The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1950: 6 reincarnation patterns

"Be careful" Jade ancestor jumped out from one side at this time and punched the ghost master with a punch.

"Wait for me to concoct the little ones, and then I will clean up you." The ghost master had to switch his attack, and slammed his fist towards the Jade Ancestor.


The ghost master looked at the tip of the knife inserted into his body, revealing an unbelievable color, and his voice was intermittent: "Why is your soul not deceived and frozen?"

Of course Yu Duxiu would not tell the ghost master that his soul had already rebelled against the innate.

God’s will, like a sword, is constantly destroying the real body of the ghost master. Yu Duxiu’s body’s law wheel turns, and his palm is pressed against the ghost master. Countless runes follow Yu Duxiu’s palm and spread towards the ghost master: "I use the sword light It has nailed your three souls and seven souls and immobilized your supreme true body. To see how you escape this time, it is you who are looking for death by yourself, no wonder I am".

"Good boy, you have you." The old jade ancestor came to the ghost master and looked at the runes that were constantly crawling on the ghost master. His face was full of anger: "Asshole, say! Where are you hiding the six reincarnation pictures? Yes, you spit it out to me."

Yu Duxiu listened strangely: "What six reincarnation pictures?".

"This is the treasure that the old immortal took away from the chaos. These six reincarnation patterns are the foundation of the Yin Division. Back then, this old thing could control the Yin Division, smelt the origin of reincarnation, and prove the way of reincarnation, relying on the six reincarnation patterns. I don’t know what the old thing is calculating. He actually put the blueprint in the chaos for millions of years. At that time, we saw the old thing escape in the chaos, but we didn’t know that the old thing deliberately exploded and destroyed everything. The strength was poured into the six reincarnation formations, and I blamed my ancestor for being burned out of my brain, and I didn't recognize the formation at first sight." The old jade ancestor roared at the ghost master angrily.

"When I completely smelt the six reincarnation patterns, that will be my peak power. Then there will be you, an old thing that looks good." The ghost master looked at the ghost master with disdain, and then looked at Yu Duxiu: "I don't know it is you. The innate treasure is very powerful, but my formation skills are better."

Yu Duxiu looked at the ghost master with a sullen expression, unmoved, and continued to exert her sealing power. The ancestor of Jade looked at the ghost master with a pair of eyes, and then said: "Boy, I want to seal this servant, I am afraid it is too late." .

"Why?" Yu Duxiu was taken aback.

"As the seal is strengthened, this old boy's magical powers are isolated, and your power will be revealed to the world, and you will surely become a target of the public. On the contrary, the gain is not worth the loss. As long as we can capture the six reincarnation formations, it will be worth it." The jade ancestor frustrated his palms.

"Do you know where that array is?" Yu Duxiu was heartbroken.

The old jade ancestor smiled: "I just know an outline of the old ancestor, it seems to be in the depths of the six reincarnations of this old thing."

"How to take out the depths of the six reincarnations" Yu Duxiu rolled her eyes.

"I can't take it out, but you can," said the ancestor of Jade.

"Me?" Yu Duxiu was taken aback.

"Yes, it's you" Jade Patriarch looked at Yu Duxiu.

"How do I get it?" Yu Duxiu was stunned.

"You use that wheel to take out the formation," said the ancestor of Jade.

"But the six reincarnations of the ghost master are closed, how did I enter the six reincarnations" Yu Duxiu was puzzled.

"We can open it forcibly" said the old jade ancestor.

"You can?" Yu Duxiu looked at Jade Patriarch.

"There is no such thing as my ancestors in this world that I can't" Jade ancestor looked at the ghost lord, hehe he laughed strangely: "Ghost lord, it's a miscalculation, do you think the six reincarnation diagrams are so easy to melt? I asked you to steal chickens today. No eclipse, no wonder my ancestors, I can only say that you are unlucky."

The jade ancestor laughed weirdly, looking at the ghost master grinning, his angry expression, after a strange laugh, there was a flurry of tampering with the ghost master, only to see the mysterious waves spreading around the ghost master, a black hole slowly form.

"How did you do it?" Yu Duxiu was dumbfounded.

"Don't worry about so much, take out the six drawings of reincarnation," Jade Patriarch urged.

Looking at the faint and invisible **** hole, Yu Duxiu had no bottom in her heart: "This is the realm of reincarnation. If I go to the trap, but I can't get out, I can only reincarnate. It's too dangerous."

