The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1952: The powerful array of gods and gods

The power of the six reincarnation formations is too bad.

Seeing the power of reincarnation, the ghost master with extra power, Amitabha's scriptures flashed, and the robes flew out in an instant, toward the ghost master.

"The robes of the devil, immeasurable constant sand."

The power of reincarnation surged in the hands of the ghost master, suppressing the power of the Buddha.

The elephant on one side just punched one after another, constantly punching through the reincarnation again and again, throwing the ghost master away.


Taiyi teaches the ancestors of the river to circle, but sees the fate of the river turning, toward the suppression of the ghost master.

The fox gods, tiger gods, twelve demon gods, and Sihai Longjun all shot together at this time and fought against the six reincarnations of the ghost master.

Faced with so many powerful men, the ghost master's eyelids jumped wildly, and immediately pulled out and fled to the distance.


A bell rings, neither too soon nor too late, just right.

The sound of the bell suppressed the Great Thousand Principles, turbulent three thousand chaotic and cosmic worlds, heaven and earth seemed to freeze in an instant, and the cycle of reincarnation stopped.

A quaint big clock straddles the void and directly descends on the ghost master's head, without giving the ghost master a chance to run the six reincarnations, directly exploding the ghost master, and then the chaotic clock absorbs toward the drawing of the six reincarnations.


The body of the ghost master was exploded and fell into the six circles of reincarnation. The real body reorganized between breathing, facing the suppressed chaos clock, looking at the endless birds, beasts, insects and fish, the sun, moon and stars, the ghost master's eyes sneered Repeatedly: "Reincarnation".

I saw the six reincarnation formations rolled up and turned into a large vortex, expanding continuously, trying to swallow all the heavens and all things, and absorb all living beings, sucking in all directions, even the chaotic clock facing the mighty The vortex, the power of reincarnation in the Great Thousand World, seemed much smaller, and the power of the Chaos Clock was constantly weakened.

"Six reincarnation stacks four." The ghost master finally did not dare to let the powerful attackers attack, and the six reincarnations began to stack again.

The attacks of the supreme powerhouses were instantly absorbed by the six reincarnation formations, and then decomposed by the six reincarnations, or reincarnated, or absorbed by the six reincarnations.

"The Will of God is like a knife."

The tip of the knife in Yu Duxiu's hand came out, ignoring time and space, pierced through the six reincarnations, and passed through the chest of the ghost master.

"I master power, force the heavens, and calm the sky." The elephant **** had his eyes steady and punched out. The law of force works, and the operation of the law of reincarnation also requires power. If there is power, it cannot be separated from the constraint of the law of power.


Xiangshen's punch blasted the reincarnation and landed on the chest of the ghost master.

"Xiangshen is worthy of being an elephant, with infinite power. It's a pity that it's only a short shot and can't hurt me." Looking at the fist in his chest, I saw the ghost master's chest turning into a whirlpool, and a powerful force burst out, instantly blessing it. On top of the fist of the elephant, three steps backwards from the beating of the elephant.

"This is my strength" Xiangshen looked gloomy.

"Yeah, take my old grandson a stick." A giant stick covered the sky, shattered the void, followed the passage through which the elephant **** penetrated, and instantly came to the ghost master, and plunged into the whirlpool of reincarnation.


Black blood splashed, the whirlpool exploded instantly, and a metal rod pierced the ghost master.

Wukong was wearing a robe at this time, and his eyes were mocking looking at the ghost master: "How?"


As the power of reincarnation turned, Wukong's club began to spin rapidly, even Wukong couldn't stand it, and could only let the club spin endlessly.


Wukong pulled out the club instantly, flew out, and stood beside Amitabha.

"This old thing is terrifying power," Wukong said in surprise.

"It's not the strength of this old thing, but the strength of the six drawings of reincarnation in the hands of this old thing" The ghost master's eyes are full of divine light.

Listening to Amitabha's words, the river of fate in Tai Yi Jiaozu's hand turned into a spear, and while the wound that Wukong had pierced through hadn't healed, he immediately pierced the ghost master again, and the black blood continued to flow.

"Okay, that's it. That's how these old guys broke my ancestor's physical body in the past, and the Supreme True Body was also torn apart, and it was too late to reply." Jade ancestor jumped to cheer.

"Reincarnation and a dream".

"Fate Ruling".


