The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1931: The nemesis of heaven

It is undeniable that Yu Duxiu is moved by black and white impermanence.

If the yin and yang of the yang world can be combined with the yin and yang in the yin division, it will inevitably be transformed into a real yin and yang, transcend the world, break all constraints, and reach the highest fruit status.

"I have the origin of the power of disaster and calamity, as well as the fruit of Qinglian Tao. How can I transform the power of yin and yang, but if I can refine the black and white impermanence into the universe in my palm, then I can find the yin and yang in the sun world and refine it into the world in my palm, When the two parties are consummated, my world will surely advance by leaps and bounds, and the small world will evolve into a small world, and even a mid-thousand world. The big one is only a matter of time.” Yu Duxiu's heart was very moved, and the sword in his hand shot out: “God’s will Like a knife!".


The black and white impermanence was crushed by Yu Duxiu and turned into black and white two qi suspended in the air, the universe opened in his palm, and one palm was taken toward the black impermanence.

Yu Duxiu is not a fool either, black and white impermanence is the most powerful, black impermanence and white impermanence together can achieve the law of intangibility, ignoring all restrictions, the universe in his palm can't control these two bastards.

"Luofu beings, the power of Yama."

The prince of Yin Si struck Yu Duxiu with a punch. This punch seemed to contain the mighty power of sentient beings, wrapped in incomparable mighty power, and came towards Yu Duxiu's suppression.

"This is your avenue, your power?" Yu Duxiu looked at the devils with solemn eyes: "Heaven's will is the highest, and God's will is invincible."


The mighty power of sentient beings was cleaved by Yu Duxiu Heavenly Sword, and slashed towards the prince Yinsi.

"how is this possible".

Seeing that Yu Duxiu collapsed the endless power of all sentient beings, Tiandao continued to slash towards him, trying to break himself into two parts, and the Prince Yinsi roared in his heart: "Go out, go out quickly."

I was thinking about getting out of my mind, but my body didn't seem to be my own, his mana was stagnant, his magical powers were frozen, it seemed that his mana and magical powers were an illusion, all of which was a ridiculous dream, and now the dream is about to wake up.


After all, Yu Duxiu didn't cut off the Prince Yinsi, because after being struck by the power of sentient beings like a sword, the gods broke every inch at the center of the Prince Yinsi's eyebrows.

The tip of the knife, the rune, the brand, and the mysterious rune slowly collapsed and turned into powder, stopped in front of the prince's forehead, and then collapsed and turned into ashes.

"Bang" The Crown Prince Yin was smashed into the air by Yu Duxiu. The Heavenly Sword didn't kill the Crown Prince Yin, but the palm of Yu Duxiu's inertia knocked the Crown Prince away.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, Yu Duxiu's eyes were full of horror, and her face was pale: "The power of sentient beings, you can actually borrow a trace of the power of sentient beings, and rely on the power of sentient beings to forcefully shake my heavenly sword."

Although the prince of the Yin Si was smashed into the air by Yu Duxiu, with a gray head and face, he stood up amidst the ruins embarrassed, but his eyes were brighter than ever: "So this is your nemesis, and what you fear is the power of all beings." .

"You think too much. The Heavenly Sword in this seat is not afraid of the power of sentient beings. It's just that his cultivation is not at home." Yu Duxiu sneered at the corner of her mouth, and slowly wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, but a heart gradually Sinking.

The nemesis of heaven as a sword is actually the power of all living beings. The devils’ previous blow combined with the power of all living beings, constantly using the power of all living beings to wipe out the power of the heavenly sword, and constantly shaking the heavenly sword with the power of all living beings, and finally breaking the heavenly sword. .

"Big trouble, really big trouble" Yu Duxiu looked at the Crown Prince Yinsi with a gloomy expression. He didn't expect that his biggest killer would have such a flaw.

"It must be removed." Looking at the prince Yinsi, Yu Duxiu's eyes were murderous: "The universe is in the palm."

"Escape!" Discovered the secret of Yu Duxiu's providence like a sword, and found a way to restrain it like a sword. Crown Prince Yin Si didn't want to die in vain, and immediately turned into Yan Luozhen to travel through endless time and space, across ten worlds and heavens. In the Little Thousand World, wherever there are creatures, there will be life and death, there will be reincarnation, and there will be the Great Way of Yama.

Yu Duxiu was about to pursue it. At this time, the black and white impermanence was resurrected, and the two sides merged into one. With a roll of Yu Duxiu's waist, Yu Duxiu's lower body disappeared into dust, and then the black and white impermanence disappeared without a trace.

