The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1923: Oath teacher

The yin division is always lingering, jumping out from time to time to make you trouble, shooting you secretly, so that you have to get tired of coping, and then the yin division has a chance.

Yu Duxiu was finally angry. After the Yin Si escaped, standing in the Yang world, a pair of eyes stared at the depths of the Yin Si, "I want to attack the Yin Si, I don't know which fellow daoist is willing to help me?" .

"I come!".

Slowly stepping out of the void in the sky: "In antiquity, my twelve tribes died in battle, and the soul fell into the Yin Division, and disappeared. Now I am going to the depths of the Yin Division to find something."

"Count me!" Fu Yao walked out slowly.

"I am too suspicious of many disciples who have the five decay of nature and humanity, so I am fine!" Tai Su taught the ancestor with a light body and fluttering clothes.

Yu Duxiu nodded, and the old jade ancestor smiled: "Count me! Count me! I and the ghost master are old enemies. If your kid can really open the yin and yang channel and ask our tribes to rush in, then It's really boundless."

"Count me!" Yuanshi Tianzun walked out slowly, dragging the chaotic clock in his hand, his whole body hazy.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, that’s all about the jade ancestor. Chaotian, Taisu, and Fuyao have grievances with me, and it is excusable to be embarrassed with me, but I can’t figure out why you are embarrassed with me.” The ghost master stood in the Yin Division. Anger in his eyes rose.

"There is no reason! The Yin Division is a big cake, this seat has long wanted to cut a piece" Yuan Shi Tianzun's voice Gu Jing Wubo.

"Hongjun! Can really open the channel between Yin and Yang" The Fox God walked a thousand miles from the heaven, and within a few steps, he arrived in front of Yu Duxiu.

Looking at the charming fox god, Yu Duxiu nodded: "Yes! Yes! The passage between Yin and Yang is difficult for others, but for me, it is 100% sure."

"Well, if we can really open the channel between Yin and Yang, my monster race can help us to break into the Yin Division and looting." The elephant **** has a steady body, and the space where he passes is frozen, and everything in the world is frozen. Time At this moment, they all seemed to fall into a standstill.

It is not that the law between heaven and earth has really fallen into a static state, but the power of the elephant **** is too strong, creating an illusion that the cultivation base is not as good as the elephant god, and you will be confused by this illusion, confused and confused, and the power of the elephant **** is too strong. Strong, even a trace of this unintentionally leaked, it has infinite power, waiting for the cultivator to die if it touches it, or hurt if it is rubbed.

Looking at the elephant, Yu Duxiu's pupils shrank violently and nodded calmly: "If so, it would be great."

"If we can open the channel between Yin and Yang, my demon **** clan is also willing to help us. The wolf **** led the demon gods to come, looking at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes.

"Well, now the Demon God and the Demon Race are the overlords between heaven and earth. There are two helping each other. The Yin Division will inevitably suffer catastrophe. Since the chaos of ancient times, my monks have not feared the majesty of the sky, but are afraid of the cycle of life and death of the Yin Division. Open the yin and yang channel, and I am waiting to avenge my old grudges and avenge countless dead colleagues and comrades in arms." Yu Duxiu patted his palms, his eyes solemn.

"Hahaha, you idiots, do you really think that Hongjun, the little boy, can open the channel between Yin and Yang? When the ancient times were chaotic, countless great abilities wanted to attack the Yin Division and establish the channel between Yin and Yang. I don't know that this seat is the Yin Division. Lord, everything of this Yin Division is under the control of this seat. Only this seat of the heavens and all realms can open the Yin Division channel and fight in the Yang world, but I have never heard of a strong person in the Yang world who can establish the Yin Division channel.” The ghost master’s eyes are full of mockery. , Looking at the powerful people in the Yang world across the barrier between the Yin and Yang worlds, sneered.

"Let's laugh! Let's laugh! You won't be able to laugh after I take a shot," Yu Duxiu looked at the ghost master blankly.

"I have to bother the fellow daoists to dispatch troops. This time we are going to enter the Yin Division, rather than sneak into the Yin Division as in the past. We must have the luck of the race and the golden dragon to inspire the will of the Yang world in the great world to protect us and so on. In order to truly gain a foothold in the Yin Division," Yu Duxiu said.

The killing spirit flickered in the eyes of "Jujiang" Tiger God.

"Adjust soldiers" E God roared up to the sky.

