The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1936: Ghost Lord Visits Jiaozu

While fleeing, Yu Duxiu wondered how to get rid of the chase of the ghost lord. The six reincarnations of the ghost lord are too powerful, and the only chance he can defeat the ghost lord is the wheel of law.

Under the wheel of the law, I am already invincible, and I can even defeat the ghost master, but the key is that if you take out the wheel of the law, you will definitely become a target, even though you have defeated the ghost master. , But it has attracted all the powerhouses of the heavens.

Maybe you can escape back to Yujing Mountain. There is that abnormal old tortoise guarding Yujing Mountain. The six reincarnation power of the ghost master is strong, and it will never be the opponent of the old tortoise.

Thirty-six innate spiritual treasures, no, it should be said that they are thirty-seven innate spiritual treasures, because the tortoise shell of the old tortoise is also innate spiritual treasure.

A total of thirty-seven innate spirit treasures, coupled with the formation of the old tortoise, the perfect innate formation, even if the Ancestral Dragon is resurrected, Yu Duxiu can persist for a period of time if he is concerned about the old immortal.

Yu Duxiu touched her chin, her eyes gleamed, looking at the murderous ghost master, she could only helplessly sigh: "Thirty-third heaven can't go back, Yujing Mountain is all my relatives. , The calamity cannot be involved in Yujing Mountain."

Yu Duxiu looked at the few drops of essence and blood in her hand, with a sneer at the corner of her mouth. Although the remains of the Innate Demon God was taken back by the ghost master, Yu Duxiu was not without gain.

"Ghost Lord, why bother chasing me, you can't kill me, you should die of this heart" Yu Duxiu sighed helplessly.

The two green lanterns in the eyes of the ghost master were shining with ghost fire: "Really? If you have the ability, stop, take a palm of this seat, and this seat can give you a way out."

Yu Duxiu sneered, "I'm not a fool, so why would I stop and be hit by you".

After speaking, Yu Duxiu's body exploded in an instant, and he pressed a palm to the chest of the ghost master: "It is impossible to escape."


The ghost master received a blow from Yu Duxiu and his body retreated in an instant, but the arm of his right hand stretched out in an instant, like Yu Duxiu's fetal transformation, knocking Yu Duxiu into the air and exploding in the air.

"Where did it go?" Looking at the empty void, the ghost master found that Yu Duxiu's trace had disappeared.

The ghost master would never believe that Yu Duxiu would die after hitting a palm of his own. Yu Duxiu's entanglement was not ordinary.

"How did you get away?" The ghost master stood in the void, looking at all directions, boundless time and space, but could not find Yu Duxiu's trace.

In the place where a barren mountain of the demon clan is located, Yu Duxiu's real body is reorganized, and where the power of disaster lies, Yu Duxiu can be reborn at any time.

Yu Duxiu looked into the distance with a pair of eyes, and then calmly covered all the qi in the body with the air of rebellious chaos, looked at the endless void without a trace, and closed the expression of the ghost master in his eyes.

"Hmph, find me first before talking about grievances, don't worry, it won't be long before I can tell you what is a means." After speaking, Yu Duxiu took the stupid cute and threw it up and down to play with it. Spread out in the air.

"Hongjun is gone."

"Good means."

"To be able to slip away like this, Hong Jun is the only one in the world."

"It's as cunning as a loach." The ghost master rubbed his brows, and couldn't find Yu Duxiu's trace. After scanning the world with his eyes, it instantly turned into a ghost and disappeared into the air.

When the ghost master left, the heavens and all realms were restored to peace, and everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and instantly fell silent.


The ghost master was distorted and appeared in the stars of the heavens, with a pair of eyes scanning the human race.

"How can the ghost master come to my human race today?" Tai Yi Jiaozu appeared in front of the ghost master with a smile.

"Come here to thank the human race for assistance that day" The ghost master nodded to Taiyi Jiaozu.

"Since it's here, you might as well come in and talk" Tai Dou Jiaozu's voice sounded in the hall.

The ghost master came to the hall with Taiyi Jiaozu. At this time, the eight human ancestors gathered together, looking at the ghost master with all eyes.

"The power of the six reincarnations of the ghost master is really powerful, even Hongjun can't compete with it, but can only flee obediently" Tai Huang taught the ancestor.