The ghost master finally couldn't help but was split by the fate of Tai Yi Jiaozu and turned into two paragraphs.

However, the six-dimensional reincarnation formation did not know where it came from. The ghost master here had just been split, and the other side had been resurrected again, driving the six-reincarnation formation toward the ghost town.


The chaotic bell rang, and the ghost master's movements stagnated. At this time, Yu Duxiu broke through the six reincarnation formations. After the catastrophe escaped, it penetrated the ghost master's chest. Only a whirlpool formed on the ghost master's chest, firmly holding Yu Duxiu. Xiu sucked it, as if to pull it in.

Yu Duxiu looked shocked, and finally knew why Wukong and Xiangshen had returned without success before.


Jade Duxiu dissipated into a disaster, and when he appeared again, he held the Pangu banner in his hand and looked at the twelve demon gods in the distance: "Run the great array of twenty gods and gods to try the water, but you have to see the twelve gods. The Sha Da Array is powerful, or these six reincarnation arrays are powerful."

The twelve demon gods were eager to try when they heard the words, and only listened to the wolf god's way: "array formation".

The body of the twelve demon gods instantly rose up, the law of the sky and the earth turned into the real body of the demon god, and then the muddy air of the earth that rolled between the sky and the earth appeared in the big formation out of thin air, absorbed by the twelve demon gods, and a mysterious wave spread , And then saw the twelve demons transformed into a giant, smashing toward the six reincarnations of the ghost master.


The six reincarnation formations were actually smashed into the air by the twelve gods and evil spirits. The power of the twelve gods and evil spirits, the eyelids of everyone in the field were jumping, and the ghost master's expression changed wildly, and he was a little confused. Measures.

Everyone is worried that the ghost masters are so powerful, isn't the twelve heavens and gods that blast the ghost masters flying is invincible? Is this great world really going to fall into the hands of the demons forever? Are the heavens and a hundred clans going to be enslaved by the demons? .

The three demon gods of the demon clan stared at the giant with their eyes, their eyelids jumping wildly: "What a great array of gods and evil spirits, a bit more powerful than expected, I don't know if the great array of heavens and stars can compete with it."

"I don't know" Fox God also had no bottom in his heart, and looked at Yu Duxiu.

The demon gods spread the news of the twelve gods and evil formations throughout the heavens and all realms. Yu Duxiu deduced the twelve gods and evil formations. They are the creators of the gods and evil formations. This matter is in the heavens and all realms. Is it a secret?

The Fox God gave Yu Duxiu a vicious look, and Yu Duxiu remained with a pair of eyes watching the battle in the field.

Looking at the battle, Xi He looked strange: "Your Majesty, do you see the giant transformed by the twelve demon gods, are you familiar?"

At this time, Qian Tian was holding the seal of the emperor in his hand to practice and rushed to the customs. He was stunned when he heard this, his eyes looked at the battlefield in the distance, and then his eyes were frozen: "Giant Spirit God?"

"This giant man is eight to nine points similar to the giant spirit god," Xi He said.

"Coincidence?" Qiantian's eyes flickered: "Heaven's Conferred God is controlled by Hongjun's secretly pushing hands. The twelve heavenly gods are also driven by Hongjun himself. What exactly does Hongjun want to do? What does he want to plan? ".

At this time, there was a sense of anxiety in Qian Tian's heart. Hongjun's heart was too big, or Hongjun's layout was too deep, step by step, it was impossible to see Hongjun's purpose.

"Go and tell Li Jing brought the giant spirit **** into the temple," Gan Tian said to the guard.

"What a strong formation, your kid is bound to himself. This time, it's okay. With such a powerful Demon God formation, your kid is now facing the Demon God clan and has to take a detour. Even if the Human Race faces the Demon God clan in the future, To be shorter, and now I only hope that the demon clan’s stars and stars can truly resist the demon clan, otherwise the heavens will be destroyed sooner or later, and the demon clan will dominate the world, and the fun will be great." Duxiu, with a touch of worry in his eyes.

"Don't worry, I have always acted appropriately. The emperor's robe I have given to the demon clan, and there is a gold medal to mobilize the heavens and stars. It is the location of the magic token and the mystery of the hub, so if the demon clan can't Contending against the great array of gods and gods, there is no need to exist." Yu Duxiu didn't rush, a light of mockery flashed in his eyes: "Wait, the good show is yet to come."

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