first ancestor."

   "Let's take action too, we can't let the demon **** really hurt the power of the demon god" Tai Yi taught the ancestors.

   Once the demon god's family dominates, that is a terrible thing.

   The long river of fate in Taiyi Jiaozu's hands turned towards the elephant god, Taidou Jiaozu went to the tiger god, and the picture of Taiping Jiaozu emperor spread out and went toward the fox god.

   The ghost master quacked with a smile: "Hong Jun! You did it yourself, but it's no wonder you are here."

  The six reincarnations in the ghost master's hand are turning towards Yu Duxiu's fierce suppression.

   The remaining ancestors also bombarded Yu Duxiu.

At this time, even if Yu Duxiu is powerful, he is unable to return to the sky. If Yu Duxiu can overcome so many strong people, then he is not Huakai 9th grade, but Huakai 10 Second product.


Yu Duxiu's body exploded in an instant, and the remaining demon gods drew towards Yu Duxiu and grabbed Yu Duxiu's limbs. The old jade ancestor hit Yu Duxiu's chest with a punch, exploding Yu Duxiu: "Boy! If you say that the treasure has my ancestor, I will withdraw from the battlefield."

   Yu Duxiu shows his true body, looking at the jade ancestor: "No wonder you were conspired by someone in the ancient times. It turns out that you have no allies at all."

After    finished speaking, Niu Shen shot down behind Yu Duxiu and exploded Yu Duxiu again.

   The calamity was absorbed by Yu Duxiu. In an instant, Yu Duxiu's real body was reorganized again, jumping away from the blockade of the demon gods, and the cold light in his eyes flickered: "You can't kill me".

  While talking, Yu Duxiu held the green lotus, and the whole body was hazy: "Break the magic!"

  " The old jade ancestor was targeted by Yu Duxiu. This old thing was instantly slapped by Yu Duxiu. The jade body was broken by this blow, and his head burst open.


   Yu Duxiu was once again smashed into the air by an orb of Taiyuan Jiaozu.

"Good power of calamity" Yu Duxiu's figure reorganized, standing in the chaos, watching the powerful men who were besieged again, suddenly cried and laughed, the power of the powerful men is too strong. Now, his ninth-rank black lotus has no time to absorb the calamity, and the calamity has already fallen on him.

   And Yu Duxiu knows that this is not the strongest power of everyone, because everyone has not urged the mantra. Yu Duxiu is very strange, why everyone never urges the power of the mantra when fighting is a bit strange.

  Ps: Add more, no sweat on weekends.

   I'm fascinated by reading recently, and I don’t have time to sweat more when I meet a good book! Let's talk about adding more time, and I will add more this week. I would like to recommend the new book "Seven Days and Seven Nights in Love: Trying to Love the Emperor and Younger" by Tang Tang Youyou, a female author and friend of Nine Lives. Reading on QQ, the starting point may not be available for the time being. But it’s okay. You can already receive it on QQ reading. Welcome to collect and recommend. Khan Khan, pirate friends also do a favor. Boys who don’t see it can recommend it to their girlfriends. Unexpectedly, Jiu Ming also had a day of watching female videos, and I had already begun to doubt my life.


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