The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1940: Annoyed jade, a lost treasure!

"How many years has Hongjun practiced, so why does he have such a strong magical power, such a high mana" Chongshen refused.

The ghost master took a deep breath: "One step is wrong, one step is wrong. When Qingtian was born, Hongjun was given a bargain. The treasure fell into Hongjun's hands and called Hongjun to climb into the sky in one step.

"Don't underestimate the ghost master" Jade ancestor followed Yu Duxiu: "Before the ghost master only used the power of reincarnation. If the power of the six realms can be attracted, the power can be even higher."

"It’s not that the ghost master doesn’t want to mobilize the power of the six realms. Chaos returns to the origin. There is no reincarnation of life and death here. Naturally, there is no division of the six realms. The ghost master can use the power of the original source of reincarnation. It’s already good. Delusion," Yu Duxiu walked towards the distance unhurriedly.

"That's true." The ghost master scratched his head.

Yu Duxiu and the Jade Ancestor strolled in the chaos. After a short walk, Yu Duxiu and the Jade Ancestor stopped, looking at the chaotic void in the distance: "What a tragic opportunity, I seem to have heard the devil here. The roaring, fighting, fighting".

Watching the jade ancestor closed his eyes and muttered to himself, Yu Duxiu scanned the audience with a pair of eyes. There was no demon god's body, but a lot of blood was red, and the blood-colored jade floated in the chaos.

"I'm curious, what happened in the chaos that year caused all the demon gods to be wiped out." Yu Duxiu stepped forward step by step and came to the battlefield to collect all the blood.

The ancestor of Jade came back to his senses and ran to Yu Duxiu: "You are worried about this, it is better to worry about what secrets the ghost master is guarding."

"What secret is guarding?" Yu Duxiu muttered to herself, looking at the Wuken chaos, shook her head: "I can't see it."

"But it doesn't matter. Seeing so much blood of the Demon God, this seat thought of one thing."

Yu Duxiu's palm stretched out and twisted out in the void. The fluctuations of the law spread. The blood, residual limbs, and fur of all the demon gods gathered together, and then an alien dimension was formed. The countless residual limbs and blood turned into a **** color. Embryo.

"Channel Open".

The world is vast and mighty, the power of the billowing sentient beings, the power of love and hatred, the power of cause and effect, and all kinds of power continue to converge towards the **** flesh ball.

"What are you kid doing?" The Jade Ancestor looked at the unfathomable alien dimension curiously.

Yu Duxiu stretched out his palm, and the different dimension was instantly pushed by Yu Duxiu, merged into the void, and disappeared into the great world.

"Nurturing heaven," Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

"City? What is it?" The Jade Ancestor was stunned.

"The powerhouses are already detached, and their strengths are getting stronger and stronger. Even if I master the lun and Qingtian's assistance, I am definitely not the opponent of the powerhouses. Now I need to breed a helper." Yu Duxiu is not tight. Not slow.

"Are you giving birth to something abnormal like Qingtian?" Old Ancestor Jade widened his eyes.

Every one million years of catastrophe can give birth to a "sky". Since the beginning of the world, there has been a blue sky conceived. I don't know how many tens of thousands of years have passed. Because there is no owner, no one can control, but there is one The blue sky is only supporting it, if someone could master it back then* I'm afraid that the world will be unified, and there will be opportunities for the rise of many powerful people.

"Not bad" Yu Duxiu looked at Jade Patriarch.

"It's crazy, it's crazy. Your kid is playing with fire and setting himself on fire. Did you know that?" The old jade ancestor grabbed Yu Duxiu's jacket: "You kid hurry up and destroy the ball of flesh, or if it goes back, Qingtian and Tiantian will join forces. There is also a way for all beings in the world to survive."

"The gestation of the heavens takes a long time, ranging from hundreds of thousands of years to a million years. At that time, the cultivation realm of the ancestors of the ancestors does not know how far it is, and where it will take you to worry about it. There was no resistance when facing the powerful for two days.” Yu Duxiu looked at the old jade ancestor and walked slowly on the battlefield here, frowning: “It’s weird, the ghost master discovered what secrets here. Come to stop us, some broken flesh is not a secret, it's not worth the ghost master's action." Yu Duxiu looked at Jade Patriarch.