The demons and monsters mobilized their troops and horses one after another. Hundreds of millions of troops gathered towards this place. At first glance, all the shadows of the shaking monsters were overwhelmingly terrifying.

The supreme powerhouses are suspended in the void, Yu Duxiu stands in front of the supreme powerhouses, looking at the billions of gods and demons, with a cruel smile on his mouth: "Yin, this seat is ready for you. After the feast, countless members of the tribes and comrades of all tribes have died for millions of years, and have been under the control of your yin, but now they are angry and blamed. No wonder I".

"Hongjun! Let's do it" Jade Patriarch urged.

Yu Duxiu's eyes looked in all directions, nine heavens and ten earth, the supreme powers of all parties have gathered, only the strong in the human race and the spiritual mountain are indifferent, sitting firmly on the fishing platform.

With a smile in her eyes, Yu Duxiu walked out slowly, with a solemn expression: "Since the chaos of the ancient world has opened up the world for millions of years, the Yinsi people have secretly manipulated the lives and deaths of all beings, deprived them of the number of lives, cut off the cycle of life and death, shepherd and nurtured all beings for their own use. Being unkind, repeatedly intervening in the affairs of the Yang world, this is overstepping the rule, repeatedly murdering me for no reason, using the fate of heaven to exercise the kingship, this is the abolition of the public for private, today I want to rejuvenate the king’s teacher and fight against the unjust thieves, This is the will of heaven and the heart of the people. Today, this seat led hundreds of millions of sentient beings to declare war on the Yin Si, wanting to enter the Yin Si, quell injustice, follow the orders of the king of heaven and earth, and hope that the world will learn from it."

After Hongjun's words, the eyes of all the demon gods and demon gods in the field lit up, looking at the awe-inspiring Jade Duxiu, their eyes lighted up: "I didn't expect it to be like this. He packaged himself as a teacher of justice, defeated the rebellious party, and occupied the righteous name. This Hongjun is the real shameless person in the world."

Even the ancestor of Jade looked at Yu Duxiu blankly at this time, as if he had met Yu Duxiu for the first time, and looked up and down at Yu Duxiu.

The fox god's big Humei eyes blinked and blinked, as if they had met Yu Duxiu for the first time.

"There is such a shameless person in the world who talked about the invasion so boldly, this seat has been taught" Xiangshen looked stunned.

"My ancestor, I really didn't read it wrong, this kid is shameless, black-hearted, shameless," Jade ancestor muttered to himself.

The eyes of the heavens and the great power of the world have changed subtle. Yu Duxiu did not seem to notice the changes in the eyes of the people. He still looked at the Yinsi without changing his face, and then looked at the demon **** and the demon god: "Please also take the oath, master, crusade Unrighteous people".

Three demon gods, look at me, and I see you, the face is not as thick as Hongjun. You can't do such shameless things, but now that Hongjun has said it, he can't refute it. The fox **** and the elephant **** look together. Looked at the tiger god.

Tiger God's eyes widened and wanted to refute. In front of the power of the heavens, he couldn't say three, four, five, six, and couldn't find a suitable reason to reject him. He could only come to Yu Duxiu and feel everyone's vote. Tiger God lowered his throat and said, "How do you say?"

"Prosper the kingly way and defeat the rebellious party" Yu Duxiu is neither salty nor light.

The Tiger God coughed: "The Yin is unrighteous and regards my demons tribe as ants, slaughter them arbitrarily, and manipulates the lives and deaths of my demons tribe. We wait for our lives to be controlled by the sky and not by others. Being able to let the Yinsi trample on, today my demonic clan is prospering, and I want to make a judgment with the Yinsi clan, to die for life, to settle the injustice, and hope that the world can learn from it."

At the beginning, Tiger God still had a face, but the more he talked about it, the more excited and excited he became. It seemed that he was really a teacher of the king's way, and that Yin Si was the rebellious party who wrecked the world.

"Sure enough, the Oath Master can really refresh the spirit, occupy the righteousness, and be condescending. It is really refreshing. If the demon clan is to be defeated in the future, my demon clan must also swear to the master and occupy the name of righteousness," Tiger God said secretly.

Seeing the ruddy-faced and energetic Tiger God, everyone cursed in their hearts: "Shameless, there are so many shameless people in this world."

The God of E came to Yu Duxiu step by step, swears, and formally swears his teacher. God of E is naturally thick, and everyone can't see the difference. His voice is magnificent: "Today, my devil clan revives the master to attack the Yinsi's rebellious party and calm the Yinsi. ,,,,,,".

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