The ghost master shook his head: "It's not that simple. Hongjun is cunning like a fox. It won't be the case. Na Hongjun has mastered the way to open the channel between Yin and Yang. He is the dead enemy of my Yinsi. Hongjun is not dead. The clan and the demon **** clan can make a comeback at any time, putting my yin in the catastrophe, Hongjun will not die, and my heart is uneasy."

"Hongjun splits the human race and separates it from my human race. Everything has nothing to do with my human race. If you want to take action, you can do it," Taiyuan Jiaozu said with a smile.

"Anyway, I would like to thank all the fellow daoists for helping me last time," said the ghost master.

"I'm also doing things for people. Taking money to eliminate calamities is just business. Why should I be so. I am very curious about life and death. I just have the opportunity to see the truth." The Lord seized a corner of his own emperor's picture and missed the Dao opportunity, causing the ancestors to almost be Daoized. How can this kind of grievances pass casually.

Life and death are thin.

Speaking of life and death, the ghost master was silent for a while, and then he said: "I don’t know how many fellow daoists have realized life and death. How about returning life and death to my yin division? My yin division is willing to exchange for all dao friends. A benefit".

"For another benefit?" Tai Yi Jiaozu looked at the ghost master and shook his head: "I'm afraid it's impossible. How can I wait for things to be worthy of my human race and the monster race, the devil race, the dragon race. ?".

Without a word, the ghost master tapped the table gently with one palm. After a while, he said, "I don't know what the fellow daoists want, even if you ask it out."

Tai Dou Jiaozu chuckled: "Don't worry, I don't know how your friends view the situation in the heavens and ten thousand realms?".

The ghost master didn't even think about it, and directly said: "The demon race and the demon **** are the dominant family, and the human race is completely squeezed out of the overall situation. The demon **** family is incomparable in the land, and it is impossible for the human race to develop."

Although the world is large, they are all occupied by the demons and demon gods. Even the whole world is under the control of the demons. Although the human race is powerful and there are many powerful people, it is useless.

Looking at the ancestors, the ghost master said: "Now in the heavens and all realms, only my Yin Division and Human Race are the weakest. I don't know if all the Taoists are willing to join forces with my Yin Division to fight against the demons and the demons?".

Looking at the ghost master, the ancestors have subtle expressions, and Taiping taught ancestors: "The Yin Division still has a sea of ​​blood, but the Buddhism has not settled it. How can I form an alliance with my human Isn't it trying to drag my human race into a whirlpool? It must be known that there are two supreme powers in the Buddhist school, which are difficult to deal with."

"No! It's just that when facing the monster clan and the demon **** clan, let's join hands. The rest of the time, we still don't interfere with each other" Guizhu said.

"It sounds good. If my Human Race has a dispute with the Monster Race and the Demon God Race, and your Yin Division is completely dragged by the Buddha School and the sea of ​​blood, why do you want your Yin Division? On the contrary, my Human Race does not have many enemies, as long as you There is a conflict between the Demon God Clan and the Demon Clan, and my Human Clan can help without any problems at any time. Isn't this unfair?" Taiping Jiao Ancestor scoffed.

The ghost lord chuckled: "The Gorefiend is trapped in the sea of ​​blood and cannot make it into the climate. As for the Lingshan Pure Land, as long as we form an alliance, the Lingshan Pure Land will give us face, and our Yin Division will form an alliance with the human race.

"This matter has to allow my human race to carefully consider it," Tai Dou taught the ancestors.

The ghost master nodded: "If this is the case, then don't bother the fellow daoists much. If a few fellow daoists figured out when, they have to exchange the other half of life and death, even if they speak, leave."

The ghost master said to go and left without any muddle.

In the heavenly court, the demon gods watched the ghost lord leave in the human race, their expressions gloomy, and the tiger **** said: "The human race is really restless, and it is going to be mixed with the Yinsi. Is it just bored?".

Xiangshen was playing with a gem the size of a pigeon egg, closing his eyes: "It's okay, as if the center of the earth is occupied by my monster race today, the soul of the eternal elite merges into the sea of ​​stars. This starry sky is the world of my monster race. How can the human race make another storm? ".

"Nevertheless, it should not be unguarded. It must be known that the Human Race's Conferred God List has taken a ray of the origin of the stars. This is the root of the curse, and we need to find a way to get rid of this curse." The sparks of wisdom in the eyes of the fox god, wise and intelligent, Ling People are stunned.

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