The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1949: Ghost Lord's Lantern

The old jade ancestor thumped his chest, and looked at Yu Duxiu angrily.

At this time, all the powerhouses of the heavens and ten thousand realms, after hearing Yu Duxiu's words, all showed a thoughtful look.

Yu Duxiu stroked the Pangu banner, stupidly holding Yu Duxiu's arm, for fear that one would accidentally be thrown away by Yu Duxiu.

"One word is the law of the world, and the word is the teacher of the world. Even if you tell them these secrets, you may not be able to do it. It is easier said than done. You old boy still rely on the elixir of immortality to become the first. A ray of immortality" Yu Duxiu looked at the old jade ancestor, seeming to see through all the secrets of the old jade ancestor.

The ancestor of Jade was stunned after hearing this: "Do you also know this?".

"There are very few things that the world can hide from me," Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

"Innate treasure! Could it be that the innate treasure is what you are holding? Who are you fooling? Even if what you said is true, but you haven't even proved the immortal way, how can you make the innate treasure" the ghost master sneered.

The ancestor of jade suddenly brightened his eyes when he heard this, and ran up to Yu Duxiu, looking at the chaotic Yu Duxiu, the imposing Pangu banner, his eyes were full of energy: "Innate treasure? Really? Of? I don’t understand your kid more and more.”

Seeing the old jade ancestor pounced, he had to hold the Pangu banner, Yu Duxiu stretched out his foot, and the old jade ancestor instantly changed direction, staring at Yu Duxiu: "Let me take a look and observe, maybe Tomorrow ancestors, I will thoroughly condense the innate treasure."

Jade Duxiu ignored the jade ancestors, Pangu flags flicked, and the whole person rose into the sky. Pangu flags wrapped in unparalleled mighty force and fought towards the ghost master.

"All things return to the original."

"Reincarnation of life and death."

The two collided together, only seeing the reincarnation in the hands of the ghost master, changing from life to death, changing and changing, unexpectedly vented Yu Duxiu's power lightly, and Yu Duxiu's palm stretched out at this time: "It is impossible to escape."


The ghost master's body was penetrated by Yu Duxiu's palm and exploded again.

"What the **** is the ghost master doing?" Yu Duxiu frowned.

"I guess, this old boy wants to completely smelt the treasure, but he is almost on fire. He wants to use your power to finish smelting the treasure," said the old jade ancestor.

"What kind of treasure is it?" Yu Duxiu frowned.

"A very important treasure" The ancestor of jade sells Guanzi.

Looking at the old jade ancestor, everyone in the field was shining a little weird color in their eyes. When the ancient times were chaotic, this old guy was the most annoying, but there is no doubt that this old immortal knows the most secrets. .

"If you don't use your own power, then I will break through the guardianship of the six reincarnations and cause you to suffer the backlash of the sun of the world." Yu Duxiu smiled coldly, and the Pangu banner in his hand danced: "Open the world."

"Six reincarnation stacks three."

Seeing that Yu Duxiu's attack was not attacking him, but trying to break through his guardian void, the ghost master suddenly couldn't sit still, and didn't dare to ask Yu Duxiu to shoot casually, and immediately displayed the power of six reincarnations.

"Hahaha, Hongjun, I can see that some doorways are coming. This old boy has been pitted by himself. You hurry up and explode it. The treasure is now half smelted by this old boy, and the other half is stuck there. Do evil by yourself" Jade Patriarch laughed.

Yu Duxiu heard it inexplicably, but seeing the expression of the jade ancestor and the unsteady face of the ghost master, she knew that the ghost master was stabbed in the pain by the jade ancestor.

"Ghost Lord, let you see the power of the innate treasure" Yu Duxiu's Pangu banner waved, splitting a void, ignoring the space distance, and hitting the Yinsi Crown Prince.

The prince of Yin Si was caught off guard, and was instantly bombarded by Yu Duxiu. Pangu banners descended, and the prince of Yin Si was unable to escape, and was instantly turned into powder by Yu Duxiu.

The Innate Treasure is equivalent to the strong one who has escaped from the realm. It is one step behind the supreme strong and two steps behind the quasi-superior.

Facing the unprepared attack of the innate treasure, the prince of the Yin Si couldn't even display his own power, and was killed by Yu Duxiu.

"The universe in the palm."

"Don't think about it."

