The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1935: 6 invincible, fleeing across borders

The bones of the demon gods are not ordinary treasures, they are definitely heavy treasures, among the heavy treasures, especially those that have been refined by the ghost master for millions of years, even in the turbulent years of millions of years. , Its value is simply unimaginable.

Not to mention the sacrifice of the ghost master, it is the bones of the demon god, and its value is immeasurable. If you can grasp it and understand the mystery of the devil god, you will cultivate the true body of the devil **** in the future, and your cultivation will inevitably advance by leaps and bounds.

What's more, the innate demon gods lived in the unopened chaos and the heavens and the earth were not formed. Everyone is very curious about what happened in the chaos period that is so long as it is almost untraceable.

Curiosity kills the cat. Curiosity is something everyone has, unless it is a dead thing without intelligence or emotion.

Yu Duxiu held the Innate Demon God in her hands, and looked at the ghost master with a pair of eyes, and the jade-colored discs flowed: "What I am curious about now is how you got the bodies of these five Innate Demon Gods.

The ghost master didn’t say much, and a palm of Devil May Cry wafted towards Yu Duxiu: “Just let you know that the gap in years cannot be made up by talent, chance, and luck. There is a kind of power called the foundation, you It is simply impossible to surpass".

"Really?" Yu Duxiu's hand flickered, and she was noncommittal about what he said to the ghost master. The blade pierced the void, and the wave of the rolling void rolled up towards the ghost master.

"How is it possible, how can you have such a powerful force" Yu Duxiu's knife tip shattered directly and flew out in an instant. A black palm print on her chest was lingering in Devil May Cry, constantly stunned, shaking Yu Duxiu's soul.


Yu Duxiu's unbelievable expression stiffened on his face, and then exploded in an instant. The whole person was turned to ashes in the palm of the ghost master, and the five innate demons fell in the air and were held by the ghost master.

"Huh, I know my ancestors are great, right?" The ghost master looked at the ash in the sky, and the Innate Demon God turned into five fingers again, growing on his fingers.


The fate of the void converged, and Yu Duxiu was reborn in an instant, taking advantage of the ghost master's unresponsiveness, broke through the void, rushed into the void world, and disappeared.

"I'm not dead yet?" The ghost master was surprised.

"The power of the ghost master is so strong, Hongjun almost died. Even if the immortal's innate immortal aura faces this kind of attack, it will be shaken and decomposed instantly, unable to blend, and can only be buried in this time and space. Slowly grow old" Taishijiaozu showed a touch of amazement in his eyes.

"This old thing hides too deeply. If it weren't for the innate devil's importance to the ghost lord, I'm afraid the ghost lord would not display this power to kill Hongjun."

"This is the power of the six realms" Tai Yi Jiaozu's eyes revealed a solemn: "the unmatched power of the six realms of reincarnation."

The ancestors were silent, and no one would be happy after seeing the powerful power of the ghost master.

The monsters, the elephant gods, the tiger gods were stunned, and the elephant **** said: "I finally saw this power. It is really terrifying. It is not so much the power of the ghost master as the power of the Yinsi world. This is the six legends. the power of".

"No, this power is only one of the six realms. In other words, the ghost master only used one of the six powers." The fox **** walked out of the void, looking at the battlefield with solemn eyes: "Back then, there was only the first. The ancestor can suppress this bastard. It is not unreasonable. The first ancestor has been suppressed for a million years, and the ghost master has refined for a million years. The gap has been widened, and the heavens and the race will be in trouble in the future."

Looking at the fox god, everyone was silent. After a while, they listened to the tiger god's way: "Even if the power of the six realms is strong, this is a Yang world, and there is no room for ghost masters to be arrogant. Hongjun is really careless, always thinking that he is his own. Dao Mang is omnipotent and invincible. This time it has encountered a nemesis."

"The Six Paths of Reincarnation is indeed a big trouble. We still need to find a way to restrain it. This time the looting of the Yin Si, and the Liang Zi of the Yin Si have been settled. If the Yin Si retaliates in the future, we can't surrender to the ghost master, but we can't" Fox Shendao.

The demon clan was silent, and the Sihailong clan was silent, even the twelve demon gods in the wild land had their pupils tightened.