"Asshole thing!" Yu Duxiu urged the rebirth of Jie Shu, her face gloomy looking at the direction of the departure of the black and white impermanence and the prince of Yinsi, with murderous intent in her eyes: "Want to restrain my providence like a sword? My meaning is the providence, and if all beings dare Stop me, then I will destroy all beings. If the supreme dares to stop me, then I will destroy the supreme.”

After speaking, Yu Duxiu looked at the ghost master who was going crazy in the battle, the demon clan and the demon **** clan who were constantly retreating, and the Yin Division after the catastrophe was dilapidated.

"This time I didn't completely capture the Yinsi. In the future, the Yinsi will definitely regard me as a thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh. This causal relationship has become a big issue, and it is a wrong step." Yu Duxiu thought of the Ten Temple Yama.

The ten temples of Yama set up, and now it can be regarded as fulfilling most of the oath of the year, and there are still some details that need to be modified.

"The Yin Division is interesting."

Looking at the ghost master with the most powerful combat power, Yu Duxiu stepped forward and walked towards Yang Shi.

"Hongjun! You open the channel between Yin and Yang, and your sins are horrendous. Now it's up to you how to resist my sinful fire."

Before the words fell, Yu Duxiu had sensed that the flames of his body were rising into the sky, and the blazing fire of sin was ignited in Yu Duxiu's body. The true monarch of sin in the distance did not know when he came to Yu Duxiu, and his eyes were proud of him. Lulu looked down at Yu Duxiu with her arms folded.


The pain of burning fire makes you feel terrible to think about it. At this time, Yu Duxiu is like a pan, all the power of sin is oil, and the fire of sin of the Lord of Sin is sparks.

The oil pan exploded in an instant, and flames rose into the sky, and the dark and purple sinful fire enveloped Yu Duxiu tightly and burned Yu Duxiu's whole body.

"Trib! Tribble! Tribulation! Ten thousand calamities do not invade, I am the master of calamity, ten thousand calamities bless, immortal and immortal."

The blazing sinful fire formed a calamity, madly devouring Yu Duxiu, and was quickly absorbed by the black lotus. Even if it was absorbed by the black lotus, the sins of the three tribe wars were so great, countless beings died in battle, and all sins have jade. A unique one.

"It's terrible" Yu Duxiu's face was shocked. There was still a part of the sinful fire burning her flesh, and she was so painful that she could not wait to faint.

"If it hadn’t been for me to become the innate soul, I’m afraid I’m going to lose my soul." Yu Duxiu’s anger rose in her eyes, and she instantly slammed into the army of Yinsi. Wherever she passed, there were flames and countless Yinsi. The army turned into a sea of ​​ How can there be no killing and no sin when the two armies are fighting? .

The battlefield ignited in an instant, and the true monarch of sin was also dumbfounded, and quickly shot: "The fire of sin, take it."

It's a pity that the speed of True Monarch Sin is not as fast as Yu Duxiu's spread, and I don't know how many ghosts have been turned into ashes.

"Blood demon! You **** didn't come out quickly" Yu Duxiu's voice spread throughout Yinsi.

The Gorefiend is battling the strong from good and evil. After hearing Yu Duxiu's roar, he followed his voice and looked towards Yu Duxiu, watching the big fireball rising into the sky. A clever, karma red lotus flew out and landed on Yu Duxiu. Duxiu's head.

Countless sins were absorbed by the red lotus, and Yu Duxiu absorbed all the sins in his body, and the fire of sin became the nourishment of the red lotus.

Looking at Yu Duxiu's scorched flesh, the Gorefiend took back Honglian, and smiled: "Why are you so embarrassed?"

"When I clean up the true monarch of sins, I will come to settle accounts with you again" Yu Duxiu gave the blood demon a fierce look, and the next moment it rose to the sky, an innate divine fire burned towards the true monarch of sins: "You also taste me The innate smell of sacred fire".

While talking, the innate sacred fire came out, and then saw Yu Duxiu's palm stretched out, countless innate sacred thunders gathered frantically, and a spear was formed in a blink of an eye. This spear was primitive and only had a rune imprinted on it. , The runes are mysterious and vague, not real, mysterious and mysterious, and wonderful and wonderful.

"The Spear of Penalty."

The magical powers of the true monarch of sin are indeed quite cheating, watching the spear of punishment shoot over, the light of the true monarch of sin flows in his hands: "You are guilty, you die by burning your body with the fire of sin, and perish forever, and you shall not be superliving,... ,".


The spear flew up with the true monarch of sin and nailed it into the void.

"Really, just do it, do so much nonsense."

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