The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1946: Zhang Jiao forced the palace, the emperor visited the pure land

The ancestor of Jade watched the fox **** go away and rubbed his face: "If this fox Meizi is angry, he is really not afraid of it. It's fine, even if it is a disadvantage, it is not easy to turn his face."

The old ancestor of Jade whispered to the Yujing Mountain, met the boy Lingyu head-on, waved his hand and stopped Lingyu boy: "Come here, ancestor, I have something to tell you."

"I have seen the ancestor" Lingyu saluted the jade ancestor.

The old jade ancestor said with an veteran attitude: "Why did Hu Meizi soar away?"

Lingyu shrank his head when he heard the words: "Before the fox **** came to the hall and had a fight with the Lord, the Lord sent the formation of the fox **** heaven and star battle array, and then disappeared."

"Huh?" The Jade Ancestor turned and walked towards the hall, clutching his head: "Weird! Weird!"

In the place of Yaochi, Yu Duxiu was sitting on the counter, drinking wine in her hand, and glanced at Miaoyu unhurriedly. Miaoyu chuckled, "What do you want me to do?"

Yu Duxiu said: "Nothing, just come here today to relax."

Miaoyu narrowed his eyes when he heard the words and smiled: "Brothers come often when you have time. I am not an outsider. This Yaochi is your home."

As he was talking, he suddenly heard a rush of footsteps outside, and a **** told him: "Manny, Taiping Taoist disciple Zhang Jiao is here to visit."

"Tell him to come in" Miao Yu glanced at Yu Duxiu, and said slowly.

"Should I avoid suspicion?" Yu Duxiu tapped her fingers on the table.

"The Taiping ancestor is getting more and more excessive, just ask the brother to be here for me to strengthen the momentum" Miao Yu pressed Yu Duxiu's shoulder.

Yu Duxiu sat there with her palms on her palms, and touched Miaoyu's palms: "I'm afraid that the old fellow Taiping knows that we are involved and will be even more jealous of you. It's better to avoid it."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu turned into a disaster and disappeared.

Zhang Jiao walked into the hall step by step, looked at Miaoyu, and then gave a gentle salute: "Sister Miaoyu, don't come here without problems."

Miaoyu nodded indifferently and looked down at Zhang Jiao. As the youngest person in the world, Miaoyu has this qualification.

"Brother, what's the main thing here?" Miaoyu played with the tea cup leisurely.

"Junior sister, you also know how important the flat peach is to the monks of my human race. There are only a handful of immortal generations in this world, and there are very few of my human races. Now there is a divine thing, flat peaches, which can extend the monks. Life, what it means to my human race, the younger sister won’t be ignorant, right?” Zhang Jiao didn’t rush, didn’t rush, his voice was calm and peaceful.

"This means that the lives of the monks who want to live in the heavens and the world are in the hands of the palace, driven by the palace, and letting the palace enslaved," Miaoyu said domineeringly.

Listening to Miaoyu’s words, Zhang Jiao almost choked to death. He looked at Miaoyu with a pair of eyes. He was speechless for a long time and could not speak. After a while, he said: "Junior Sister, the saying goes well. It’s quasi-immortal, but it’s important to know that strong players have strong middle players. This flat peach tree is in the hands of junior sisters and will only cause countless troubles to junior sisters. The ancestor deliberately took the flat peach tree into the sect to strengthen my Taipingdao power. , If the flat peach tree belongs to the Taipingdao, my Taipingdao will become the number one power in the world, whether it is a human race, a demon race, or even a demon clan. If you want to live forever, you need to rely on my peace road to live and live your life. I am peaceful. With the order of the Tao, the heavens and the world dare not obey."

"It turns out that the ancestor sent you to hit my flat peach tree" with a punchy remark.

"It's not to make an idea, but to keep it for you, so as to avoid the catastrophe" Zhang Jiao corrected Miaoyu's words.

Miaoyu waved her hand when she heard the words, and said to the maid on one side: "Go and take this man to Pan Peach Garden and take three pan peach trees. This pan peach tree is a **** from heaven and earth. It is not so easy to cultivate. Yes, let this man bring three flat peach trees back to try."

While speaking, Miaoyu closed her eyes.

Zhang Jiao looked at where Miaoyu was sitting blankly, and suddenly smiled bitterly. He knew that Miaoyu was strayed from Taipingdao. In fact, from the perspective of his own heart, he also felt that the methods of Taipingjiao ancestors were somewhat shameful.