Seeing Yu Duxiu unleashing the universe in his palm, he wanted to transform the prince of Yinsi, the ghost master's complexion changed wildly, and the six reincarnations in his hand turned, pulling toward Yu Duxiu: "Endless Reincarnation".

The corners of Yu Duxiu's lips curled up: "Waiting for you."

Suddenly, the universe in Yu Duxiu's hand instantly turned into a spear of punishment, and then threw it towards the vortex of reincarnation.

"Reincarnation is vast."

The spear of punishment fell into the whirlpool, without a trace, the whirlpool formed by the six reincarnations continued to pull towards Yu Duxiu.

"Four Spirits Evolution".

The power of water, wind and fire around the Yuduxiu Pangu flags collided and exploded continuously. The twisted world around the ghost master was instantly penetrated, and the law of the great world descended.


The ghost master disappeared, and the jade ancestor on one side roared: "Be careful."

A whirlpool quietly fell from the top of Yu Duxiu's head, trying to load Yu Duxiu's whole person into the six reincarnations.


The innate thunderbolt flickered, and countless monsters were shaken into prototypes by the thunder, Yu Duxiu disappeared, and the world only saw an electric light across the sky.

"Want to run? Can you run away? Samsara is everywhere in the world, how can you run?" The ghost master sneered like a shadow.

"The ghost master is really difficult. Even if the old immortal does not perform the six reincarnations to stack the six, as long as the six reincarnations stacks the four, it is enough to be in the big world." Yang Shi Gu Ji seems to be much weaker, and the power of supernatural powers is also a lot stronger."

"Pangu Banner".

Countless chaotic sword auras soared into the sky, instantly tearing the vortex of reincarnation overhead, Yu Duxiu soared into the sky, looking for traces of the ghost lord, the six reincarnations followed the ghost lord like a shadow, and the murderous intent rose to the sky, and wanted to suppress the ghost lord. It's up.

Yu Duxiu had a sneer in her eyes. She was not the supreme powerhouse at all. Although she had Pangu banners in her hands, she was a little tired of dealing with the methods of the ghost master.

Bombing the ghost master again, the Pangu banner in Yu Duxiu's hand turned into a green lotus, spinning leisurely, the world was chaotic and hazy, and all things in the world were transformed into chaotic elements.

"The Will of God is like a knife."

The tip of a blade was slowly pinched by Yu Duxiu. The tip of the blade shone with a mysterious pattern, simple and profound: "Ghost Lord, you have provoke me many times. If you are on the run, please blame this seat once again to open the channel between Yin and Yang and take you. The strong of Yinsi starts."

"Do you dare" the ghost master stood opposite Yu looking at God's will like a knife, his expression solemn.

"Dare I dare, you will know if you try." Yu Duxiu's providence flew out like a knife in an instant, piercing the ghost master's chest.

The two lanterns in the ghost master's eyes were shining with green light, and then the green light burst out from the ghost master's body: "Fantasy and chaotic domain".

"Be careful" Yu Shi ancestor shouted, Yu Duxiu was already submerged in the green light and disappeared.

"This kid is really reckless, not worrying," the old Jade ancestor whispered and rushed in after Yu Duxiu.

The fascinating area is one of the methods that the ghost master does not often use, but is definitely useful.

As long as you enter the green light, your soul will be frozen, and then you will watch the ghost Lord come and fly away your soul.

Destiny as a sword is indeed powerful. Yu Duxiu pierced the light curtain with a single knife and rushed in. I don't know how long the green light has been shrouded. Yu Duxiu only feels that the power of her own **** as a sword is constantly weakening.

"Heaven's will be like a sword and the fire is still not at home. If I can thoroughly cultivate God's will like a sword, all the powerhouses of the heavens and the world will have to crawl at the feet of this seat, no matter how hard it is," Yu Duxiu secretly said in her heart.

"How?" There was a erratic figure in the ear, and Yu Duxiu felt that time was constantly lengthening.

"Ghost Lord! Come out" Yu Duxiu shouted.

"This is the fascinating law domain of this seat. As long as you enter here, the soul will be immobilized by the fascinating light. How do you feel now? Do you feel that your thinking is slowing down?" Nearly, I came to Yu Duxiu.

The ghost master looked at Yu Duxiu, with green eyes, and seemed to be too lazy to talk to Yu Duxiu, and slapped Yu Duxiu directly with his palm: "Go to death! The soul flies away."

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