The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1941: Dafa evolves, human wind rises

Yu Duxiu didn't know what treasure the ghost master had acquired, but looking at the annoyed and cursing look of the old jade ancestor, he knew that this treasure is by no means unusual. Yu Duxiu and the old jade ancestor have not met for a short time. I've seen the jade ancestor look so angry.

The two of them walked out of the chaos and swaggered back to Yujing Mountain. In the chaos, the ghost master had already known how powerful they were. Now everyone has scruples and will never do anything easily when they are not prepared.

Back at Yujing Mountain, the jade ancestor was annoyed, and was swearing and disappearing. Only Yu Duxiu sat on the highest peak of Yujing Mountain and looked down at the many living beings in the lower realm.

"Life, people suffer, die, people suffer, life and death are under the control of others, how can life be free and comfortable?" Yu Duxiu recalled the past and the new century, human beings are actually sad. It is subject to the rules and regulations in this world, and these rules are nothing more than certain authorities in order to enslave the people. The law is set for ordinary people as a tool to occupy the highest moral point. That's it! .

It is ridiculous that the people call the shots, but one emperor has become a group of emperors. It would be better to serve only one emperor in ancient times.

"The strong is respected, the dragons have no heads, and the world is auspicious. The dragon heads here refer not only to the emperor, but to the parties and politicians." Yu Duxiu sneered. There are some things that are boring to see through.

"Holy Infant" Yu Duxiu looked at the holy infant holding Prime Minister Turtle's beard swinging on a swing, and shouted.

Wangchen walked in from the side hall: "Brother".

"Sit down, are you used to living in this Yujing Mountain?" Yu Duxiu said.

"It's still a habit, but I just want to leave Sister Chen" Wangchen gritted his teeth.

"Find a time to pick up Lichen and be with you." Yu Duxiu watched the arrival of the holy infant and held it in her hands.

"Brother" Wangchen called out.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Yu Duxiu looked at Wangchen.

Wangchen shook his head, did not speak, just smiled slightly: "I wonder if the soul of the master has been found?".

"It should be in the hands of the ghost lord" Yu Duxiu took a deep breath: "My game with the ghost lord has just begun, don't worry, I will find a way to get back the soul of the master."

Yu Duxiu teased the Holy Infant for a while, and had a drink with Wangchen, watching Wangchen lead the Holy Infant away, and sighed softly: "Ghost Lord!"

If you want to contain the ghost master, you can only increase the power of the Yang world. Yu Duxiu sits in the hall, and Hao Xuan good fortune begins to deduced the technique of essence and blood transformation.

"In the previous life, there was a great formation of the twelve gods and gods of the Witch tribe. These twelve great formations of the gods and gods are the secret of the Witch tribe. If the demons want to practice, they need to be transformed into the Witch tribe. It involves the conversion of essence and blood." Yu Duxiu began to deduct how to transform the demon **** into the witch clan.

The twelve gods and evil formations are not as legendary as they have incomparable power. Although the twelve gods and evil formations have incomparable power, the most important thing is to ignore the distance of time and space. The force is drawn into the starry sky through the great formation of the gods and evil spirits, so that the powerful witches are no different between the starry sky and the earth.

If you want to control the great formation of the gods and gods, you must first transform your essence and blood, and the demon gods will turn into the witch clan. This is not difficult. The demon **** clan and the witch clan are simply replicas, and there is no difficulty in mutual transformation.

Yu Duxiu here deduced the great formation of the twelve gods and evil spirits and the technique of transformation of essence and blood, but the outside world was already surging. Since the world changed hands, this demon **** and the second family of the demon have never stopped.

"The alliance of the ancestors and the Yin Division seems to be detrimental to my monster race" Tiger God said.

"There are too many powerful humans in the human race. It is simply unrealistic to destroy the human race completely." Xiangshen shook his head.

"My demon clan and the demon **** clan are playing real fire. If both lose and get hurt by the devil clan, I am afraid that I will suffer." Fox God said.

"Can this matter be united with the Demon God clan, and the ancestors of the gods can be completely destroyed, and the human clan can be completely wiped out?" The killing spirit in the eyes of the tiger god.

