The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1908: Pushing hands, impermanence

Yu Duxiu knew that in terms of combat power, he could suppress a supreme powerhouse and even severely inflict the opponent, but never thought that he could single out a group of supreme powerhouses, and he did not have the kind of crazy power.

As strong as Qingtian, when facing all the supreme powerhouses, he can only end up with the fate of being sealed, let alone himself? There is more than a thousand miles away from the strength of Qingtian.

God’s will is like a knife, and good fortune is the foundation of Yu Duxiu’s life. There must be no words, even his own sons can’t teach half a sentence, let alone the jade ancestor, this old immortal thing, the most unreliable thing Up.

A jade plate flashed in Yu Duxiu's eyes. Watching the battle in the starry sky, the Primordial King questioned the powerful humans, and Mo Xie looked at the Primordial King: "Brother! The preciousness of this immortal medicine, brother should know, why bother Such stubbornness, the elixir of life is just icing on the cake for you."

Then Moxie waved his hand, signaled Qian Zao to retreat, and then slowly stepped forward, and came to the Primordial King: "You and I are brothers in the same discipline, I will naturally support you to rush out."

"Really?" A vast starry sky descended in the distance, and the sky star turned into a galaxy and descended on the scene.

"Go away, I'm afraid that this elixir of immortality will not be able to keep it, temporarily put the elixir of eternal life with you, my brother has been severely damaged, and it will definitely not be able to reach the strong, you leave first, I will delay the time for you" .

There was a whisper in Mo Xie's ear, and then I felt something more in the sleeve. Before thinking about it, I saw a ray of world-killing air in the hands of the Primordial King shooting towards Mo Xie: "In front of the Immortal Medicine , Where is the same door, you guys stay away from me, if you want to protect me, even if you are around to help me."

"Brother, why did you shoot at me?" Mo Xie quickly withdrew from the battlefield, his eyes full of puzzlement.

"Brother Primordial, everyone is the same, you would be too much to do this." Qian Zao showed a touch of anger in one eye.

Just about to say more, I saw a monk with a thief and rat brain in the Demon God clan and said with his throat: "The elixir of immortality is on Mo Xie's body. The smell of the elixir of immortality cannot be hidden from my nose. The magical medicine is in Moxie. Body".

"Damn it!" The Primordial King suddenly changed his complexion and shook the mountains and rivers with a punch, and squeezed the mouse fiercely.

"Everyone shot together to **** the elixir of life."

No one paid any attention to the Primordial Heavenly King, and they all slew towards Mo Xie. Seeing that the arrogance of the Rat Race was not good, he instantly mixed into the crowd and disappeared.

A great battle was staged in the starry sky. The Primordial King was severely injured by Yu Duxiu's sword light, but after only a few rounds, he was kicked out of the battle by everyone. Although Mo Xie's swordsmanship is superb, it can't hold everyone with enough hands. , And many strong men are stronger than Mo Xie.

For a time, the stars shifted in the starry sky, rivers collapsed, the starry sky sank, and everything in the world was turned into dust at this time.

In the chaotic battlefield, Yi's servant also came fortune, and the elixir of immortality floated up and down, and actually fell directly into Yi's pocket.

When I saw that the treasure was obtained by myself, I was stunned for a moment, and then I ran all the way, even at the mercy of igniting my own essence and blood, and constantly fighting with the powerful people along the way.

"You are crazy! You actually ignite your own blood for the immortality medicine, you don't want to live anymore," the **** son of the crocodile clan scolded Yi angrily.

"I don't have a choice. I have to decide on this magic medicine for immortality. Even if it falls to the quasi-superior realm, I will never give up this magic medicine for immortality." Yi's eyes were full of murderous intent.


The starry sky is trembling, and Yi’s strength is indeed extraordinary. The Bull Demon God clan uses the blood and laws of power to compete with the strong in the world. Yi is the leader of the Demon God family. Naturally, it is extremely powerful. After desperately burning his blood, , Yi unexpectedly rushed out of the starry sky, landed on the wild land, and hid.

