The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1906: God willing

"In that case, it is better to find Na Hongjun and kill him, and it is more reliable to grab the elixir of immortality."

The Bull Demon smiled bitterly: "It's a pity that you were born an era late. When Hongjun was suppressed, you were just born. At that time, my monster clan was in great turmoil. For the future of my clan, I have to change You are hidden in the snow, and you don’t know about foreign affairs, but you don’t know Na Hongjun’s reputation. Hongjun was invincible in all the worlds and the younger generation. Hongjun entered the cycle of reincarnation. After ten thousand years later, Hongjun returned against the sky, and his cultivation became even deeper and unfathomable. Even the supreme might be able to contend against it, and even win the battle, but even In this way, ten thousand years ago, Na Hongjun snatched treasures that should not be robbed, and was suppressed by the supreme powerhouses on all sides of the world. Now that Hongjun is born, the older generation of powerhouses in the heavens and the world are shocked, you wait for the new generation The strong have never heard of Hongjun’s prestige, and don’t know that Hongjun is powerful, but it's normal, very normal."

Listening to the words of the bull demon god, Yi Yi was dissatisfied: "If Hong Jun has such a reputation, why have not everyone in the heavens and all realms heard of it?".

The Bull Demon smiled bitterly. He could say that the supreme powers were small-minded and deliberately wiped out Hongjun’s information. Originally, according to the estimation of the supreme powers, Hongjun could suppress a million years. After ten thousand years, he was born out of thin air, and everyone was caught off guard.

Thinking of the embarrassing scene of Tai Yi Jiaozu being injured by Hongjun across the river in the long river of fate, the Niu Demon God shivered, which was simply terrifying.

"Anyway, you don't want to provoke Hongjun. If you provoke Hongjun, I'm afraid I won't be able to protect you," Niu Demon said.

"Yes!" Yi said helplessly.

As he was talking, suddenly the place where the sun and the moon converge between the sky and the earth, the wind and cloud are turbulent, and waves are rolled up, and a strange medicinal fragrance spreads in all directions.

"This is?" Niu Demon was taken aback: "This is the Qi mechanism of the Immortal Medicine. You really are a person of good luck, and you didn't rush to take it. I didn't expect Hongjun's Immortal Medicine to be here. The time has come."

But seeing the eyes of the Bull Demon God was full of emotion, as he was talking, everyone in the heavens and ten thousand realms was boiling, one after another towards the starry sky.

The supremely strong are naturally embarrassed to do it, and that can only be determined by the supreme leader, and a high and low can be distinguished.

"How did your kid think of hiding the pill here?" Looking at the elixir in Yu Duxiu's hands, the osmanthus scented pill, the ancestor of Jade was puzzled.

"Oh! This seat was here that year, I met with Taiyin, and then formed cause and effect. On that day, I helped Taiyin to cross the Tribulation, and was conspired by the Hundred Ghosts and Gengjin Taoists. The Taiyin Crossing Tribulation failed. A look of melancholy flashed in Yu Duxiu's eyes.

The ancestor of Jade sniffed his nose, stopped speaking, looked at Yu Duxiu, and said: "I know the rest. I didn't expect you to be mingled with Taiyin Fairy."

Yu Duxiu nodded: "It's true, I never thought that it would get mixed up with Fairy Taiyin."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu threw the elixir of immortality into the place where the sun and the moon meet: "Let's go! Let's go".

"How are you sure that this elixir of immortality will definitely fall in Yi's hands, and not in other people's hands? That horn, wood green bamboo, Moxie, Baihu, and matchmaker are not good characters" Jade Patriarch looked at Yu Duxiu.

"You don't understand the power of my supernatural powers. The will of heaven is like a knife. This pill belongs to Yi, but it is the will of heaven. My meaning is the will of heaven, and my heart is the heart of heaven." Yu Duxiu carried her hands on her back and disappeared into the void.

"Hey hey, wait for me, wait for me, tell me how your kid got mingled with the lunar yin," said Jade Ancestor.

"This is it." Zhang Jiao wore a robe and walked out slowly and vigorously.

"Zhang Jiao, long time no see" Mo Xie embraced the sword.

"It's really been a long time since I saw the congenital thunder beast. If it wasn't for you to make trouble, how could Hongjun use the congenital beast to comprehend the congenital thunder and have the opportunity to grow" Qian Zao followed behind Mo Xie, looking bad.

