The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1930: Yin of Yin and Yang, Yang of Yin and Yang

Taiyi taught the ancestors a palm as if it was a destiny, and the mighty and mighty cannot be stopped.

"It's too easy, I dare."

The sound of thunder in the void rolled in the distance, and the roar of the demon gods and demon gods came.

"Hold the ancestors and give me time to retreat from the Yinsi." At this time, the demon gods and the demon gods did not care about tearing them apart. They saw the demon gods leaving the battle circle and descending on the channel of the Yin and Yang worlds. Exerting the real body of the demon god, operating the law of the demon god, and going to suppress the ancestors.


The wolf **** was shattered by the palm of Tai Yi Jiao Ancestor, turned into muddy air and wriggled in the void, unable to recover. The pupils of the other demon gods contracted rapidly.

"It's so powerful, too easy to teach ancestors."

"I'm here" E God roared up to the sky, stepped on the ground, and the muddy air rose up and hit the sky towards Taiyi Jiaozu.


The E **** shook his body and withdrew dozens of steps, leaving a clear palm print on his body, and his fate flowed. He wanted to explode E god, but saw the earth's muddy air rise, and the seal on E god's body unexpectedly gradually slowly Disappeared, obliterated by the turbid air.


The Wolf God and Demon God reorganized his body and looked at Tai Yi Jiaozu with a gloomy expression: "Tai Yi Lao Er is so strong, this old immortal cultivation base has gained again."

"Holding all the ancestors, the powerful men of the Yin Division will be handed over to the monster tribe. Even if the hundreds of millions of troops are withdrawn, even if they complete the task, they cannot be buried in the Yin Division." The centipede ancestor wielded With both arms, he grabbed the Taiyuan Jiaozu.

The ancestors and the demon gods became a group, and the powerful men in the Yin Division were not restrained by the demon gods, and suddenly relaxed a lot, moved back to the situation with the help of the insect gods, and began to suppress the demon race.

Yinsi is the home of the ghost master, and the ghost master gradually moved back to the situation.

Yu Duxiu's real body is reorganized, there is a demon **** holding the ancestor, and it is not necessary for Yu Duxiu to guard the yin and yang channel, watching the ghost master who is pressing the tiger **** and the elephant god, the chaotic green lotus in Yu Duxiu's hand flashes, stepping into the void In the Yin Division, Qing Lian drew her head towards the ghost master.

"You two quickly go to the Yin Si to search for various treasures, suppress the Yin Si prince, **** the Yin Si treasure, and the ghost lord will give it to me." Yu Duxiu held the Qinglian lotus and stopped in front of the Elephant God and Tiger God.

The two demon gods were taken aback, looking at Yu Duxiu together, a thought came up in their hearts: "This kid would be so kind?".


No matter what kind of heart Yu Duxiu Ande is, being able to get rid of the ghost master is a great thing for Tiger God and Elephant God.

Looking at Yu Duxiu, the ghost master did not pursue the elephant **** and the wolf god, but stared at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes: "There is a way to heaven, you don't go, **** has no way, you cast yourself, today is your death date. ".

Yu Duxiu shook her head: "Ghost Lord, I ask you, where is the soul of my master Deming? And where is the reincarnation of Lunar? As the lord of Yin, don't tell me you don't know."

"It turns out that you haven't cut off your lust. You can't forget Taiyin Fairy and Deming. That Deming's soul is in my hands. I know the reincarnation of Taiyin Fairy, but I won't tell you or give it to you. , What can you do to me?" The ghost master sneered.

"You! Bastard thing!" Yu Duxiu said nothing, holding Qinglian and killing him towards the ghost master.

At this moment, the Yin Division was in chaos, the Buddhist forces were fishing in troubled waters, Amitabha disappeared, the monsters in the blood sea were slaughtering, plundering the lives of the Yin Division ghosts, the supreme powerhouse confronted and destroyed the world, I don’t know. How many souls exploded at this time, completely returned to their origins, and disappeared between heaven and earth.

The Yin Division turned into a real purgatory at this time.

Yu Duxiu is not a fool. Of course, he will not fight with the ghost master to do the kind of hard work. I saw Yu Duxiu holding Qinglian all the way and retreating. The innate fire is overflowing, and countless Yinsi buildings are here. Turned to ashes in the fire.

"Hongjun! Don't deceive others too much" the ghost master angrily scolded Yu Duxiu: "Eternal Reincarnation".

When Yu Duxiu heard the words, he continued to do damages along the way. The elephant **** and tiger **** in the distance got the opportunity and began to plunder all kinds of materials in the Yinsi continuously, causing the ghost master to anger, abandoning Yu Duxiu, and again Elephant God and Tiger God killed them.