"Yi Yi is gone."

"The terrain is strange."

"It's really weird, it's really interesting, interesting, like a formation."

"This formation is so delicate."

"You guy knows the formation?"

"Regardless of his formation or formation, just rush in. After all, he can find Na Yi."

There was a lot of discussion among the powerhouses from the outside world, but at this time Na Yi was wandering through the formation in a daze: "Where am I?".

"It's so weak! Burning blood is really endless." Yi suddenly weakened, but still insisted on walking in the mountains, dizzy along the way, stumbled into a cave, saw a pool of blood, suddenly in front of him Blackened and passed out.

"Puff through".

Yi suddenly fell into the pool of blood, and saw countless blood of the sky madly converging in Yi's body, continuously transforming Yi's bloodline and blessing Yi's power.

"What a formidable blood of the sky, the Qi Qi this time has actually climbed all the way. Although it is still in the quasi-superior state, the combat power has been increased by many times. It is a completely reborn change. So kind, help this next time to wash the hair and cut the marrow." The old ancestor of Jade looked at Yu Duxiu with a suspicious look in his eyes.

Yu Duxiu chuckled: "Just watch it, and the show is about to begin."

"Old ancestor, I always feel that someone is peeping in secret!" Old ancestor Jade suddenly turned his head, his eyes looked at the void in the distance, then glared at the mountains and scratched his head: "Weird! Why do ancestors feel I feel Someone peeped, but couldn't find a trace?".

"Are you sure someone is watching?" Yu Duxiu frowned.

"This matter can't be wrong," said the ancestor Jade: "My feelings should not be wrong, ancestor."

Yu Duxiu closed her eyes when she heard the words, and said after a while: "Nothing unusual was found."

"Let's go! Yi has absorbed the essence and blood, and now I'm waiting for a good show," Yu Duxiu said.

The old jade ancestor and Yi left together. After a long time, they saw black and white figures emerging. Hei Wuchang said, "This old boy, with such a powerful method, he almost found the trace of our brother."

"Our brother’s law of impermanence contains impermanence in the permanence. Even if this old boy is ten thousand times more powerful, he can never find the trace of our brother, because our brother is impermanence and impermanence, otherwise he will not walk through the heavens. "All restrictions in the world are unimpeded" Bai Wuchang said with his arms.

"What do you mean Hongjun is messing with?" Hei Wuchang showed curiosity.

"It's definitely not at ease. These guys in the Yang world bit the dog and don't care what they do. Let's go back and report to the prince. Naturally, the prince will decide this matter," Bai Wuchang said.

The black and white impermanence floated away, and there was a wave of fluctuations in the void, and the jade ancestor and Yu Duxiu appeared in the field.

Let’s say that Jade Duxiu and the ancestor of Jade left. After flying thousands of miles, the two of them stopped at the same pace. Look at me and I look at you, and there is a familiar treacherous smile in their eyes. No need to say more, and immediately turn around. Go to the original road.

That Yu Duxiu concealed the aura of the two with an air of rebellion, but when he arrived on the scene, he smiled slightly.

"I didn't expect it to be black and white." Yu Duxiu carried her hands on her back.

"The law of black and white impermanence is too Patriarch, I can’t help these two bastards. The ghost master is lucky, and he actually restrained these two strange men." Jade Patriarch smashed his mouth. Sorrowful said: "Old ancestor, I finally took in four younger brothers, but it was all rebellious, oh, really,,,,,,".

Ignoring the sigh of the ancestor of Jade, watching the countless strong people outside the big array circling here and refusing to leave, Yu Duxiu said: "It's almost there. The blood of that day has almost done the transformation of Yi. It has been gradually opened, and it is interesting now! It is interesting! There are not many people who fish in troubled waters in this seat. Yinsi himself is willing to jump into the pit, and this seat does not stop him."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu took out the mountain whip in her hand, and looked at the void in the distance: "A good show starts."

After speaking, the figure disappeared and no trace was seen.

"A great mysterious formation" Mo Xie struck out with a sword, and fell into the great formation without any ripples.


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