Zhang Jiao smiled bitterly, who can be to blame for this? .

Who could have imagined that the little monk back then has grown into a masterful and proud existence, even if he is the supreme powerhouse, he must be courteous.

"You two don't quarrel, even if there is no such innate thunder beast, the thunder disaster will not help Hongjun, Hongjun's supernatural power is really against the sky, I really don't know how this servant came out" Mu Qingzhu Holding the green bamboo stick, he walked out slowly.

Looking at the green bamboo, Mo Xie chuckles: "Brother Dao hasn't seen him for a long time, and now his style is even stronger than before, and he has already proved that he is quasi-supreme."

Mu Qingzhu nodded: "Thanks to God's blessing, I will never be left behind by my peers."

A chill came, and the Bishui Daoist came to the field with the ice soul in his hand and stood beside Mu Qingzhu.

"Bishui, your partner actually proved to be the avenue of cold ice, condensing the innate aura, there is simply no reason." Hongyu looked at the Taoist clear water, his face was full of disgust.

Bishui Daoist smiled triumphantly: "Tianshi, the last race war was one of the only opportunities for my human race where luck was not in the hands of the ancestors. Can you seize that fleeting opportunity? It depends on the chances. Fortunately, I have a good chance. I thank someone for enlightening and seizing the opportunity, so I soared."

The Daoist Bishui looked at the wood and green bamboo, and the two of them understood that if it were not for the words of Yu Duxiu, the two talents would not be so desperate in the battlefield and forge so many causes and effects.

For Hongjun, the two are really convinced. It is definitely not a fluke to be able to reach the top and shoulder to shoulder with the ancestors. Yu Duxiu's grasp of the time has reached the peak, even if it is the ancestor, it may not be comparable.

"You guys are going to brag yourself here. It's really not ashamed, isn't it the supreme state? What's the big deal!" The stars flickered in the sky, and the white tiger descended on the scene, and the fishy wind rolled up.

Beside Baihu is the heir of the elephant god, the **** son of the elephant clan.

"It turns out to be the **** son of the elephant clan. This fellow has cultivated the true body of the elephant god, and has condensed the power of hundreds of millions of elephants. Although it is not as good as the white elephant, it is still invincible among the same generation. When the elephant turns into an adult white elephant, the son of God has proclaimed," Zhang Jiao whispered.

"The first person in the young generation of the heavens and ten thousand realms?" Looking at the proud face of the **** son of the elephant tribe, Mo Xie said coldly: "I don't know if Hongjun will laugh out loud when he hears this sentence."

No matter how great the contradiction is, Hong Jun is still a human race. Seeing these beasts so arrogant at this time, Mo Xie is naturally uneasy in his heart.

"I don't know how Hongjun's cultivation is, but your cultivation is indeed not in my eyes." The proud face of the **** son of the Xiang clan was frozen, and the anger rose in his eyes, and he fisted towards Mo Xie's suppression: "And Give me a punch."

"One sword breaks ten thousand laws."


Mo Xie's long sword flew into the air, and the little elephant's body shook, his arms stalemate in the air, and a bone-bearing sword mark appeared on the little elephant's fist.

"It's terrible! It's terrible! It's terrifying! What a powerful sword spirit" Xiang Clan God Child's expression became serious.

"You guys, don't be noisy here, in what manner, we are here to grab the treasure, not to make a fuss" Yi appeared in the void, with a gloomy expression: "I will definitely get the elixir of immortality. Brother Yi Dao is willing to give it to me, I am grateful, and if I ask for anything in the future, I will not refuse."

"Really?" Bai Hu smiled coldly: "How precious is the elixir of Your promise is worth a few catties, and you dare to make such a promise. I really don’t know what to say, it’s too much to value you. By myself".

"White Tiger!" Anger was rolling in Yi's eyes.

"Hehe, everyone wins the treasure, and all depends on the means." The **** son of the Xiang family sneered.

"Year, don't quarrel with them. The starry sky is their territory. We just need to find a way to seize the elixir of immortality. Let's stop fighting with words." The strong man of the Eshen clan came and was also a young talent. Jun, the cultivation base has reached the quasi-superior realm.

"That is, everyone is here to grab the treasure, not to listen to your nonsense." There was a cold voice, and everyone in the field showed a touch of jealousy.


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