"Those demon gods are very arrogant on the earth, adding 30% of their strength out of thin air, enough to run across the heavens, without putting any power in their eyes, always thinking that he is the only one in the heavens and the world." The fox **** took a deep breath: "How about now? Is good?".

How is it good? .

"Anyway, I need to exchange the heavens and stars in the human race" Elephant God looked at the Fox God: "Where does Hongjun say?"

Fox God shook his head: "If you want to open a breakthrough, it is as difficult as reaching the sky."

The demon gods were silent, and after a while, the fox **** said, "I have a strategy here."

"What strategy?".

The Tiger God and Elephant God looked at the Fox God together.

The Fox God touched his chin: "This matter will still fall on Xihe. That Qiantian once suppressed the star battle formation in the human race. He still needs to send Xihe to the human race to find some news for us."

"The potential of Xihe is beyond doubt, and there must be no mistakes." Xiangshen's expression was heavy.

"It's okay, Xi He has now proved that he is quasi-no superior, immortal and immortal, enough to show his fists in the heavenly court" Fox God chuckled.

As he spoke, the fox **** figure slowly dissipated in the air.

In the small world of the fox god, the fox **** shook the demon banner, and Xihe walked slowly into the hall.

"I have seen Niang Niang" Xi He respectfully saluted the Fox God.

The fox **** nodded: "Yes, you have achieved the quasi-superior fruit status now, and you are not far from the Dacheng realm. The longevity fruit status can be expected, and it is gratifying."

"Thank you Niang Niang for the praise" Xi He chuckled.

"Here, there is one thing you need to do in this seat. Now that you have been certified, you will have no prestige status. You have the ability to save your life, and this seat is relieved." Fox God's hand gently tapped the table.

"Please give me your instructions," Xi He respectfully said.

Fox God said: "This seat wants you to return to the human race. Now the human race heavens and stars are always in operation. You and Qiantian work together to steal the secrets of the heavens and stars, so that we can lay the foundation for my demon race forever."

"The little demon is willing to take a fight for the empress" Xihe respectfully said.

The Fox God nodded: "You are the future of my monster race, and the future is hopeful of immortality. This week, the sky and stars cannot be forced, so you don't have to force it. Your safety is important."

The fox **** looked at Xihe with a solemn expression: "Although the heavens and star battles are important, a supremely strong person is even more important to my monster race. The supremely strong person is the foundation of a race."

"Thank you, Niang Niang," Xi He saluted.

"Okay, go down."


Xi He retired, turned around and left the small world of Fox entered the Great Thousand World Barrier, and flew towards the border land.

"What kind of trick is the Fox God playing? This Xihe actually came to my human race."

Xihe's actions could not be concealed from the teaching ancestors. Seeing Xihe flying towards the human race, there was already speculation between the thoughts and movements, all of them were cautious and kept whispering.

"Boldly Xihe, I told you to escape back then. I didn't expect you to come out and die today." Too Shaoyang controlled the real fire of the sun and blocked Xihe's path in the star battle array.

"Oh, isn't this the Great Emperor Gouchen? This palace came to see my husband in this heavenly palace. I don't know why the Great blocked him." Xihe's whole body flame burned, like a small sun.

Shaoyang smiled coldly and didn't say much, just waved his hand: "Where are all the stars?"


Stars from all directions are greeted.

"Turn the formation to help this emperor kill this beast." The long sword in Shaoyang's hand flickered, and the stars shook.

In the Lingxiao Hall, the old jade ancestor and Gan Tian were drinking wine, and the jade suddenly threw a glass of wine: "It's interesting, your wife is here, you don't have to go out and spoil the game, and take it in."

Gantian was taken aback when he heard the words, and the jade ancestor said: "Xihe! Xihe is here."

Qiantian aroused his spirits, his drunkenness dissipated, and he hurriedly got up and walked towards the outside world.


A purple real dragon crossed the starry sky, Qiantian figure appeared in the field, and the voice shook the stars and the heavens: "Bold, I am here, that dare to make a mistake."

"Why don't you come to join in the fun?" Shaoyang looked gloomy.

"Bold, you dare to speak to me like this, and you must be cured of a big disrespectful crime." Qian Tian is now backed by the jade ancestor behind him, and he is very confident. After looking at Shaoyang, he scolded him and made Shaoyang flushed. But nothing can be said.

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