The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1922: Kill the day

Ksitigarbha was born to save all sentient beings, to escape from the sea of ​​suffering and enter the world of bliss. With countless merits, how could there be sins? .


The prince Yin Si was fisted by the Ksitigarbha king, and the Buddhist scriptures in his hand were entangled and turned into fonts, and he burst out and woven into a big net instantly, and buckled towards the prince Yin Si.

Although the little monk of the Ksitigarbha King is not the supreme powerhouse, he is the top existence among the quasi-superior powerhouses. The strength is first-rate, lower than the supreme, but surpassed the quasi-superior. This realm is called: Sub-Sage.

"Want to save me? It's just a wishful thinking. I am the lord of endless beings, the lord of life and death, and control the life of all beings. How are you my opponent" The murderous flicker in the eyes of Prince Yinsi: "Five failures of heaven and man."

The little monk "My Buddha is merciful" stepped away. The robes behind him bulged and stood in front of him instantly. The prince of Yinsi fell on the robes with a palm and was removed by the immeasurable Dharma. Then the robes flew up, covering the sky and covering the sun. The prince of the yin was shrouded in it.


A ray of sword light flickered, and at this time the quasi-superior powerhouse among the Yinsi came to help each other, fought with the young Tibetan monk, and bought time for the Yinsi Prince.

The Ksitigarbha monk is between the present and the past and cannot be inquired or captured. He is only allowed to beat others, but not allowed to beat him. This battle is a bit frustrated.

"This time I told the prince of Yinsi to get out, so why not let him go" Yu Duxiu's sword light slowly dissipated, and a pair of eyes looked at the ghost master on the opposite side: "Let's leave you alone today, and wait for my supernatural powers to come. , I will settle accounts with you again."

"It's ridiculous, do you think you can leave this seat so easily if you cut this body?" The ghost master looked at Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu was taken aback for a moment: "Could it be that you still had a fight with me?".

"Yin Si is my territory, here this seat is invincible." The ghost master looked at Yu Duxiu with a solemn gaze: "If you are told to leave like this, without leaving any explanation, how can this seat remain in the world? mix?".

After speaking, the ghost master punched out, the sky changed color, the wolf cried and the ghost howled: "Thousand ghosts eat the gods".

This **** is not the other god, not a god, but a person's soul.

This ghost is not an ordinary ghost. How can an ordinary ghost dare to swallow the monk's soul? .

Seeing the overwhelming black clouds covering the sky and obscuring the sun, swallowing towards herself, Yu Duxiu's gaze is solemn, this kind of magical power is not something God’s will can handle. This **** comes from all directions. If you still use God’s will like a sword, then It is to find death by yourself.

Yu Duxiu's face was dignified, with a pinch in his hand, six divine fires swept across the sky toward the outside world, wherever he passed, everything in the world ignited instantly and turned into a raging fire.

There is nothing in the Liu Ding Liu Jia Divine Fire, and Yu Duxiu's body was enveloped in the Liu Ding Liu Jia Divine Fire. The moment the countless ghosts approached, it turned into black smoke, and a scream was heard, and it became a part of the Liu Ding Liu Jia Divine Fire. The ashes.

However, there are so many ghosts, even Liuding Liujia Shenhuo, when facing the overwhelming black energy, is constantly compressing and approaching Yu Duxiu.

"What a powerful supernatural power."

Yu Duxiu looked towards the outside world with a single glance, and saw black mist lingering, not discerning the universe, yin and yang.


A black hand suddenly slashed out of the black mist. Yu Duxiu was too late to resist. It was already slapped in the middle and back with the palm of the ghost master. It turned into a blood mist. The six divine flames were extinguished, and countless ghosts rolled over and swallowed them. With the flesh and blood of Yu Duxiu.

"This old immortal is deceiving too much" Yu Duxiu transformed into the power of calamity, reorganized his real body, and the whole body was born with thunder and lightning, and the ghosts where he passed turned into fresh air, dissipating the void.

Yu Duxiu's eyes sneered again and again, and a strange laugh spread: "Today, I will tell you this old fellow to learn about the methods of this seat."

As soon as he stretched out his palm, Qinglian appeared in his hand, and the Qinglian in Yu Duxiu's hand swept away.


After a collision, Yu Duxiu and the ghost master touched, and the two sides quickly backed away. Yu Duxiu's eyes were sneered: "I will accompany you for fun today."