"Don't worry about it, I have an ancestor looking after you, what's the matter, let's do it" Jade ancestor looked at Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu hugged the old jade ancestor abruptly, and without waiting for the response of the old jade ancestor, he was already thrown into the black hole: "Let the ancestor go with this kind of thing, I am responsible for the township of the ghost master."

"Hongjun, you bastard,,,,,," The jade ancestor's furious voice gradually disappeared in the black hole.

The ghost master glared at Yu Duxiu, with fire in his eyes, but saw that Yu Duxiu continued to operate like a knife, calming down the ghost master’s three souls and seven souls, immortal, and it didn’t take long to hear from the black hole. There was a scoffing voice: "Hongjun, hurry up and help, the gravity of the six reincarnations inside is too great, I can't bear it".


Yu Duxiu's right hand turned into the hand of heaven and reached into the black hole.

Outside, everyone only saw Yu Duxiu, the ancestor of jade, and the ghost master disappear in the green light and disappeared.

At this time, the heavens and myriad worlds were silent. I don’t know how long, the six waves of reincarnation spread, and the prince Yinsi laughed triumphantly: "Hahaha, the Father God opened the six reincarnations, he must have suppressed those two bastards, father Under the supernatural power of God, no one can escape."

As he was talking, suddenly the green brilliance resembled a mushroom cloud, exploded suddenly, shaking the laws of the world.

"Hongjun, your kid was kicked in the head by a donkey" the swearing voice of the old jade ancestor spread.

"Blam me? Can you blame me for this? You didn't say hello to me in advance" Yu Duxiu also said anxiously.

Three embarrassed figures were thrown out in the green smoke, the jade ancestor's clothes were torn, Yu Duxiu was disheveled, and the ghost master turned into powder at this time, and bursts of shadowy laughter spread in the void. Then, the ghost master's true body reorganized in the void, holding a scroll of array diagrams in his hand: "People are not as good as the sky. Today, this seat buried the two of you."

"It's a big deal." Yu Duxiu's face looked bad.

The ancestor of Jade gritted his teeth and said: "If it weren't for you, the blueprint would have been handed long ago."

As he spoke, the old jade ancestor yelled up to the sky: "You **** are not ready to take action. The ghost master holds the six reincarnation formations. As long as you master these six reincarnation formations, you can avoid the reincarnation of life and death, and you are not afraid of reincarnation. The invading force of the power has become the power of the supreme and human fruition the power of reincarnation in charge of the heavens and the world".

"What?" After listening to the words of the Jade Patriarch, the supreme powerhouses were suddenly moved.

"Is what you old guy say is true?" Xiangshen suppressed the void, took one step and walked out of the heaven.

"True and false, you can't tell by yourself" Jade Patriarch jumped.

The Xiangshen looked at the ghost master with a pair of eyes, but he saw the ghost master standing there with a cold face, and the fox **** walked out of the void: "Really? The six reincarnation patterns? Wasn't it torn back then?".

"It seems to be true, it is really the six reincarnation formations." Tai Yi taught the ancestors of the long river of fate, and a pair of eyes looked at the ghost master feverishly: "I don't know if the formation in your hand is the real six reincarnation formations?" .

"Didn't the ghost master say that the six reincarnation formations have been torn apart?" Taishi Jiaozu walked out with suspicion.

"It was torn in the past, and it is true, but it does not mean that the six reincarnation formations are abolished. This old thing has not known what methods have been used for millions of years, and actually repaired the six reincarnation formations, if not Old ancestor, I accidentally entered the chaos and discovered the secrets of this old thing. I am afraid that all of us have been deceived by this old guy. This old guy has a big plot, and he secretly repairs the reincarnation formation and wants to enslave the heavens. All sentient beings in the Ten Thousand Realms, we must not tolerate him." The Jade Patriarch is fanning the flames.

"Ghost Lord, the six reincarnation formations are very important. You are not in charge of it alone. I hope you can hand over the six reincarnation formations. Everyone can understand it together. Otherwise, I am afraid that your Yin Division will never want peace." Tai Yi taught the ancestors with a sincere expression Looked at the ghost master.

"Six reincarnation patterns? Where is it? Where? Hahaha, there are six reincarnation patterns that were born?" The demon **** family came.

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