"Really? When did Hongjun become so weak." The centipede ancestor was surprised, almost throwing the tea cup in his mouth in surprise.

"The power of the six realms, I have seen this kind of power back then. When the ancient times were chaotic, the ghost master and the jade ancestors fought against each other. I have seen this kind of power." God of E is not slow: "It's just that this power is much stronger than the ancient times. , I don’t know how many times the increase, the ghost master is getting more and more difficult to deal with.”

"What should we do now? We have robbed the Yin Division, and the ghost master is afraid that he will not let it go." The wolf **** scratched his head.

"What's terrible, unless the ghost master wants to be the enemy of the entire world of Yang, he will never dare to act rashly. Although the power of the six reincarnations is strong, it is not impossible to resist" the lion **** sneered coldly.

In the "so strong" endless time and space, Yu Duxiu escaped across the void, her expression gloomy: "Fortunately, the ancestors practiced the power of calamity, otherwise today I really explained it. Some people look down on the world."

Yu Duxiu looked at the ghost master who had locked herself in tightly, and constantly shuttled across the void: "Is this the power of the six realms? This power is not the ghost master's own, but the power of all living beings. Although my **** is as powerful as a sword , But it is impossible to kill all sentient beings with a single stab. It is really terrifying."

Yu Duxiu quickly deduced, the so-called power of the six realms, Yu Duxiu had a prototype in her heart.

According to the previous life, the six reincarnations are divided into heaven, human, animal, evil, asura, and hell. Although the previous blow of the ghost master contains the power of countless living beings, all of them are all beings of the ghost race. will.

Yu Duxiu didn’t know which six realms the ghost master condensed were. After all, there are so many races in this world. There is no celestial being, nor celestial being, but the human race was once one of the protagonists of the heavens, among the six realms. There must be human beings. The Yaozu was once the overlord of heaven and earth, unifying the ancient world. Among the six reincarnations, there should be the animal way, as well as the **** way and evil spirit way of the yin division. As a result, the six ways of reincarnation have come out four.

Seeing Yu Duxiu fleeing, the ghost master sneered: "Escape? Can you escape?".

The ghost master stepped across the endless space and rushed towards Yu Duxiu. The corner of Yu Duxiu's mouth was coldly said: "Man, animal, hell, hungry ghost".

The ghost master's complexion suddenly changed, and his gloomy fell: "I don't know what you are talking about."

"Everyone in the heavens and all realms says that the ghost master has condensed the six reincarnations. I guess that among the six reincarnations of the ghost master, there must be humanity, animalism, hell, and evil spirits. I will ask the ghost master what the remaining two are. ".

"What a wise person, it's a pity. A wise person never lives long. You guessed the foundation of the six reincarnations, and today you can’t keep you." The ghost master walked calmly and stretched out his palm: "What I used before was It’s the way of hell. Now I want you to taste the power of the way of hungry ghosts."

The ghost master stretched out his palm, everything that he passed by turned into nothingness, Yu Duxiu's pupils shrank, and the void was swallowed by the ghost master's palm out of thin air.

Hungry ghosts, of course, are all evil ghosts. What you see and eat, if you are hit by this palm, the immortal's innate immortality will be eaten. There are countless evil ghosts in the hungry ghosts. You are hungry, so you don’t care about what food you are, whether you can eat it, even the space is swallowed by the palm of the ghost master.”

"Awesome" Yu Duxiu dared not greet him. After all, his own providence is like a knife. After all, the heat is too shallow. The ghost master has gone through the practice of not knowing how many tribulations. The cultivation base has reached an incredible level. The road is basically complete. Yu Duxiu Don't dare to make it hard.

"It depends on whether you are faster or mine is faster" Yu Duxiu sneered at the corner of her mouth, took a step, twisted her body, and disappeared.

In the face of this blow from the ghost master, the ordinary great supernatural powers are nothing more than food delivery, with the praying man's arm as a cart.

"How to restrain the ghost lord? How to restrain the ghost lord?" Yu Duxiu quickly continued to meditate in her mind. The power of the six realms was too strong, and the strong ones could not be resisted at all. It was beyond ordinary people's imagination.

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