The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1945: 12 The Gods

Not long after Yu Duxiu left, he saw a powerful air rising from the Terran Earth, straight into the starry sky, and the crazy laughter of the twelve demon gods came from the heavens and the world.

"Hahaha, hahaha, today it is time for my demon clan to rise, and in the future the heavens and all realms will be honored by my demon clan." Twelve demon gods, Qi Taotao, swept across the sky in all directions, wherever they went, heaven and earth Everything was trembling, and his expression was shocked.

"It is true that the twelve demon gods are all talented people. This great array of gods and gods has actually been formed. How long will it take to be a man of great fortune and supreme power." Standing on Yujing Mountain, Yu Duxiu said with emotion. .

"The twelve gods and gods are in great formation."

For the first time, the twelve demon gods tried to condense the large array of twelve gods, their eyes were filled with excitement, and the ten demon gods formed a large array, instantly increasing their strength and rushing toward the starry sky with excitement. , I want to flex my muscles.

"The monster race hasn't realized the great formation of the stars, how can I tell you to go to the stars to make trouble" Yu Duxiu's eyebrows ancestor orifice flashed with a flash of light, and saw the twelve gods and evil spirits burst instantly Open, the twelve demon gods suffered backlash and fell into the wild land.

Such a change made the faces of the supreme powerhouses in the heavens and thousands of realms look shocked, and the faces of the demon gods were bloodless.

"It's a terrible formation. If it weren't for the collapse of these guys' formation at the last minute, I'm afraid our monster clan is in big trouble." Tiger God clenched his fists.

"How can I not believe it. With these twelve elm heads, how to comprehend such a powerful formation. These **** have no primordial spirit and cannot comprehend the great road. How can they comprehend such a mysterious formation? Fa" Xiangshen's eyes are full of incredible.

Looking at the expressions of the elephant **** and tiger god, the fox **** said with a gloomy expression: "The elephant **** will go to the Lingshan Pure Land for a while, and ask Amitab to ask for the great formation of the heavens and the stars. Now the demon gods are powerful, they are the people of the heavens. A strong person doesn't want to see it, Amitabha is a wise man who knows the consequences of the devil family's dominance."

"As for how the Demon God clan understood the great formation, I personally went to find out some news and find out the root cause. As for the Tiger God, sit in the heaven to guard against the demon God clan's sneak attack," Fox God said unhurriedly.

The demon gods and all the demon gods suffered backlash, and the lion **** said: "This big formation is really difficult, and a slight mistake will lead to a complete collapse."

"If you want to completely control this big formation, you still need to practice day and night, otherwise you will fight with the demon god, and something wrong will be fatal," the wolf **** said.

Eshen's eyes were full of emotion: "Hongjun deserves to be Hongjun, such a powerful formation can be imagined, and I don't know how to do it."

"Have you ever leaked out what Hongjun taught the big formation?" Wolf God said.

"It's spread out, it must be in the ears of the Yaozu by this time" Centipede ancestor smiled treacherously.

"That's good, that's good, I'm always worried about Hongjun," the wolf **** said.

"Come on, let's study the great formation of the twelve gods and evil spirits in Haosheng, completely master this great formation, defeat the old nest of the monster race, complete the unification of the heavens, and then flatten the human race and completely unify the great world of Yang Shi. Infiltrating the Yin Division, suppressing the ghost master, and mastering the balance of Yin and Yang in the world, the life and death of my demon clan is not in charge of the Yin Division." Niu Demon God's face was full of excitement.

"What news did you hear?" Fox God looked at his spies.

The spy said: "Enlighten the demon god, listening to the news from within the demon **** clan, it seems that Hongjun has passed down the formation."


The tea cup in Fox God's hand turned into powder, and a pair of cold eyes shot out: "What? Is this news true?"

"It shouldn't be fake" The quasi-monster felt pale, standing there trembling, feeling the aura from the fox god.

"I'll go and ask Hongjun personally, and ask if this is true" The Fox God dressed in a big red robe, turned and left, and headed towards Yujing Mountain.

In the Yujing Mountain, Yu Duxiu is making tea without hesitation. Now that the various layouts of the Great Thousand World have been prepared, I am waiting to watch the show, taking advantage of the fisherman’s profit, blooming ten products, and always tense. Finally slackened slightly.

