The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1951: Array of Gods

Hearing the words Six Reincarnation Array, all the powerhouses of the heavens and worlds couldn't sit still, and one after another came to the scene, a pair of eyes staring at the ghost master.

The power of the Demon God clan came, and God E looked at the ghost master excitedly: "Ghost master, the six reincarnation patterns are really in your hands?".

"You're not blind, can't you see the blueprints in my hands?" The ghost master said in an angry voice, choked with a word that made E God's smile freeze on his face, speechless, his face stiff.

The jade ancestor on one side quietly came to Yu Duxiu, grabbing Yu Duxiu’s sleeves and stepping back: “This time things have become a big mess, and a earth-shattering battle is inevitable. The power of the six reincarnation patterns is simply It is irresistible. Even if the ghost master fails to integrate the six reincarnation formations into his own six reincarnations, he has the power of augmentation. This time the ghost master is powerful. Let's hide away and tell these guys to fight. Right".

"What is the mystery of these six reincarnation pictures?" Yu Duxiu retreated with the jade ancestor, and everyone did not stop the jade ancestor's movements, but just stared at the ghost master with a pair of eyes.

The old jade ancestor lowered his voice and said, "Why can the ghost master control reincarnation and comprehend the road of reincarnation? It’s because the old immortal got the six reincarnation formations in the yin, and this old guy is also unlucky. After the supreme level, I thought that my ancestors were monstrous. I didn’t put my ancestors in my eyes. I rushed out of the Yin Division to find me revenge. My ancestors, I used my magical powers and tore up the six drawings of the old immortal. Since then, the heroes of the heavens have coveted the six reincarnation formations, and their eyes light up when they hear the six reincarnation formations."

"You said before that you can control the cycle of life and death without being constrained by the cycle of reincarnation. Is it true?" Yu Duxiu looked at Jade Patriarch.

"Of course it is false. This news was passed on by my ancestors. The only ghost in the heavens and realms who are not restricted by reincarnation is the only ghost master. However, once the six reincarnation formations are captured, you will not fall into reincarnation, and you will achieve immortality. The status of humanity is not fake." Old Jade Ancestor smiled.

Looking at the six drawings of reincarnation, Yu Duxiu sighed slightly: "People die for money, and birds die for food. These six reincarnation patterns can increase the magical power of the ghost master. It has incredible power. Performance".

"Ghost Lord, since you have become the lord of the six reincarnations and are in charge of the six reincarnations, this reincarnation formation is also useless to you. Why not hand it in and let everyone understand it together. You must know that eating alone is not a good thing. Get used to" Fox God looked at the ghost master with a pair of wonderful eyes.

At this time, the ghost master clenched the reincarnation formation, a pair of eyes looked at the strong players in the field, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "If the six reincarnation formations were not taken out, this seat might still be afraid of you by three points, but now it is six times. The trajectory diagram is in hand, just to let you know that these six reincarnation diagrams are not something anyone can get involved."

As he spoke, the six reincarnation patterns in the ghost master's hand were rolled out, six unfathomable black holes appeared in everyone's eyes, and then they saw the seal in the ghost master's hands, the six reincarnation patterns turned into a robe , Was draped on his body, and then the magical power was vertical and horizontal in an instant, and a black hole formed, suppressing Yu Duxiu.

"I don't deal with the strong ones, but came here to chase me. It seems that the hatred of the ghost master towards me is a bit unexpected," Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.


The chaos was permeated, the Pangu flag flew out, the law of the past collapsed, and the reincarnation collapsed. The six reincarnations of the ghost master swallowed the Pangu flag, but it was pierced by the Pangu flag, like a spear, piercing the ghost master’s chest Past.


The Pangu banners came out, and Yu Duxiu looked at the ghost master in amazement. The six reincarnations drove the Pangu banners to rotate continuously, and the Pangu banners could not be grasped, and the Pangu banners instantly dropped out.

Seeing the ghost lord who kept retreating and counteracting the power of the Pangu flags, Yu Duxiu was shocked: "The power of the ghost lord has increased more than tenfold. It is incredible that a mere reincarnation can resist my Pangu flags."

"Nonsense, the six reincarnation formations are treasures. Naturally, they can increase the power of the six reincarnations of the ghost master, forming a six reincarnation formation, and the power is increased hundreds of times. This time it is troublesome." Jade Ancestor frowned.