The ancestor of Jade was upset at this time, and said angrily: "Xiu wants to ask me, where do I know?"

"It's a pity, I don't have what I want." Yu Duxiu's blood evaporates slowly, frowning her brows: "These devil gods are immortal and immortal. Now I don't know how many years have passed, they will be reincarnated and returned to enter the great world. All the causes and effects of the ancestors are all caused by the return of the ancestors."

Yu Duxiu’s problem hasn’t been understood yet. Her family’s troubles have come to her door. The jade ancestor gritted his teeth and began to grind his teeth: "What’s the big deal, what’s the big deal, the big deal, I’ll eat them all." Now, ancestors, I like those weird things the most."

Yu Duxiu didn't dare to compliment the ancestor of jade, and sighed softly: "Let's go back."

"Not looking for it?" The Jade Ancestor was stunned.

Yu Duxiu shook her head: "It's nothing, I want to add fire to the world."

With these treasures, Yu Duxiu may not be concerned about the rest of the treasures. Now Yu Duxiu thinks about the tenth product of the flower blooming. As long as he blooms the tenth product, he will be more in charge and his supernatural powers. Furthermore, this is the main thing for Yu Duxiu.

"Hey, wait for me, I'm lost" Seeing Yu Duxiu walking in front, the old jade ancestor hung tightly behind.

"The chaos opened up and made a great world. The remaining chaos is less than one percent, but it is still vast, and it is difficult to explore all of it. The chaos itself has no time, space, and boundlessness. It may step in place between steps. It may have been thousands of miles away, it is too difficult to explore the chaos," Yu Duxiu thought in her heart.

"I know what's hidden in the chaos." Upon reaching the barrier of the Great Thousand World, the old jade ancestor jumped suddenly: "I said that people who looked at that place before had a sense of familiarity."

"What is hidden?" Old Jade Ancestor said.

"Go back! Go back quickly".

The ancestor of Jade turned around, and Sa Yazi ran towards the original road.

Seeing this anxious look of Jade's ancestor, Yu Duxiu's heart moved, knowing that it is a treasure, and she didn't dare to hesitate and immediately chased it up.

The old ancestor of Jade and Yu Duxiu returned to the chaos, and really saw that the place had become different, as if a mysterious force field had disappeared.

"It turns out that the ghost master used the six reincarnations to stack the six before, not to fight with you, but to have another calculation." The ancestor of Jade jumped his feet: "Asshole, we were fooled."

Yu Duxiu grabbed her palm in the air and caught a ray of energy: "After we left, the ghost master has come."

"Nonsense, of course he's been here, he's here to take the treasure away" Jade ancestor hammered his chest angrily.

Yu Duxiu looked down at the jade ancestor: "What kind of treasure is it?"

The old jade ancestor shook his head and smiled bitterly: "The trouble is big. This time it was really a wild goose, but the geese pecked their eyes. Don't ask what it is. If you fight with the ghost master in the future, you will know."

After speaking, the old jade ancestor walked towards the outside world with his head down: "I'm so stupid, I'm so stupid, my brain has been suppressed for millions of years, and I have given the ghost master a chance. This treasure should be intercepted by us. That's right".

It's rare to see the jade ancestor's face full of irritability, and Yu Duxiu's look is also interesting: "Why should the ancestor worry, now the demons and the demons are the first to bear the brunt, whatever your business."

"You know what a fart, this time the ghost master is really invincible in reincarnation, and no one is his opponent. I said that when I was born, I found that this old thing was much weaker. I didn't expect him to play this hand with me. , Divided the origin, it's really a bastard."

Seeing the jade ancestor scolding, Yu Duxiu followed behind the jade ancestor, and the jade ancestor said: "You kid still wants to laugh, the ghost master sees your powerful wheel, and the first one will come to the door to grab it. With your treasure, your kid still has the heart to laugh here. It’s really big. When you cry.”

The old jade ancestor cursed.

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