The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1907: Knife creation primitive

   The younger generation, even the ancestors, will always have two big obstacles, one is Hongjun, and the other is the original king.

   A cold voice sounded, the aura of extinction lingered, watching the faintly visible figure in the aura of extinction, everyone in the field trembled.

  Original King! .

   Hongjun didn't come, but the Primordial Heavenly King came, which was a bit embarrassing. Without teaching the ancestors, the Primordial Heavenly King was absolutely invincible by virtue of the characteristics of the Great Mill.

  Even if the ancestors are taught, they can’t do anything with the original heavenly kings. They can’t do it if they want to seal them. The Qi of Destruction is too powerful and can basically seal everything in the world.

   "Primitive Heavenly King, you have already attained the fruit status of longevity, immortality, immortality, why come to fight for this elixir of immortality" A touch of tension flashed in Yi's eyes.

"I can't use it, my son can use it, my son can't use it, my grandson can use it, my grandson can't use it, my great-grandchildren can always use it. This medicine for immortality has a price and no market. The treasure of the heavens is a non-renewable thing. With one pill, one is missing. How can this seat be missed." The original heavenly king looked at everyone in the field, looked at the distorted place where the sun and the moon meet, and dismissed the world with a smile. Da Mo smashed into the void in an instant, forcibly suppressed the whirlpool in the place where the sun and the moon meet, and rushed in.

   "He went in" Mo Xie's expression was tense, and his palm suddenly grabbed the sword.

"Don't be impulsive!" Qian Zao grabbed Moxie, his eyes fixed on the place where the sun and moon meet: "This is Hongjun's elixir of immortality, Hongjun is still alive! Let the Primordial King try first Say it again".

   At this moment, strong people from all walks of life came one after another, the strong of the Demon Clan, the strong of the Demon Race, the strong of the Human Race, the strong of the world.

Ao Le wore a crystal-colored jade crown on his head, and walked into the arena with expressionless face. At this time, all the pigtails from the past have been transformed into the jade crown. He is dressed as a man. He is heroic and has a pair of eyes. Staring at the place where the sun and the moon meet, behind him, the quasi-superior and powerful members of the Four Seas Dragon Clan remained silent.

   "Ao Le is here!" Mu Qingzhu whispered.

  Bishui Daoist smiled coldly: "What can we do if we come? We brothers will join hands, who will we be afraid of?".

   Outside the field, countless powerful eyes gathered here, even the supreme powers, at this time they all looked at this place.

   "I really can't figure it out. With so many strong men gathered in the field, why are you so sure that this treasure will be taken by Yi and fall into Yi's hands." The ancestor of Jade looked at Yu Duxiu.

   Yu Duxiu crossed the boundary and looked into the distance: "The will of heaven is like a knife."

"Don’t grind, the overall situation of this seat is not well arranged, you follow me." Yu Duxiu grabbed the jade ancestor and ran west in the middle of the wild land, and then selected a cave with the surrounding layout. Formation, holding a mountain whip in his hand, constantly moving mountains and rocks, surrounding the cave layer by layer, and dropping traces of the blood of the sky into the cave, strangely speaking, the blood came out of the cave. After that, it instantly turned into a blood-colored molten pool, in which the red and enchanting blood was constantly rolling.

   Yu Duxiu looked into the distance: "Okay, this time the layout is really completed."

   "What the **** are you going to do?" Old Jade Ancestor looked at Yu Duxiu.

   "It's nothing! In my eyes, this monster clan and the demon **** clan are just beasts. Let me slaughter them, and there will be another crop after harvesting." Yu Duxiu sneered in her eyes.

   "The Will of God is like a knife".

   Yu Duxiu flicked his fingers, and a blade of God's will-like blade shrunk more than ten times in his hand shot out instantly: "My pill is not for you."

   Let’s also say that the Primordial Heavenly King, relying on the tyranny of the World Destruction Great Mill, directly broke into the heaven and earth storm formed by the confluence of the sun and the moon.

   What a powerful force that the sun and the moon meet, even if the quasi-superior powers fall into it, the flesh will be torn to pieces in an instant. If it is careless, it is very likely that the flesh will be completely wiped out, and this life will have no destiny.

   "It's such a **** as the cheap primitive king!" Zhang Jiao cursed, his face full of sadness.