After speaking, I saw the power of thunder and lightning on the Qinglian in Yu Duxiu's hand, accompanied by the innate sacred fire, but just a few breaths, already out of the siege of the black mist, stood still and turned around to look at the ghost. The lord, but seeing the ghost lord looked at Yu Duxiu with a smile: "How about it, how about this trick?".

"Not so much!" After saying that, the Qinglian in Yu Duxiu's hand disappeared, and the will of the gods began to rotate again, the tip of the knife flashed out, piercing the void, and the tip of the knife in the right hand was killed towards the ghost master.

"You think this is a fool, knowing that your supernatural powers are invincible, will you still fight hard against you?" The ghost master shook his head: "Samsara three stacks."

"Look at me splitting your three-fold reincarnation" Yu Duxiu's speed continued, turning a blind eye to the pulling force of the vortex, still urging the tip of the knife and slashing towards the ghost master after the vortex of reincarnation.


Yu Duxiu's face was pale, and the ghost master flew out.

The tip of the knife did not split the six reincarnations of the ghost master, but the blade light penetrated the six reincarnations and shot into the main body of the ghost. This blow was absolutely uncomfortable for the ghost master.

At the same time, Yu Duxiu slashed the six reincarnations, and suffered a backlash from the laws of the Yin Division, causing the bones and muscles in his body to be disordered, and the innate primordial spirit was instantly dimmed.

Looking at the ghost master, Yu Duxiu gritted her teeth: "Shameless!"

The ghost master triumphantly: "This is not shameless, it's just a means."

While talking, the ghost master continued: "Hongjun, although your supernatural power is powerful, it has not been fully cultivated. If you cultivate to the realm of great success, this seat may retreat when facing you. I don’t dare to fight with you anymore in the Yang world. I can only fight with you in the Yin Division by relying on the law of origin in the future, but unfortunately, your magical powers are too immature. According to the prediction of this seat, I am afraid it will be very much. All of them are lacking, and your heat is far behind. This seat is now only three times of reincarnation. Every time the reincarnation is superimposed, the power will skyrocket countless times, so you are still not your opponent."

"Really?" Yu Duxiu's palm trembled slightly: "If there is no Yin justice, I will go back, I will never fear you."

"You stay in the Yinsi obediently and tell your secrets. The seat may let you go. If you continue to go your own way, even the immortal arrival of the first ancestor will not save you." The ghost master looked at Yu Duo with a joke Show.

"Today's affairs are endless" Yu Duxiu said coldly ghost master is noncommittal: "I just want a secret!"

The power of reincarnation began to interweave layer by layer, spreading continuously, and converging toward Yu Duxiu.

"Really? Old ancestor, can't I really save this kid?" A fist suddenly appeared behind the ghost master, exploding the triumphant ghost master.

"It's really incorrigible! It's still as bad as it was back then." The old ancestor Jade blew his fist and stared at Yu Duxiu and said: "Come on, this old boy is also detached. The time of thousands of years has advanced by leaps and bounds. I also want to let him three points, and be entangled by him for a while, but it's bad."

Yu Duxiu nodded and looked at the ghost master who was constantly recovering his true body. The sword beam shot out in his hand, smashing the channel between Yin and Yang, stepping out, and the voice shook the world: "Ghost master! You dare to plunder the treasure of this seat, let us In the end, today this seat forcibly opens the channel of reincarnation and guides the creatures in the world of Yang to invade the Yin Division and seize the land of death, so that you know how powerful this seat is.

Yu Duxiu stepped out of the Yang world, took a deep breath, looked at the gradually restored passage, and the voice spread throughout the heavens and all realms.

All the supreme powerhouses heard their voices and looked towards this place one after another, but saw Yu Duxiu smiled slightly: "Since ancient times, the channels of both the Yin and Yang have been in the hands of the ghost master. Today I am not talented. To create a precedent, to open the channel between the yin and yang, so that the sentient beings in the yang world can regain the souls of the heroic souls in the Yin Division, and the souls of all loved ones. The passage between the two worlds".

"What your kid said is true, can you really open the channel between Yin and Yang?" The old jade ancestor looked at Yu Duxiu, his eyes blinked, full of expectation.

"You just grab the formation for me, Yinsi, I have tolerated him for a long time, if you don't make him trouble, he always doesn't know how to promote" Yu Duxiu's voice is cold.

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