"Oh, why are you here today?"

Yu Duxiu lowered her head to make tea, and suddenly her nose moved, a familiar scent rushed over her face, and half of a red skirt appeared before her eyes.


The fox **** grabbed the teapot in Yu Duxiu's hand and threw it on the case: "The great formation of the gods, did you give it to the devil clan?"

After hearing this, Yu Duxiu slowly raised her head, looked at the fox god, and nodded: "Yes."

"Why? When facing the Demon God Clan, my monster race is already struggling, relying on the heavens and stars to suppress the Demon God clan to survive. You don't have to teach me the heavens and stars, why will Such a powerful formation was taught to the opponent of the monster clan and to the demon **** clan? Don't you really see my monster clan getting better?" The fox **** looked at Yu Duxiu: "Or, there is no me in your eyes."

Yu Duxiu took a deep breath, took the palm of the fox god, and slowly sat down: "You are you, the demon clan is the demon clan, if you privately want the heavens and stars to fight the great formation, I will pass it on to you. What can you do? But you have to know that I am a human race! Human race and monster race are rival races, it has nothing to do with personal grievances."

"Really?" Fox God looked at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes: "Then you will teach me the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array."

Looking at the fox god, Yu Duxiu was speechless for a long time. After a while, she heard Yu Duxiu shouting outside: "Lingyu".

"I've seen the teacher" Lingyu walked in and gave a respectful salute to Yu Duxiu.

"Go and fetch the formation," Yu Duxiu said.


Lingyu exited the main hall, and the atmosphere in the main hall was silent. Yu Duxiu took the thrown teapot unhurriedly, and slowly brewed the tea, only the sound of the tea pattered.

Not long after, I saw the Lingyu boy walking in, holding a bamboo slip in his palm, and a big red silk ribbon was tied on the bamboo slip.

"The formation is here," Lingyu said respectfully.

Yu Duxiu took the formation map, opened the red ribbon, and placed the bamboo slips in front of the fox god: "Here is the formation map of the heavens and stars."

"Really give it to me?" The Fox God took the bamboo slips in doubt, and slowly dispersed them, but the next moment he saw the vast starry sky, the endless star trajectory poured over the Fox God overwhelmingly and poured into the Fox God's mind.

When the Fox God woke up, the bamboo slips were still bamboo slips with a pattern carved on it. The tea in front of him had completely lost its temperature, and the surrounding was empty, and Yu Duxiu had disappeared.

"Hongjun!" The Fox God glanced at the and saw no trace of Yu Duxiu. He hurriedly got up and walked out of the hall, and when he saw the respectful waiting of the Lingyu boy, he said quickly: "Where is your master? ?".

"The Lord said that the human race is different from the monster race. Before the racial grievances are resolved, it is better not to see each other in the future. The heavens and stars are a gift from the Lord to the empress, and it relieves the danger of the monster race" Lingyu The boy said with an immature voice, unhurriedly.

"Where did your Patriarch go up?" Fox God stared at Lingyu.

Lingyu shook her head, her eyes full of innocence: "I don't know, I'm just a boy, and there is my responsibility for the affairs of my patron."

Looking at the boy, the fox **** walked to the old turtle: "Old turtle, where did Hongjun go?"

"It’s better not to see each other. The Yaozu is now the protagonist between heaven and earth. My Patriarch always likes to mess up all kinds of things randomly. Before the race is over, your Majesty should not meet with my Patriarch." Slowly.

"Okay! Is this Hongjun's words? I don't believe that he can hide from me for a lifetime." The anger rose in the fox god's eyes, like a red flame, turning around and walking out of the small world.

"Oh, I hit my ancestor to death. That **** dared to slap my ancestor." The old jade ancestor was about to enter the small world. Suddenly he saw a group of flames approaching in the distance and couldn't dodge for a while. Thinking about what to do, suddenly I saw a slap flying over and taking myself out.

"This Hu Meizi is absolutely lawless. She dare to slap my ancestor? It's amazing, but this Hu Meizi is so angry." Old Jade Shi covered his face and muttered to himself.

ps: Recommend a novel. For those who are in the book shortage, please read "Supreme God". The author said he wanted me to recommend it, hehe. .

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