   "There is no way, who told this primitive heavenly king to have a good father, and even got one of the most heaven-defying treasures of the heavens and the world, the Great Mill," Red Fish muttered.

   "This primitive king is really lucky." Qian Zao slid down.

   Moxie holds the long sword: "The demon gods, the strong dragons, and the strong monsters will not allow the primitive king to **** the elixir of immortality."

   Let's say that the Primitive Heavenly King rushed into the energy storm where the sun and the moon converge, and saw a void in the energy of one party, and with the turbulence of energy, a strong medicinal fragrance came out of the void.

   "It's here, this seat is really good." The Primitive Heavenly King had a smile on his face, and the air of extinction passed, and everything in the world was instantly wiped out and turned into powder.

   took the elixir of immortality back and put it into his chest, the original heavenly king with a sneer on his face, slowly walked out of the place where the sun and the moon meet.

   But I didn't wait for the original heavenly king to step out, and saw the place where the sun and the moon converge, a terrifying sword light suddenly divided time and space, and slashed towards the original heavenly king.

   "Hong Jun!" The Primordial Heavenly King yelled, and the air of extinction surrounded his body, but he couldn't stop the blade of God's will, and instantly penetrated the primitive Heavenly King's chest.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and the original heavenly king's face looked like golden paper: "What a terrifying Hongjun, my combat power was actually suppressed by 40%. A terrifying sword light, if it weren't for Hongjun's attack, he crossed the boundary and passed by. The training in the place where the sun and the moon converge, I am afraid that this knife can suppress me for tens of thousands of years without being reborn.

Looking at the blood stains on his chest, the Primordial Heavenly King wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes flashed with heart palpitations: "Hongjun's cultivation is deeper and unfathomable, and he can actually hurt me with a single blow. This blow has not been more than ten years old, afraid It is impossible to recover. It is a terrifying blow."

   Thinking of this, the Primordial Heavenly King once again used the aura of world destruction, covered the wound, and walked slowly out of the place where the sun and the moon meet.

   "Primitive Heavenly King, leave the treasure!" Ao Le held his hands on his back, blocking the opposite side of the Primitive Heavenly King, his eyes flashed with solemnity.

"Although I don't know how you can restrain my world-destroying mill, this seat has now completely refined the world-destroying mill. Do you think you can stop me? Restrain me?" The primitive king stopped, his eyes scanned. The audience, at this time, everyone in the field surrounded them one after another, staring at the Primordial King.

   "This supernatural power of your kid is really terrifying, extremely terrifying, I don't know how much power has been swung?" The old ancestor of Jade stared at Yu Duxiu with startled eyes.

"About one-eleventh, I caught the Primordial King by surprise This servant did not operate the main body of the World Exterminator. If the main body of the World Exterminate Mill blocks my blade, the blade will hurt. No matter what, he will collapse at best." Yu Duxiu touched her chin.

   The old jade ancestor's eyes widened: "This magical power has no time to defend. It is simply magical. It is impossible to defend against. It is impossible to defend against! Even the old guy who is too easy has been cut by you. Without timely defense, you can see how powerful your magical powers are.

Looking at the jade ancestor about to open his mouth, a big face came over, Yu Duxiu pushed the jade ancestor's head away: "Don't even think about it! Don't even think about it! This supernatural power is the foundation of my life, anyone Can't teach".

   "Stingy! Old ancestor, how about the magical power of your imperial messenger?" The ancestor of Jade looked at Yu Duxiu.

   Yu Duxiu turned around and looked at the starry sky in the distance, with the corners of his mouth cocked slightly: "Certainly watch the changes."

Looking at the powerful men who looked at them, the Primordial King felt bitter. If he were not injured, the monks would definitely not be in his eyes, but now he has been traumatized by the sword, and his strength is greatly reduced, and the wolves are devoured. Tiger, how to fight? .

"Zhang Jiao, Mo Xie, wood green bamboo, clear water, you are all monks of my human race. You also want to help this group of beasts. Are you embarrassed with me?" The primitive king looked at Zhang Jiao and others. This immortal medicine, if Until the real mountains and rivers are exhausted, the Primordial Heavenly King will never give up. The elixir of immortality is so precious, one pill is less than one pill.


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