However, the ancestor is supreme. Since he has already made the golden mouth, there is absolutely no reason to repent, so I can’t help myself not come to force the palace. It’s just that Miaoyu’s reaction was a bit beyond my expectations, and he did not refusing or making a big fight as he imagined. It is strange.

That horn followed the maid to Pantaoyuan, looking at the endless peach trees, the maid said: "Please take three of them."

Zhang Jiao nodded and was not welcome. After using his magical powers and taking three flat peach trees, he left Yaochi and returned to Taipingdao.

Seeing Zhang Jiao walking away, Yu Duxiu walked out slowly, and Miao Yu said, "Taiping taught the ancestor to deceive too much."

Yu Duxiu shook her head: "In fact, you have to think about the benefits of this matter."

"Think of the benefits?" Miaoyu was taken aback.

Yu Duxiu said: "Yes, Taiping Road must use top-quality medicinal materials and geniuses as the soil to cultivate flat peach trees. You use them to promote the growth of flat peach trees. This is equivalent to the power of the entire sect to help you grow and practice. Not great? What's more, the flat peach tree belongs to you. The Taiping ancestor reverted to the sect, but he always owes you, and he will definitely compensate you. There are so many benefits."

"It's the same reason" Miaoyu touched his chin: "It's just that you can't have a flat peach feast, and you can't win over the heroes of the heavens. This queen mother is not true."

"What's wrong? It's just a native chicken and dog, cultivation is still the power of self-cultivation, even if the power is monstrous, but if you can't get the supreme fruit position, you will still be a yellow clay after death" Yu Duxiu looked at Miaoyu: "You have to figure out that your own strength is everything."

"Brother, I understand." Miaoyu hugged Yu Duxiu's waist and nestled against Yu Duxiu's chest.

In the Lingshan Pure Land, Amitabha was preaching and enlightening the world, and suddenly saw the mighty waves outside the world, and the elephant descended to knock on the outside of the Pure Land.

"Xiangshen is a guest from afar, and Monk Shu cannot be greeted from afar." Amitabha opened the Pure Land world and clearly understood the arrival of the elephant.

"I have seen Taoist Amitabha, and I took the liberty to come and never say hello. It is really impolite, but there is an urgent matter, so I can't take care of those vulgar courtesies." Xiang Shen smiled bitterly.

The two sat down, and Amitab looked at the Elephant God: "I don't know if your friend is not in the Tiangong to suppress Xingdou and resist the demon and gods, why come to my Lingshan Pure Land?".

"The day before yesterday, the spirit of the Demon God clan was earth-shattering, did fellow Taoists ever feel it?" Xiangshen looked at Amitabha.

"This fellow is asking for knowingly." Amitab wanted to slap the elephant to, calmly, followed the elephant and said, still unhurriedly: "So what?"

"The Demon God Clan didn't know where to get a square map, called it a large formation of the gods of the heavens, which can penetrate into the starry sky without fear of the suppression of the power of the star," Xiangshen said solemnly.

Sure enough, hearing this, Amitabha was horrified. When the elephant saw Amitabha's expression, he immediately smiled: "There is a play."

"Unexpectedly, I can penetrate into the starry sky. The shortcomings of the Demon God family do not exist. Isn't it invincible in the world?" Amitab frowned and looked at the Elephant God: "Your Majesty Tiandi wants to invite me to the Demon Race and defeat the Demon God. One family, right?".

"Where, how can I dare to drag the Buddha into the water, my monster clan has already figured out a way to restrain the demon **** clan, but I still need your help." Xiangshindao.

"How to help?" Amitabha said.

"Please the Buddha to give the emperor's robe, the emperor's robe contains the mystery of the heavens and stars. Please also the Buddha to complete it" Xiangshen Tao.

Amitabhas hesitated when he heard the words, like a divine way: "Buddha, if the demon clan defeats my demon clan, the heavens and all realms will be invincible, and the unification of the great world is just around the corner. By then, although the Buddha is not a thing, it will The Pure Land will inevitably be robbed".

Amitabhas pondered for a long time before saying: "That emperor's robe has been turned into a golden orchid robes. It is a treasure of my Buddhist family. How can it be easily given away? What's more, the emperor's robe contains the seal of the emperor and a gold medal. These two treasures are unique. ".

"Treasures are valuable. As long as fellow Taoists are willing to give up this treasure, fellow Taoists will make an offer, and I will try our best to do it. As long as it is within the power of my monster race, we will never refuse," Xiangshen vowed.

"Can you represent the other two demon gods?" Amitabha looked at the opposite elephant **** and asked.

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