The Pangu banner disappeared, and the six reincarnations of the ghost lord remained the same, and the holes cut by the Pangu banner were slowly healing. At this time, the Pangu banner returned to Yu Duxiu's hands, and the ghost lord looked at Jade Duxiu with solemn expression: "Good treasure" .

"Of course it is a good treasure, otherwise how can I suppress you? How could it be your opponent" Yu Duxiu sneered.


The sound of the Buddha came from Lingshan Pure Land, and I saw Amitabha flying towards this place with auspicious clouds, stretched out his palm, covering the vast world, and grabbing towards the ghost master, or the six reincarnation formations on the ghost master. Past.

"Amitabha, I knew you would make a move a long time ago, but I didn't expect you could not help it so soon." The ghost master smiled coldly: "Five ghosts carry Dafa."

I saw five innate demon gods roaring up to the sky, falling off the palm of the ghost master, and lifting them towards the Buddha kingdom in the palm of Amitabha. The innate demon gods have boundless power, not to mention that they are in the palm of the Buddha kingdom, even in the real world. Moveable.

The light of the Buddha was shining, and the sound of chanting came. I saw Amitab sitting on the clouds and chanting the scriptures. The endless Buddhist scriptures shrouded the ghost master, like a monstrous waterfall, turned into a copper wall and iron wall, to encircle the ghost master live.

The ghost master shook his head: "Small bugs."

"Six reincarnations stack two" The six reincarnations around the ghost master began to overlap. The suction power of the whirlpool black hole is not known how much stronger, countless runes were continuously swallowed and absorbed by the six reincarnations, and then through the laws of reincarnation, the spirituality was wiped out and entered the reincarnation. Among.

"Amitab can't take the ghost master alone. This seat will take action and help him. How can we not contribute to these treasures." Xiangshen punched the whole body with divine light, and the law of strength suppressed thousands of roads and hit the ghost master. past.

The ghost master shook his head: "Reincarnation is not just reincarnation."


A whirlpool appeared in front of the ghost lord, blocking the power of the elephant god, and saw a fist of the elephant **** protruding into the whirlpool, and then inexplicably Yu Duxiu had a whirlpool in front of him, and the fist of the elephant **** was stretched out. Yu Duxiu was unprepared, too late to react, and was bombarded by Elephant God.

"The six reincarnations of the ghost master are really weird." Yu Duxiu's real body reorganized The Pangu flags were flying in the distance, and they were about to reach out and summon the Pangu flags back. Scrolled towards the Pangu banner: "These treasures should be obtained by those who are destined for the heavens and the world."

"Taiyuan, are you bored with your life?" Yu Duxiu's eyes flashed with anger, but the next moment he saw his hands changing, the Pangu banner disappeared out of thin air, turned into a green lotus and was held by Yu Duxiu: "My treasure It is my treasure, no one can take it away."

Yu Duxiu looked at Taiyuan Jiaozu with a dark face. Taiyuan Jiaozu looked embarrassed. Originally, he planned to collect the Jade Duxiu Pangu banners. Jade Duxiu used the Pangu banners to conquer countless powerhouses in the world. If he is Isn't it invincible to be able to hold Pangu banners in your hands? .

The idea is good, but this ancient flag is the result of the jade's unique show of Taoism. It is between the virtual and the real.

Taiyi Jiaozu glanced at Taiyuan Jiaozu complainingly: "Don't make any extravagant branches. If you have a conflict with Hongjun, you will delay the capture of the six reincarnation formations, but the gain will not be worth the loss."

Taiyuan Jiaozu did not say much. The grievances between himself and Yu Duxiu are no longer clear in a few words. Anyway, the cause and effect have been settled. It is better to take advantage of Yu Duxiu’s lack of preaching and find a way to suppress or contain it. Its exhibition, buy yourself time.

With Qinglian in his hand, Yu Duxiu looked at the ancestor of Taiyuan with a sardonic smile. At this time, he was not thinking about troubles with the ancestor of Taiyuan. The six reincarnation patterns in the hands of the ghost master are the main reason for Yu Duxiu. purpose.

There is cold light in Yu Duxiu’s eyes. Elephant God, Amitabha and Ghost Lord are grouped together, and the six reincarnations are on the second place. With the blessing of the six reincarnation formations, they can actually level with the two who have escaped from the strong. .

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