"Oh" Yu Duxiu put away Qinglian: "How to find my master's soul is really a headache."

"Devil!" Yu Duxiu accidentally saw the devils continue to kill in the army of the devil clan, a quasi-superior existence died of five decays, Yu Duxiu looked at an exciting spirit: "What a domineering road of Yama."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu soared into the sky, sneaked into the army of the demon god, and came to the back of the Yinsi Prince. With a palm, he hit the Yinsi Prince.

"not good".

A deadly threat came from behind, and the prince Yinsi felt bad and wanted to escape, but it was too late. He happened to be hit by the palm of his back, and then his body exploded.

"The universe in the palm."

Yu Duxiu opened her palm in the universe, trying to transform the prince of Yin Si into Taoism.

"Who are you? I actually dare to get into my demon clan. I am really impatient to live." A demon **** looked at Yu Duxiu casting a spell and seemed to realize that Yu Duxiu was different from everyone else. He actually hit Yu Duxiu with a punch. come.

"Brain, I'm helping you suppress the prince Yinsi" Yu Du delicately rolled his eyes, and the universe greeted the quasi demon **** in his palm.

The quasi-devil **** has no primordial spirit, and Yu Duxiu's universe can be regarded as a blind man winking and doing nothing.


The blood splattered, the quasi demon turned into powder, and the flesh and blood splattered.

Seeing this, all the quasi-devil gods suddenly felt aroused, and a pair of fists slammed towards Yu Duxiu.

"You **** have too much turbidity in their brains, it's going to be a paste!" Yu Duxiu was depressed, and his figure instantly dispersed, avoiding the entanglement of the quasi-devil gods, and chasing after the prince of Yinsi.

The prince of Yinsi has repeatedly embarrassed himself, and this time he must not be let go. The chaos of Yinsi is a rare good opportunity.

"Prince don't panic, our brothers are here to help you" The two annoying guys from Black and White Wuchang didn't know where they got out and came to the prince Yinsi.

"Impermanence and no phase."

The black and white impermanence instantly intertwined and blended together, turning into two air currents of black and white, sweeping towards Yu Duxiu.

"Huh? Some meaning." Looking at the impermanence of black and white, Yu Duxiu's innate **** Lei Zongheng.


The innate divine thunder swept across the void and instantly dissipated the black and white qi, but seeing the two air currents formed by the impermanence of black and white, they actually entangled the innate divine thunder, and wanted to refine the innate divine thunder.

"Hey, these two guys really have some abilities." Black and white impermanence followed the innate **** thunder and swept towards Yu Duxiu, the yin prince Yan Luo Dadao followed closely, and Yan Luo Jian stabbed out.

"The gas against chaos."

You have yin and yang, and I have Ni chaos.


The yin and yang qi was shaken away, and the prince of Yin Si's Yan Luojian took the opportunity to approach him, trying to stab Yu Duxiu into a candied haw.

"Open the world".

Qinglian crossed the void, and the prince Yin Si was swept away by Yu Duxiu and exploded in the air.

At this time, the two auras of black and white transformed by black and white impermanence surrounded Yu Duxiu, and began to continuously hone Yu Duxiu's true body.

Yu Duxiu's face changed: "I really underestimated you."

"Innate Divine Fire".

"It hurts".


Black and white impermanence exploded in the innate divine fire, turned into a human form, and rolled in the distance.

"The universe in the palm."

Seeing black and white impermanence, Yu Duxiu smiled. The Ten Temple Yama has returned to his place. If there is black and white impermanence, wouldn't it be perfect? .

"Quickly get out of the way."

Black and white impermanence hugged into a ball, and disappeared instantly.

"These two guys can't be separated from Meng and Meng, and they can't be captured together. If you want to capture the black and white impermanence in the future, you need to find a way to separate them." Yu Duxiu was somewhat clear at this time.

If the ghost lord represents the lord of the Yin Division, then the black and white impermanence represents the Yin and Yang in the Yin Division, the Yin Division of Death.

Heaven and earth are divided into yin and yang, but there is yin and yang in yin, and yin and yang in yang. If the yin and yang of yin and yang can be combined into one, and the yin and yang of yang can be combined into one, its power must be so powerful that it cannot be added. He even became the master of Yin and Yang in the great world.

Seeing the black and white impermanence, Yu Duxiu's heart was moved. Although I don't know where the yin and yang of yang are, it would be good if the yin and yang of yin can be caught first, and there will always be a chance to make it together in the future.

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